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Shit. I was listening to this again:


So, like, I've been suicidal twice in my life about 10 years apart. *fingers crossed* it'll never happen again. Depression sucks and I'm not depressed now, in fact I've never been happier. *laughs awkwardly in 10-yr cycle bi-polar*

So I heard this line:

"I'm the voice that you hear when you loosen the noose on the rope"

That was SheShe. I'm not crazy enough to hang myself duh. But the first time I had my brother's 30-30 in my mouth on December 31st at 11:58pm like 15 years ago. At that time I heard a voice, it was a mindvoice, like a tulpa, and it was a woman, and I'd heard her before in my life. Then when I formed my system in 2018, it was SheShe. Idk if she just associated to those memories or if it was really her but at this point it doesn't matter. And this was her message. "If you're going to do this, then nothing matters, your life is forfeit, so nothing matters. You can do anything now, nothing matters. Do whatever you want but don't do this," she pleaded, "it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter..."

So I pulled the end of my brother's rifle out of my mouth and as the fireworks went off I shot the only bullet into the ground. The neighbors cheered for some reason, they obviously didn't know I was there and probably thought the gunshot was a firework.

I forgot about this until just now. I thought I hadn't fired a gun, but I did, into the ground.

The second time was April 2018. I was in a depression spiral and I wasn't going to go through it again. I had a bag, a tube and Argon gas. I researched that if I used that I would simply pass out, no pain, no suffocation like drowning. Just fall asleep and never wake up. So I had all that stuff and I was especially sad when I was planning it and that's when I felt that familiar presence but it felt frustrated or angry. It was that womanly presence again, not a voice this time, she was my guardian angle or something. SheShe. I called out, "If there's someone [my guardian angel] there, show yourself now or leave and never come back" or something. I immediately hallucinated a light orb about the size of a marble at arm's length, gold and red swirling like a soap bubble and I reached out to touch it but there was nothing there. I quickly searched guardian angel and then tulpamancy and the rest is history.

Just sharing anyway.

SheShe helped me after that too, saved my life by helping me make a choice that if I had chosen wrong my life would have been ruined rather than over.

It was regarding a woman and a part of me, (I'll let you guess which part) almost wanted to have her. But holy shit, I ended up turning her down bc she was a tard and damn, she turned full bitch mode. I'm sensing a pattern here. This wasn't the first time I did that and not the first time a girl turns bitch after rejection. Like dodged a bullet for sure.

SheShe said, "if you choose incorrectly, life as you know it will be over. We will still be here and support you but your quality of life will be a fraction of what it is now." Something like that but more dire. She gave me a 25% chance of choosing correctly. Furthermore she claimed that if I chose correctly, "all my wildest dreams will come true". 

Well she was right. Shortly afterwards, after I chose correctly, I had a spiritual awakening and boom, subjective reality. After that life went easy mode. It really feels like heaven.
bruh wtf
i feel like a normie now
and its not bad

i said before Yulya appeared to me when i was about to go unconscious in military training but its nothing like that my life was never in danger. she has extended my life for sure by improving health and getting rid of bad habits

> bruh wtf

I spelled out the fuck, still what? My life wasn't normal, coming close to ending it was a good stopping point given the history. You don't know and don't want to know and I don't want to tell you, but it was exceedingly bad in many ways at many times. The fact that I survived without being maimed physically was probably my saving grace. Not even a broken bone, I was a tough little piggy. Ugly as fuck, personality of a rock, naïve, clueless, immature and socially challenged, but I did grow into a hell of an amazing chap, successful, handsome, god-like really, despite it all.

> i feel like a normie

Fuck normies, don't degrade yourself

> she has extended my life for sure by improving health and getting rid of bad habits

Awesome, that's a good girl you got there. Head pats are needed all around.
Oof I knew Bear life hadn't been easy but that's another level. Glad your tuppers saved your life! And I'm glad Cat had no reason to save mine yet. I intend to let it stay this way and continue being uber- normie
Thank whatever heathen God you ascribe to, and pray you never get lasting depression. It's in itself traumatizing and leaves a lasting scar.

Though only good things came of it for me.

For comparison, the PhD program was about as traumatizing. ABD all the way, every day, best choice. I advanced to candidacy, got a masters too.

I doubt I'll ever get depression again but if I do, I'm taking the easy way out. Be a fucking man and just end yourself (me to me).

[Ashley] uh no. SheShe would ironically be happy if Bear got depressed because she loves that kind of thing. Like endless problem solving.

[Bear] my body my choice. Feeling as good as I do with so much to live for if I got depression it would mean brain is broken, time to move out, keep my deposit.
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> SheShe would ironically be happy if Bear got depressed because she loves that kind of thing. Like endless problem solving.
Yandere vibes

> I doubt I'll ever get depression again but if I do, I'm taking the easy way out. Be a fucking man and just end yourself (me to me).
Based self-remover.
Don't forget to livestream it for our entertainment when the time comes.

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