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この世は人生 ジグソーパズル

In this world, life is like a jigsaw puzzle


Your shape is predefined


Where are you going to fit in?

はまるとこない? はまらせなきゃ

You never fit anywhere? You must make yourself fit somewhere


(You say that my shape is terrible?)

地平線の果てまで はまるところなけりゃ

If you can’t fit anywhere, though you search for the gap to fit in, to the ends of the world

死ぬしかないかも WAOH!

Then you may have no choice but to die WAOH

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Gotten more use to IPA after all. Some of them can be quite nice.
Dark IPA and Imperial IPA has a special kind of appeal. I think it's the darker or significant amount of additional malt combined with the hops, makes the beer taste refreshing. Makes the beer a harmonic kind of experience. Kinda weird.
Although instead of hops, lactose can do it too. The sweetener makes the hops taste much less bitter while keeping the best part of it; the flowers

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I like to try new things.
Milk stouts are great because the darker malts has plenty flavours, while lactose is a sweetener that can also damped the burnt notes.
That's why milk stouts tastes very sweet, whereas milk IPAs tastes like the beauty of sakura going into full bloom

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This conference sucks ass.
> All the start ups are having the same issues we had 20yrs ago.
> Chevron is quite literally the most useless people for advice.
> Chevron keeps deflecting by telling us they don't know, directing us to legal, or directing us to vendors.
> Vendors being snakes and leeches as usual and keep trying to siphoning information from us with nothing in return.
> Last speech of the day was an elevator pitch for lab equipment.
> All the powerpoint presentations didn't underline or bold their fonts.
> No periods in their powerpoints.
Ladies and gentlemen. A Fortune 500 company.


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"4-Hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) is a type of aldehyde and a byproduct of lipid peroxidation, which is a process where lipids (fats) in cell membranes are damaged by oxidative stress. 4-HNE is formed when polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the cell membranes undergo oxidation. It is a highly reactive compound and is considered a marker of oxidative stress.

4-HNE can form adducts with proteins, DNA, and other cellular molecules, potentially leading to cellular dysfunction and damage. It is implicated in various diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders (like Alzheimer's disease), cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and liver diseases, due to its ability to modify biological molecules and affect cellular signaling pathways. High levels of 4-HNE are generally considered harmful and are associated with the pathogenesis of many chronic diseases."

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I figured you need probably about a year of experience and companies will reach out to you. That was being a lab tech tho and companies were REALLY eager to hire me with one year of experience.
I'm slowly getting a trickle of engineering job offers. But, about 2yrs of experience and the economy tanking I'm unsure how looking for a job would be.
I'm going to test the waters and see if I can get any bites.

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> Save up $13k for an entire year.
> Go to a technical expo and a vacation and now I'm scarping by because buying a home and unexpected car troubles.
> Find out this quarter million dollar house is going to completely wipe out my savings and make me micromanage my finances and purchases for 6 months.

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I like how you can google Holocaust movies by year on Wikipedia and the number of holocaust movies nearly doubles after 1973.
Kinda makes me wonder if the number of porn films doubled after 1973. Also.
> What Kentucky Fried Movie.
> Has a bunch of bizarrely racy Jewish jokes.
> Look to see when the movie was made.
> 1976.
> Director John Landis
> Landis was born into a Jewish American family[2] 

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He used any means necessary to ingratiate himself with her and please her. Daji liked animals, so he built her a zoological garden with several rare species of birds and animals. In addition, he ordered musicians to compose and choreograph lewd music to satisfy her musical tastes.[7] He also constructed his "pond of alcohol" and "forest of meat" specifically for Daji.[8] At one point, King Zhou gathered 3000 guests to his wine lake.[7] He allowed the guests to play the cat and mouse game nude in the forest to amuse Daji. When one of King Zhou's concubines, the daughter of Lord Jiu, protested, King Zhou had her executed. Her father was ground in pieces, and his flesh fed to King Zhou's vassals.

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Positions of the remaining Ukrainian forces on the northwestern outskirts of Krasnogorovka were threatened by the encirclement from the north amid the rapid Russian offensive south of the Karlov water reservoir. The entire Ukrainian front is collapsing in Donbass. Ukrainian forces are retreating from large areas in different directions, losing one stronghold after another, threatening new poorly equipped positions.

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Some history here might be pertinent. The country was once the largest Southeast Asia empire for a while, in the 16th century (under the Taungoo dynasty), but it was taken over by the British East India Company, after the three Anglo-Burmese wars, thus becoming a British colony in the 19th century. It was also later occupied by the Japanese, and then reconquered by the Allies, to become independent in 1948 – its post-independence history has also been marked by conflict, with a Burma Socialist Programme Party military dictatorship, then a 1988 transition to a multi-party system in name only (with a military council refusing it and governing the nation to this day). There was a controversial 2010 general election after which the military junta was officially dissolved in 2011, with a (nominally) civilian government taking power. In 2020 however the military once again seized power in what has been described by a coup d’état, followed by demonstrations.

Owning a pygmy goat can be a rewarding experience, but it requires careful consideration and preparation. Pygmy goats are small, friendly, and social animals, but they still need proper care and attention. Here's what it takes to own a pygmy goat:

### 1. Space Requirements
   - Pygmy goats need adequate outdoor space to roam and play. They are active animals that enjoy climbing and exploring, so a fenced yard or pasture is essential. A minimum of 200 square feet per goat is recommended.
   - The fence should be at least 4 feet tall to prevent them from escaping, as goats are notorious climbers.

### 2. Shelter
   - They need a dry, well-ventilated shelter to protect them from rain, wind, and extreme temperatures. A simple shed or barn is sufficient, but it should be clean and dry with proper bedding, such as straw or hay.
   - The shelter should be about 15-20 square feet per goat inside, with space for each goat to rest.

### 3. Companionship
   - Pygmy goats are herd animals and thrive in social environments. You should always have at least two goats, as they get lonely and stressed without companions.
   - If you already have other farm animals, they might get along, but pygmy goats bond best with other goats.

### 4. Diet and Nutrition
   - A pygmy goat's diet primarily consists of good-quality hay, grass, and pasture. They also need a goat-specific grain feed to ensure they get necessary nutrients, especially if pasture quality is poor.
   - Fresh, clean water should always be available, and you should provide salt licks or mineral blocks designed for goats to supplement their diet.

### 5. Veterinary Care
   - Regular veterinary care is essential. Goats need routine vaccinations, such as CDT (Clostridium perfringens type C&D and Tetanus), and regular deworming to prevent parasites.
   - Their hooves need to be trimmed every 4-6 weeks to prevent issues like hoof rot.

### 6. Grooming and Maintenance
   - Pygmy goats generally don’t need much grooming, but regular hoof trimming and keeping their living area clean are important for their health.
   - If you live in colder climates, they might need additional care during winter, such as a thicker bedding layer and a draft-free shelter.

### 7. Training and Enrichment
   - Pygmy goats are intelligent and curious, so they benefit from mental stimulation and activities like toys, ramps, and platforms for climbing. They can even be trained to walk on a leash or do simple tricks with time and patience.
   - They are great escape artists, so you’ll need to ensure their environment is safe and secure.

### 8. Legal Considerations
   - Check your local zoning laws and regulations. Some areas may have restrictions on keeping goats, especially in urban or suburban settings.
   - You might also need to register your goats with a livestock registry depending on your location.

### 9. Cost of Ownership
   - Initial Costs: Purchasing pygmy goats can range from $100 to $300 each, depending on their age, sex, and breeding.
   - Ongoing Costs: Expect to pay for feed, bedding, veterinary care, and hoof trimming tools or services. These costs vary, but could average $50-$100 per month per goat.
   - Shelter and Fencing: Building appropriate housing and secure fencing might be an upfront cost as well.

### 10. Time and Commitment
   - Goats require daily care, including feeding, watering, and cleaning their living area. You'll need to spend time socializing with them, checking their health, and keeping their environment safe.
   - Goats can live for 10-15 years, so it’s a long-term commitment.

If you're ready to provide the space, care, and companionship pygmy goats need, they can make wonderful, playful pets!

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According to the Google results....
Close to half (45%) of college educated single women say their relationship status is largely due to an inability to find someone to meet their expectations. for single women without college degrees, only 28% report that this is major reason for their lack of partner or spouse.
> ...
According to that study. You're more likely to find a spouse/partner without a college degree.

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> I'd imagine it's not super easy to come by over there.
I see a bunch for sale on GunBroker.com.  Some are rather expensive, though.

https://www.gunbroker.com/All/search?Keywords=Woof Woof%20Mosin-Nagant&PageSize=24&Sort=13&View=1&BuyNowOnly=1


>  but it had to be sold away due to ... nobody having a gun license for it in the family.
What an alien concept!  I didn't need a license to buy any of my guns.  I only needed a license to carry concealed.

As of now, cryonics has not been successfully tested or fully validated on any mammal, including humans. While there has been research in cryopreservation, especially with small organisms like nematodes and simple tissues like embryos and sperm cells, the cryopreservation and revival of an entire mammal (let alone a human) has not been achieved.

Cryonics refers to the preservation of bodies or brains at extremely low temperatures with the hope that future medical advancements will enable them to be revived and cured of the conditions that led to death. However, the freezing process causes significant damage to cells, tissues, and organs due to ice crystal formation and other factors.

Here are some relevant details on cryonics in relation to mammals:

1. Organ Preservation: Some progress has been made with organ cryopreservation in mammals. For example, rabbit kidneys have been cryopreserved and later transplanted with some success, but the organs were not fully functional, and significant damage occurred.

2. Vitrification: A technique called vitrification, which avoids ice formation by cooling biological tissue rapidly to a glass-like state, has shown some promise. Vitrification has been used in the cryopreservation of embryos, eggs, and small tissues, but it is much harder to apply to larger, more complex organs and whole animals.

3. Revival: The main barrier is not just preservation but revival. Even if a mammal were successfully frozen without damage, we currently lack the technology to revive them. As of now, no mammal has ever been successfully frozen and revived without suffering irreparable damage.

In short, while there has been some progress in related fields, cryonics has not yet been successfully tested on any mammal. It remains a highly speculative field.

t. ChatGPT

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"Although the dogs did not survive for long, these experiments marked significant milestones in the field of organ transplantation. Demikhov's work was a precursor to modern transplant surgery, particularly in the development of techniques for heart and lung transplants. However, his work also sparked ethical debates due to the suffering and short lives of the animals involved."

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> Multiple cats in Houston TX.
I'll never get why people have outside cats. Like, you're asking for it predators to come in and eat them.
> Fox, is it true that there are coyotes in Texas that eat cats?
Yes. Although, it depends on where you are in Houston. I wouldn't be shocked if stray dogs, owls, hawks or eagles eat them.

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I spent 2 or 3 hours driving north into the more rural areas of ontario. Sadly didn't see any bears. Lots of deer though.
I saw two in 2020 or 2021, when things were relatively quiet due to the corona.
One was near my home city and the other was near Fort erie (west of niagara falls)
They were cute, not spooky. Wolves can be scary/ spooky

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Once upon a time, there was a grand Muffin Kingdom. Its golden towers and crumbly battlements were the pride of the land, ruled by the benevolent and wise Muffin King.  However, peace was threatened by the sinister rise of the Cupcake Horde, led by the dark and decadent Baron Frosting.  So, the great Muffin King ordered an aerial assault using thermite, napalm, and other incendiary weapons, burning all cupcakes to a crisp.  THE END.

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> War in Ukraine winding down and coming (possibly) to a close soon.
> War with Taiwan more than likely not happening.
> US war production is so ass backwards that it can't even begin to muster the strength of increasing the manufacture of weapons.
> US and EU economies are taking tanking and the risk of energy shortages becoming more real.
> Political instability in the US becoming more and more difficult to navigate.
> "Yeah, I'm just going to shoot the presidential candidate and slide the US into a world war that will destroy humanity."
No. Read the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.

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> war in Ukraine going to end soon
Nigger, you and every other nigger ワンワンgot has been saying some variation to that for the past 2 God forsaken years. "The Russians are breaking through!" "The Ukrainians are breaking through!" yadda yadda yadda. 
> War with Taiwan more than likely not happening.
*war with China
Good work, CCP shill.
All of this is Satanic. They feed off blood sacrifices and chaos.

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