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in my universe, i would be living with lily as my wife and our 3 children in a faraway island, away from you deviants
I am literally the only guy who would treat lily the way she obviously wants to be treated
new tokfus just aren't as good
show me a new tokfu on the level as chip, she was uploading 10 kino toks a day
anyone else feel depressed when spammie namedrops, because you realize a lot of them stopped coming here or rarely post?
spammie is obviously posting, he's now the most recognizable and most present poster
other posters have obviously disappeared, we dont have even half the regular numbers so its impossible to claim that thats not the case
its just making me sad to see all those names, a lot of them just stopped coming or moved to the dead as fuck discord
im past coping and now im just sad i wont be able to talk to those anons anymore
Anon was replying to the gimmick schizo.  The gimmick schizo is the guy who is always giving people pet names for their "gimmick" and complaining that one of his gimmick identities is ruining everything like the spammie identity.
german girls were made to be shared around in northern europe
this is what hitler would have wanted, back me up on this one spammie
the schizo (spammie) has been trying very hard for the past few days to craft a narrative where his persona only lives in the imagination of other poster that accuses multiple innocent posters of being him. Yeah, I know, very elaborate, as expected of the mastermind who started spamming kids that time we told him to fuck off.

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