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How dare I what?
And somehow it's all your fault. Your shitposts are horny gold. 
What did you think about the health care ceo shooter? All the pics of that guy come across incredibly smug. And his eyes are empty. His whole smile/ face looks like a fake persona. 
Dunno if I'm off but that's what I pick up from his pictures

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It's weird to see people fawning over the guy, when he clearly has psycho eyes. Fuck the ceo scumbag but the shooter is clearly suffering from some sort of narcissistic grandeur complex. 
He has the same vacuous eyes Ellen degeneres and Justin trudeau has. Both turned out to be terrible except I called it over a decade ago. 

What manga are you reading/ have read last?

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Good masters and bad masters. Read some of the article and it made some good points. I guess it depends how far you will go to serve your master. This current system of slavery is not that bad, but I'm not going to pretend I'm free either when there's enforcers ready to arrest those that disobey no matter how ridiculous that rule is  
Hupony is the perfect example of a good master. He knows how to treat girls like me

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Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but you can free up your own mind.
But seriously it isn't that straight forward, there is no true freedom. There are always constraints and limits. 
Even we so called slaves can work ourselves up to become authority on specific domains. 
Sleep well SD
How's foxy?

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New job is chaos. 
I need information from multiple people, places sources etc. 
It's a fragmented exercise in self learning. 
Also I'm solving problems simply based on former experience I've brought from two different jobs. 
But even that isn't enough. 
I've barely seen my direct boss. I've only seen him twice in almost 2 months. I've interacted more with my boss's boss, and he's based in different country.

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Sounds like most workplaces these days.
> Where's the info for SOPs etc?
I had some new hires come in. I thought I'd hate one but he was chill and the guy I thought I would get along with was more annoying than anything. I showed them some basic stuff because they're getting trained in a very weird way.

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May I recommend Gumption®, a mild abrasive paste cleaner that lifts and removes ingrained stains and stubborn grime ordinary cleaners can miss.
Proudly Australian made since 1947 and microbead free, Gumption is easy to use and highly effective on the toughest grease & grime, leaving behind an incredible shine and a fresh lemon scent you will love.  Plus, it's great value as a little bit of Gumption goes a long way!

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Gonna watch Electric Dreams and perhaps Sneakers on Endchan's 9th Birthday, on December 20th.
Stream starts at 10pm EST.
- 7pm PST
- Midnight at BRT and Chile time
- 3:00 UTC (on Dec 21)
- 4:00 CET (on Dec 21)
- 2pm AEDT (on Dec 21)
All are welcome!

This is interesting. I'd think NPP security would use more drones.
On the Hungary using them was essentially prohibited.
Orbán has a pal, essentially a straw man of his, Orbán pumps all the wealth into his pockets from the state coffers and EU gibsmedats. Couple of years ago a journalist flew a drone over his property, taking photos of the dude's Armored Fighting Vehicle parking outside of his villa... Suddenly drones became a problem and they enacted the law.

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