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I wonder what's on TV?

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OK, re-uploaded!

Archie Bunker's Place S03E20.Of.Mice.and.Bunker.avi

Archie Bunker's Place S03E22.Love.is.Hell.avi
If these links get 404'd I recommend installing something called Soulseek (a P2P network) and seaching up "Archie Bunker's Place", I am currently sharing all these seasons and so are a couple other anons!

PS: I am also helping seed "All In The Family" episodes as well.
What about Maude and the Jeffersons?

But to answer your question, no. I do not plan on it. I only have All In the Family and Archie Bunker's Place to share. The Jeffersons was a funny show too, but I don't have those episodes on video format.
Pretty hard to find this series in good quality. There are rough quality VHS/TV rips out there. Crackle no longer carries the series but it is available to stream in Canada at


I don't have an account or live in Canada. Proxy/VPN can get you there but without a subscriber account it won't load the video.

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