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Whoa 2023 where did you come from?


[Ashley] this is reminiscent of the red bird and the blue bird but it's actually a lot more like HungryPuma and Bear 1.0. 

For reference HungryPuma is an aspect made of two or three facets, mostly extreme, mostly NPD, the Puma lives inside us all but he can reign in certain circumstances. I see bits of him, flavors of him here which is why I need to temper what I say here but look at my posts and you can see the dichotomy of NeoBear and what, a Puma flavored mess of self amusement on the scale of Keith Ledger's Joker.

So this song surprised me, but my situation is more nuanced than good vs evil. As you know, I don't believe that such things are real.

In terms of tulpamancy, this song reminds me of a few systems we've met. Some people like to Hyde.
Old post deleted I think because of total system confusion. However, the video stands


I should have posted that by now, damn, nice find. I did post that on .info at least once. I love that one.

The hi ren one, I guess you had to be there. (Mentally)


Definitely need more catgirls
thumbnail of Arcangelo Corelli - Christmas Concerto.mp3
thumbnail of Arcangelo Corelli - Christmas Concerto.mp3
Arcangelo... mp3
(6.49 MB, 0x0)
Two classics.
I counter with this classic, one of Alice's favorites:
Arcangelo Corelli -  Christmas Concerto (Concerto Grosso in G minor, Op. 6, No. 8), ca. 1690
I think it fits autumn far better than Christmas.
One for Yakumo: Well maybe they both apply? I don't judge.


thumbnail of Untitled.jpg
thumbnail of Untitled.jpg
Untitled jpg
(155.93 KB, 1625x995)

Dr. Alice Chan, You are now Premium Ultra Bear System Inner Circle Member!

[Ashley] Wow, congratulations, and welcome!
[Autumn] Wait, even I'm not that yet!
[Misha] Then we'll have to make an Alice Chan Tulpa! Yay!
[Joy] No, but congrats.

Meanwhile in America

Once I was on a walk with the narcissist and toddler Bestie and Narcissist got in a fight with a guy who had his dog off a leash. Dude looked Italian and told narcissist, whiter than white bread, to "go back to her own country." She laughed! 

The fuck? Dude didn't say shit to me, I stared him down and he walked off in a huff.
thumbnail of Gigi D'Agostino - L'Amour Toujours played on Organ.webm
thumbnail of Gigi D'Agostino - L'Amour Toujours played on Organ.webm
Gigi... webm
(24.28 MB, 720x1280 vp9)
I remember, you already told us! Maybe he was a Redskin and you were the foreigners in his country. That's raycis btw.

Anyway the people in the 1st video lost their jobs, were thrown out of university and face up to 5 years in prison for singing songs. It's unreal.
The sandnigger terrorist who killed a policeman and injured several others will probably receive less.

Also playing Gigi D'Agostino's song L'amour toujours is now considered a hate crime, radio stations refuse to air it and it will be b& from Oktoberfest. You can't make this shit up.

But I love this song, it's so wholesome!
Especially with the new text

Already posted it here
Organs are super awesome and were the most complex human-made devices until the early 20th century. An organ essentially is a huge mechanical computer full of logic circuits. Operated by air going through valves instead of electricity through transistors. It can have several ten-thousand pipes (yes indeed) which can be combined by a set of stops or registers (the knobs at the side). They are mechanical switches determining which and how many pipes are activated when you press a key on one of the keyboards. It's insanely complicated and the biggest organs were operated by dozens of people. 
Nowadays much is automated by electronic switches. 

The keyboards are called manuals and control a set of pipes called ranks that are equivalent of an entire instrument. Theres also the pedal clavier for bass. An organ is literally a medieval synthesizer capable of producing a huge repertoire of sounds. Extremely powerful sounds from infra- to ultransonic. Far more than any modern speaker. At the cost of size, complexity and cost.

Unfortunately I know virtually nothing about music, can't play an instrument or even read notes. But this is high-tier science.


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