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post some fucking video games this time

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TPS are reliably the worst genre. Every other genre has at least 10 games you can call all time classics but what is there for third person games?

> Max Payne
> Mafia 1
> Vice City or your favourite 3D-era GTA
> Binary Domain
> Armored Core?
> Saints Row 2

And that's your lot. You could stretch it and include Red Faction: Guerilla and maybe one of the Battlefront games 1 is better, 2 is overrated consoleshit unless you mod it but even then you're 1 short of 10.
That´s because the entire genre was coopted by third person cover shooters, which are pretty much the basic bitch version of a game. You make a third person cover shooter if you have no idea, what game you actually want to make.
Resident Evil 4
Maybe Red Dead Redemption, if we're considering open world games.
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System?
There's stuff.
I feel it's a fairly poorly defined genre. Every Tomb Raider and MGS game are third person shooters, of sorts, but no one really calls them that. If the only requirements are that it's in third person and you shoot things, that's a lot of games.
Jet Force Gemini and Ratchet and Clank, faggot.  You know, the pioneers that figured out the genre before the cover-shooting madness arrived?
Jet Force Gemini and Ratchet and Clank, faggot. You know, the pioneers that figured out the genre before the cover-shooting madness arrived?
Only kind of TPS that's good design are the ones that have melee as a major focus. Oni, Jedi Knight, Advent Rising, etc. Otherwise they're just slightly inferior FPSs.
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I was really hoping more games like it would pop up. A shame the closest thing it had to a clone, Overgrowth, succumbed to the usual lazy Early Access tendency and turned into a "mods will fix it!" engine without an actual game attached, as well as (like Oni) dropping multiplayer as a core feature.
Y'know, I always wondered how a multiplayer Oni would work out. I'm fairly certain I've seen mods that allow such a thing, but it's always kind of on the janky side.
Aside from prerelease MacWorld expo floor footage shot prior to Bungie cutting the LAN feature Jedi Knight offers a glimpse into that, though it does admittedly feel a lot more floaty than the stiff, solidly grounded combat of Oni.

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