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I have been reading this board for months and I still have no clue what any of this is.
People post sigils all the time but how do I use them and why?
I saw the astral island creation guide and followed the instructions of looking at the left and across the sea. Am I supposed to imagine a sea? What am I missing?
also, I have a tulpa. Don't know if that's relevant to anything.
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> also, I have a tulpa. Don't know if that's relevant to anything. 

Ask the tulpa to use the unused and untapped potentials of your mind to figure out the answer to the questions you just asked.

If it helps report back. If not then I will answer your questions tomorrow if I have time to post. 

But seriously. If you have a tulpa already is good. You can use it to access multiple parts of your subconscious that you are not aware with a little practice and with that find the answers to everything. You just let your tulpa become supersmart like the Daemon of Socrates. The most famous tulpamancer.

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The sigils are referrers, they link to astral objects created by someone, usually the person posting them. To access them you need some practice in visualization at the minimum, and being able to "reach through" the sigil to the object, to then copy it to your own astral space for interaction. It's in principle the same as connecting to a server and downloading something from the internet using an IP address or URL.

If you already know how to use tulpas, this is not much different, you just switch to observing the artifact instead of the tulpa.

You can try it with either of these attached sigils, which are "fun" creations. It's a servitor but you may think of it in the same way as a tulpa. 

The cat-girl is a green furred humanoid, the kemono is brown/red colored, their purpose is just to be companions. Try visualizing the one you like while looking at the sigil, then mentally reach into the image and imagine them coming out from it and joining you on your side. If successful, you can interact with them in the exact same manner as your already existing tulpa. The only difference is that servitors are "hard-coded" in some way and their form and behaviour won't change, plus that they can be shared and copied like this.

And a low effort pvzxtouhou mem just manifested! 

It seems most of your questions were answered.

> Am I supposed to imagine a sea?
How do you imagine an island without the sea surrounding it? And yes that is supposed to work as a "barrier" and connection force. Your island needs a sort of border and the sea is the most natural border. The sea has a lot of spiritual functions but it's not important now. Even the sky is a sort of "water". Astral literally means the starry sky in one way or the other. That "sea" will sync it with the astral environment.

> What am I missing? 
You have to try until it works or if it doesn't work no matter what then you have to describe at what level your visualization or tulpamancy skills at otherwise helping you is difficult.

But as he said. Sigils are the same as a tulpa. You just have to charge it with your attention or energies and feel it connect to your mind. Some sigils will be easy to connect while some will be incompatible and needs other adjustments in your mind first.

> and why? 
Because you are interested in it? Use it if you feel it is for (You) if not leave it.
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Thank you for your replies.

I think I didn't word my questions right. I struggle to see where my own imagination ends and this astral thing starts. What part do I have to imagine and what part comes from the astral?

 >>/4242/ Asking my tulpa, she doesn't really know what I don't, but it's true she has showed me things I didn't think were possible.

I will start with the catgirl sigil, as in, I will draw it on a paper and "open my mind" like I do to hear and see my tulpa. I will post results later.
> I struggle to see where my own imagination ends and this astral thing starts. What part do I have to imagine and what part comes from the astral?
To get quickly into using the artifacts, in the Sunflower we apply that what you can't see on the astral, you visualize yourself. This works if the astral object is correctly described. So at first it will always be your imagination.

To work with the cat-girl, you imagine what a green humanoid cat-girl would look like, her warmth, smell of the fur, her purring or anything else. Then you "fill" your mental image with the object from the astral, letting her float in from the sigil into your image.

You will know it works when she starts moving on her own. The image will then start correcting itself, so at this point you let go of the visualization and let it move and change without interfering with it. If it deviates from being a green cat-girl though, you have lost control of the image and it's no longer synced with the servitor. Then you need to force it back into shape. 

It's a bit like folding an origami boat from a slip of paper and carefully putting it in the water of a stream to see it float. If you build it according to the instructions it will probably float, but if you throw it in carelessly it will tip over and sink. Once it floats, just let it float. If it sinks, do over and try again.
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> she doesn't really know what I don't
Yes tulpas share your mind. But they don't share your "perspective". They usually use a different thinking process from your brain that you don't use consciously. Because of that they can be asked to "use more" or at least help you to find the "deeper parts of your being"

> but it's true she has showed me things I didn't think were possible.
Exactly. Tulpas can be very simply "promoted" into spirit guides with a little effort into the right direction.

> I will start with the catgirl sigil, as in, I will draw it on a paper and "open my mind" like I do to hear and see my tulpa. I will post results later.

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