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post some fucking video games this time

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cgi webm
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This is a thread for documenting the development of my video game, W.O.R.M. Gear Online (subject to change in the future). I've been working on this for about 3 months now. Most of the Client/Server code is already done, because I'm salvaging it from a more ambitious project that was already quite developed. W.O.R.M. Gear Online is a 3D FPS, except instead of translating along the ground, the player is a flying drone, so we can translate vertically as well. The bulk of the weapons and drones are finished being developed, but still need a lot of fine tuning (e.g., is the shotgun too weak/OP?). I would also like to say that I'm on the look out for a level designer, and/or anyone else willing to contribute as a tester when the alpha is released. It's all so tiresome as a 1 man "team." Anyways, I keep my chin up, and plod on as always. Nietzsche once said, "An artist needs only his art, and his bread." In those days, paint and brushes were much simpler, notwithstanding period-blood paintings. Happy trails, lads. Will post progress here.
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Today I finished the backed code for retrieving and displaying a list of all the games running on the server, then joining the selected game. That was the last of the basic functionality I had to implement for online play. What remains now is to suss out any bugs and make a nicer looking GUI.
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firstPerson png
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All I've done this past year is animate, animate, ANIMATE! It's time to become a transexual and shoot a bunch of innocent people. 

Nah, just kidding.
Cool bukkake, anon. Want to bring it to the whitehouse? We should inspire more kids like you to make bukkake videos with anime toys. It's what makes America great.
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Today I put in a timer that coincides perfectly with a timer running on the server... unless the player joins in the middle of a game... Also fixed some minor bugs.
Welp, I ended up getting a normal job as a software dev and no longer have much time to devote to this game. Plus, I sincerely doubt the world needs another unity game, let alone an FPS. I'm now working on my own game engine, when I have the time, which is much more rewarding - I'm learning all sorts of cool stuff about linear algebra, shaders, and so on. Peace and joy to you all, faggots.

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