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This is a series of threads where we are building a map of occult symbolism to decode the secret language of the ruling class.
For those who missed the first three, I have prepared a cryptic summary.

Thread #1:
August 8th, 2022 - November 25th, 2022
262 / 300 posts archived

> The first thread was a bit chaotic.

> We drove by Volunteer Fire Departments.

> The one in Sandy Hook has stars on the roof.

> When it comes to geometry, I bet they know a thing or two.

> The Royal Art almost led us to the secret garden of Frances.

> Did we overlook the spirals in roses?

> The Hitchhiker's Guide was touched on, of course.

> But not the first chapter's clue about a horse.

> We went to the beach where Tom Hanks was cast away.

> Time rules over us without mercy, so he found a Mercedes.

> Maybe he just needed to wait until sunset.

> Peggy Sue got married, but did she fall out of heaven?

> And let's not forget about 1, 2, and 7.

Thread #2:
November 26th, 2022 - October 10th, 2023
299/300 posts archived

> I meant to do more with Alice but fell in the deep end.

> We forgot the life preservers for The Enchantment Under The Sea Dance.

> While looking for The City, I got directions to New Jerusalem and The Republic.

> Let's try to plan for that long-overdue Hippo safari in August.

> I pointed out reflections and found a rainbow connection.

> There was another trip to the beach, and I remembered to bring Hawaiian garments.

> We talked about palms but not freemen from Lucania or Lukedonia.

> Do robots go fishing in aquariums? I bet Skynet speaks Quenya.

> I contemplated the nature of half mermaids and amphibians.

> Our understanding of Corinthians will peak soon, I imagine.

> And it's about time we go over Lovecraft and the deep things of Satan.

> Did you catch Graham before Hesse? Maybe there are no coincidences.

Thread #3:
October 11th, 2023 - April 5th, 2024
151/~250 posts archived

> Knowing was ennobling, and Linda Hamilton was pretty.

> October really spooked us without even making it to Santerelli.

> Was Coast to Coast part of the belluminati?

> Lighthouses guided us towards arrival.

> Michael Sembello was rather attractive.

> We found a host of avatars and body snatchers.

> But never asked if there's a difference between wanderers and travelers.

> We learned Frank has a franchise and visited the apartment he rents.

> A few JCs were named, and I am sure Jackie Chan knows about that.

> We found several Connors but had no love for Philip.

> Maybe one day we will finally discover William.

> During our research, we came across more than one Scotsman.

> There are still mountains to climb as we barely explored The Highlands.

> On balance, I think we should attend The Last Supper, again.

> The Da Vinci Code is centered around it, and we're well into these threads.

> Immer is their word, but we can say Emma.

Eventually, I'm going to make a thread that covers everything so far in an ideal order.
With bad portents ahead, there will be a more relational and technical approach.

Welcome back.
33 replies omitted. Click to expand viewer
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> The Starlost
Wow, that is a gem!
The history for Cypress Corners is stored in cylinder 4-2
Cypress is an evergreen tree which represents eternal life.
The second episode "Lazarus from the Mist" involves cryogenic resurrection, after the characters search for "the medical symbol". It also has a gang whose leader had a pendant with one eye.

The actor who plays Devon, Kier Dullea, is the same actor from Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssee"

He also worked with John Malkovich (who played Wes Tauros) in 2019 for "Valley of the Gods"

In 2006 he did a 9/11 short film called "The Day My Towers Fell"

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Laurence Fishburne is known for his roles in esoteric films like Event Horizon (1997).
In the last thread, I pointed out that "Fishburne" means a stream for fishing.

> from the Old English "fisc" + "burna," which combined meant "fish stream, stream where fish are caught."

The Truman Show was directed by Peter Weir.
A weir is a fish trap.

> an obstruction placed in tidal waters, or wholly or partially across a river, to direct the passage of, or trap fish.

> from the Old English word "wer", weir, dam, fish-trap

A couple of decades earlier, Peter Weir directed Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975).
The film is based on the 1967 book of the same name by Joan Lindsay.
Girls from Appleyard College disappear during a trip to a rock formation on Saint Valentine's day in 1900.


The making of Picnic at Hanging Rock:

It opens with a voiceover:
> What we see and what we seem is but a dream.
> A dream within a dream.

This is a reference to Edgar Allan Poe's poem "A Dream Within a Dream".

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In the movie "Existenz" the characters test out a new virtual reality game. One of the first locations they go to is a "Trout Farm". The film focuses on the blending between game and reality, leaving the players questioning whether or not they are still in the game.



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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" is about the destruction of Earth.
The fourth book in the six-book trilogy is "So long, and Thanks for All the Fish".
It's the last message dolphins leave after failing to warn humanity about their upcoming annihilation.

> The last ever dolphin message was misinterpreted as a surprisingly sophisticated attempt to do a double backward somersault through a hoop while whistling the "Star Spangled Banner," but was, in fact, a message.
> The message was "so long, and thanks for all the fish".

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005) references the line in the opening song.
It repeats during the end credits.

A Perfect Circle has a song named after it about nuclear annihilation.
> All the dolphins have moved on
> Signaling the final curtain call in all its atomic pageantry

A curtain call occurs after a stage performance.

Douglas Adams died suddenly after exercise the year of 9/11.
He was 49 years old.

> Adams died suddenly on May 11th, 2001 from a heart attack after working out at a private gym near his home in Southern California

Are health complications being used as a cover for the cleanup of liabilities?
The robot Marvin was made by Sirius Cybernetics Corporation.


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In need of a magus. I have read powerful grimoires: The Key of Solomon, Lesser Key of Solomon, 6th/7th books of Moses, Secret grimoire of Turiel, Arbatel De magia veterum. I need the assistance of a magus with excellence in these arts and sciences. Can anyone send, or is anyone a magus with outstanding powers capable of accomplishing these spectacular mysteries?

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hey about the riots over the murder of the girls in aengland

so like uh shouldnt they charge the murdering nigger with inciting riots?  For doing something so fucking evil people are going to destroy his pathetic race for it?

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ALIEN UFO Videos And Pictures.zip 8.3 GB Download

This collection contains a great amount of files saved over the years about Aliens and UFOs, all collected into one big download!!!


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Jeffrey Epstein tortures a naked young woman with magnifying glasses, who is held down immobilized on the grass with restraints and cannot escape.  Shot on Jeffrey Epstein's island, this video shows him generating adrenochrome by extreme torture. The person has to be terrified so that the adrenaline goes to their pineal gland, where they then extract it alive and inject themselves behind the eye. To keep looking younger.

I hope that Jeffrey Epstein is burning in the hottest part of Hell for all of the evil stuff he did to people, like this young woman.

This file is encrypted.

The password is:


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> reality is a psychoreactive hologram with hyperspace and multiple timelines

> psychic abilities are real

> telepathy, remote viewing, telekinesis, bilocation, astral projection, levitation, teleportation, manifestation

> neurons have quantum computers in the microtubules

> human cells have scalar waves in the mitochondria, possibly zero-point energy

> technology exists based on these principles

> antennas that can read minds, cause hallucinations, and remote control bodies

> supercomputers with AI that can direct the telepathic systems

> ufos

> ufos range from simple drones to invisible hyperspace military labs

> ufos potentially have access to all the psychic physics abilities

> ufos levitate, and some can astral project and timeline shift

> ufos use zero-point energy and electromagnetic gravitics

> ufos have synthetic telepathy systems

> ufos can operate invisibly as a hyperdimensional hologram and manipulate 3D reality in ways that include remote manifestation and timeline shifting

> the technology appears to be shared by the military and 3D aliens, with the aliens having better technology

> there are native astral entities in hyperspace that are not well understood, possibly reality embedded AIs

> this could additionally be a simulation, with a base reality

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This is a series of threads where we are building a map of occult symbolism to decode the secret language of the ruling class. For those who missed the first three, I have prepared a cryptic summary.

Thread #1:
August 8th, 2022 - November 25th, 2022
262 / 300 posts archived

The first thread was a bit chaotic.
We drove by Volunteer Fire Departments.
The one in Sandy Hook has stars on the roof.
When it comes to geometry, I bet they know a thing or two.
The Royal Art almost led us to the secret garden of Frances.
Did we overlook the spirals in roses?
The Hitchhiker's Guide was touched on, of course.
But not the first chapter's clue about a horse.
We went to the beach where Tom Hanks was cast away.
Time rules over us without mercy, so he found a Mercedes.
Maybe he just needed to wait until sunset.
Peggy Sue got married, but did she fall out of heaven?
And let's not forget about 1, 2, and 7.

Thread #2:
November 26th, 2022 - October 10th, 2023
299/300 posts archived

I meant to do more with Alice but fell in the deep end.
We forgot the life preservers for The Enchantment Under The Sea Dance.
While looking for The City, I got directions to New Jerusalem and The Republic.
Let's try to plan for that long-overdue Hippo safari in August.
I pointed out reflections and found a rainbow connection.
There was another trip to the beach, and I remembered to bring Hawaiian garments.
We talked about palms but not freemen from Lucania or Lukedonia.
Do robots go fishing in aquariums? I bet Skynet speaks Quenya.
I contemplated the nature of half mermaids and amphibians.
Our understanding of Corinthians will peak soon, I imagine.
And it's about time we go over Lovecraft and the deep things of Satan.
Did you catch Graham before Hesse? Maybe there are no coincidences.

Thread #3:
October 11th, 2023 - April 5th, 2024
151/~250 posts archived

Knowing was ennobling, and Linda Hamilton was pretty.
October really spooked us without even making it to Santerelli.
Was Coast to Coast part of the belluminati?
Lighthouses guided us towards arrival.
Michael Sembello was rather attractive.
We found a host of avatars and body snatchers.
But never asked if there's a difference between wanderers and travelers.
We learned Frank has a franchise and visited the apartment he rents.
A few JCs were named, and I am sure Jackie Chan knows about that.
We found several Connors but had no love for Philip.
Maybe one day we will finally discover William.
During our research, we came across more than one Scotsman.
There are still mountains to climb as we barely explored The Highlands.
On balance, I think we should attend The Last Supper, again.
The Da Vinci Code is centered around it, and we're well into these threads.
Immer is their word, but we can say Emma.

Eventually, I'm going to make a thread that covers everything so far in an ideal order.
With bad portents ahead, there will be a more relational and technical approach.

Welcome back.

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That is really exciting, looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

Just to mention something I noticed recently, the guy who was in Sound of Metal, Riz Ahmed, is in the new Wes Anderson movie with Tom Hanks and the rest. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Phoenician_Scheme

Sound of Metal had the hidden eye of providence at the end, as well as the tattoo on his arm. Wes Anderson had "ChickChaw territory" in Moonrise Kingdom with the eye of providence.

Recap on Sound of Metal:
> schizo out super hard to Fireheart 
> notice Olivia Cooke and look at her filmography
> notice lots of significant films like "Ready Player One" and "The Signal", about fake worlds, and others with dragon symbolism
> Sound of Metal" stands out for no reason
> watch it and schizo out super hard
> notice a few key points like the eye at the end to confirm I wasn't crazy, the hidden stuff was indeed there and it was about some kind of initiation.
> Riz Ahmed, the main actor, is now in Wes Anderson movie with the other known insiders

Just looking into it again, the movie "Fireheart" ends with Olivia Cooke becoming a Volunteer Fire Fighter. That was directly after I found the Volunteer Fire Fighter thing from a series of unfortunate events, including the list of books that is mostly written by masons. It's also got Kenneth Branagh, who was in Danny Boyle's "Alien Love Triangle", Chris Nolan's movies, and Hamlet. Both characters last name in Fireheart is Nolan, which means noble.

I wanted to finish it this morning, but it's been a few hours, and I need to take a break for a while.
However, it's at least 2/3 done.
I'm confident it will be ready tomorrow, and it will be worth the wait.

By the way, if anything happens to the thread, I'll try making it on the 8chan.moe board the inhabitants of /x/ apparently migrated to.

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LEAKED VIDEOS OF AREA 51 ALIENS!!! zip 3.6 GB Download

Contains 1.6GB more recently added neat files!!!



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