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okay we're back in action. I know I said I would wait until I got a new pc to make the board again but fuck it.

this board is existentially /v/ but with limited rules and more freedom of what you wanna post so basically if you think /v/'s moderation is to strict OR IF YOU HAVE BEEN BANNED FOR A BULLSHIT REASON, you can come here unless ofcourse you just ban evade /v/.

here are the few rules. /v/ has 5, /vvv/ will have under that.

1. global rules apply
2. this isn't /b/, if it's not even vaguely related to video games, the thread is gone.
3. spam will not be tolerated and could result to a ban (bans will be no longer than 5 hours, not 5 FUCKING DAYS like on /v/)
4.if you wanna talk about undertale, do it on tumblr where you belong (you can talk about it, just don't be autistic about it I.E. make a general)

enjoy your stay. I hope this board will suit you well anon.

make sure to visit >>>/mu/ for your music wants, >>>/am/ for your anime serious discussions and >>>/tech/ for your technical doodads
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undertale is shit. just came too say that.

nigger how are you gonna have a fucking general for a 5 hour gamemker tumblr game?
/vvv/ was fantastic. Nothing bad related to /vvv/ was caused by /vvv/. It was fudded, false flagged, and spammed to death, but until mark and his hotpockets started to direct their goons toward it, it only had good vidya discussion, and the two automated spammers (single post automatically made everytime a board is created).
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Get used to it. This shit isn't going to go away with the 2020 olympics coming up.
only solution is too learn nip and if things really turn to shit, move to a different country.

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who's the best waifu in persona 4? people say it's chie but fuck that meat obsessed 1 trait hoe.

I say naoto is the best girl. she gets an 80/100 for me. if it wasn't for the "I wanna become a man trans" bullshit, she would've gotten a 100.

2nd is yukiko. fucking fight me niggers.
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post persona 2 threads should be deleted along with FNAF and Undertale thread regardless of boards

just so you know the board on here touted as having no rules,/am/ , deletes oreimo threads

there are just some things that have to die, persona post 2 is one of them
> just so you know the board on here touted as having no rules,/am/ , deletes oreimo threads
> /am/ deleting anything especially anime related

what the fuck are you smoking faglord?

the spammer didt say fred after i posted fredrick preussian reference in thiss thred

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Cosmetic crap and maps should just be put in an update as unlockables

Actual content can be packed in an expansion

Season Pass is fucking cancer

I really wanted to post this comic but didn't want to just make a LOL thread

> youtube

I literally closed out Vinny's stream when he started defending the FE censorship. I don't even know why I was watching it to begin with.

dynamite heady and anything by treasure. tbh if you're emulating, just download a rom pack.

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