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thumbnail of 7185950509918850346 Fan expo nola today!!!! IM SO EXCITED IF U SEE ME PLZ SAY HELLO!!! #fanexpo #yunogasai.mp4
thumbnail of 7185950509918850346 Fan expo nola today!!!! IM SO EXCITED IF U SEE ME PLZ SAY HELLO!!! #fanexpo #yunogasai.mp4
7185950509... mp4
(2.9 MB, 576x1124 h264)
Tiktok Zoom Central

TikTok Downloader: https://endchan.org/ttg/res/1997.html
Sauce? https://www.tiktok.com/@share/video/ [">Embed]

1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discordniggery
5. No skipping meds

Old: https://endchan.org/ttg/res/12350.html
I dont even wait for the thumbnails to load anymore
any post with 3+ attached files gets hidden
mothi live
This is MAD comfy 
kinda reminds me of the Elvis Christmas albums
imagine the absolutely freezing Swedish winter but you're all cuddled up and warm nest to the heater
there's a script for endchan that gives us 8ball and more and the blur command blurs posts so everyone who runs the script doesn't have to see those bonbis
> blur command blurs for everyone who runs the scrip
,, so i can blur any post i want for any goofy dork running the gay script?
it was in the twitch perspective. you know how tiktok girls stream on both platforms at once? yeah, she pointed her webcam at her vag and showed a little bit of it.
#commands https://pastebin.com/LGpcq1wJ
CSS for bakas https://pastebin.com/cbxtvaTW
mascot https://pastebin.com/yjwXhRv2
TT sauce https://pastebin.com/rA2CWZKP
#blur will apply a blur filter to the last quoted post before the command. It intentionally only applies to one post so that it's sligtly more difficult to blur vast portions of the thread.
As with all other commands the blur will only apply for people running the script, but it will blur for everyone with the script not just yourself. The #blur post probably also needs to not be filtered to apply.
Hovering over a blurred post will reveal it for the duration.
> 3+
I came to the conclusion that its not the amount of attachments but the quality of the tokker and thus I will only hide uggos like nat and bonbi
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thumbnail of 2020-09-10.6871000461789367557_this_is_v_ugly_but_ty_for_the_liv.mp4
2020-09-10... mp4
(6.34 MB, 720x1280 h264)
found this new tokter she is really good and has amazing potential for super godkino toks check this out FAST FAST BUY STOCK NOW before the TOKTER VULTURES TRY TO TAKE OVER GO FAST 100X (You) POTENTIAL GO
Ive got no clue, like I said I havent read it yet and I bought it on a whim because someone recommended it to me as I was putting in an order to buy books for a friend of mine
I have even tried moving the device_type stuff over from the new version to older versions of awemer that still work (except for the empty response stuff)
I just do not know enough about coding to fix this myself, it would take easily months of learning for that
I want to shit so bad. but the bathroom is cold and I don't want to go out there. I have been stuck like this for 2 hours. I wish I would just carry around a bucket and shit inside it but if anyone found out they're be horrified.
ttg is a natsoc board. we support hitler and we hate commies, anarkiddies, feminists, leftoids and any other variant of Jewish ideology.
what is it with autists and literally not being capable of understanding that not everyone knows the things they know

as if you know everything from the moment you're born

holy fuck
> From time immemorial, however, the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited. Is not their very existence founded on one great lie, namely, that they are a religious community, whereas in reality they are a race? And what a race! One of the greatest thinkers that mankind has produced has branded the Jews for all time with a statement which is profoundly and exactly true. He (Schopenhauer) called the Jew "The Great Master of Lies". Those who do not realize the truth of that statement, or do not wish to believe it, will never be able to lend a hand in helping Truth to prevail.
what does the e flag even do?
I was confused when it got added and never looked at it again.
I can realistically fix it provided awemer anon didnt migrate but It won't be today or tomorrow
retard society is specialized
why would I learn to code when other people specialize in it
do you learn to do every single thing in your life?
do you manufacture cars? do woodworking? pick up the garbage? deliver packages? 
god you're fucking dumb
are those the ones with those incandescent lights? I like them but they break way too fast. + because of the energy crisis I've only been using wood for heating I don't have the money to heat up a bathroom before I go.

what would be really nice is a heated toilet seat. so even if I'm cold at least that part of my body is warm so I can focus my mind just on my ass for a while and shut out the cold feelings. prob wouldn't use much electricity.
troid woke up and was shadowbanned for posting tranny futa porn on clique so now he is here to pester us for 8 hours until their daily dilation session
--help spits this out

node videos-node.js e=file.txt|[cmd f] [r=-1] [p=1] [o] [s] [i=clipboard|uid|uids.txt|metadata_file.json]
e - file (empty value for stdin) with commands (separated by newline,
    separate arguments with space,
    escape arguments with quotation marks or apostrophes
    and quotation marks and apostrophes by doubling)
    comment out lines with #
f - treat flag "e" as a single command instead of as a file to read
d - write given commands to file, after any expansion
r - repeat interval in seconds
p - max concurrent processes
o - redirect output to stdout and stderr
s - run commands through the shell
u - rebuild commands from given file(s) on restarting its loop
i - uid, or file or clipboard with list of uids to insert into the commands in place of the string "{}"
> focus my mind just on my ass for a while and shut out the cold feelings. prob wouldn't use much electricity.
nawl b, that brain energy will be deducted from your food bill.
no free lunches
yesterday I swear to God I saw TWO (2) TRANNIES while shopping. First sighting was a ftm tranny near the checkout of one of the shops I went to. from behind he looked like an extremely scrawny short guy but when I saw ITS face I could tell it wasn't a guy, it wasnt even a particularly mentally ill dyke, it was a fucking woman trying to pass as a guy. DISGUSTING.

second was a mtf tranny while I was in a supermarket. he was with his dad. I only briefly looked at him and I was so disgusted by him that I involuntarily, unthinkingly said audibly "UGHHHHHHHHHHH" as I passed him. I wouldn't have done this if I was thinking because I'm not a confrontational person, but I don't at all feel about it either

do these tranny freaks realize that most of the people who hate them don't just hate them because they're mean people, but because seeing a guy trying to be a girl is genuinely extremely disturbing to them? like I don't hate trannies in the abstract, I only situationally hate them when I realize that they think it's ok affront me like this when I'm just trying to buy food for the week.
ultimately, outputs a json with a string of commands to scrape every profile you have liked, the problem I am having is that the commands aren't being executed
that's why I was asking about executing commands from a json before, if I can just figure that out I should be fine
> that's why I was asking about executing commands from a json before, if I can just figure that out I should be fine
its a meme solution but have you tried asking chatgpt?
the changes in the new videos-node.js are minimal
were you really using the latest version before?
if so then tiktok changed something and it's not awemer
> I was not using the absolute latest no, I don't really change versions unless something breaks
Then it's unlikely to be the latest changes that broke it.
Try backporting the device type to the version that you know worked instead of the one before the latest fix.
We have lost most of our posters from 2chen days. thread is noticeably worse because people from endchan's /bbg/ community are filling the gap our lost posters once filled. gradually, any semblance of the original /ttg/ community will be driven out by the repugnant presence of bonbifags, and this place will just be /bbg/ with a some other equally disgusting tokfus occasionally being posted.

I did try this but the version I was using had a different variable or w/e for device type (deviceVersion vs aweme_app.device_version). Also still gives an empty response if I change it
My siblings unironically use that word (transphobe). confidently. it's like I'm living in a different world from them. I still use the word "tranny", not to be edgy or anything, but because this is always what these people were called in my lifetime. "tranny" wasn't edgy 10 years ago. now if you say it it's the same as saying nigger and you're an "extremist" if you use that word to describe these people even if you're not being particularly negative.
> the original /ttg/ community
you mean /bbg/?
because before the threads were merged there was a total of about 3 people posting in /ttg/
I'm not sure that qualifies as a "community"
lol yeah tell me again how the original chen thread was ACKSHUALLY a /bbg/ thread and it wasn't ttg until the second thread technically or some shit. tell me again how the 2chen /ttg/ threads where bonbi was less than 0.1% of the toks posted is actually bbg. tell me again.
transvestites is too formal. they were casually called "trannies" 10 years ago and there was nothing extremist implied about it.
I am interpreting your post in precisely the way it was intended: meaningless drivel shat onto the board by a balding angry manbaby
perhaps you would have more success posting such things in your $50 discord server
it took you 5 minutes to come up with a shitty excuse, you wont be able to make up a half-assed "proof" even if your life depended on it futaroid
That bonbinigger is posting and i cannot stop him or make him leave. Damn it bros i feel so powerless and it's turning me on...
The biggest oversight with Bonbi is that she's unbelievably sexy. I can't go on a hour of my day without thinking about plowing that tight wooden ass. I'd kill a man in cold blood just to spend a minute with her crotch grinding against my throbbing manhood as she whispers terribly dirty things to me in her geographically ambiguous accent.
I never wanted to breed with anyone more than I want to with Bonbi. That perfect, curvy body. Those bountiful breasts. The child bearing hips of a literal goddess. It honestly fucking hurts knowing that I'll never mate with her, pass my genes through her, and have her birth a set of perfect offspring. I'd do fucking ANYTHING for the chance to get Bonbi pregnant. A N Y T H I N G. And the fact that I can't is quite honestly too much to fucking bear. Why would God create something so perfect? To fucking tantalize us? Fucking laugh in our faces?! Honestly guys, I just fucking can't anymore. Fuck.
I just want to say I got a kick out of the board owner who went and pointed out the guy samefagging throughout the last thread.  Also, good... morning (actually afternoon) anons
there is something suffocating about nigger music. it's just unpleasant. it feels like I'm in a room filled with weed smoke surrounded by retarded people. why do these white girls pretend to like it? I can tell from her setup in the background that she's not dysfunctional like the vast majority of negroes.
Jesus she is fat. this is disgusting. does she honestly feel erotic posting this or does she just know her fans are pathetic enough that it doesn't matter? genuinely feel sick after looking at this, gonna watch something wholesome.
ok but then it at least says something about the taste of the fans she's trying to appeal to which would make her more of a whore personality-type than anyone I'm interested in
it was not samefagging, he was not replying to himself, just spamming and being annoying.
I didn't need help from the board owner to realize all these posts were from the same retard tbh
he was being obnoxious screaming into the echo because it was bald man faleflagging to get people to talk about his favorite topic again (discord)


you guys are so fucking stupid, yes maybe he is roiding but nothing about his physique is pointing towards him roiding
his traps arent blown up, we dont see any indication of capped delts, his calves are not blown to shreds
he is literally just permabulking, if he showed his stomach he would look bloated or fat
fucking dyel niggers have never stepped a foot in a gym istg
> bbg hit bump limit and now it'll take 2 days for somn to muster up the courage to make an op
Just kidding ttg supports the 14 we want our tokfus to have boyfriends as long as they're white and not degenerates
does anyone have that tok of some bitch cosplaying as misato katsuragi from evangelion? think the tokfu is called something.cosplay and she is hot as fuck
> rainbow bag

That's not the one. the tokfu i'm thinking of is the one who also did a tok with audio of Dua Lipa's 'Sweetest Pie' with some other bitch. don't have any more information.
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the board owner has "accidentally" banned me twice now and lazily written "oops sorry appeal it" in the thread

i wonder how many other people he did this to who don't know how to evade. why is he doing that
> OmnicoreResto is gifting 1 level 1-subscription to summit1gs community! They have gifted 1 113 subscriptions to the channel!
do people really just donate several thousands to their favourite streamers like that?
Almost every time someone pretends they were wrongfully banned they are lying and were rightfully banned for being obnoxious shits.
no i have accidentally banned at least 2 people now. One was a lilyposter and the other was shitposting about bubswigger I think.
I don't know about ten years ago though back in the 90's transgender were called transsexuals and rarely mentioned.  Transvestites are something different.  They are drag queens and today transgender hate them because transgender think their assumed gender is not a costume.





If u don't like it then write up a reasonable guide for how to do awemeer or just shut up and post more archives of tokfus so we can use ur collections
> absolutely freezing Swedish winter 
yeah buddy im sorry to tell you but it was negative degrees with like 6 inches of snow a few days ago, then the day after that 90% had melted and since then it has been raining
the myth of the "freezing swedish winter" doesnt exist south of Gävle
im in love with nat
im in love with nat
im in love with nat
im in love with nat
im in love with nat
im in love with nat
im in love with nat
im in love with nat
im in love with nat
im in love with nat
im in love with nat
im in love with nat
im in love with nat
im in love with nat
1. install node.js
2.download this  >>/10726/ and this  >>/2600/
3.extract the larger zip into a folder where you want to keep all your awemer stuff. Then extract the smaller zip into that folder, click yes when asked to replace duplicate files. 
4. You can then extract the install dependencies folder and double click install_dependencies.bat

you are now all set to scrape and convert with awemer
where you go from here depends on what you want to do
nat is the only tallfu who isn't mentally insane

snuow: do i even need to say it
giraffe: eyebrowless cocaine addicted 30-year-old-Hinge-sugardaddy enjoyer
iliias: onlyfans ass-gaper hore
im once again looking at the disabled guy's tiktok page seething because he lives rent free in my head
I can still hardly believe south korea raises the age of consent from 14 to 21 in one swoop. it makes zero sense. imo the age of consent should be 16-17 so I'm not defending an aoc of 14, but changing it to 21 is just so bizarre and puritanical
💀💀💀 busting to nat is the same as busting to a ironing board (same shape) 
bonbi got fat tits, and yjk she be making them disney faces when she sucking on that dick 😫🥵🍆💦


nat suck on my 6 inch whute cocjkj

I saw a guy I know from elementary school, incredibly normie "bad-boy"ish guy, play a hentai game on steam earlier today
seeing it felt very awkward and now he is playing lego star wars
in any sane internet environment a girl like this would be channeled into /pol/ and 8chan and quickly get up to date on the Jewish question, race, feminism, etc. in the span of 6 months.
> He was said to have demanded of one photographer, "Are you Italian?" before slapping him and yelling: "Well, you aren't fast enough."

> Alessandro Copetti, who also works for Matrix, said: "Kay came out of the club, quite visibly drunk and just suddenly launched a vicious attack on us. He kept calling us 'gay boys from the south' and said he could take all of us on."
if you fuckers are gonna leave at least post archives of stuff for me to download.
does anyone have an archive of 2chen.moe? or at least just all the toks posted?
why does Ryo have such a dead facial expression all the time? I see the face, the eyes and the mouth, but not the soul behind.
i remember one of the tech pedos asking to download the whole of 2chen months ago and admin gave him a list of links to every file
maybe you could try their site whatever that is
I'm sure with how complicated anons' setups are for automatically immediately archiving toks as soon as tokfu uploads that someone here at least has a simple archive of all the videos uploaded to 2chen. if 2chen doesn't come back someone will upload it one way or another.

here we see discordniggers preparing to spam about starfire childporn and get ttg banned from endchan
turns out my friend not only played "BDSM Love" on steam earlier today but he got all the achievements and then after that he bought Hentai EroElf and got all the achievements in that game too
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> update my finally broken awemer version after like a year
> the new one doesn't download toks with too-long filename without a description, it just errors that the name is too long and doesn't scrape them
> change to d=150
> if you change the maximum filename length in awemer, it will re-scrape every single tok and make dupes with the new length

oh wow
that is amazingly awful and validating my decision to update as infrequently as possible. i will be unfucking this for at least an hour now
I farted and rn I'm sniffing my fart. for now, this is good enough for me. I can feel the tension and anxiety slowly build up week over week and I know I will have a breakdown for a day or two sometime, maybe tomorrow, maybe a week from now, maybe a month. but it will pass and then the anxiety will reset and for a brief while the contrast between now and then will feel like a massive relief, which is close enough to happiness although maybe it's technically only an absence of some of the discomfort, idk. It's not the worst thing in the world.
I live nut-to-nut. I sympathize a lot with pro-slavery sentiment. I just want my freedom to be taken away and for me to be directed towards the good. society isn't ready to admit a large percentage of people (e.g. drug addicts, criminals, etc.) shouldn't have any freedom. they should be enslaved for their own good primarily, but also for society.
how do i even prevent it doing the same thing again, while also having it not refuse to scrape toks with long descriptions?

is there any way to restore the original non-retarded behavior of just downloading the tok without description if it's too long?
I see the guy who non-stop spammed about begging people to buy him childporn on 2chen is still here and still spamming

Hopefully we get a mod soon so that can be cleaned up!
Guys can you stop posting tiktoks? I was trying to clumsily and lazily samefag about how I want to have sex with a minor.
guys im struggling with ideas for zero-effort samefag self replies about starfire and rinrin
can any1 help me brainstorm
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thumbnail of god knows.mp4
god knows mp4
(9.13 MB, 540x960 h264)
It's finally happening. 

The /ttg/ book club commences this week. Aim is to have the first book and rules settled by Saturday night, with a regroup each Saturday from then on to discuss the chapters we've read.

If you are interested please reply to this post saying so along with up to 3 book suggestions. Winner will be decided by strawpoll. I will start the running with Lolita (obligatory), Dracula, and the Catcher in the Rye.

Amount of chapters set each week will depend on the book we choose. Potentially worth setting up a new thread for this but I'm about to get off a train so I might have to leave that for later.
holy shit I think I have Fibromyalgia, I have so many of the symptoms for years, it was eerie reading about it
In answer to the anon a couple of threads ago,
Here are some 2chen image files I downloaded from whatever the Wayback Machine has on 2chen (base url used was https://2chen.moe/assets/images/src/*)

Going to do video files later. It should take a while though since there are probably about twice as many videos (mp4, webm) archived as there are images.

Some people might be wondering why I even bothered to download these (they took a while because wayback machine is fucking unreliable sometimes with connecting), well, it's because if the 2chen admin ghosted people who asked him about what happened to the site, I was fearing at some point he might ask for the site to be excluded from the wayback machine (which I'm surprised it wasn't already).

I uploaded to bunkr because despite it being a really shitty site which is hard to download from at times it has been pretty much the best site I've been using for longevity of files and anti-DMCA stuff. Will upload the videos eventually to that same bunkr album so it's all in one.

Password should be BFKTcSLXn2xpmDXo9Mwoo8

(be warned there's some weird shit in there. you cunts are funny)
back when we migrated from .org, kpopmin sent moemin a full archive of .org. everyone asked for it to be distributed but he said no cause "i'm gonna put it all up on .moe soon"

now that i think about it, kpopmin took down her repo of her fork of meguca around the same time (after giving it to moemin) as well, so i think he asked her to do that too
what gets me is this: he had plans for the future (implementing HEVC support) but then shuts the site down out of nowhere, not even giving a hint of what is going on
some schizo insists that shinomaz tiktok account was deleted the same day that 2chen went down but has nothing to back it up, there is nothing else to explain
for half a year or more people had been pming shinomaz.cos on tiktok for 2chen-related info, especially during downtimes. that screenshot you kept seeing of someone having a cropped discussion in the tiktok app about the 2chen domain, was with shinomaz. then he deleted his tiktok account when 2chen went down. so, unless its an absurd long con, that was admin, and he was lying when he said he never talks to 2chen users offsite. which is a weird thing to lie about unless you have a guilty conscience.

i also remember brandon would always jokingly post "hey guys add me on the tiktok app hehe" and he kept getting unbanned by admin
either admin or someone else with comparable technical knowledge, because it was all accurate to what was going on (the domain had been seized by the registrar - they were PMs pertaining to that old downtime)
that screenshot is everything he has to back up the previous claim about people pming shinomaz on tiktok for 2chen-related info (no usernames or pfp can be seen on said screenshot), he also has no information about when was the account deleted.
the reason the name is cropped out is because the DN was trying to protect admin's account
but they were sloppy and routinely namedropped it at other times in the thread. brandon plainly said a couple times that shinomaz = moemin
sorry but i don't see a motive for someone to pretend to be admin for half a year, in cooperation with a couple DNs
there is no reason they would've tried to protect his identity by cropping his name if it was all a gayop and he was being framed
> wasn't brandon being pissy about admin not sharing the awemer fixes
yeah and then shortly after he said "my friend sent me good fix its all good now" (in that broken Brandon-english way...)
i thought he meant the chipcoder DN at the time, and it might've been, but who knows
> someone to pretend to be admin for half a year
> tried to protect his identity 
make up your mind, was he pretending to be admin or trying to protect his identity?
couple weeks ago that chilean ESL kept saying "guys admin replyed my email guys" and every time he was asked to post a screenshot he would make some excuse.
pretty obvious it was not in fact emails he was exchanging with moemin, but rather another channel of communication he didn't want to expose

search for the string "most powerful user" or "most powerful 2chen user" and you'll find brandon admitting who shinomaz is, if my photographic 2chen shitpost memory is right
> awemeranon/streamanon left and he invested a lot of time aswell
don't think he was successful in that.
he left as a new years resolution, and those never seem to stick, be they gym or imageboard related.
someone who types similarly and had similarly deep knowledge of tiktok APIs continued posting in the thread after
the lowest follower count page that "shinomaz.cos" followed according to google was this one
https://www.tiktok.com/@yourmaidcatcsplayer [Embed]
and i don't think any of the remaining following accounts are him. fwiw i checked this a week ago also

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