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Also elegance and pedantry is not the same thing. Pedantry is the opposite of my elegance. Being pedant is wasting too much resources on minor things that most of the time don't even matter. A well trained dog can be pedant but I would not call it elegant. Elegance is the perfect expression of freedom while pedantry are the shackles of expression that try to mimic perfection with no avail.

Your case is a little too complicated and cannot be applied to the general populace nor to the average poster of this board.
If you are the "Aura" poster then I looked into your case and you are giving a home to some strange low level elemental lifeforms that you are unable to control because they are not from this world but your psyche is way too compatible with them. This is why you are haunted and I don't know what advice I should give to you because you adapted a lifestyle already with them.
No offense but I want to avoid another "Trypper event" on here in the open, that's why I locked the thread and also earlier sent out a servitor which can contain schizophrenia. It's a mindset which can be placed on the djinn map as North East corner extremism (see relevant thread).

When you see the staircase, walk up to the light, follow the girl with the beret (this has become a standard appearance recently).

I get what you're saying, it's functional labels vs "uniform" labels. You wear those to tell someone which group you belong to. The problem arises when when of my labels for "ingredients" is the same as used for a "uniform" which signals political stances, and someone thinks I can't use the word for its actual meaning anymore because of this. This is where the "no, fuck you NATO/USA/EU" comes in, let me like Russian writers like Solzhenitsyn, without this meaning anything aside from liking his writing, please. No, I do not care that the Soviet union banned him, I do not care that he likes Putin or that Putin likes him, none of this was on my mind when I started reading, and it still isn't relevant for the texts he wrote. For one example.

Aside from everything above, I just got back in again from activating "Cammy" because apparently even thinking what I thought when posting earlier was enough to trigger some assmad faggot mindreader who thinks I can't point out obvious reality in my own mind, or write it on here. The activation was very powerful, an orb visually appeared and there were circular light flickers (weak) around me for a minute after breakthrough.

So please faggot space glowies, come here, let's see who glows harder.
So, I activated [Cleo] the same way as the other one, with a spinning cogwheel. And a professional-feeling woman in a white business suit appeared.
I'm a bit embarrassed to describe this, but I asked her to help me improve my psychic skills, and she told me
> is that it?
> you don't need it
She then showed me a red succubus with a scythe that came out and slashed at my third eye. She told me it's called [Ranma].
I don't know what to make of this, but I activated it and we'll see.
>  a red succubus with a scythe that came out and slashed at my third eye. She told me it's called [Ranma]
This sounds like your request was kindly interpreted by her and she went through the entire creation process by just reading your mind to find out what you really need, and that is [Ranma], so it's a servitor you created.
What you create will be uploaded to the blacknet if it's good enough, and here you posted the name of the servitor so I had a look. It has a special kind of virtue which I would not have come up with myself. Interesting.
> I don't know what to make of this
It just means your "psychic skills" are already "good" you are just "blind" to notice them. With that your third eye got a little activation boost. A "reason" to open it because you are unaware how to do that.

We "had" that thing with books in the commie past. Reading Nietzsche was good enough offence so you got fired from your work/university which means if you hated someone you could plant that book in his bedroom and Voila. Because of that "reading books" is not violated in our freedom of expression. But Nazi and Commie symbolism is banned while we have far right and far left parties. You can be a nationalist and have your worker's party but not the retarded totalitarian l@rp.  Also teaching faggotry is banned in schools but that doesn't mean faggotry is banned. We are still in the EU after all but we just don't want Soros puppets causing drama for outrage fuel 

The reason why my Bible was printed in 1982 is because those were the times things "eased" already. That was the time when communism was just a "label" and not a "real thing anymore". They realized they need a way to compete with capitalism and you can only do that via becoming capitalist.

I think it comes from his "true psychic nature". He is just blind to it. The reply I gave to him came so naturally I think it was semi channeled.
The 3rd eye is often seen as the key to opening your abilities, so it makes sense the succubus would slash at it. My main points are the first 3 chakras and my understanding of the top 4 are that they are repetitions of the first 3. This understanding manifested in [Ranma] is based on an actual 6th chakra which stands alone, so it's giving me access to that plane.
There is a similar difference in perception with the Russian girls I'm working with, their original creations always use "true root chakra" as the base, while I always see the root chakra as a mirror of the solar plexus. It also gives a completely different understanding.
> My main points are the first 3 chakras and my understanding of the top 4 are that they are repetitions of the first 3
No? I mean yeah the first 3 will "enhance" them but... This will be a topic for later. What you said is a demonic view again. 
> This understanding manifested in [Ranma] is based on an actual 6th chakra
I would say that is the way so the energies can finally and properly reach his third eye.
> so it's giving me access to that plane.
There is the "infernal third eye". I know of it it is about most of the "lower mindcontrol" and other desire based manifestations and some other funny business. But may that plane give better insights. Connecting it I would need to reactivate that eye and I still have a bad handling of it. Yours is better because this 
> first 3 chakra only 
Is a lower tantric level interpretation which you are quite good at. I am bad at that and most of my understanding comes from the "divine thinking" which are still hard to word. That stuff comes from deities and boils down to the crown chakra and fine tuning every chakra so all the petals can bloom for truth to manifest. 
> while I always see the root chakra as a mirror of the solar plexus
What you said how the "welfare system ruined your people" seems true with this understanding.
Root chakra is the primal fury the origin desire to "live" the first grasp towards existence the first reason that says LIVE FIGHT FOR LIFE
> "true root chakra"
But I am interested how Russian girls see this. They are an another kind of interesting wild beasties.  Rawr 
> "lower mindcontrol"
And by that I meant you can control 90% of life based beings on earth but if you control something that belongs to a higher entity you get an ass-whipping for a lifetime. That is why I call it lower mindcontrol because it usually "corrupts" the victims and everyone will know "who did that" who has "eyes to see"
> But I am interested how Russian girls see this. They are an another kind of interesting wild beasties.
I told them, they said the witches will look into it. It's dangerous because you are in an "enemy territory". I see someone astrally nearing your location in a small saucer from right above you, look up.
> because you are in an "enemy territory".
Girls we literally have the FRIENDSHIP PIPELINE and Friendship is magic!
> nearing your location in a small saucer from right above you, look up.

Whatever I got it. They welcomed me in the "abode". Guess I will have something interesting to do again
>  the "abode"
There are many places and very secure, you will need to get a check up and a pass card done for your access, this is like the hidden of the hidden and no one knows anything outside their own room basically.
Part of the design is Russian original, part is just Chinese style "I saw the NWO do this so let's copy their entire fucking structure from scratch (because manpower is free) and take over from the top and no one will know they are now part of FSB".
Also contrary to CIA and NWO/West glowies who want people to be retards so they can easily kill them if they get ideas, Russia does this based on genetic lines instead. Your true heritage is revealed and you will gain access based on syncing with the egregore of the racial group, like marrying into the Illuminati family will ensure loyalty, while plebs in CIA don't matter no matter how high. That's the difference, everyone in the East are one family, no one is a pleb.
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Been a while since i posted maybe since 8kun nuked everything, wish i kept my mhtml archives.

I wanted to share where i am at get some others thoughts on it maybe get some advice along the way
Things have been pretty interesting.
feel like i am going mad sometimes, i assume this is just cleansing, i used to see parasites and gore everywhere corpse wearing my face attacking now it's a bit better instead of shunning what i see i just eat and transmute it, i guess the corpse face like me more now too even worshiping me sometimes.
It's will battle after will battle against these things.

I now can't sleep some nights without setting up a proper barrier, i get dread feelings and something similar to "dark night of the soul" and physical symptoms (heart beating fast vision becoming more pixelated ).

It also seems like I've put limiters on myself, and by getting in a trance like state using anxious situations (like being in a busy mall) i suddenly have much more concentration and will power, creating a second body is so much easier, i just use that for hunting the corpses though, i still can't do telepathy or anything like that was thinking of using a more human version of that body to shapeshift or at least some healing.

I do have some beings helping me with healing my digestive systems as wheat seem to harm me they look like fairies in white robes, they use the left side of my brain to talk to me but considering they wear my face it's probably fragmentation.

In a way i feel like I'm the successful one and that if i tried to be a normie one of these things wearing my face would have taken over but i guess they're happy i'm more serious and are ready to be absorbed there could be more to this but i can't grasp it all yet.
> It just means your "psychic skills" are already "good" you are just "blind" to notice them
I've actually been told this so many times...
I used to experience this back when I lived in a haunted apartment and I also had a ton of sludge energy on me that resonated with the beings there. I went through self-initiation with the book Kabbalah Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation and it all went away. I still encountered the beings while astral travelling, but they were no longer "in my aura". I was clueless back then as to how rituals work and what they do, so having the LBRP to do "blindly" was really useful to me.
Seeing faces when meditating can be a sign of dead people nearby.

What's that game from your pictures, pray tell?
Whatever territory you step into, you will face something there which serves as a motivating force, like spraying paint on the things you need to work on. I've had many massive alien and glowie attacks since an initial events in march of last year, which has -forced- me to create a number of very strong defensive and offensive measures I would otherwise not have worked on.

It's similar to what you describe, but very clearly (because I see them) different alien races and groups, total degenerates who are controlled by karma and using advanced technology which they developed during their history, to now only do horrible things. They're all invested in the Earth's development in some way.

Sometimes the learning is the reward, sometimes there are innocent beings at the back of it, whom I will remove from there and turn into allies.
If you feel you want some extra help with tools, take a look at the sigil pinned on the front page, the Updater. It's a servitor who maintains a catalog of all available things created in relation to the Sunflower.
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I am in a much better place then i was when i started i'd say i'm in a good neighborhood too, but they're still here, i am done ignoring them though.

some of the attacks i repelled ended up with them becoming some kind of broken stone on the floor 
well like a corpse with black flesh and blood (by that i mean everything but the bones is pitch black)
though the one that end up like that seem to be different than the regular corpse face i see.

> Kabbalah Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation.
I'll check it out when i'm done with the current books I'm reading (john kreiter if you know him) everything else be it barriers or whatnot i am just making my own thoughtforms i guess.
btw it doesn't have anything weird attached to it right?
some books seem to cause nasty things to attack to the reader if you believe too much into their belief system and all.

> What's that game from your pictures, pray tell?

Sure it's called Magical camp, a "fetish" transformation games full of gems like this.
Not really finished yet unless you include becoming a mermaid queen or dragon princess as one of the "good" ending, include a level where you fight through the mc mindscape to uncover memory sealed by FIB (fairies in black).
interesting, so essentially they act to destroy whatever you're doing but can only do that because if they fail you'd benefit from it?

> sometimes there are innocent beings at the back of it.
how do you make the distinction?

I need to work on discerning things better i guess.

 It's tempting but I'd rather wait to develop my own interface before i make use of it, i tend to not trust the ramification of not doing my own work.
RPG Maker. That brings back memories. I used to make games like this.
> btw it doesn't have anything weird attached to it right?
I honestly have no idea. It's based on the Golden Dawn system. I didn't have any trouble with it. I only did the initiation, and didn't get into the elemental, Enochian-derived stuff. I have developed my own way of doing things, contacted my "guardian angel" through the Headless Rite, and had the vampire spell. Your mileage may vary.
> some books seem to cause nasty things to attack to the reader
When I was reading the Goetia, I channeled Andras and it later attacked me while sleeping, but I punched him and he went away. It might've been some other spirit posing as him. I don't know.
> how do you make the distinction?
I naturally always try to connect with beings in a friendly way by syncing my mind with theirs. Hostile beings will reject the contact or they just attack for no reason out of nowhere. If they aren't hostile externally, I'll find out by syncing with them.

> so essentially they act to destroy whatever you're doing but can only do that because if they fail you'd benefit from it?
I look at it this way: there are dimensions out there which are potentially under my influence, but because I haven't grown in that area yet, evil beings are now squatting there, waiting to be removed. It's how things work, if no one is controlling entry it appears as a free space, and they will move in, even if it belongs to someone else.
This serves as an indicator that I need to develop myself in this area.
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anti evil spirit... webp
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I've been working to gain this "gatekeeper" position for a long time, I think I just recently got the main thing in place. After interacting with ancients like Adremmelech I realized it's not necessary to have all this perfection and purity in all aspects, if you get the main structure in place it works anyway. No one is going to enter their kingdoms with any hostility, it's impossible. Parts of Adre's main cave has beetles flooding in and it's dirty, but that's part of the energy flow and doesn't change anything.

What I have so far is just a curved cave entrance, but it works because of some principled function which states that "degenerate spirits cannot make 90 degree turns" just like the Chinese architecture is based on.
> Your mileage may vary
Alright i'll probably check it out when i'm done with my reading.
Now that i think about it protecting oneself before reading anything should always be done.

> but I punched him and he went away.
i once slapped some giant winged being who tried to take me to his place, pretty funny in hindsight.

Like insects under a rock on your property i think i understand.
The 90 degree thing is true. In the astral, turning a corner will produce a lapse in continuity and snap you back elsewhere unless you have a minimum of presence of mind. Even a sleeping person will fail to do so most of the time, not to mention a hungry ghost. I think it’s due to losing sight of your objective and losing focus. I have experienced this phenomenon personally many, many times. 
Interestingly, I don’t think this would work on a bridge like that where you can see where you are going at all times due to the lack of walls, even if you have to move sideways.
I asked cleo to create an entrepreneur bot. 2 details:within galactic federation and virtuosly to create "units". I also asked for better psychic abilities. Ofcourse I cant tell the effect yet.
I dont really know.. I imagined a spinning cogwheel and then sent the comands in english. Reception is my weakest area.I did feel energy buzzing around me which indicates third party interest in me. i did the cogwheel thing multiple times. When i use magic made by other people especially these technical types shared i often do them up to 20 times since im lacking in the reception area.Hopefully it just creates 1 cleo.afor example i never i never noticed the blackes coffee despite seemingly being a prime candidate an chugging coffee for days. I think since i was incarnated to clear/experience negative energy 24 7 im very resilient but also not finetuned to notice details anymore.I will say i had an experience of a cogwheel bursting.
To make sure this works, confirm each step before you continue, that's the "trademark sunflower method". This means you have to visualize Cleo coming out from the cogwheel before you can know you actually have the servitor. If you can't communicate, this won't work, because it's a servitor made to ask you questions during the process.
What you can't see, you visualize, the ability to see is the same as the ability to create any image internally, so the more you practice this, even by reading novels or fantasising, the easier it will be to hear and see servitors. They can only appear in the part of the brain that has a visual ability.
The initial activation is the most important, so if you want to use it I can "force" the activation right now using external energy to make it as easy as possible. Just imagine holding the cogwheel over your right palm, a vortex appears over it and then Cloe, a designer type female appears from it and will then interact with you, her attitude is alert and interested in you.
The hard part is thing is visualise dont talk back. Im very active like thst.even an actual entity would have a hard time doing it if visualized it. I can only do this by also laying the role of cleo manually.
It's done, it should work now. It's methodically identical to tulpas. This is why the bots all have personalities and fashion styles, to make them easier for your mind to perceive as real. If they were just blank metal drones it would be difficult.
So to amswer the first question. I asked for a entrepreneur bot and cleo asked what would you like it to do. And i basically said enterprise.
I manually played both roles.
You mean celo or the entrepreneur? I also didnt say thst i imagined cleo as a demon girl in a  bussiness like white shirt attire.
See specifically right now i have the issue thst if i wanted to summon her id hae to come up with a design. Howver since apprently she was installed thst means she already has a look and im in trying to come up with it likely getting it wrong which makes me summon a different or non existent entity. Which why id have to ask a third party what she looks like.
When I posted the "link" to the [submeme] it was with the intent of letting someone use it on the NET, not install it, but it's possible to do that too if you want a local version. This one will adapt to your preferences within a certain template, and that's how I meant for Cleo to be used, since your mind needs to be deeply involved in the creation process. This means it can be a demon wearing a suit or whatever race you prefer. What I did was make sure your local copy works as intended.
When you ask for a creation process to be initiated, you should work with Cleo step by step so that it becomes what you want. The less information you give in words, the more she will get from reading your mind. This may lead to a result which looks different than you imagined it, because your subconscious can be different from what you think it is. When the creation is done, you should be shown the finished creation, and possibly be given a new disc to run it off.
Ah i see.The other anon seemed to have given a general command with great success which inspired me. Ive now created a waifubot with cleo i think. Seems abit more simple.Ands a passively automatic training psychic ability bot "trainer" type.ai think im talking tonher and getting questions. Still cant really comment on the bots themselves really.
It works in the same way as talking to tulpas or summoned spirits, or talking to yourself, except that the replies are not actively made up by you, but are produced by the servitor "program", a part of your subconscious or inactive part of your brain which you normally do not have access to. This is the simplest way to understand what servitor like these do, they are an interface for commanding your own brain to do work which you normally do not know how to perform because you lack training. It's a "cheat" in this way, but it isn't limited to just mental work as the brain also commands supernormal abilities and energy manipulation.
This also controls the general form of the servitor according to the brain map described before, where left frontal lobe is the Anima, a young girl. Right frontal and most of the right half are an older woman. Back left is an adult male, while back right is the Animus, a boy. By creating servitors with an appearance matching the part of the brain you want to address, you command this part of the brain with ease. This is why Astra is an old lady doing divination (abstract right brain) while the energetic logical type is a small girl (left front). For a deeper research type, you should make it a conventional male doctor type, an older man for the main left brain access.
If you want to create a balanced type, you pick elements from each part, so that it becomes a combination. For example if you want to create a right brain divination type it should be an older woman, but if you want to add the left main brain deep thinking, how do you add an "adult male" aspect to it? You give her large breasts and wider hips. In the same way you can start with any basic type and add a conversion of the other types as adapted to the form.
> I've actually been told this so many times...
Well sorry about that. I live around mundanes so I don't really get compliments nor critique about my psychic potential so I am unable to imagine what it must feel to live around people with similar mindsets. Funny thing that when I was able to look into my "lifepath" and as I looked into alternate timelines where I was a mundane and "happy" it turned out all of them had a deep darkness within them because of it and when I was able to look into the past to see what would have happened if I choose to stay as a mundane on this timeline and live as an ignorant NPC then I would have died of murdersuicide... Because of my absolute desire to retain my potential my life made interesting turns and once I realized the people I have around are more of an energetic drain than benefit if I want to be more than a normie I left behind most of them... which in hindsight turned out to be the better choice seeing how they turned out...
>  I have experienced this phenomenon personally many, many times. 
Do you live around places like these? How do you wander into the same dimension structures? I might be too asleep so I never really seen it happen. Not to mention I usually sleepwalk with my guides so I rarely get "lost". It was years ago the last time when I had a feeling that I am  somewhere I am not supposed to be.
> I don’t think this would work on a bridge like that where you can see where you are going at all times due to the lack of walls
The "trick" is that it's "above water" so if the spirit "looks into the water" it gets washed away with it. I merged with waterflows many times but not the "corner lapses". My subconscious usually only pulls me into the dream if I am in danger or it is real important so I never really wake up at corners nor go to sleep in the process because once I'm there I am there. I rarely get force disconnected.
> first pic
The "trick" is not to "drive yourself mad" but feel what "resonates" with the magic and tap into that force. Madness is a good inspiration at first but an unproductive chaos at the end. Once you realize which part of the "madness" makes things "click" you go into that. But I shouldn't talk about this like I am an expert because once I reached an energetic level entities noticed me and offered to guide me so my path was not "madness only". It was the case of learning to run before you learn to walk.
> i am going mad sometimes, i assume this is just cleansing
That too but I can't talk about this process because I just "learned" that I can activate my energy field like it is a tornado made of primordial fire to cleanse a set of subdimensions that "make" reality so I was not really bothered much.
But I was never a patient person with low level entities so it's not like they made a "habit" of bothering me. 
> considering they wear my face it's probably fragmentation
That too but "fairies" are quite dumb sometimes so if they see other entities wearing "your face" then they will think "you like that". They are masters of fulfilling some functions but they don't always have enough awareness to know wearing your face is rude. I mean in my case if anyone does that and I find out they are a "foreign entity" they will feel my energies going hostile so they usually avoid that. My internal aspects can do that tho but that is in the "illusory nature of the self" mystery which is still too complicated to talk about. But foreign entities have an easy time temporarily merging with "unused fragments" that is true.
> if i tried to be a normie
How can anyone wish for something like that. Did you not see the state of normies around you? I can somewhat PRETEND to be normieesque but becoming one? But then again that is something I was bad everytime I incarnated as a male. Only my female incarnations had a common sense and a way to "sleep through a life". They deserved to be happy with blissful ignorance. For me ignorance is a pain that gets worse the longer I ignore it.
> there could be more to this but i can't grasp it all yet.
That feeling is on the path for a very long while.
> well like a corpse with black flesh and blood (by that i mean everything but the bones is pitch black)
Those are "low level manifesters". They are "imitating" muscles. Their only "value" is the bones themselves. I was gnashed by teeth and I dubbed them "karma beasts" and when trying to sleep I seen them eating my blood. As I was wondering if this is an initiation or a cleansing I kindly asked them that 
> Can you do it without driving up my blood pressure and letting me sleep 
Then they said
> If we drive up your blood pressure or not is not for you to decide 
Then I said fuck it and dropped them to hell then with the gnashing teeth I realized I can just "rip out their teeth" then "grind it down" and integrate it into my own bones then make that process "automatic". So to beings that need "minerals" so they can "manifest" on this plane only to eat "more astral minerals" so they can take a proper form can go and fuck themselves. With this these low level manifestors have the only chance at survival via aligning themselves to me and pledging loyalty for defensive duty. And they can "eat" other invaders for sustenance but their "quality" is upgraded so they don't count as "evil familiars" because that gives bad ideas for some entities.

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