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thumbnail of 7188314828904271150 hi #chainsawman #chainsawmancosplay #makimacosplay #makimachainsawman.mp4
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Tiktok Zoom Central

TikTok Downloader: https://endchan.org/ttg/res/1997.html
Sauce? https://www.tiktok.com/@share/video/ [">Embed]

1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discordniggery
5. No skipping meds

Old: https://endchan.org/ttg/res/17476.html
> finally stop being depressed and haul myself back to work
> turn on work computer
> 2chen tab still open
it's hard bros
lesbians dryhump each other then are like "wow that was good sex. we dont need men anymore"
nothing gay about two cute girls getting knuckle deep in each other, it's just their secret handshake at the Cute Girls Secret Club
emirunigger have you tried not being an obnoxious attentionwhore? just try to avoid avatarfagging one time and see how much more enjoyable it is
it's that time of day where the 2 most mentally ill posters are active. you can't stop it, just do something else for a while
you didn't log on to your work computer in 3 weeks? Is this a case where its a desktop located in your office and you were working from home on a different computer? Or have you been AWOL since christmas?
> one third of the posts for the past hour are his
> if this is what you consider spamming then you really should check yourself.
if you don't know, his friend is the guy who spams 300 tinder pics per thread

they are both mentally ill. or maybe its the same person LARPing as 2 people
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techies of ttg I need your help.

for the last few weeks whenever I download a game on steam (this seems to be the main trigger, I don't know why) midway through the download my pc will crash, and when I attempt to boot it up again it comes up with the BIOS menu saying it can't find anything to launch. One out of maybe 20 attempts you will be able to get in, but usually you will then crash again after a few minutes max. When the download ends the problems seem to cease.

does anyone know why this may be happening? I worry that if I don't resolve it soon eventually I will be locked out and it will be too late to do anything.
install node.js
download the awemer zip in the op of the awemer thread, unzip it somewhere
download the latest videos-node.js in the awemer thread, unzip it to that same folder, replace duplicates
run install dependancies.bat in the install dependencies folder
find your tiktok cookie by going to tiktok on your web browser and hitting f12 to bring up the console. Go to application, then cookies. Copy the string in sid_tt, that is your account cookie.
click on the address bar in file explorer when you are in your awemer folder, type cmd and hit enter
type this command:  node videos-node.js t=uv q=2 cookie=(your cookie) l i=6618440380025176070 f=(file path where you want your toks saved)
you can run this any time you want to  dl all of emirus toks
1) back up your windows install to another drive using something like Macrium reflect. then you can restore it if your drive fails

2) update all drivers from your motherboard's support site

3) run chkdsk on the drive it was on
> magrathea is back

thanks endmin
now fix the message input field not clearing after a post
Also, I had the old thread open for 3 hours before I realized no one was posting because the post limit was reached.
left: 12,000 year old blood-cultist succubus, dead vampire eyes staring into the abyss, it knows it has sexual power over you and this thrills it

right: autistic german male. he likes minecraft and legos
we lost more than half our posters why are you computer nerds not making another megu 
its going to die if you dont so work your computer magic already you fat lazy neets
> most of them were pedos
the majority of posters are pedophiles now, and an even larger majority of those posters will deny it because i didnt call them hebephiles
she isn't eating, hasn't contacted her friends, adon is talking shit about her, her hair is dead, she feels ugly, doesn't enjoy tt or going live
shes probably gonna open an onlyfans and have like 5 subscribers like baris did and its gonna be very sad
Do you think mothi found her way to endchan? We know she was religiously on 2chen so she might have found her way through the transition
Hi mothi!
i havent thought about that in a long ass time 
back when i had a shitty ass job where i worked til midnight every day i had some suicidal thoughts
you know what makes me suicidal? troubleshooting awemer fuck that piece of shit software, im amazed it still works
I'm addicted to masturbation, drugs and social media. It's debilitating. I am failing at work as a result.
I don't believe in free-will. This is extremely common among weak-willed individuals, e.g. addicts, for obvious reasons. However I don't think I am an innocent victim, I blame all of it on myself. I'm not self-hating, I do the same with other people (e.g. I have a low opinion of other addicts). Idk where that puts me philosophically or whatever, but this is where my biases are and I don't feel I need to abandon one of them just because they supposedly contradict each other (e.g. adopt "free will" into my worldview, or be less judgemental towards shit, lowly human beings). Anyone who is knowledgeable on the topic want to just fast-track me by telling me which philosophers or which philosophy is compatible with my biases so I can understand them better? If they're logically inconsistent/wrong I really don't give a shit, I'm not some automaton robot that treats these problems like arithmetic.
is this copy pasted from reddit?
either way dunno how to help you brother, only mental fortitude and brute force can stop you from being philosophically hypocritical, no amount of reading books will do that for you
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> i....i wish i had accused more anonymous posters of being a schizo boogeyman on dying imageboards obsessed with the lives of children half my age
> ssd died
> lost all my destiny videos
It’s all gone there’s no archives and they’re all deleted
apparently sammi (after she turned 18) was willing to sell nudes for $300 before she got a bf
> didn't she say something similar about breaking up with adon?
no she just talked about getting married just a few months back
yipeee in the morning
yipeee in the evening
yipeee at supper time
when you put yipeee on a bagel you can have yipeee anytime
thumbnail of 7048582376217201921 Норм , но могло быть и лучше#gravitifalls #billcipher #биллшифр #Билл #гравитифолзкосплей #гравитифолзбиллшифр #gravitifallscosplay.mp4
thumbnail of 7048582376217201921 Норм , но могло быть и лучше#gravitifalls #billcipher #биллшифр #Билл #гравитифолзкосплей #гравитифолзбиллшифр #gravitifallscosplay.mp4
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I love yipeee in the spring time
I love yipeee in the fall
I love yipeee in the summer when it sizzles
I love yipeee in the winter when it drizzles
forgot to mention in above post but im trans and im feeling needy right now. i need replies at all costs
pretty impressive that the shitalian had the brain capacity to read the OP and find endchan
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So, slaves, ready for the new world order? The whites will receive a merciful favor, they will simply die, and the rest will have a hard time, they will be a human-like shell, full control in our hands, and the whole world under our feet
Returned from the pool. Genuinely great fun. I get to swim freely like a fish and check out half naked women without it being that obvious
i'd host a meguca but it would only allow lvl18s and someone would have to janny
so its not happening
> Investigators began looking into Hernandez in August, with a search through his Discord account resulting in his first arrest on December 29
I wonder how I'd deal with that. I think she's lovely, so I really don't know. Maybe I'd fuck the shit out of her whenever we had sex.
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2023 is my year. I have managed to stay active and work out as per my new years resolution for a full 15 days now (that's two weeks!!!!)
We will all make it
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Remember when I week ago said I'm building a live image board? Just came to say I probably need one more week to get it running. I got image/video upload with thumbnail running today. Live posting works too but need to make sure it has no errors. What needs to be done is some hacks to prevent spamming and ban evasion,do some minor improvements so it feels better to use and lastly make sure everything is secured.

In the meantime enjoy these socks
Like I said before, Meguca has nothing in it to prevent someone from being gore poster and spamming the whole thread. I want to try to make something that's somewhat self moderating so you can't shit the whole place up
how do so many people have .mov toks
there are literally none on my PC besides an old bonbi archive and i have 8tb of toks
> It’s insane in the membrane
> Ooooooh oh so so raaaate
> Is so raaaate and me so chineeese
> Ohh school tomoLLow? Ohhh nooo!
admin you better ban bonbinigger and emirunigger
look at the thread
almost all the people have left because of these retarded spammers
can't believe so many people itt (in this thread) love bonbibonkers (and also sometimes emiru)
people have started cheating in the car soccer game
i thought the game was uncheatable but after 7 years since the last time cheats existed, they have returned
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not ttg related so I apologize but this is so absurd
some dude superglued his cock with gorilla glue https://boards.4chan.org/b/thread/892703720
so many of my tokfus are following this guy's art
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Got a new liveposting site up for your consideration. 
Should feel a lot like 2chen, and the name sturdy comes from the tiktok trend + the fact /ttg/ never dies
spammiebros im malding 
how can they make another board and shun me
this is not how its supposed to end
i just looked at endchan and theyre all calling each other spammy
and theres 8 active IPs
sisters i want to make my own board free from pedophile robot vampires living in my walls please post the source code
> new live board hosted by a chipnigger that's besties with pedomin and schizo discordshitter
yeah no i'll be staying the fuck away from that place i think lmao
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I will also stay here for the time being, sturdy already has shown how the rascals prefer live-posting since it provides them with the adrenaline-boost they so desperately crave.
i think what happened is that it's under the name of that "reluct" guy and moemin configured it and pays the bill. he has to do it like that because he's banned from cloudflare
the new owner claims he is friends with moemin despite moemin claiming 2mos ago that he has never spoken to anyone from 2chen outside of 2chen
it wont get spammed by discordniggers like medschan but it will inevitably devolve to CP posting and get cloudflared again

just the nature of the thing
dude fuck that i'm not sacrificing my life for el

maybe if i survive and get a cool scar and can have mouthsex with el cause shes so grateful.
i missed the liveposting aspect tbhdesu its the best USP. endchans USP is the multiposting/HEVC/filesize but it doesn have proper liveposting

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