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He did not. I turned captcha on, as a reminder for the BO to check his board. Posts which were reported globally I deleted.
captcha: 54bbc5
Just wanted to reitreate that you have schizophrenia, a debilitating mental illness that interferes with your ability to perceive reality itself
please ignore this person if he ever accuses you of stuff or just ban him
he has severe schizophrenia and thinks everyone is aligned with some discord server full of pedophiles that doesn't exist
I promise you none of us actually believe anything he says and we appreciate being allowed to stay on endchan
so can captcha be turned on and off by the BO, or is that just a global mod thing?

also just for feedback the captcha never seems to refresh properly, and every time I try to post it tells me the captcha has expired and I have to manually reload and input again
he is our local schizo obsessed with everyone's identity, he believes the weirdest things about pepple
my favorite theory of his is that 4chan mods were in cahoots on our former board
*growls and kicks dust angrily* the only thing that makes me angrier than andrew tate, is when someone says transfolk arent valid
> my favorite theory of his is that 4chan mods were in cahoots on our former board
The guy you're talking about was a bonbiposter who thought that spammie was a 4chan mod on /wsg/. You are unironically dog-awful at spotting posters and your post is deeply ironic
The only funny thing here is watching you become what haunts you - a fictional poster with schizophrenia who has weird theories about everyone and derails the thread

You are spammie
BOs can turn it on and off.
It expires in like 20-30 secs or something, not sure how much after that it refreshes. Foor good measure, start with a reload.
It gives me the expired thing even when I answer it and my post goes through, sometimes

Board owner can you turn it off, I don't think it will really hinder the bbc spammer anyway
One thing I'd suggest to BO to turn hourly thread limit on.

> I don't think it will really hinder the bbc spammer anyway
That's exactly what a bbc spammer would say.
say if he were in this thread right now and reading this post how exactly would he do that? asking for a friend btw

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