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post some fucking video games this time

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Now you are confusing me with the BO, why not admit the board was just not your cup of tea? almost nobody bitched about the moderation in the meta thread other than you and probably some other guy who wrote things just like you.
If it comes back give it another go, just don't post like you were on kike/v/.
Now you are confusing me with the BO, why not admit the board was just not your cup of tea? almost nobody bitched about the moderation in the meta thread other than you and probably some other guy who wrote things just like you.
If it comes back give it another go, just don't post like you were on kike/v/.
> almost nobody bitched about the moderation in the meta thread other than you

Nice revisionism, plenty of people complained in past threads, they were just drowned out by sycophants and simply gave up.  I'm just one very stubborn oldfag who's immensely tired of not having a genuinely good video game discussion forum alternative to the main monolithic boards, and seeing /vg/ piss away its potential by trying to be Mark/v/Lite was really disturbing.  Especially after I sacrificed /svidya/ to come there, thinking there was potential.

> just don't post like you were on kike/v/

See it's this kind of elitist self-delusion I've always found remarkable.  You really think you were so different from Mark/v/?  While practicing the same kind of "quality control" as him?  While stickying the same kinds of stale /b/ shit?  Get a grip anon.
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oh yeah?

Not sure about the whole thing but Moot was trying to sell the board before gamergate, /intl/ and SA were huge boogeymen. The thing with SA being I think some of the boomers on 8chan got confused and just had SA as boogeymen in their mind already so they started calling /intl/ goons and the herd rolled with it.
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oh yeah?

Not sure about the whole thing but Moot was trying to sell the board before gamergate, /intl/ and SA were huge boogeymen. The thing with SA being I think some of the boomers on 8chan got confused and just had SA as boogeymen in their mind already so they started calling /intl/ goons and the herd rolled with it.
Too bad you got here when the site has gone to shit, and now the only people that post here are those "rationalist" faggots. Fucking awful.
Apparently not. It's near impossible to find a forum or imageboard that discusses video games, hates niggers, doesn't talk about Trump every two seconds, and keeps the anime garbage to an absolute minimum.
We always have a vidya thread on /kc/. Beside the negers whom we have no interest in in one way or another all the other criteria of yours check out.
Too slow, there's one thread about video games with terrible taste in them, too much politics on the board, and the visual scheme is fucking cancer.
i always feel like there's a catch-22 involved, like if you shill it you're gonna be inundated with faggots, but right now there's really not a whole lot of options other than to shill because it's just that dead here.
> both significant /v/s get DDoS attacked
> endchan still remains dead
> nobody cared to even bunker here
What's it about endchan that never seems to benefit from such problems?
t. newfag
1. Practically unknown.
2. We had numerous problems in the last two years, lots of downtimes, so many people who were here got a bad impression and don't want to post here.
3. Reasons.
Well, we're back and stable right now. Maybe invite close and cool friends at first. Then they do the same and so on.

>  >both significant /v/s get DDoS attacked
Tell 'em to come here? Site doesn't have problems as it did a while ago no plebittors please fam
> 4chan sucks still

> he hung out out for 8kun

No motherfuckers. Moe isn't dead. Sleepychan is on the brink of death because of its "oh we're nothing like Mark /v/ faggotry". While geimu is doing it's own thing, but has a few duplicate threads topics with Moe.
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> feels so odd to see posts replying to each other within a year of each other

/v/ is slow but still here

> besides, sleepy isn't dead, although the quality has gotten pretty bad recently

It happens sometimes on imageboards. If things don't get any better, just move to a better board.

Here or sportschan's /v/ is a good choice
He wont. He a fag

> I made this since Ive had alot of downtime in last couple days. Thoughts?

A lil outdated. Imageboards in general are a lot better than they were a few years ago.

> sportschan's /v/

on second thought I dunno. Sometimes spam gets posted and mods don't get rid of it. Spoopy!
I did my best to look around and only 8chan moe is the least bad. 4chan is just cancer, you get nothing there,  no meaningful discussions or even a place to vent, it's as low as reddit and discord.. if i'm just gonna be around retards, i will choose twitter, atleast there is some real human interaction and i may get something out of it. Anyway I guess shitposting days are over gotta find me something else and be serious about it
> 8chan moe is the least bad
> 8chan moe

There's CP all over that site. Wouldn't recommend it.

>  Anyway I guess shitposting days are over gotta find me something else and be serious about it

sportschan's /v/ board is the best option for now. Try inviting them here in case dudder forgets to pay the bills again
That is such absolute BS. The site owner himself hosts the thing on his board and even leaves it up for days. to rat people out if they click on it. Forget about that site forever

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