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You is one brave man ? 
The world is bad for you ?
The world transform you in one bag trash ?
You have hate the people for this ?
You want restart the world ?
I know how make it !!!
One Bat, One puncture, One Brave man, and one bit luck, 
But if you survive,
You have the power for restart the world. 
With one bat virus inside in body.
The slavers no born of the free men.
Good look Brave Man

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thumbnail of Welcome to the NHK Episode 3.mp4
Welcome to the NHK... mp4
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endchan everything is... png
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WO7Itma jpg
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thumbnail of [Judas] Ishuzoku Reviewers (Interspecies Reviewers) - 01 [UNCENSORED 1080p][HEVC x265 10bit][Eng-Subs].mkv -_2020-01-26-04h24m22s655.jpg
[Judas] Ishuzoku... jpg
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There's been lots and lots of misunderstandings on /AM/ I'm afraid. IB communication is finnicky. If you make things obvious they loose their charm so it requires being well versed in references and running gags. Without that it's hard to go with the flow and each instance of someone breaking that flow is detrimental to the board's spirit, cohesion, sense of belonging, whatever you want to call it - the thing that allows people to read each other's minds, despite the cryptic posts, and follow or even expand on their jokes in all sorts of brilliant ways. We kept taking in guys that didn't get it and 
ostentatiously didn't want to get it.

Since I don't know what criticism you agree with the main point of intl fundamentalist was that it wasn't the loss of that 2D/random feel but technical issues that brought /AM/ down and that's so not it. Check this post for another example of someone loosing heart because of contemporary 'fun'  >>/29934/

> I quoted the right one!
I dun geddit, the previous post talked about winning and loosing at life leading to somewhat similar state of mind and it would fit there as that blissfully ignorant reversal sort of humor since the obvious expectation was that /AM/bo has failed at life miserably.

> nazi animes
Like really...
Anyway consider related pics. Make nazis (or any other political activists which display drone like behaviour) feel welcome and you're dooming a board.

> Anyway consider related pics. Make nazis (or any other political activists which display drone like behaviour) feel welcome and you're dooming a board.
I second this notion. Politics is a cancer upon fun and individuality.

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Расцветали яблони и груши
Поплыли туманы над рекой
Выходила на берег Катюша
На высокий берег на крутой
Выходила, песню заводила
Про степного сизого орла
Про того, которого любила
Про того, чьи письма берегла
Ой, ты, песня, песенка девичья
Ты лети за ясным солнцем вслед
И бойцу на дальнем пограничье
От Катюши передай привет

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Read Oyasumi Punpun. Watch DeathNote. Read Tokyo Ghoul. Watch vinland saga. Read 20th century boys. watch fullmetal alchemist brotherhood. read monster. watch Jojos (only really like part 3 and 5). read berserk. watch naruto. read emanon. watch hunter x hunter. read magi. watch the promised neverland. read attack on titan. watch a silent voice. read bastard (only manhwa i would reccomend). watch mob psycho 100. read i want to eat your pancreas.watch erased. read claymore. watch devilman crybaby.

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