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>  You don't need anything but an Internet connection to use cock.li. If all you had was a library card you could use a public computer to get an e-mail account. It's a strange thing to say about a joke website, but cock.li improves access to services for marginalized people globally, without connecting into some corporate system.

>  I've never got so much laughter out of anything in my life than my time here. It's not even close. The funniest e-mails I've ever read were sent on cock.li, some of them to me directly. I'm the worst at responding, but I read every e-mail you send me. Every password reset request, every schizo ramble, every question, every story.

>  Vincent Canfield

The email provider cock.li is facing legal difficulties to keep the services running.

Vincent, the creator and administrator for over 2 decades has asked for donations to help with the recent challenges. He and his team have provided the service free of charge all this time. Now it's time for us to provide something in return.

Daily updates about the situation will be available at:

Main page:

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I've been working more on my P2P imageboard software, and after the underlying p2p database engine (Peerbit) has undergone some major upgrades, the performance and stability are a lot more robust now. There are also a lot more UX improvements recently based on user feedback. I've attempted to keep the dependencies minimal and make the install process as simple as possible. There are several nodes online to my knowledge but I don't necessarily have a full map or total knowledge of the network. Feel free to try it out and join the swarm lol.

For moderation I've kept a totally "flat" architecture where each node is free to delete any content at any time. But this deletion only applies to the node itself by default. If you want to be able to delete things on other user's nodes, they have to subscribe to your node as a moderator, and then when you delete something, that deletion action will be broadcast to others and they will accept it in their own local database. So you can subscribe to other people as moderators if you trust them to be able to delete things for you.

Each board is it's own independently-seeded topic and you can watch (join) or unwatch (leave) a board topic at any time.

There are various config options to customize your experience too.

Posts and file uploads are made under a newly generated temporary identity every time (by default) for the sake of anonymity. If you want to anonyitymax at the networking level I recommend using Whonix to connect, though ideally eventually native integration with Tor can be developed for Peerbit or libp2p itself. That being said, already there is no association between a post and the uploading IP, when you receive a post from another node, the original poster is not known, as posts and files are relayed from node to node without recording the source.

This is the Peerbit p2p database system it uses which is built on libp2p.

To explain the setup a bit, the default configuration opens a webserver on localhost port 8000 that serves pageviews to you and allows you to browse and post to the p2p database, which connects to other nodes in the background.
If you want to make this into a publicly facing website via nginx or something, there is the option to enable "gateway mode" where you can enable or disable certain features (like the ability to delete posts) for public users accessing it over the internet. Essentially this allows other people to interact with your node over the internet and post using the traditional client-server concept. You can also disable all features when not logged in, making it so only you can browse and post and moderate when logged in (eg. from your phone or another computer elsewhere) but other internet users won't be able to access the content on your node.

I've gotten a node to work and successfully replicate posts and files on Android in the past too, using Termux, so you can also do that as well.

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The WOLT established a new societal structure where niggers were relegated to the status of mere laborers, forced to work under harsh conditions. They were paid a pittance, barely enough to survive, while the white shareholders and owners of WOLT thrived in luxury, enjoying the fruits of their labor. The streets buzzed with the sound of niggers delivering goods to the elite, burdened with heavy packages, their faces etched with despair.

Each day, niggers were assigned routes through the city, delivering items for corporations that profited immensely from their labor. The WOLT monitored their every move, ensuring compliance through a network of surveillance. Those who resisted were swiftly dealt with, disappearing into the shadows of the city, never to be seen again.

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   I was hacked by a neighbour with friends whom decided to share my webcam footage for years, since I moved in the building when I was 12 we were neighbours.

I need to know what I need to know to find out who exactly hacked my camera, where that information is, and what I can do to know whom to give.. retribution to. 

If you know a hacking service then I'd consider that. 

The neighbour laughed when my father suddenly died and decided to spill the beans. But I don't think he is capable nor do I think he is worth my time in getting information from. He laughed the whole time, meanwhile he hits on children. I was stupid then and shrugged it off, I was 15 at that time basically. 

I need to know what you can share, what you would do, anything would help. 

My email is ionixx@dnmx.su. 

You can also reply here. 

Any information can be useful information. Any information you need, I can find my way to supply. I have friends still there, and they are willing to help.But we need more direction on how to attack and get the people who decided to share my webcam footage with people whom came to.. do more than just stalk me. 

Thank you,
Again anything will help,
IPS from the time when your webcam was in hjacked state know all of the info... Probably, your webcam had some ip port, so you just need to find it (probably some default for this model) and get info from ips, probably it could be done by police order. But there is a nonzero chance that time had passed and all info is vanished. So, goodluck, slowpoke.

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