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post some fucking video games this time

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thumbnail of Thomas_Pendrew.jpg
thumbnail of Thomas_Pendrew.jpg
Thomas_Pendrew jpg
(55.59 KB, 249x285)
> keeps crime down
> never took any money or other bribes for personal profit
> only betrays poe once he breaks his deal/runs out of power to enforce it: technically not a betrayal
> Wei somehow the good guy despite himself doing the exact same thing and working with the Triads except out of personal vendettas instead of the good of HK
And yes mild spoilers but if you're so retarded you can't work out that the old man with the British accent is the bad guy in anything set in Hong Kong post-1997 you deserve it.

*Maybe this time the technical shitshow that is endchan will let me post an image. Seriously your captcha is so shit as to be largely ineffective against bots but seems to reliably prevent me using an image with new threads. Please fix this shit.**
thumbnail of Sleeping_Dogs_-_Square_Enix_video_game_cover.jpg
thumbnail of Sleeping_Dogs_-_Square_Enix_video_game_cover.jpg
Sleeping_Dogs_... jpg
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What else? Torrent the definitive edition if you're going to play it on PC. The better rain is comfy and the increased pedestrians make it feel properly like being in an ant people city but charging you for it is jewish as shit.

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