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What's that one game you can't seem to pass a year without playing, /vr/?

It might be because you find it completely and utterly perfect, and think nothing can compare to it. It's the pinnacle of the genre (or gaming itself) and everything since has paled in comparison.

It might be because the game is far from perfect but, flaws be damned, you still find yourself dragging it out year after year. Partly out of misplaced nostalgia, partly out of a lack of anything else decent to play.

It might be because the modern industry is an unholy shitstorm of money-grabbing, persistent-online bullshit, and that one game helps you remember that gaming wasn't always like that.

What is it, /vr/?

Castlevania SotN.

One day I'll go through the trouble of getting a perfect 100% file, but I'm also afraid that that will be the day I won't have a reason to play it again.

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> never 100%ing anything because it'll be over

I had a massive phase like that, but eventually got over it when I realized my backlog was never going to leave me short of electronic distractions.

What are things you've missed out on in previous runs?

I was actually referencing the screenshot's likeness to ye olde royal analfun device. But King's Bounty shouldn't be spoken of in general. How long have you been on the wagon?

> I was actually referencing the screenshot's likeness to ye olde royal analfun device.

> But King's Bounty shouldn't be spoken of in general.

> How long have you been on the wagon?
On /vr/? Since around 2009, on and off. Again, why? Don't remember any flamewars at all regarding it.

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Eh, if it's only a few times a year it's not that bad, right?
Yeah, working on it.

The obvious answer is "autism", but it just werks. Despite the map being the same, monsters, dwellings and treasure are randomized and you can achieve your objective in many different ways. Anything from going with a Sorceress and steamrolling everything to picking Paladin and succeeding despite everything it entails, up to and including the defeat of all conspirators.

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I think having tons of ways to keep the experience from getting stale is going to be a theme for pretty much everything posted in this thread.

With that said, I still find myself replaying Secret of Mana again a hell of a lot, despite 100%ing it a good long while ago. The combat system - in particular, the collision detection - is incredibly tight; and the aesthetics are some of the best the SNES had to offer, with a wonderful color palette and Kikuta's brilliant soundtrack. Cozy as fug.

From what I remember that's a console game. Should try to run it in an emulator some time, heard a lot of good about it.

Gonna mention one more thing about KB: Demons. Holy shit it stings to gamble and lose half of your stack to 2 or 3 Demons. Not even Dragons are immune to that. Shame they pretty much hid the concept of halving in HMM2 and outright removed it in HMM3.

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> halving

It's a neat, flavorful feature, and it's a shame they got rid of it.

Do you find yourself putting much time into HoMM3?

> Should try and run it in an emulator some time

You won't be disappointed, anon. If you're going into it fresh, it pays to know to level up a fair bit, because combat can degenerate into a stun-lock fiesta if you don't know what you're doing. I say "level up" and not "grind", because it doesn't actually feel like a chore until you've got the full compliment of magic and weapons (and even then you're pulling off so much cool shit it doesn't matter).

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> Do you find yourself putting much time into HoMM3?
I tired several times in the last 5 years or so, but I just can't do it any more. Played it a lot with a bunch of pals (mostly hot seat) from somewhere in 2002 to 2006. We mostly played WoG v3.56 and later v3.57. I think I overdosed really hard.

> I say "level up" and not "grind", because it doesn't actually feel like a chore until you've got the full compliment of magic and weapons (and even then you're pulling off so much cool shit it doesn't matter).
That's good. Finally got around to E.Y.E., it exhibits some of the worst MMO-like qualities in that regard.

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Nah, this is a simple, 16-bit action RPG: you've got a maximum of eight weapon types and eight magic elements; and progression is pretty straight-forward. No bloat here.

> Played it a lot with a bunch of pals (mostly hot seat)
I miss hot seat being a thing.