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> this has to be your browser. There's nothing in Endchan's code that I can find that would cause this

not him but i get it on chrome sometimes
its hard to actively test because of the super long autorefresh interval
it seems to autorefresh ok while i'm focusing the tab (i think?), but if i go to my other monitor and play some games or something, i'll have to tab back to endchan and click refresh, which causes it to hang for a moment then vomit out all the new posts
thumbnail of Screenshot 2023-01-25 141904.jpg
thumbnail of Screenshot 2023-01-25 141904.jpg
Screenshot 2023-01-25... jpg
(81.34 KB, 1101x436)

maybe nitpick here but it'd be cool if magrathea thumbnails had a smaller play symbol for videos, and maybe out of the way in a corner

for vertical vids it frequently takes up all of the center of the vid (the most important area)

also the default audio setting for magrathea mutes videos which will convince people that audio just doesnt work on magrathea
still can be Chrome causing this. 

The only different I can think is the ajax polling versus meguca's websocket pushes. 

Is this on magrathea or the old site? If the old site, do you have realtime enabled?

technically not foreground but I get what you mean, it's visible.

1. ok moved the jschan video symbol and made it smaller

2. thanks for pointing this out, wasn't aware. Should be fixed now.

Found a bug, still going to be truncating. I have an idea for some JS to fix this up.

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