/v/ - Video Games

post some fucking video games this time

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I'll take arrogant, I do enjoy winning and being better than you to the point where you have no recourse. Disillusioned makes no sense in the context you're trying to use it though. I'm dissatisfied? With what?
> people are out killing
Those were actually mongrels, not people. To be fair, so were the majority of those they killed.
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Jim is a goofball psy op and only the weakness in the upper echelon of the military (niggers beaners and ROTC) would ever allow things to get this bad.  Milpol versus agencypol = Shitshow.
**It is time for the white boys in usmil to stand up to the JAG and their lousy officers of low class and low caliber.
Obama was a criminal shit.  Dems are enemies soon to be dead or running.
I don't come here nearly often enough, the place has always been cozy usually just a few anons at a time. /v/ related I got an rx570 after my old card shit the bed and it seems like a pretty good card but there aren't any fucking games I want to play.
But you really can't discuss vidya on a Mark-run /v/ unless all your opinions are considered kosher by the marketers that own him. If you post on Mark's /v/ without getting banned constantly, it surely means your taste in vidya is shit.
So far it's okay, Mark is busy with trying to make it work and he doesn't seem to care much about moderation on a bunker.
Anons I would't recommend going there if it was just like /v/ but so far it's the best option.
There's /tv/ too and Gahoole isn't moderating anything.
Niggers get yourselves over to 08chan. None of the redditors or other normie dead weight are there since they're terrified of P2P and have persuaded themselves that the site is a honeypot.
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Hey guys, figured I would let you know that it is possible cdromance.com will be going down, site owner just posted this two hours ago:
> Probably the last cool thing i'm uploading since we have like 3 users. So long cdromance. I did my best.
If you don't know what it is, it's a site with individual downloads of retro games including lots of prepatched GBA roms and that sort of thing. So if you haven't grabbed what you want off of there yet you probably should.
image unrelated
Like I said, it's not confirmed but the fact that he said that means he's probably considering it. Seems he's disappointed with either the amount of traffic it's been getting recently or amount of uploaders.
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He's started being a moderation prick again now, I just got banned and had all my on-topic posts deleted for nothing. Fuck it, I'm not going back to his shit I was already moving to /vg/ on 8 anyway, might as well take this opportunity to delet the far kike from my days.
Honestly I kinda drop 8chan, just because all it was just either people just posting garbage, I stop really going to threads there just because well I never really had much to share on my intake for games, Eventually all I ever did there was just show up for draw threads and even that got worse, so I just stopped altogether, even with conveniences for posting and sharing, it's just not worth going back to, as for what I have been up to was just grim dawn, I'm really getting into diablo clones, they're a lot more fun for me than any fps game,  I really want to get diablo 2, seeing how it's just being played so much, now.  Other than that I just draw stuff and hope others like it. I made this, It's my oc.
I know what you mean.  After the censorblade debacle showed Cakekike's true colors I slowly stopped posting and even browsing /v/.  Christ, I remember him trying to push people to say the Ruby Spears megaman threads were technically not vidya and then rolled out the red carpet for ROB threads.  8ch dying will be a blow to morale but smart anons will move on, though I wonder how ol' jimbo will buckle while talking to congress. On a more positive note I forgot how much I enjoy playing megaman X5 and valkyria chronicles.
I don't recommend vch.moe because it's only a temporary site while 8chan is down, and 8chan is never, ever coming back. Hotwheels has been busy contracting every single provider and making sure none of them will host 8chan or provide proxies or DDoS protection for 8chan in any way. Mark is an asshole, and 8chan is dead forever.

This is your new home.

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