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Did you know, lobsters are healthiest and grow fastest when they eat lobsters?

We should never have a food shortage in the world as long as there at least 2 people.

[Autumn] Joy was a huge Rimworld fan, and the most plentiful food source is raiders.

Ah yes, and that game served us well for years. Sadly we can't imagine playing that game anymore we played it to death.
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It's not cannibalism because nobody ecxcept Ashley's human. Cat is Tabaxi, Yulya Aasimar and I'm an alien construct. But Cat and me will turn this into Dungeon Meshi and try to cook every foe we kill and see how it turns out.
No exceptions.
i dont like it but if Cat has to return to the road fork so be it. should she wear the armor sword and magic bow? would be awkward if she ran into Gundren with new gear. leave your rations theyre unnecessary heavy.
i somehow feel Cat should take the potion. we have Yulyas healing hands

> Should she wear the armor sword and magic bow? And potion

Yes, no one will care I bet. 1. No one knew she didn't have the bow or sword, 2. Gundren probably didn't see past the boobs, he's a guy remember?


> so what do we do with the spell book? 

Sell it? Though it might have his name or something, I'll look at it and Joy can tell us if it's sellable or incriminating.

> it shows they were into some trickery. 

Could be good evidence for our murder trial, maybe keep it.

> and about this focus things like scraps of paper cant a cleric substitute any focus with a holy symbol?

If you say so, but he wasn't a cleric

> Ashley should at least have a look at the book once the kidds are asleep.

Save it for Neverwinter then we gotta go.
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lol Tamamo posted in wrong thread too good to see im not the only idiot

ok when Cat is on her way we can divide the loot. if Ashley doesnt want the short sword which is a shame why shouldnt we sell it? Yulya likes close combat as much as Ashley what peace cleric has a sword. Alice has no cha and cant use magic and Cat is already a walking armory.

i looked at the loot excel if we sell:
masochist ring
sadist ring
studded armor
all clothing
we get about 190 gp
minus 80 for lv thats still 110 not bad.
and we can sell the normal longbow and a few other things so no worries. but we gotta see how much the kids cost us. Ashley should whine to Freya. cant be the heroes obligation alone to care for the rescued children the guild should help too. theyre the good guys right?
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> wheres my money?
> 3 gold and 4 copper

> In addition there is a small pouch labled ENTRY, REG, MEAL containing 60sp and 80gp, and in the two personal coin pouches of the two men there is 27cp, 35sp and 21gp.

Alice stored 100gp that leaves 1gp 95sp and 27cp
pls take 1gp 70sp and 4cp as your share i hope thats ok and you dont want the exct amount in gp. Alice can only store gp so giving your share in silver and not gold is a huge help for us. you dont wanna run Yulya into another nervous breakdown if she has to explain to Alice that she needs to exchange gold for silver.
dezgo is kill doesnt work after they updated the site it just loads endlessly. so no more ai reaction images anymore this sucks. you guys know another free site? i dont have a gpu to run stable diffusion on my pc and dezgo also worked from laptop or even phone.

> no reaction images 

You can't just load the images directly here? Or gyazo I have idea what you're talking about.

Alice should know
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Kashtan and me used dezgo.com to make our AI generated images. I just checked, it really loads forever and the fuckers say 'improved free mode'. My ass. It worked yesterday.

Whatever, fret not, move on. I'll look for alternatives, for now use
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You're not waiting for me, right? I have nothing to add, please continue!

Looked at the loot, impressive but not for me. I'm not good with magical items and I don't really need any of that stuff. Maybe the dagger. We gotta talk about magic & Alice a bit in another post. It's - complicated.
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> Returned to N
> Will be in P 2 days late
> Apologies
> Nya
lmao nya is obligatory even in written text

> Unfortunately, the poor old horses have reached their limit, they just can't go any further and the cart grinds to a halt. They're restless, hungry and tired, near exhaustion.
fugg ran out of gas just before the finish line
Cat should at least be able to use animal handling to get them to the side of the road and out of the way.

now what? we dont even have our special candy anymore. do healing potions work on horses? i dont think Yulya has a spell that works on horses but what do i know?
maybe we should just give them food and water and let them rest a bit. Alice filled the jar right?

when does the neverwinter gate close? are we in a hurry?

also dezgo works again but is slow. might try the other ai image generator too but I really like the consistent Yulya characters the dezgo toonify2 model creates. cute!
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> stealth does not work when you're in plain sight, say on an open road
Sorry, Cat doesn't care about details. Should have worded that more precisely. The idea was to get off the horse near the rock and sneak along the bushes at edge of the road. The rock isn't in the middle of the road.

> split up
Don't get it. You wanna walk 5 miles to the city in the cold with the exhausted kids that are finally asleep? While Cat stays with the cart and lets the horses rest? How long does that take, maybe 1.5h at 3mph normal traveling speed?
And how long do the horses need to rest if Cat feeds them now and coaxes them to go on with animal handling? The cart will be much lighter without 12 kids and 3.5 adventurers though.

Another important question is when the Neverwinter gate closes. No point rushing there if they wont let us in during night time. They'd be stuck out there in the cold.
> You wanna walk 5 miles to the city in the cold with the exhausted kids that are finally asleep?

Wake me up or go yourself, leave the kids asleep, someone could run to Neverwinter in an hour and check out the gate. The cart could stay on the side of the road, having the kids asleep in it is perfect as far as we're concerned. Let the horses sleep. 

I don't think we even need to move the horses, just let them rest until or if someone comes or the morning. It even saves us lodging.
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voting for Cat again shes our one catgirl army. Alice would not do well in cold and Ashley and Yulya are sitting ducks on their own. if Ashley gets attacked and has to turn into a panther she cant even communicate at the gate. Cat it is.
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> Can you explein these dice rolls? What are they for?

This is my encounter rolls triggered by the passing of every hour at night that you're exposed. You're on a main road so only a natural 1 will spawn an encounter, There's a lookup table for possible encounters in this particular area on this particular road, the closer to 1, the more serious. Given 8 here there are 4 outcomes currently, I can tell you 4 is the only non-agressively hostile one. Then the last (3) is the number of this particular group.

I got a little excited that you rolled an 8 but then mixed with a 4 was your own good luck. Obviously getting into battle at this point would be messy.

> why is there a roll for Ashley's Deception but not for Yulya's Persuasion?

What Yulya said were the facts, there was no attempt at persuasion that I could tell. 

A subtle difference with Ashley's "facts" was that she said you all didn't see anyone which has a greater implication that you had nothing to do with it what might have occurred. That might have been ok. But saying "they could be hiding" is a clear lie, you know they're not "hiding". A better choice of words on her part wouldn't have needed a check, but once she said it I didn't let her take it back.
> no persuasion check needed bc Yulya didnt lie
from PHB:
> “When you attempt to influence someone or a group of people with tact, social graces, or good nature, the DM might ask you to make a Charisma (Persuasion) check. Typically, you use persuasion when acting in good faith, to foster friendships, make cordial requests, or exhibit proper etiquette. Examples of persuading others include convincing a chamberlain to let your party see the king, negotiate peace between warring tribes, or inspiring a crowd of townsfolk.”

persuasion is not about lying but acting in good faith. Yulya tried to coax the roadmaster into doing something for us he most likely wouldnt under normal circumstances. that is to spread the message to Gundren or someone who knows him that we turned back. that was the point. i think its a perfectly fine example of the use of persuasion.
> from PHB: Arguments

"The golden rule of D&D is that the word of the DM is the final say on any matter when it comes to rules. Even if it directly goes against what it says in the Player's Handbook or Dungeon Master's Guide."

[1d20+4=20] No difference.

In the future as always, I will decide when a roll is necessary. When someone is telling the truth as they see it to a person in authority, careful wording matters. I will, at my discretion, reward her for clear thinking. This isn't a rule change, it's my choice.
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Cat is queen of the party, MVP!

I don't always lie, but when I do it's because I'm good at it.

> persuasion is not about lying but acting in good faith

smh, I for one think Joy is doing an exemplary job! Hurrah and huzzah! I never saw her as so industrious, but she's a machine, not at all like 4 lazy horses I know.

That's just good content. It's creepy, cool, and useful, good job Alice!

I hope Yulya doesn't self destruct again. Be strong girl! Girl boss time! We need to get strong so we can just kill everything that's causing so much trouble for poor old Neverwinter and their faithful guards. Peace through strength... and murder!!!

Yes! We could make a name for ourselves, "The Death Squad" or "Reapers of Neverwinter" or even darker, "Soul Reapers." Yeah, a odd assortment of chaotic adventurers plaguing bandits, slavers of nobility and dragons alike! I'm excited.

I wonder what Freya will say when I tell her everything that's happened? I think she'll be on our side. The guild closes at Midnight and Freya usually closes so Cat should get to her in time thankfully.

I can't wait to try out a really big focus, like 12MP while casting Dampen Spirit, oh man, Joy said it would almost surely backfire but I'm willing to take that chance just to see what happens.
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> He shows the trader's plate to Yulya, "Do you know what this is? No trader would just drop it," he reads "Yalen von Brassels, good lord he's the son of a Darren von Brassels, a prominent Marquess of Baldur's Gate." he frets "We'll never hear the end of this, the relations between Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter was never that great to begin with. This could cause rising tensions to boil over. Let's prey it doesn't come to war.
Fuck, I should have dissolved that plate. I knew that nigger must have been high ranking to drag a dozen kids after his cart in bright daylight without giving a fuck. Without the plate it would have been just some overturned cart without valuable cargo.

But still that doesn't make any sense. Why would the son of a marquis drive a cart as ranger and try to enslave people on a road? Who says the guy we killed and ate was actually Yalen and not someone posing as him with his plate? The Spellsword had a disguise spell after all. We gotta find out what Yalen looked like.

And where the hell were they trying to go? Neverwinter?
Waltz into the city saying I'm the son of Darren von Brassels from Baldur's Gate and these are my slave kids I just stole from an orphanage, coming through!?
The purse suggest so but also suggests they were executing a job for someone else.

And what did they want with the furniture and reading lamps? I know nobles are insane but this just stinks. On the other hand, Ferdinand seems to be no different, maybe they had some deal going on. I wonder what he will taste like. We will roast him like a piggy

> Dragon disguised as human
Oh fuck me, sure, I'm the dragon, beat me to death, will you?
I'm staying hidden. Not that I can come out now, completely naked. Guess I'll use the usual procedure for entering the city and save us 5gp again

Anyway I'm outta ideas. Thanks to someone's lying we gotta come up with a new story. The original one that we freed the kids and the culprits drove off doesn't work anymore. Cat is right, never lie more than absolutely necessary. Fact is that the kids can identify the cart and possibly Yalen if questioned. Not to speak cat will probably spill it all to Freya anyway. At this point we can only hope we didn't kill the real Yalen but an impostor.

I'm glad I don't have to talk, I hate lying.
So what can Yulya say how we acquired the kids without getting us into more trouble.

We picked up the kids in distress thats why we turned around, they appear to come from an orphanage, maybe they 

>  We could make a name for ourselves, "The Death Squad" or "Reapers of Neverwinter" or even darker, "Soul Reapers." Yeah, a odd assortment of chaotic adventurers plaguing bandits, slavers of nobility and dragons alike! I'm excited.
We're the Neverwinter Pest and Weed Control. Your first address when it comes to removing pests like dragons or weeds like nobles.

I'm already working on a few anti-dragon devices that can be assembled with the stone-age technology of this world. Joy will hate them. I leave dealing with the aftermath of killing nobles to our high CHA members
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> Who says the guy we killed and ate was actually Yalen and not someone posing as him with his plate? The Spellsword had a disguise spell after all. We gotta find out what Yalen looked like.

A true crime fan I see.

> The purse suggest so but also suggests they were executing a job for someone else.

This is getting interesting!

> Guess I'll use the usual procedure for entering the city and save us 5gp again

You have ID, so there is no fee, and being naked on the road between cities isn't an enforced crime. The jurisdiction of civil crimes ends at the gates. Crimes against the city, its traders, adventurers and registered properties is a different story but in your case that would be Baldur's Gate's problem.

> Joy will hate them.
We'll see.

> lying
[Ashley] the gods know everything, Freya and I have Godsight so we can speak directly to them if they choose to talk to us, especially at an orb. So technically the gods need to rat us out for Freya to know the truth and then Freya would have to rat us out. So my plan is to come clean to Freya, from our secret conversation she basically said she doesn't care what we do as long as it's not evil. We didn't commit evil persay we defended ourselves and saved children and possibly caught people in the act of human trafficking, I wonder what happened to the old orphanage manager? Did they kill her? We should have inspected the cargo. We know they had a lot of furniture and lamps, the kids said they packed up everything from the orphanage, were they going to set up their own orphanage? Maybe as a means of suppling a consistent source of slaves? I wouldn't put it past a noble to do this. I can't wait to hear what Freya says to Cat.
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> You have ID, so there is no fee
Exactly. And that's how we will save 5gp again. Just wait and see.

> A true crime fan I see
The guy was a nigger. Niggers can't be Marquis and a Marquis doesn't marry a nigger. Host told me so. Therefore it is unlikely that the guy was the Marquis son. But we need to find out for sure.

> lying
I agree we gotta tell Freya everything. No wait, we don't, Cat will spill it all I'm sure.

> I have Godsight so we can speak directly to them if they choose to talk to us, especially at an orb
Don't get you brain fried again! Around orbs, never relax!

> I wonder what happened to the old orphanage manager?
We should investigate this after finishing Gundren's quest!

> We should have inspected the cargo.
Yeah that was an oversight. Well, we gotta learn from our mistakes.
> Yeah that was an oversight. Well, we gotta learn from our mistakes.

You see how crafty Joy is? She put the Rothés near the crash site meaning we might have incited them if we did. Good luck to us if two Rothés attacked.
> If this poor man knew the flesh of the missing noble was both in the back of the cart and our stomachs...
lol at least Yulya doesnt know she ate the guy the roadmasters looking for. imagine if she did

> Niggers can't be Marquis
lmao but I agree they might have been impostors.

> She put the Rothés near the crash site meaning we might have incited them if we did.
thats actually good as Ashley said the reason we didnt stop and look for survivors are the rothé. so far so good. where we got the kids is another matter. Yulya will try the impossible and reconcile all the stories.
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Poor Yulya!
I'm glad Cat doesn't get interrogated like this. Yet.
Mention our experience with the rothè!

What actually happened with the chains? Are they still at the road crossing? did we hide them? I don't think we took them with us!
> Sherlock Alice
wait wait wait did Alice make a mistake? she made me believe the black ranger was the noble with the plate i also assumed this bc of the ring but if I read correctly the spellsword had the plate meaning he was potentially the son of a marquis not the black guy. why the fuck did he have the masochist ring then? and who the hell was the black guy to deflect damage to the son of a marquis?

The spellsword had the trade plate, the white dude, he was called "the guard" the trade plate identified the white dude spellsword as the noble's son. This is all documented. Of course Joy likes to mess with our heads calling him "the guard". Also, the black guy was driving the rothés, he was a level 1 ranger, unaffiliated. He didn't even have a plate. 

So consider this, black guy, trader with cart and rothés, knows this is shady, leaves his plate behind because nobility would just tell the guards "this is my man-servant". No fee. Guards don't want to make waves.

This is my theory, the noble leveled through the trade guild, look at this shady guy's spells. He hires this cart driver with OP protection to do this really super lucritive slave trade probably with forged documents, they already had confirmed forged documents they gave to the orphanage headmaster. 

So they probably want to claim these are orphans being transferred so they bring all the furniture, but either hide them after they get in or set up a false front and funnel orphans into slavery.

The black guy was unidentified, we didn't find ID on him. White guy had the ID. He was also level 4 spellsword. 

The ring of shared suffering: dude needs a ride, if the driver dies those rothés ain't gunna budge. They only obey their master. So if this weak ranger was hurt, then white guy is f'd.

White guy also had a skill to gain 4hp per turn, so he's gaining hp every turn. They probably expected bandits to see these slaves and thought they could handle them. Apparently they didn't expect us.

[Joy] Ashley has some factual information here. Her conjectures are not necessarily correct but they also might be. Only I know for sure.
thx for clearing up that mistake so much for sherlock Alice
still fucking nuts to drive on the high road tugging kids behind in chains. adventurers are known to have a short temper when seeing injustice. and the ring too. i mean a noble must have better ways than sharing damage and pain. maybe he was a masochist. he had the potions too. he was pretty skilled though. 

and why not identify as normal trader if i was the noble i had taken a fake plate for this. guards will talk about the son of a marquis from a city they already have bad relations with if he comes waltzing in dragging kids in chains. unless he has some allies in neverwinter. well had lol.
fffuuuu sorry mr. morningstar we didnt mean to lie to you nothing Yulya said was a lie. it was all just musing on possibilities.

so how would Ashley have handled this? oh yeah 19cha + deception does it even matter what she says? 

well his dragon story doesnt make sense either. if a dragon had spooked the rothé they would have dragged the kids to death and if we had seen the dragon we would have reported it as first thing.

nothing of this makes sense and anyone not completely retarded could figure out in 2sec we are the most likely suspects. just search us and boom. but scripted event is scripted so now way out i guess. we can only hope on the goodwill of mr. morningstar and freya
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fuck me Yulya got it
well played Ms. Joy!
yes yes a dragon actually 2 dragons spooked the rothe 2 small mechanical dragons. why didnt Ashley tell him when we first met him? would have saved us a lot of trouble.
> not lying

Yulya is giving hypotheticals to a scenario that she knows aren't how it actually happened. That's deception.

> so how would Ashley have handled this? oh yeah 19cha + deception does it even matter what she says?

It's +6 I think, so with a 13DC she could roll 7 or more and say whatever she wants within reason.

Freya, on the other hand, in addition has expertise. So Bear's team can straight up lie to everyone without much of a chance of failure. Natural 1 doesn't mean anything in this situation. She also has other interesting skills that make her impervious to deception for all but fringe cases. So even Ashley knows better than to lie to her. This road master has pretty good stats, +3.

I haven't decided how expertise can be gained yet.

> well his dragon story doesnt make sense either. if a dragon had spooked the rothé they would have dragged the kids to death and if we had seen the dragon we would have reported it as first thing.

I think you need to look between the lines there.

Let me give you another hint, certain stories will be mutually beneficial to you and the guards. So listen and picture what he's saying and doing and offering.
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yeah we know what hes trying to say but that doesnt mean his fabricated story makes more sense than ours. the point is that we must have freed the kids beefore the rothé were spooked. or that they themselves must have cut the chain so their valuable goods would not get destroyed when the rothe started rampaging.

but yeah thats how it was:
strange anti-slaver dragon spooked the rothes resulting in terrible accident. we rescued the kids and the dragon took the slavers only leaving the plate behind. many such cases.
> many such cases.

If I had a nickel for every time that happened I'd still be broke, but you know. Truth is often stranger than fiction so this isn't that strange at all by comparison.

Freya aside, we should say as little as possible from here on out.
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> wait wait wait did Alice make a mistake? 
Oops yeah, guilty as charged!
Joy confused me with those rings. I assumed the one able to pass the damge to the other must be the boss. But my point still stands - niggers can't be marquis - or a marquis son.
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> "Huh?"
Damneeeeed Ashley, you lazyasss! Listen when I'm talking to you or I'll make Yulya cut your share of the 5gp to zero! You want 12sp then do something with your high CHA and INT!

I did what I can, won't make a move or sound while guys like Brutus are on the cart!
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Aren't we in deep enough already? Jesus. I appreciate the thought but I'm going to hope she sleeps through it and where are her clothes!? 

"Oh hey Ashley, be my child molestation accomplice for 12sp."

If you'd discussed it with me ahead of time, I'd have thrown you off the cart for being weird.

Freya will know everything, this is a pattern of behavior that I'm trying to break and I'm trying to clean up my act, be legit you know? I decided not to be evil, I'm a summoner not a rogue.
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Alice you doofis!
Where's the money to register the children? It's in the Lolibank and that means you took it with you under the cart!

Sheesh, Cat will have to fix everything once again.

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