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spammiebros im malding 
how can they make another board and shun me
this is not how its supposed to end
i just looked at endchan and theyre all calling each other spammy
and theres 8 active IPs
sisters i want to make my own board free from pedophile robot vampires living in my walls please post the source code
> new live board hosted by a chipnigger that's besties with pedomin and schizo discordshitter
yeah no i'll be staying the fuck away from that place i think lmao
thumbnail of 6854332036480535813.mp4
thumbnail of 6854332036480535813.mp4
6854332036... mp4
(4.92 MB, 720x1280 h264)
I will also stay here for the time being, sturdy already has shown how the rascals prefer live-posting since it provides them with the adrenaline-boost they so desperately crave.
i think what happened is that it's under the name of that "reluct" guy and moemin configured it and pays the bill. he has to do it like that because he's banned from cloudflare
the new owner claims he is friends with moemin despite moemin claiming 2mos ago that he has never spoken to anyone from 2chen outside of 2chen
it wont get spammed by discordniggers like medschan but it will inevitably devolve to CP posting and get cloudflared again

just the nature of the thing
dude fuck that i'm not sacrificing my life for el

maybe if i survive and get a cool scar and can have mouthsex with el cause shes so grateful.
i missed the liveposting aspect tbhdesu its the best USP. endchans USP is the multiposting/HEVC/filesize but it doesn have proper liveposting

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