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Safe haven from 4chan jannies

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thumbnail of Seven - HELLO - Turban.mp4
thumbnail of Seven - HELLO - Turban.mp4
Seven -... mp4
(3.08 MB, 720x1280 hevc)
TikTok Zoomer General
where da problem at?

Tiktok Downloader: >>>/awemer/
Sauce? https://pastebin.com/raw/TFEVRqTw

1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discordniggery
5. No skipping meds

Old: https://endchan.org/ttg/res/9243.html
When i say visited i mean on tinder
they are very attractive when they show their face they all look similar in terms of makeup tho and facial shape so maybe theres alot of fake pics
the rest just show glimpses which is very enticing
whats interesting is japs are somewhat similar yet modesty is not socially enforced in the same way as in saudia
I like to think about a woman's body like it's a dessert. Some people like chocolate, some people like dairy pudding. Some people like waffles. But usually everyone likes a good dessert. Of course if you don't count the occasional faggot. A woman's face and body would be literally what the dessert is. But if you're really getting into the details of it a woman's feet would maybe be the cutlery that you're given and their voice would be the waiter. But how good a dessert is doesn't matter if where you're eating it is disgusting, loud and crowded. This would be a woman's personality. So a perfect woman would be a really good dessert in a very good restaurant. But you sure know those places cost a lot. 10 dollars for a bottle of water. So you would need to work a lot if you wanted to get a woman like that. That's why i always go to that quiet place in the back street. There's always some nice music playing, there are a couple of people sitting and chilling in the background and my man in the register knows what i want. Best part of it is that it's not even that expensive. So that's type of woman i want and more so need. But this gets me thinking what analogy would a woman make for a man in their head? I am going to think about this for 30 minutes and write down my thoughts here. And i don't give a fuck if you're not gonna read this or filter me. I write this for myself and my people. Not you. Niggers.
So i actually have a pretty good analogy but i've used it in my thesis and i wouldn't want to dox myself. So now i gotta think about something else.
Speaking of cooking I bought vindaloo and defrosted the chicken but now I CBA making it. FML
ask her how many marshmallows she can fit in her mouth. maybe we can get her to do the chubby bunny challenge and when she inevitably takes all the marshmallows out of her mouth we would see some built up saliva too. yeah. that would be nice.
because some toks only download in sd
and sd toks are never HEVC so that's nice when I want to post toks that ff user can also watch
lily is the most beautiful native american girl to have existed, even better than pocahontas
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now that 2chen is dead its time for me to come clean
once upon a time in a thread with about 330 posts in it so far, I said that I already had over 100 posts and posted a screenshot with "proof"
this was taken from an old thread where i had 111 posts  over the course of the whole thread
someone called me a fake so I photoshopped it again
it was my master plan, I had you all fooled
someone write a timeline for /ttg/
maybe a youtuber can make a video about our community, so much drama
Album of the day for my personal list is The College Dropout. Should be a good day bless Kanye.
i've been shitposting the entire thread and the mod only removed one post that was about how much i hate them for not doing shit and how they should ban me
sexless maldcel here will i get laid if i post flashy nazi edits of people that would kill me in a heartbeat for being a mental case and a loser
discord childporners i guess no one wants to use our platform for mentally disabled trannies
spammie running damage control in his femdom goonbunker right now which is why the thread seems pretty calm as of yet
you should call your mother up and ask about who your real father is. she will mostly be shocked at first and will stay silent for a couple of seconds but then she will laugh and will try to evade the question. You have to ask the question again and tell her that you know. She will tell you about a medium build man with brown hair she met after getting a haircut. that man is who you must find.
Discordtranny is not a person but an idea. We all turn into that character when we are bored or when we're seeking attention. In our perfect homeostatic environment even the discordtranny serves a purpose. Please do not ridicule him, her or me.
> Do not post about this in this thread
what? why nat has long since been 18+. was janny just mistaken here, or we really not allowed be sexual on /ttg when did this place turn into a puritanical prison?
I was hard for nat and gonna fap until this nigga started posting this weird shit in thread
Only 15 more hours of Chinese-Jewish transgender mental illness left to endure, then the thread will be normal for 8 hours

Until then prepare yourself for nothing but an avalanche of zero-effort spam posts about balding drugs and antipsychotic drugs
I'm sorry, i'm usually pretty civil but after 2chen went down i've been a mess.
Endchan moderation sucks and takeurmeds went down. So now i got nowhere else to go.
All my homies live in the US so i can't even do chentube with them.
i will never make an alternative to megu now you people are retarded 
drown in your own shit
it should work wit vanilla endchan and magrathea, for anything else you'll proabably have to adjust at least which html tags it searches for
someone should do a project where they edit all the subtitle files for each episode of dragon ball / dragon ball z replacing 'ki' with 'vril' and 'saiyan' with 'aryan' etc. dragon ball is one of the best ways of introducing children to the Hyperborean worldview (kids don't read conan but they watch dbz).
true he also seems to have bald man's mental stability when he starts impulsively barking at any bonbi image like a trained dog
why do you play as a woman? they arent even good looking in rdr2. you could be a badass cowboy but you choose to be an ugly 30 yo woman in a dress
fucking finally it took me a whole days worth of obnoxious shitposting but i got banned! the mod took his hand out the cheetos bowl and actually did something. i can finally stop saying stupid shit.
my liked scraping with the e command on new awemer no longer works, awemer still outputs the json but the commands no longer execute 

pls help

you fucking libtard. take off that mask. every time I see a libtards still wearing a mask I think to myself "this is one of the people who got me fired from my job for being unvaxxed and tried to get the government to literally make the vax mandatory". if you are wearing the mask people are thinking the exact same thoughts about you.

so many times anons give me the wrong age to trick me then i lewd her and i am banned for some stupid fucking bullshit
Hello. I am from clique. I can confirm, metroid is antifascist, atheist and asexual. Metroid spergs when you are """racist""" (don't hate white people), express any religious beliefs and (ironically) whenever you post anything lewd, e.g. posting about getting your nut to some perfectly legal 18+ year old woman.
whoever the 1001 albums group guy hoping for
hyperpop is, its not coming... im sorry bro
the albums were curated by boomers (they have bad taste in music)
I hadnt considered  the idea that chip might actually be ski mask (we have never seen ski mask without the ski mask)
thats so cool chip to have a successful rap career at such a young age. good on you chip Im proud
the website is based off of the Robert Dimery book https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1001_Albums_You_Must_Hear_Before_You_Die
first of all it was written in 2005 but also its written by some boomer who queried old music critics on the 1001 albums you MUST listen to before you die
its going to be boomer shit I fear
> Part of the 1001 Before You Die series, it compiles writings and information on albums chosen by a panel of music critics to be the most important, influential, and best in popular music between the 1950s and the 2010s
its gotten so grim that Im checking geowizards social media to find out if he has said when the next video is coming out
> go into a clown girl audio to find new clown girls to follow
> I'm already following literally 95% of them
> I went through over 50+ toks and found 3 new girls
Endchan has a cyclic thread mode he can turn on, on a thread. It just deleted the history but you can always post and it never auto-sages.

Also checked out Magrathea, added the codec tag, better thumbnails and most media should play in all browser (HEVC in chrome, etc)
what's a good hard drive enclosure that's sure not to corrupt my hard drive? My previous hard drive fucked up, deleted a lot of files and a lot of the remaining files are broken. I want to spend under $1,000 on something that just works. I have multiple hard drives so ideally I want one of those things that automatically secures your files if one of the drives fails, but I'm not picky on that, I definitely need to at least have one 4tb hard drive for now though.
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Magrathea showing codec is a good change, but why does it shorten the thumbnail so aggressively? It only shows 10 characters before it writes the ellipses and the extension
Is there a way to enable replying by clicking post numbers instead of the [Reply] button?
also can you expand the "Files" field of the reply box the same way you can the message box? seems strange that you can only see one post at a time
nobody knows since there was no explanation but its likely because he's tired of dealing with it. If it does come back up I might apply to be a jann
good call on the file area. We just inherited the code from jschan for it, so we have retooled/re-imagined it yet.

filename that are too wide, start pushing the images apart but maybe there's a different way I can fix that.

>  is there a way to enable replying by clicking post numbers instead of the [Reply] button?

yea I've been thinking about ways to re-engineer this.
if I don't save it, it disappears or is only available in lower quality. mainly due to political censorship, but everyone on /ttg/ should relate since all of 2chen has been lost now too (like 1.5tb of toks)
its the tuna juice guy
i give up its not posting or its taking like 50 minutes to upload fuck this
https://tiktok.com/share/video/7184897440380898606 class="quoteLink" href="/ttg/res/10282.html#11027">>>/11027/
> all of 2chen has been lost now too (like 1.5tb of toks)
That's a good thing since 2chen had cp.  It was in the first porn thread and never removed.  aspen.sprout was supposedly 16 in the porn clips and there were quite a few on there.
ryo live again 
ryo can suck a fart out of my ass. fuck her. i will never forgive her for what she did to femanon.
Well I mean 16 is the age of consent on most of the planet and like half the US.
16/17 exist in this weird grey area where you can legally fuck them in the same locations in which it'd be illegal to take a naked picture of them, the logic doesn't really add up. 
They should just standardize everything across the board as 18
I think that the alexia's nose ring account is just some dumb kid, not one of us.
Maybe the original one was one of us and he liked the idea and copied it.
I just think its funny that reddit is appalled the school is isn't going to pay the woman despite her not working for those months and not normally getting paid
can you please show your hairy armpits in your next tiktok? doesnt have to be obvious, just raise your arms a little to fix your hair or something
searching "ttg tiktok general" has this place as the #1 search result so if any of them by chance write that then here they are
if they knew about 2chen and the tiktok general there then they might search for ttg tiktok general if they are persistent enough to go looking for it
but that wont be needed because we have a mentally ill poster who is spamming the tellonym of every tokker ever posted
i think they are slighty more human than we, if they knew about 2chen and see it doesn't exist i would think they'd assume we are all in prison
> but that wont be needed because we have a mentally ill poster who is spamming the tellonym of every tokker ever posted
this is the only scenario they'd discover it
since you guys talked about The Menu yesterday I'm watching it now and it's fucking cringe
No hymen no diamond. Remain pure and demand total purity from women. If you have a baby with a nonvirgin some of the offspring's dna is from the previous guy who cummed in her, even if years prior. A man's semen an remain in a woman's uterus for decades.

a famous tokfu lurk's /sunflower/ and made a tok advertising it. if tokfus don't know about this bunker board they will very soon.
isn't chile the second most white latin-american country after argentina? i've heard both countries have been getting flooded by niggers e.g. from venezuela.
when I download on my browser the video doesn't appear, just the volume slider and download option. Still works fine, just kinda weird
It’s the new frontend, that’s going to be moved to the main site, probably in February. We’ll still allow access to the lynxchan but under a new subdomain like old.endchan.net

There’s a link at the bottom and top of all threads to go to the magrathea version of that thread.

No real-time… yet…
click cogwheel, go to style and check horizontal posting
i say dont waste your time. barely anyone uses that.
Yes. I’m going to put in a download link, so if people want to archive the unplayable but higher quality file, they can.

We have more resources than we know what to do with and we’re doing it in an efficient way, so it won’t catch up with us. (Caching helps a lot). And it’s all the new tech we had built for the new mixtape.moe we’ve been working on.
it sounds pretty good for what it is, obviously there are parts to be improved but still really well played, can tell this is a tough one
good work anonie keep us posted
thanks, I usually wait til I have things more under my belt before I post it but I figured why not show the dirty side of learning new stuff
yeah, it really puts into perspective how experienced some guitarists are when they play stuff like this with no effort
youre close to that point, are you still playing with fingers instead of nails?
her neck to head ratio reminds me of what i imagine a thumb person would be

The files which were up of aspen.sprout on 2chen were webms from 4chan who had them removed for being underage.  I guess she had in her profile her age at one point and that's how they came to the conclusion though some doubted it.  There really is no way to know for sure someone is underage if they are 16 without government issued documents being they have enough development to look adult.
Need a dommy daughter Arie to drain me of half my paycheck every other week to burn on cosplays and candy
have you seen some of those toks? that shit is oozing out, imagine the sheer number of drafts she has that she has decided are a little too sexy for her fanbase
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What's the motive behind it?
It can't be by accident, it's in multiple shots and she had to have noticed.
Is it actually to sexually entice? Does she think its rebellious?
longpost, but if anyone can weigh in on the specifics of my situation and fast-track my learnings I'd appreciate it. an anon in the previous thread suggested I get a raid1 setup for my data storage. I've only done minimal research so far.

Ideally if I could wish some magical device into existence it would satisfy the following
> plugs into my computer via usb to transfer files to and from the pc/storage
> retard-proof features that protect it from avoidable hard drive failures
> in the situation of a hard drive failure, protects data from being lost (why anon suggested raid1 to me in the first place)
> not connected to the internet (NAS not an option)
> is compatible with connecting to any of my three computers (all with linux operating systems installed), not restricted to one pc (rules out softraid?)
> Any installation necessary for the enclosure external hdds can be done on a linux operating system (no external raid manager software that's exclusive to windows/mac).

Am I ruling out "software raid"? "hardware raid", "direct attached storage" seems like what I'm looking for. Are the three options on simply "softraid"(internal), "hardraid" (external) and nas (network)? Or is there another option I should be aware of?

I've looked up hardware raid controllers on /g/, and besides /g/ shilling softraid and saying hardware raid is outdated, all the bigname devices I'm finding online require windows or mac for the external raid manager software even when they can be used otherwise with a linux pc. There is plenty of generic chinkshit with sparse information that doesn't mention this sort of thing and says it's compatible with linux (no description of any raid managing software), but I don't want to buy some no-name crap, the entire point is I want something trustworthy. Especially because /g/ says that if the raid controller dies I am fucked unless I can find a replacement of the same model or the data is lost forever.

Thanks if anyone reads this and can weigh in. I'm not tech-savvy (only use linux because I'm too autistic to pay for windows and too retarded to pirate it).
> not restricted to one pc (rules out softraid?)
what I mean is that I want to be able to connect to one computer today, another computer tomorrow. not both of them at the same time. from what I understand softraid can't do this.
from what i've seen, any kind of hardware RAID available to you will be either placebo-effect stuff that doesn't actually scrub data to check for bit-rot, or exorbitantly expensive enterprise hardware


your options:

bulletproof but really expensive for a given amount of space:
- cloud storage

pretty much bulletproof outside of an act of god, but requires:
- ZFS raid server in your house, configured properly for scrubbing (linuxtechtips failed at this and lost their data lol!)
you will need at least 1gb of RAM in the server for every 1tb of disk space in your ZFS server, which can get expensive

unlikely to be a problem, with modern high-capacity hard drives, probably:
- one internal hard drive and one USB hard drive, every week or month or whatever, plug the USB in and sync it with a filesyncing program like FreeFileSync - quickly review the sync changes by eye to make sure they look sane
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