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This month I'm also going to work on a backup board for us so we're not relying on others.
There's projects I could just deploy, but I want one with image-manipulation (i.e. collages) and data-visualization features.
And of course the ability to keep out potential bad actors. Though that hasn't been much of an issue so far.

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That is really exciting, looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

Just to mention something I noticed recently, the guy who was in Sound of Metal, Riz Ahmed, is in the new Wes Anderson movie with Tom Hanks and the rest. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Phoenician_Scheme

Sound of Metal had the hidden eye of providence at the end, as well as the tattoo on his arm. Wes Anderson had "ChickChaw territory" in Moonrise Kingdom with the eye of providence.

Recap on Sound of Metal:
> schizo out super hard to Fireheart 
> notice Olivia Cooke and look at her filmography
> notice lots of significant films like "Ready Player One" and "The Signal", about fake worlds, and others with dragon symbolism
> Sound of Metal" stands out for no reason
> watch it and schizo out super hard
> notice a few key points like the eye at the end to confirm I wasn't crazy, the hidden stuff was indeed there and it was about some kind of initiation.
> Riz Ahmed, the main actor, is now in Wes Anderson movie with the other known insiders

Just looking into it again, the movie "Fireheart" ends with Olivia Cooke becoming a Volunteer Fire Fighter. That was directly after I found the Volunteer Fire Fighter thing from a series of unfortunate events, including the list of books that is mostly written by masons. It's also got Kenneth Branagh, who was in Danny Boyle's "Alien Love Triangle", Chris Nolan's movies, and Hamlet. Both characters last name in Fireheart is Nolan, which means noble.

I wanted to finish it this morning, but it's been a few hours, and I need to take a break for a while.
However, it's at least 2/3 done.
I'm confident it will be ready tomorrow, and it will be worth the wait.

By the way, if anything happens to the thread, I'll try making it on the 8chan.moe board the inhabitants of /x/ apparently migrated to.

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