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Does anyone here have experience with the Pocket CHIP, or the CHIP in general? As an option for mobile computing it seems much cheaper than things like the Dragonbox Pyra and OpenPandora, but much more powerful/useful than a chroot on an Android touchscreen device. Is it good? Are there similar computers?
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It's mostly a problem that there's almost no existing worthwhile software for linux that uses OpenGL ES

But yes the GLES acceleration works now, it's pretty much limited to Quake 3 and a few other things. After I bought it I did the research and you would be surprised just how few open source engines and games support GLES (on linux, there are quite a few for android)

so I heard. tbf it wasn't like we had that much hardwares capable of GLES for general purpose boards (outside of android phones that is).

Did CHIP team ported mainline linux as promised?
Actually this thread has me wanting to mess around with the pocket chip some more. It seems to me that a game that I've compiled on the chip before (Cataclysm DDA, SDL) should work automatically with GLES. But it was completely software rendering last time I tried. Unless the MESA libraries in the repos were compiled without the right options.

> fork of xchat cuz no windows builds. Yep, no Windows, what a loss.
Xchat hasn't had a real release in six years, or any sort of update in three years. It's dangerously unmaintained. 

> Also cannot disable VERSION CTCP response, says CPU and RAM info there. That's a flaw harming anonymity.
Run "/set irc_hide_version on".

> both nyaa and tokyo use cloudflare even for their rss feeds
> don't want to torrent through tor but I would like some method of getting my chink cartoons without fucking myself.

Can someone torpill me ? Can I use xdcc through tor ?

Can rtorrent's options for sending a different ip be trusted ? Will this work with forced encryption ?
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Why are you saying I shouldn't use i2p for the outproxy. Don't I need an outproxy in order to connect to peers ?

Like, say I configure i2pd, rtorrent, tunnel rtorrent through i2p, load up a torrent from nyaa. This shouldn't work without an outproxy right ?
> Why are you saying I shouldn't use i2p for the outproxy.
Not this anon, but "there are very, very few of these"
> Don't I need an outproxy in order to connect to peers ?
i2psnark works over i2p only and does not need snifferproxy to work. Obviously it won't work with clearnet magnet links.
> fucking "block bypass"

My opinion: the guy from LibreSignal was using the Signal servers, consuming their energy, and using their marketing. This is not right.
About the Signal requirement to have google shit, it's very unfortunate. Though, people should just use other thing and stop all this buzz.
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> we also collaborate with other popular messaging apps like WhatsApp, Google Allo, and now Facebook Messenger to help integrate Signal Protocol into those products.

ok, so where is the backdoor?
Did anyone of you analyze the protocol?

so what about Riot?

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What do you guys think of ZeroNet? It can be used over Tor.

Official site

How does it work?
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> Could you take apart that abstraction for us and point out the flaws more specifically?
Not the same person you replied to, though ZeroNet has decentralized, dynamic content that allow the creation of individual users.

Basically, it's a post full of baseless assumptions and clearly shows that  >>/90/ has literally no idea what the fuck they are talking about let alone even used it.

I said this exactly, in my 2003 letter to Scientific American magazine in reply to their shitpiece about how clouds would make happiness rain on us.  Torrents of joy from clouds.  Meh, I guess we are all criminals now, especially the cops, but who has letters de marque?

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What do you guys think of ZeroNet? It can be used over Tor.

Official site

How does it work?
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automatic tor download
clearnet! download tor is illegal in some countries
really stupid regex shit
unpacking without verification
starting unverified exe right away

>  helper.httpRequest(...)
is used to download the tor package

but allows ssl stripping

stopped reading from there
>  What do you guys think of ZeroNet?

Great idea, but.. i don't feel good hosting someone else's content, especially not a dynamic one where anybody can post anything on a website you're seeding.

It would be a perfect software in a world where you can't get into legal trouble by hosting stuff. That's not the world we live in right now tho..

What's up with the huge number of dead and data collector tracker list?

The collection seems really outdated:
- how to make a VCD from a DivX.txt
- How To Make Free Phone Calls.txt
- how to search google for RAPIDSHARE links.txt
- How To Speed Up Http Requests On Internet Explorer, as above.txt
- Thumbs.db
idk, i got it from and the trackers from a random site.

I'm thinking about remaking the torrent (and just getting a new torrent client in general). Any suggestions?

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