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back when we migrated from .org, kpopmin sent moemin a full archive of .org. everyone asked for it to be distributed but he said no cause "i'm gonna put it all up on .moe soon"

now that i think about it, kpopmin took down her repo of her fork of meguca around the same time (after giving it to moemin) as well, so i think he asked her to do that too
what gets me is this: he had plans for the future (implementing HEVC support) but then shuts the site down out of nowhere, not even giving a hint of what is going on
some schizo insists that shinomaz tiktok account was deleted the same day that 2chen went down but has nothing to back it up, there is nothing else to explain
for half a year or more people had been pming shinomaz.cos on tiktok for 2chen-related info, especially during downtimes. that screenshot you kept seeing of someone having a cropped discussion in the tiktok app about the 2chen domain, was with shinomaz. then he deleted his tiktok account when 2chen went down. so, unless its an absurd long con, that was admin, and he was lying when he said he never talks to 2chen users offsite. which is a weird thing to lie about unless you have a guilty conscience.

i also remember brandon would always jokingly post "hey guys add me on the tiktok app hehe" and he kept getting unbanned by admin
either admin or someone else with comparable technical knowledge, because it was all accurate to what was going on (the domain had been seized by the registrar - they were PMs pertaining to that old downtime)
that screenshot is everything he has to back up the previous claim about people pming shinomaz on tiktok for 2chen-related info (no usernames or pfp can be seen on said screenshot), he also has no information about when was the account deleted.
the reason the name is cropped out is because the DN was trying to protect admin's account
but they were sloppy and routinely namedropped it at other times in the thread. brandon plainly said a couple times that shinomaz = moemin
sorry but i don't see a motive for someone to pretend to be admin for half a year, in cooperation with a couple DNs
there is no reason they would've tried to protect his identity by cropping his name if it was all a gayop and he was being framed
> wasn't brandon being pissy about admin not sharing the awemer fixes
yeah and then shortly after he said "my friend sent me good fix its all good now" (in that broken Brandon-english way...)
i thought he meant the chipcoder DN at the time, and it might've been, but who knows
> someone to pretend to be admin for half a year
> tried to protect his identity 
make up your mind, was he pretending to be admin or trying to protect his identity?
couple weeks ago that chilean ESL kept saying "guys admin replyed my email guys" and every time he was asked to post a screenshot he would make some excuse.
pretty obvious it was not in fact emails he was exchanging with moemin, but rather another channel of communication he didn't want to expose

search for the string "most powerful user" or "most powerful 2chen user" and you'll find brandon admitting who shinomaz is, if my photographic 2chen shitpost memory is right
> awemeranon/streamanon left and he invested a lot of time aswell
don't think he was successful in that.
he left as a new years resolution, and those never seem to stick, be they gym or imageboard related.
someone who types similarly and had similarly deep knowledge of tiktok APIs continued posting in the thread after
the lowest follower count page that "shinomaz.cos" followed according to google was this one
https://www.tiktok.com/@yourmaidcatcsplayer [Embed]
and i don't think any of the remaining following accounts are him. fwiw i checked this a week ago also

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