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typical woman behaviour
eschewing responsibility by pretending to be dumb, overly forgiving and gullible 
yeah girl those double-digit iq psychos totally manipulated you
not like you push away normal people and choose to associate with psychos
Whatever you say... She was posting on her thread yesterday. You say it with such conviction I'm thinking you can be Vore or one of her simps, after all, this is an anonymous forum.
I haven't seen a single ban against Vore for months, anyone can see the logs too... did you forget that?
Oh I thought it was something like that but there was just too much spam in these threads I couldn't keep up with it, thank you.
Ban message should probably include all that info, but they might reach character limit. kek
I have absolutely no idea who the fuck delastele, doom, elliot or whoever the fuck else faggot namefag are or what they did, but all you retarded faggots along with this boring ugly brown whore who looks like a tranny should kys immediately and take your retarded drama to discord. 

This cunt's threads are consistently the worst on the entire board mainly because the girl itself is a shit tier unknown made wors by the 2 or 3 drama queen niggers that follow her.
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> mentally ill woman is two faced
Truly some of the best journalism I've ever seen. here, have a Pulitzers gecko as a prize.
I reached out and she seemed over joyed to hear from me again, I won't leak those DM's I don't care to violate someone who really didn't nothing to me like that.

Nah, she just has a tendency to be really nice to me and than stop talking and I just fuck off, we'll see if this is the third time or not. Judging from the sweetness in her tone and the promise that we'll "talk more tomorrow night and that was two days ago I'm going to just go ahead and assume I won't hear from her again. I really just wanted the story on the delle situation.
Again, it's childish and irksome. I liked to sexually harass her and I flirted with Ika a few times in her server. Idk if she gave a fuck, that was an assumption.

Also, when I was in her server it wasn't to my taste and in one of out vcs I made a racist joke and she asked if I don't like black people and said I don't like ghetto trash and than magically like a minute later the most annoying nigger hopped in the vc and my options here are to believe that was pure chance, a magical negro who could sense my racial insensitivity, or vore just being acting like a 12 year old.
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Make a new tread you Kunt. I wanna rail on you some moar and call you fat and other stupid things that will worsen your mental health. I'm bored without you to abuse and to fling shit in my face. :3

For cereal Cewl. The e-girl I'm orbiting/simping/whatever with now is actually really good to me, like objectively too good for me, and I couldn't see myself abusing her even if she pulled the same shit you did because I legitimately adore her as a person. I miss mah baby Cewlio, you were the best punching bag.
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hi girlies im studying for molecular biology wml i wanted to stream today but that flunking iisnt gonna flunk itself! also i got banned from for chang for 2 days for posting random stuff outside b but r9k is literally b with pzazz and someone with a similar thread didnt get their thread bonked so im thinking its RACISM!
You and Delle have been caught engaging in some pedro shit, you accused me of revenge porn after posting it yourself twice, you're annoying as shit and the mods dislike you.

You are a predator and you project it onto your victims. I can't imagine the amount of damage you would do to actual incels with nothing going on in their life. Please seek professional help Cuellia (or however the fuck you spell it)

It turns out I'm da good guy. Pic related.
Also, holy shit dude. I swear to God I have a sixth sense. I literally checked your thread like 5 minutes after you posted and don't usually come here and I never really bother to check this shit anymore.

That is actually fucking weird to me...
Maybe we really are destined to be arch nemesis' Cewl...
 y'know assuming part of Delles control fetish wasn't preventing you from talking to me lol. Blink twice if you're in danger of Delle hurting you
i did not want to do anything to do with him and please mentioning his name as its giving me vietnam flashbacks
sorry, i have more reason to believe it was actually him that posted the revenge porn
but i did not do it twice only once for shits and giggles
im sure the mods  dislike me here but i doubt r9k mods even know who i am as i was b& as anon
im not a predator and youre not a victim get a grip big boy
i helped many incels get rid of their porn addiction by instead jacking of to a real woman that does it not because she was trafficked or she would be homeless without the money instead and they developed nice social skills by talking to me, i dont regret anything

youre not a good person and nothing about my ban or my entrapment with delle has anything to do with you

do you realize how you never mentioned you showed me illegal shit in that reply? you cant even take accountability and it shows. please stop talking to girls that youre three times older than and do not engage with zoophilia. please stop talking to me if you so hate me because everyone just realizes how you are obsessed and you deleting every message that mentions youre zoophilic in our dms so i cant screenshot them just make you look worse. i could prove it if i wanted easily because i was still recording on OBS when i ended the stream and opened your call it turns out. but i dont want drama or anything to do with you anymore
my thread is well below the catalog yet you replied to me within an hour just like that. it is evident that youve been refreshing for god knows how long to reply to me. youre obsessed, get a life. go to therapy as well if you tell ME to go. youre a bpdemon freak and are still on the chins at late 30s. youre an evil person that keeps bringing hurtful shit up just to try and "expose" me when everyone knows the truth.
im sorry i trolled you for so long after initially cutting contact with you after 2-3 days. it was delles idea mostly, and i didnt want to anger him any more. as you know most of that wasnt even me
> I realize it wasn't you who posted the revenge porn
Oh shit. Is Cewl actually going to be an adult for once?
> The rest 
damn it....

Cewl. I know I'm not innocent. I've ben trolling you too. Don't sit there and say it was all Delles idea. Bitch own it, you have fucking agency in your life.

You want me to fuck off? Like actually? Than stop talking shit like a fucking retard about things you know nothing about, and actually fucking apologize to me. Own your bullshit, maybe I'll own mine.

I like dogging you, you're fun to hurt, and seeing how fucking malicious and shitty you are makes it real easy to ignore my conscience when I know I'm fucking you up further. Maybe try to be better for once in your life instead of the mental gymnastics you go through to justify your shitty retardation, hmmm?

I tried being chill with you, I tried giving you a chance, and I got burned. You sat there and ran your mouth(Delles idea) for months about me. I gave you a choice, and you chose wrong.

Oh, and I did have something to do with your ban. Were you banned for begging advertising? :3
> i didnt talk about you
Still on your I ain't du nuffin grind I see.
> Are you skitzo
You know what I am baby doll.
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You think I actually read all that? No, Cewl, you read the wall of texts I put up, I skim through yours.

You really see your self as an innocent victim in all of this, don't you?
People like you are scary... Like You're genuinely dangerous. The level of fucked up shit someone who can do when they are able to see themselves as a victim in any situation is limitless.
Cewl, if you ever become a serial killer you should carve the name Doom into your victims thighs. that would be a pretty cewl MO :3
Bullying you has gotten old, even my interest is waning. You're old news, everyone seems interested in Ki now, I really can't be bothered to keep up with the lore or the crowd without some personal investment. Internet blood sports is a young mans game.

When you finally accept that me and Delle were right about you just leave me out of the suicide note, k?
You gotta stop lying. 
I made myself clear multiple times. Quit mentioning me over and over because my dick gets hard, and tell Doom the truth. I kinda like him now, he's cool and you deserve him, but he doesn't deserve the headache you can be.
> sorry, i have more reason to believe it was actually him that posted the revenge porn

The BV hunts me around every day but chose you to blame for the leak if that was a leak at all, I wonder why... I had to contact admins for that shit in the middle of the night.
> i helped many incels get rid of their porn addiction by instead jacking of to a real woman that does it not because she was trafficked or she would be homeless without the money instead and they developed nice social skills by talking to me, i dont regret anything

You're not special or any different than a porn actress and you only made people more mad and frustrated, you can't save anyone. Just stream your games, live your life in a nice way, do whatever with anons in your DMs like you always do, stop being a bitch and own it; you're a worthless whore who asked me at least 3 times to do your homework and there's proof of that as well, dumb cunt.

I am high as fuck, I don't care about whatever I just wrote. Rest in piss, "Cewl".
https://litter.catbox.moe/46hik8.jpg - I have no idea where I got this but I think you were younger. Yeah, I got more than before but I won't share or make it public so don't worry, you don't deserve this kind of attention and you should feel good I wasted my time giving you this attention. I am sure I make you wet, fucking freak.

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