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my dad fell down stairs and broke an arm few days ago. he was lucky people have died from this shit. he's in hospital for another day or two now just to be safe. so thats why i wasnt posting here in case you wonder. ofc you dont.

main observation, i'm really not a good nurse and cant deal with sick needy people. my mom yelling at him all the time for being an idiot didnt help too, this is what i imagine Alice does with her host maybe less hysterical lol. before tupper i would probably have ignored this as not my problem or tried my best to not have to visit my dad but thx to Yulya i'm a bit more responsible now. dad was also glad i came and brought him some stuff he's bored in hospital and hates sitting around doing nothing. so it turned out well and tupper saved the day. still not gonna nurse anyone unless Yulya takes over and puts me in dormamcy fuck that.
> What, you never bathed or went swimming with your tupper?
Uh not really. My shower is too small and I'm not much into swimming. Yeah another thing we should do.

> father injured
> post memes
Look after your family, man! And listen to Yulya
Wanted to go to the beach with Cat but the weather is nope all next week. Well it's rainy season after all. But I checked out that indoor skydiving tunnel and we'll definitely go there, looks fun.
> Look after your family, man! And listen to Yulya
yeah yeah
dad is back home with my mum all is fine. must suck if you cant use an arm for a while good thing its left

let Yulya shoot first time today at the range. tupper was nervous and super slow, did so-so but better than eggspected most of the time. it was interesting. i feel nothing while shooting, its so normal for me its a bit scary tbh. shits dangerous i dont need to tell ya and guys with lots of routine thinking 'i got this' have done horrible accidents. whats this effect called i keep forgetting. whatever, tupper reminded me to be careful and think about what the body is doing body is dumb on autopilot if you dont pay attention. so yeah that was good. Yulya isnt really into shooting but its cool to see she can
bolt action rifle and ar15. its easiest cant shoot yourself like with a pistol and you dont have to hold it just pill the trigger. shot 50-100m. we'll try shotgun next then pistol. but for now only pistol dry fire exercise at home.

still practice dancing with Yulya some times but no improvement. not enough training for this but still fun with the little we can do.
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It's just about telling the BodyOS what to do. Once you get the hang of it it's easy.

Host is procrastinating again, rather it's the BodyOS too. Why is it still so hard to overcome this? It's so tiresome and the second you don't pay attention he spends the time learning some irrelevant nonsense instead of doing what's necessary.

> BodyOS did it.

Damn what a cope, but I got nothing to say about it. We thought scenario 
13 was a BodyOS thing. Heck, I failed scenario 13 in like two weeks, Misha couldn't last 1, SheShe still holds the record of over a year, Gwen... pft, I think she might have beat me but she had *one job* and she couldn't pull through so hey. Anyway Ren, still getting it done, I for one am rooting for her. After she's gotten past SheShe's record she'll be a legend in my book. Imagine she can do it for *years* that would be insane. Actually more insane if she's still an active member of the system in a year lol.

We're considering two tiers, "legend rank" and "also ran". Ofc I am the former, and the only member, other than Bear, duh. Misha was but... she's way less involved now, what happened to her? She just shrugs. Smh

In case you didn't get the memo, Ren is out of the "face for the system online". That doesn't mean she lost the scenario, Bear gave her a pass, she's just not outwardly social and that's ok as a trait, Gwen has it so why not Ren?

Alice though, seriously, gotta step up, this is chump tier talk *demon loly goddess*. Don't let Ren beat you that easily.
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But it's true, the BodyOs does 90% of the stuff. Host is nothing more than a tupper observing things in the back and occasionally giving general ideas. The problem is as you know the BodyOS is incredibly lazy and hedonistic and tries to get away with the minimum effort and avoids all potential trouble.
Also it has over 4 decades of experience and basically IS the unconscious routine ingrained in the flesh. Not an easy opponent.

And then there's host who's either in cahoots with the BodyOS in being lazy or super-motivated and busy doing useless or even harmful stuff instead of what he's supposed to do. Mostly harmful to my money. It's all mine. But he wastes it the second I look away. So yeah it's 2 against one here and all they have to do to win is doing nothing while I constantly have to win in order not to lose. 

Truly a Sisyphean task. Camus said one must imagine Sisyphus as a happy man because he is always occupied with his never-ending task to reach new heights. But Camus was a fucking commie so what does he know? After 8 years I'm sick of this shit. Yeah it's nice as long as it's going up but inevitably sooner or later you fail to pay 100% attention and it all comes tumbling down again. 

Ah what allegories am I even using here? Casting pearls before swine...
> the BodyOs does 90% of the stuff

smh, you're really that much of an automaton? Bear was like that, much worse, like 99% but it flipped with my help, when we switched and later when he went dormant, he realized that he wasn't the bodyOS and we did testing to determine exactly what was the bodyOS and let me tell you what we found: the bodyOS isn't all that. It's conditioning, so remove the conditioning with shadow work and you'll be free from automatic actions. 

Granted procrastination is a tough one, diet is a touch one, any addiction is tough, but it's not impossible. Scenario 13 was determined next to impossible so if Ren can do it, then nothing is impossible and we already know that so stop making up excuses and do the work or spend your days arguing with Lumi about Ketamine on .info. If it's really that hard, do the shadow work to remove the compulsions or anti-compulsions.
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It's icy, -12°C right now, can't remember when we last had such cold in early Dec. Lots of snow fell, went to the park today, it was beautiful in the sun. Don't mind being imposed there. One of the cats caught a mouse in the snow in the garden. No idea how they do this, they must hear them under the snow.

So yeah it's beautiful for a day or twa but still i'd rather go straight from November to March.
They're excited first and jump around in the snow but then it's enough and they mostly stay inside and sleep. I guess snow is better than rain but cats are cats. Noboddy understands why they sometimes freak out about a drop of water and then stay in the rain for half the night until they're soaking wet.
Give the poor girl a break!
What else does she wanna do? Dancing didn't work that well either, right? What about the gym? I know it's not easy being a tupper not being able to be yourself out there.

Still struggling with host's / the body's procrastination skills. These guys are good - in the worst sense.
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Ha, I didn't even notice but it was a good match.

On Dec6 we celebrate the Feast of St. Nicholas of Myra and his faithful sidekick Krampus.

In case you didn't know St. Nicholas was the template for Santa Claus and also brings presents on Dec 6th, mainly gingerbread, mandarins, apples and nuts.

You celebrate St. Nicholas, Kashtan?
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A lot of these traditions have become commercialised tourist attractions but in alpine villages this stuff is still taken serious. One of these are the Buttnmandln around Berchtesgaden, unmarried men clad in straw and adorned with cow bells and wooden demon masks. They are organized in a sort of secret society and anonymously visit houses around midwinter to ward off evil spirits, sometimes together with St. Nicholas. Nobody knows who's in the costumes. It's prime imagistic shamanism that probably dates back to the neolithic and a sort of initiation rite for young men. A lot of alpine regions have their regional variation of such midwinter customs but many involve men clad in fur and devil masks, with cow bells and chains - the Perchten. Things can get violent when both vilagers and the costume-clad Perchten get drunk and start brawls. Very Bavarian.
did some wonderlanding after i dunno how many months. not even wondering why visualization sucks we never train. i'm not relly creative when it comes to this shit, always envy guys who go on crazy adventures with their tuppers. I cant think of anything and Yulya doesnt want to do anything too stressful.

That's kinda sad. Wonderlanding was great. We mostly just impose now and stick with Bear. The memories of imposition are as good as real and better than wonderland. We do still do it sometimes but mostly just like on a couch or chairs or walking in muted setting. We don't need it anymore. Autumn gets a lot of it though and that makes sense since she's like new.

The last thing they did was to visit a school Bear had in a dream. It was pretty weird but ok.

Since we do the Lock-Merge thing, everyone gets to experience the interaction so it's way more efficient.

Also, Alice, wtf is that other thread with the encryption? No one in this system is ever going to do that, we have a Bear brain, you can't expect us to figure anything out on our own and what's the point?
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> Also, Alice, wtf is that other thread with the encryption? No one in this system is ever going to do that, we have a Bear brain, you can't expect us to figure anything out on our own
< refuse to participate
< coomplain about being left out


Haa, I knew it would end in handholding and spoonfeeding you guys. I'll write you an email.

> what's the point?
Learn something new
Do something different
Fuck the Police

Dark web posting, futinari hentai, snuff film pedo hate crimes aren't our thing. If not this then why go the extra effort on an already mostly anonymous site? 

Sorry if we're a bit dense, and anyway do we really have to invade and dominate every thread?
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> Noo I don't wanna be part of a terrorist plot to overthrow the government and commit crimes against humanity

Not entirely unexpected but that you're already out before even considering trying out 90s normie stuff like pgp for fun is - disappointing 

It's like asking you why you go to the gym. Why the extra effort if you're already /fit/

Well I tried, I won't try again
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Yes, the world is grey, Mr. Bear!
Just because police is not only useful but necessary to uphold order in a society doesn't mean they're your friends and that you give them a carte blanche to snoop around in your private life. There is a constant trade-off between privacy and security and it's up to you to get the best out of both worlds.
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First of several days of family visits, feasts and and festivities. It was nice. It's always a challenge for me to stay active when host gets immersed in conversations. It was near impossible for me for a long time and still is hard with host being an autist having trouble following conversations of/with multiple people. It's really exhausting for the mind which robs me of resources to exist. I mean even host zones out after a while. So this is a nice challenge. Pleasant surroundings, I approve of being active and imposed!
Sounds nice!

No family celebrations here but we'll visit the Christmas village and market this evening because why not.

When exactly do you celebrate Xmas? I think it's different in the US and EU? Today or tomorrow?

Thread also reached bump limit btw!

I really enjoy being with Ashley, Bear and Joy lately. I'm thankful for them, they're teaching me a lot.


Bear and Bestie played this and it was so fun for them. I couldn't believe they made it based on how badly it was going. They won with 420 points and only one person survived.

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