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post some fucking video games this time

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ITT we post our top 5 favorite games in order to get to know each other a little bit and celebrate the fact that we got rid of the cake kike. I'll start, feel free to criticize my normalfag taste:

1. Ocarina of Time
2. Super Mario 64
3. Splatoon 2
4. Dark Souls
5. Final Fantasy 7

Are you even trying OP come on.

Just 5 is pretty tough but I'll give it a try.

1. Super Metroid
Planet Puzzle League
Raiden Fighters Jet
Darius Gaiden
Guilty Gear XX #Reload

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Posting my 3x3 because 5 games is too few.
r8 h8 masturb8

Holy fuck, this is such a "safe" list, I have no words.
Splatoon 2 might be the most dangerous pick.

> Guilty Gear
I never played any of the games, but I've been meaning to check them out.
Do they have any hot blondes?

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oh fug thats a tough call.
"favorite" is pretty broad.
i cant put them in any particular order but i'll have to go on how much i've replayed it, how well it still holds up, how much fun it is, and how much of a personal attachment i have to the game.
i know these games are not the best; theyre just favorite games of mine.

1. Panel de Pon / Tetris attack (SNES)
2. MGS2 (PS2)
3. Harvest moon back to nature (PSX)
4. Sim City (SNES)
5. Sim Ant (SNES)

Theyre not all paticularly the best games, but they're games i love and i've played endlessly, and would still play, and i would defend them and all of their flaws endlessly in a biased and autistic manner.

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please elaborate.
i stayed away from harvest moon 64 because of how awful it looked (on original hardware atleast) i also think the psx game looks better through emulation but i know nothing of the development of either. i simply liked back to nature because it's the one i know and am familiar with. if harvest moon was a game i played on n64 while growing up instead of PSX im sure that would be my favorite, but it wasnt.

however, from an objective standpoint what does 64 do better? the graphics are certainly worse.  the controls are similarly responsive but the ergonomics are worse because of the retarded n64 controller.

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> controls
you mean the controls that dont let you quickly cycle through and take things out from your inventory? making feeding animals a pain in the ass? or how you cant jump over rocks or plants?
> pacing
goal pacing is faster in n64.. not sure if thats better given the type of game.
> characters
it has the same characters but back to nature has more interactions like birthdays with each character (not just girls) and tons of hidden scenes and extra events based on relationships and gifts. theres also house permission based on relationship that lets you find out more about the side characters. theres also more shops and things to do in town. 

on top of that btn has cooking and a fully stocked kitchen, wool/cheese/mayo, sprites that help you farm/take care of animals for a price* so you can prep for storms/events/lengthy errands, a better mine, better performance and less buggy, jew salesman replaced with sketchy chinaman,and more capacity for animals

im not sure what you meant by stealth developer though. hm64 was developed by toybox and victor interactive (now marvelous), while btn was developed only by victor interactive. was there another developer im not aware of?

No I mean the controls that aren't rotated 45 degrees for some inexplicably stupid reason.  Back to Nature and Friends of Mineral Town were both outsourced to TOSE while Victor was going under.  They're a famous stealth developer who does contract work and tries to keep their name off games.

> better performance

Come on now you know that isn't true.

> performance
while btn had longer save/load times, hm64 had a lower framerate and frequent drops during gameplay.

> controls
again, the only difference is that n64 you could move in 8 directions while btn you can only move 4 because of the D-pad.
the direction you moved was standard for isometric games.
you can change the "rotation" in options. there are 3 different control types you can choose. i personally choose it so "up" makes me run top/right. while left moves top/left, and down moves bottom/left.

i want to know more about TOSE but cant find any information about them or their involvement with btn.

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Diablo 2: Lord Of Destruction
Starcraft: Broodwar
Sacred: Gold
Age of Empires 2
Battlefield 2
Battlefield 2142
Guild Wars
Counter Strike: Source
Dawn Of War 2
Planetside 1
Sonic Adventure 2 (Dreamcast)
Halo: CE (Xbox 1)

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