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post some fucking video games this time

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PSA: Trinity is no longer an option but there is an exploit demonstrated for 3.71. If you can, STAY ON 3.60 OR 3.65! DON'T UPDATE BEYOND 3.68!!!





And most importantly, are you still having fun?

Previous thread: https://archive.fo/Fm7A0

Other previous threads: https://gitgud.io/8vitagen/hackpaste/raw/master/guides/vitagen_prevthreads.txt

First-time buyer's FAQ: https://pastebin.com/Xhz0ijN6

Upcoming game releases: https://www.handheldplayers.com/upcoming-games/upcoming-ps-vita-games-2019/

Recent game releases: https://www.handheldplayers.com/released-games/released-ps-vita-games-2019/

Game list (filterable): http://retailgames.net/playstation-vita/complete-list/

8chan game recommendations: https://gitgud.io/8vitagen/hackpaste/raw/master/gamerec/games.png

Vita hacking: https://gitgud.io/8vitagen/hackpaste/blob/master/guides/vitahacking.md#vita-hacking


Vita homebrew/plug-ins: https://gitgud.io/8vitagen/hackpaste/blob/master/guides/vitahomebrew.md#vita-homebrew-and-taihen-plug-in-recommendations

Vita game mods: https://gitgud.io/8vitagen/hackpaste/blob/master/guides/vitamods.md#vita-game-mods

Latest News:

> DanMachi ARPG game due for release on PS4, PC, Switch, and Vita

Unfortunately only Switch and PS4 versions confirmed for Asian release, but Vita versions have a chance of getting an unofficial translation port.


> KanColle Kai English translation is in the works

Just what you're expecting. It is a work-in-progress however.


STAY ON 3.60 OR 3.65! DON'T UPDATE BEYOND 3.68!!!

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