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You cannot ever be guaranteed of no logs with a VPN. The best you can do is trust the VPN's admins/owners/marketing spiel when they tell you that they don't keep logs or that they aren't actually operated by someone else.
You can never be sure that VPN is really not logging anything but if I would have to choose a VPN, I would choose Mullvad and nothing else.

Remember that VPN only gives you privacy. For anonymity use Tor or any other anonymity network depending on what your country/ISP allows.
> freenet
Be careful with this one. When using Freenet you are hosting everything that you will ever come across, which means you can easily host CP without even knowing that. All it takes is some troll posting that on perfectly legal site. Depending on the country you can get in trouble for that so it's much better to use Tor or I2P.
If your only concern is privacy, not total anonimity, then rent a cheap VPS and use it as a VPN (Wolfgang has a video on that on YT) you'll be guaranted to not have your activity logged. It will be easier to find you if you're doing illegal things tho, which I advise you to stay away from.

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