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Get help stop trying to scare e-girls and random anons and bothering the jannies for no reason this doesn't even make sense considering you are simping for cewl. Maybe you want to destroy this imageboard so you an have cewl all for yourself.

I did "shit", but never posted CP: 
User a8nGst7xPZon0 closed a report for post 656698 on thread 655301 on board /polru/ with the reason "Delete /agatha2/ (1050)"

And a lot of 
User Shiban closed a global report for post 107479 on thread 105883 on board /agatha2/ with the reason ""

you can't do shit except act like a tranny playing different characters trying to derail threads. even your spamming effort failed. you seethe about this board but are powerless to do anything about it so you lash out like a little baby. Sad pedrophile.

The admin said the opposite, but the janny of this board literally said: "I bet it was you that posted the revenge porn"; He couldn't find any proof of it then he "banned" her (just tagged the post with a ban message).

I think that's you coping because I have Cewl and you have nothing but a few old pics of her, creep.

Ok if you are truly dating cewl why don't you visit her in real life have sex and fuck off of agatha2 forever? yeah right because you are either super poor or cewl is leading you on while she fucks chads in college

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this dellafaggot thinks he is a god for e-dating this tranny looking fridge autistic camwhore, this nigga acts like it's a "gotcha" moment but deep down I don't think anyone would be mad if cewl married him and never posted again. People only orbit her because she posts nudes

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> claims im cope
> won't even post proofs
you are larping and pretending to be cewl's irl boyfriend we can tell you are a virgin, you are too cringe to make your larp seem credible. Why would she even meet a virgin beta simp like you irl

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Oh Fuck yes. More threats and emotional lashing out by Delle. I fucking love Cewl threads, even when I'm not the focus they're always great.
I was actually going to make a new thread and call either call it
Finally made my own thread edition
Owned by Delle Doom'd by Doom edition
Oh, idk if you saw my last post in the old thread but yeah, you should take that advice mister respectable negro man.

lol you don't really get this do you? your girlfriend has like 26 threads on an imageboard where most of the threads is just nude posting and men throwing themselves at her while she is flirting with them back. You probably feel like a cuck deepdown knowing she had cybersex with doom on private , but whatever man happy for you smash that pussy

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One of the things I'm actually super ashamed of about myself is that I actually am like 25% polish so yeah, not only am I black Irish(basically a super light skinned taco bender, not even white) but also a slav....
Fuck maybe Delle is right, I should just blow my brains out.
Slav+celt+spanish... It's over.
noMe she's on a plane right now I'm going to fuck her like an animal (guitar riff) I'm gonna feel her from the inside.(true story)

(laughs in German)
Why is the word doom significant? Does it have something to do with me?
I nuked my discord when I was depresso espresso over my friend being all corpsey and stuff and also the one friend I really talk to bailing on me the one time I really needed the support.

That being said, loving me is a special kind of hell.
I had an incel friend describe me once and I rolled my eyes but thought about it later and I mean, I guess so.
"You're like a playful puppy that is fun and exciting, but you're also like an old injured gaurd dog that you can pity but also feel like you're good for supporting well also making you feel safe."

So like, if poor boundaries with a worn out old man who used to be cool(I was never cool) and the odds being that I bail on you at the first sign of trouble sounds like something you'd enjoy, than bow wow :3
jesus man, coming from me this is precious, I'm aware but just leave these women the fuck alone and let me live their lives and make their own mistakes and learn from them.
You literally are the worst kind of simp.

No, she's truly an incel, she won't fuck anyone after her last date (the details are funny). She asked my help with something serious and I helped, that's all. I help these girls if you haven't noticed yet, either by making them leave this place or when they have other problems they cannot or rather not solve.

I second this
name one thing you've actually done that genuinely helped any of the women whom you've supposedly whiteknighted for.

You seem to demonstrate Munchausen by proxy like symptoms as it's painfully obvious that you do everything in your power to abuse these women in a way that you insist is altruistic well allowing you to hold fascistic like power over them and their lives well maintaining you are doing the right thing when clearly you're doing more harm than good.

We all talk a lot of shit and dish out a fair amount of abuse around these parts, and a lot of us are prone to taking things way too far for little more than our own sick entertainment but you seem to be the one that wants to be top dawg in the most pathetic and scummy way.
What the actual fuck is wrong with you?

That's been established, we're all fucking crazy here, that's why we stay.

So are you like DID, BPD, schizoaffective, or what?
This all feels way too calculated to just be insanity with no end goal but is also clearly driven by mental illness and delusions of a power fantasy.
Inquiring minds would like to know, what's the game here?
Who is the hackerman and why does he do the things he does?

My theories have been mostly accurate and at this point I'd almost speculate you are Cewl, or at least a version of her... The one big hole in that plot is that you're clearly using a different VPN/proxy network than Cewl or at the very least smart enough to use a different device and setup when you post as Cewl vs when you post as Delle.

My second guess is that you're just some kind of tech savy autist who latches on to women and fails to understand anything about them so you just genuinely see what you are doing as love when in reality they all want you to fuck off but are genuinely terrified of what you would do if they genuinely left you.

She doesn't sell, quote my post if you will but there are no mentions of selling. But the threat is very real, she has to change in order to become a better person before things catch up to her and she's left with nothing.
Cewl is very smart and does all kinds of math, she's not dumb and knows how to properly set up a VPN and she also knows how to code. But answering your other thing: Bipolar 1, fucking manic and psychotic, double the trouble.
Watching goyslop media AKA TikTok, doomscrolling, etc...

> Who is the hackerman and why does he do the things he does?
They're FtM and want to feel like a big powerful man, but their foid brain ends up causing them to be destructive in their pathetic attempts to assert dominance.
> I'd almost speculate you are Cewl, or at least a version of her
Delastelle is Albanian and works in CS(AI/computer vision), also writes articles. Cewl is too retarded to do any of that.

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> it's* FtM and want to feel like a big powerful man, but their foid brain ends up causing them to be destructive in their pathetic attempts to assert dominance.
So my second theory than. Then? Thin? yeah, thin.

I know my first theory has a fuck ton of holes but I feel like it still holds some water.
Like all of this is just some bored l only depressed mtf chick(I know Cewl, I always knew, why do you think I didn't like masturbating to your naked body or masturbation videos <3) playing a game with herself and anyone stupid/bored enough to play along.

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Welp, there you have it. Irrefutable proof that Cewl and Delle are working together and both responsible for the cp that was posted as well as the other things that Delle was banned for.

jannies, volunteers, admins, do your thing.

It's been fun, but Delle, there's something you should know about me.
When I play a game, I don't always win, but my opponent never wins.
You were a very entertaining adversary. One of the best really... Hell, maybe THE best.
I love you man.

Also, if you have some trump card like "I am the admin, you got bamboozled" or have something from Puka or something like that, now's the time.
I'm genuinely interested to see what you've got up your sleeve here if anything.

Just saw it. I should leave this place for good, I know. Actually do what Vamp fails to do. kek. I waste too much time trying to convince her to stay away, I'm afraid it might turn into a you know who and you know who situation.
I think all those years of mostly ignoring e-girl shit was for the better. You never have an appreciation for how toxic it is until you've experienced it. Still fun, though. That's why I'm still here.

You mean me and Puka or Delle and Cewl?
Either way, yeah, stay away from Vamp bro. I learned real fucking quick that even trying to help minors in this situation is inevitably going to lead to shit going awry and you finding out you were in way over your head from the start.
The fact of the matter is these girls want this and you can't fight the system.
If anything just stay out of her dms.
It's Delle if I say it is bitch.
Probably, but if I don't take it who will?

lol Copemaxxing I see you guys are doing. You're afraid he's getting to actually blown her behind out while all you can do is death grip your shit. He gets to cuddle with her, run his fingers though her hair, etc etc. Guys here will pretend to hate her know full damn well they wish they had her.

You and Puka. It's less extreme but the spirit is still there. Her and I would have a normal conversation over Discord, but it's when I see her here that I want to facepalm with a steel fist. But you're right, I should just stay out of her thread.

You know the crazy thing? What we had really wasn't that extreme. Sure the age difference and our presences on the internet paint a more dramatic story and again the mystique and the whole "unsolved mysteries" vibe to it make it seem way more significant than it really was.

That and the fact that I am someone who is really not great with the warm fuzzy emotions, or abandonment so i really didn't handle shit well afterwards and when provoked I'll generally just do my thing and respond mindlessly. I'm kind of nihilistic like that.

truth is, our conversations were fairly mundane, like sure I made it a point to occasionally reinforce boundaries with her for both her sake and mine, but it really wasn't that deep. We never told each other I love you or anything crazy like that and at most I called her cute a few times when she was seeking validation, and it's probably worth pointing out that I also had a few "gfs" or fwb at the time and she was aware of at least two of them.
Like sure, there are a lot of things that I would have done differently, namely stay away entirely, but again, it was a lesson well learned.

Take my word for it, if you let yourself be vulnerable with Vamp in the slightest you're going to eat shit. But I suppose we all have to learn some things the hard way.
She seems like a good kid, I hope you're able to get through to her man.

What I mean is I as of yet so not have grooming accusations and I don't feel as strongly about her as you do Pukara. I don't have a personal relationship with her like you two did. Plus, she isn't asking me or anyone to groom her, even though she was an idiot and got groomed by that Ougi creature. I'm nothing special here but a BBC poster, so no one is going to be too compelled to have that deep of a bond with me. And that's a good thing! That means they're no problems when I vanish, and I stay out of trouble.

This group of attention whoring namefagging incels is the worst thing that has happened to this board in years.
Just constant blogging and OT derailing of every single thread.
It's like they try to kill this board on purpose.

The person hating this chit-chat is Mako/Elliot, the stalker who used to make her threads and the one who posted the photo of my ex ( >>/115897/), using the filename I gave him. The timestamp in the file name was meant just for you, it serves as a canary token of sorts. Mako and Elliot throw hate on Cewl and her orbiters out of jealousy, and you can see how much one of them or both were trying to make it look like I have nothing to do with Cewl (I already have proven half of it, expect the photo later as I couldn't sleep well), or they say I am a bad person for her:
 >>/113905/ - Jelly flag.
 >>/113939/ - It was most likely this person who posted it and I contacted Odilitime (website owner) to remove it, although it was wrong info, Odili knew it was better be safe than sorry...
I could go on and on, but just by eye, these quotes share a similar trait, which is jealousy, frustration, obsession, and a lack of a better vocabulary. He's probably another ESL, and Mako is from Malta. Elliot is suspected of being his alternative persona because they act the same way and both make money out of e-girls image, Elliot used to sell Ciara's underage pics and rares everywhere he could while she was still alive and after her death. Mako acted the same by orbiting and begging Cewl for something but I won't post the DMs without her permission.

Firstly you are discussing imageboard things on the normie app which is pretty gay, you should gatekeep things. And by calling the iconic e-girls "old" you are either calling them h4gs or implying you are one of the new ones, so you called yourself an e-girl.

i tried cutting them and it had black nailpaint for a long while so when i took them off the best i could it was still dark blue underneath and the new white nail paint looks like yellow with the filter 😭
and youee weird for zooming in

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:C thank you i guess but i want to be feminine LIKE A GIRL
this  >>/117397/ is a selfie i took, outside campus...
delastelle is close to me because he talks to me everyday. he is not my boyfriend he knows that but god he knows how to troll you.
if (you) talked to me as much as he did in private, you would get special pictures like that too. but you dont. thats the difference between delastelle and (you). he talks to me about anything because he wants to, you guys jut want to pwn me.
like i said, my dms are open to everyone, yet i dont really get that many messages. eh, im not the prettiest so thats to be expected. but dont say someone is my boyfriend because i talk to everyone as mcuh as they message me
of course, this makes me a magnet for bad people like elliot or doom, because i really mean it, i try to talk to everyone! i dont stop talking because my interest in people sometimes peaks when i notice they are not socially acceptable, like a pedrophile or a zoophile. i just want to learn more about the interworkings of their minds. wouldnt you, if you had the chance?

a few threads ago you were talking about how you wouldn't post any more nudes here and how dela was getting customs and now that he's banned you're saying he's not your boyfriend because you don't want the mods to ban you too. it's pretty obvious you were dating. you supported him on all his endeavours before he was banned too

I'm still around. I just really don't care enough to fuck with Cewl anymore.
It was fun, but the crusade got old and tricking her is childs play. My theory is that she knowingly walked into every trap I set because she just wanted the drama... I mean, she can't REALLY be that stupid, can she?

Ironically, the most sadistic thing I can do to her is to just bail on her.

Anyway, let's blog.

As for me, I'm doing great. 
My irl gf-type situation has been getting annoying. She's like bipolar as shit and sometimes gets really needy but she cooks for me and that's always nice. I'd break it off but tbh, it's not that bad and the dating market is a fucking joke in your 30s and that's only compounded with the modern social climate. 
ProTip: Slightly older women are prime real estate if you want a relationship you can just not have to maintain at all.

Had to ditch the family member I was trying to help, he's psychotic and bites the hand that feeds too much.
Nuff said

The business is gettin pretty stagnant, most of my newts haven't started laying yet, and that's pretty concerning, but I've been making a killing on the stock market, so that's nice.

I've managed to form another more dangerous persona and have actually gone from 4 of the FBIs most dangerous pedrophiles to 5 but the weird thing is that they claim to have captured two of my personas which has left me and my thousands upon thousands of victims all scratching our heads.

Anyway, hope you're all doing well.
Cewl, you and your little friend are far worse ppl than me and my ilk. I'm not even going to bother trying to disprove anything you say.
You know the truth, I know the truth, and we both know you're full of shit.

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A BV confirmed she did that herself and framed me and even threatened to perma-ban her if she did that again.
Probably the same BV that pointed out that Delle posted literal cp using the name Doom.

He seems like a cool guy and eh doesn't afraid of anything. He seems to actually give a shit about this community and has shown some real integrity, which is highly uncharacteristic for a janny.

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the bv lied, admin assessed the situation right when it happened and left a comment saying that it shouldnt be reposted as it is copyrighted by default. then the bv even tho he can see the ip hashes and doom claimed to leak it, has spread a lie about me posting the video and i proved that it wasnt me. the bv continues his power trip and b& dela, with false claims, and anyone that CAN or COULD be dela. be careful not to defend me or say the truth because the egomaniac bv will delete the truth for some reason. just a personal vendetta. 
> picrel is proof that it wasnt a selfpost since no (you)s appear for that post, and im sure the admin would point it out if it was a selfpost before the BV.

i cursed you and everytime you jack off to me its another woman thats going to hate you. also people do care, hence they are talking about it, even though they hate me, they care about this. so because they hate me, they may not believe me or bv may nuke the reply but i will share my truth because not only the leak was hurtful the BVs actions are disgusting

please tell me how dela is a pedro and doom isnt without saying "hurr durr the bv said so" he obviously fucking hates me and dela so he makes up shit knowing all you retards will believe it. you guys just flock to whoever has the power (pissing competition) without thinking to yourself without anyone else telling you how things are the way they are. its insane

> and doom isnt
You are crazy if you assume I think that other namefagis any better.
It is utterly braindead whataboutism.
Your little bitchboy has shown his true colors in the Ki thread once again where he is already trying to get into her brain via DMs.

hi, i wanted to clear up that he has never been anywhere near weird in dms, we have only ever talked about cewl because he was happy we were friends, or messaged when he’s tried to help me with posting and warning me about actual creepy people with bad intentions ! its unfair that people wont hear him out or let him explain his perspective because he has been nothing but helpful and polite in the few times we have spoke :c

Delastelle is a fat roastie and makes covert posts on this board seething about skinny women or women prettier than her. She was one of Bee's main haters back in the day. She just recently made a post mocking Kennedi for being "built like a stick". She posted that squirting vid to try to frame Doom with revenge porn for some retarded reason, something cewl also tried to pull, they're both retarded fat roasties that need to be curbstomped and you shouldn't associate with them.

Delastelle is just a persona which will be discarded by the next scam, then he'll pretend to be someone else. Bo, bv and a handful of other posters has been shitposting with the fag for many years, so of course they know he is a pedro.

That you think your word from limited interactions in DMs will have any weight on this is stupid.
But then again you also defended the KNOWN CHILD GROOMER Seymour, because uwu he has never been bad to meeee.
You are so fucking naive it's almost offensive.

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ur such a bad liar lmao
I don't hate either of you retards. Exposing the truth about you is hilarious and you were so eager to expose me for no other reason than you were buttmad about nothing and wanted to start shit.

Cewl, stop project the fact that you're beast-curious onto me because I went along with your stoned ramblings.

Look at this pragmatically.
Why would I leak one of Cewls videos? What do I get out of it?

I humiliate Cewl?
She posts her nudes all the time.

I get a sense of power?
I've stated many times that by not leaking the vid I ironically have more power over the coomers.
For what? Entertaining me with our silly internet slapfight?
Also, it's not very good revenge.

I even had said beforehand to friends in dm that I wanted to get her to leak the video herself. That was my goal.
Getting her to do it herself is funny, there is a sense of karma, and a bamboozling factor.

Leaking her vid is the equivalent of a comedian running up to someone, tickling them, and saying "haha! Made you laugh!" with my goal in mind.

I like to think that I'm a little more elegant than that. I'm a menace and kind of fucked up, but I'm not just a bully.

is cewl actually trans? she has a tranny looking body, pics where she looks like a straight up dude with no tits at all and her axe wound is so mangled and discolored looking I'm not sure it's not some sort of tranny botch job

What have I lied about you fucking moron?
You're so bad at projecting it's not even funny. Go get high on heroin and carve DOOM into your thighs you obese retard.
What can I say? I don't always shitpost in Cewls thread, but when I do I tend to highjack the spotlight.

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cewl is known to be an extremely deranged post-op tranoid. most of the schizo posting in his threads are him larping as different characters and he does the same on his groomcord secret with different accounts. cewl and delastelle might be the same person as well.

it did. it did make my busy moist.
That's actually a thing Delle(or dela if you're a fucking buzzkill) did when we hurt Cewls feelings. He literally said it was for justice or some stupid shit like that.
Why do you think when he posts it says banned for cp?
Do you really believe this is all some conspiracy by the BV and BO?

> inb4 delastelle makes some crazy posts about me
so after a long time of getting blackmailed in order to keep me talking to him, i finally cut ties with delastelle. he WILL go bananas. he has bipolar or DID or is saying he does in order to excuse his toxic actions like blackmailing me, hurting me, doing things behind my back, and lastly suicidebaiting me. im tired of him and its evidently obvious why as you guys know how he is. i hope you dont feed into his weird beliefs when he makes up some shit about me in order to make himself feel better like he recently did with vore because she didnt give him admin (imagine 😂)
so yeah please be patient with me in these desperate times i am already sick and i lost the idgaf war countless times but this time i truly dgaf

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> Finally cut off Delle
> I lost the idgaf war but idgaf
So like... You want to try talking again in private now that Delle doesn't have his hand on the steering wheel?
Otherwise if you'd still rather hate me, than let me just say that trolling you has gotten old and I never really hated you. I can fuck off but just try to keep my name out of your mouth and I'll more or less do the same. Obviously when I get called a Zoophile or pedro or whatever else I'm going to come at you swinging, that's just the kind of person I am.

Either way, I really enjoyed this little shitshow of ours and I really do wish you well.
Stay safe Cewl.

Also, I'm just being real, it's highly likely that the last time we talked I was talking to Delle.
I ain't trying to simp, I cant imagine either of us would be comfortable being friends at this point but I still had questions and would like to maybe have them answered by Cewl herself well we talk like adults instead of likely Delle acting like an edgy psycho hackerman faggot protecting Cewl from everyone who isn't him by making everyone hate her.

Also, if it really was him pulling the strings and pushing her to provoke me knowing full well I'd respond, than maybe I owe Cewl an apology and I ain't gonna do that publicly.

I guess in these types of situation I like to get closure, maybe she wants that, maybe she jut wants me to fuck off, idk.

You think i really give a fuck what some random retard wants?
Fuck you.
Delle, that was low, even for you man. I guess mods get to add Doxxing to the list of reasons you're banned lol.
Hell, if nothing else maybe she should add me just to spite you.
We all know how much that would bother you. ^.^
Without you encouraging her to do retarded shit me and her might actually get along.
Take care of yourself and get some help man. ^.^

Part of me wants her to go back doing drugs and die because of this. She took sides with Vore of all people so she deserves more damage to her life.
Also, she likes minors, maybe they got along.

You know that you were a pawn in my game and I got her because of you, right? No one tried to "protect" her from you, but I took the chance to get freebies for months, those I won't leak, leaking nudes is Selina's deal.

i didnt take her side, i simply said it was very weird that you seethed when she didnt give you admin after you asked for it (who even asks to be a discord mod) 
and bc you posted her weird shit on her dc because of this i was weirded out. and again you do a similar thing to me

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and you think all this will make me jump into your arms?

you have bpd or did yourself. not me, retard
im just doing what i shouldve done long ago but you scared me saying that you would do this for months and i stayed. im not scared of you anymore.

> you were a pawn
God you talk like such a fag. Yes, I'm aware, that's why I wanted to talk to Cewl without you in the picture. The fact of the matter is she let you tell her what to do, and we all made our choices.
I had fun, I'm a bit of a sociopath myself, granted I 'm not a complete sociopath and have some kind of moral compass, not much of one but still.

Btw, I talked to Vore, she told me what happened. That's pretty pathetic lmao.
Did you really offer to pay? Also, I did warn her about you. I actually give a fuck about my friends and all the theatrics and larps aside she never really did anything to wrong me other than be kind of a flakey bitch.
I won't say much more othert than it was a really pleasant reunion. Doubt it'll go anywhere.
I'm going to add you accept the request, I promise this is relevant.

Just fucking ban Cewl threads already so these stupid skiddie faggots can't ruin the board anymore. I beg of you, Jannies. They infiltrate EVERY SINGLE THREAD and now this is happening because they think they're "famous" for samefagging.

Delle is clearly insane. I don't think I'm famous at all. I just post in the threads with the e-girls i know.
You might not like my style of trolling/skitzoposting/whatever, but I'm not breaking any rules and even if Cewl threads got nuked I'd still be here, pissing you off with my existence.
< 3

I know, I wasn't referring to you. Sorry this is happening, you don't deserve it. Dela and Doom are fucking insufferable loonies. I dont think anyone here hates you enough to do anything with any personal info tbh, maybe Elliot but even he just likes trolling and nothing too far usually.

Jake? I even lied my name to you, I never trusted you and that's why I was jealous all the time.

I will prepare the audios from the night you danced and gave minors some xanax and alcohol to feel something "real"...

Don't lump me in with Delle.
I'm calling it now, this is an inside job. Cewl and Delle are just LARPing for more attention becasue I got bored/boring and have been going elsewhere.

Also just lol.
> hometown:Serbia
Gee, really?

Genuinely what's the point of this? Sincerely, truthfully, and no cap. Why do you care this much? It doesn't make Cewl look pathetic like you think it does. You're just high off your own fumes. You're a pathetic literal tranny with greasy green hair having a meltie because Cewl doesn't want to fuck you enough to give you mod in a fucking DISCORD SERVER?

> Here's the confession she did all of that, whoring herself out and she was well aware, she doesn't black out with xans, she masturbated with Doom and she liked it, that's funny.
You're God damned right she liked it. That's why you felt such a need to make sure we hated each other. God forbid she finds a guy that she can just be comfortable with and indulge in a bit of safe degeneracy and realize that it's not normal, even for a "bad boy" to like her and think she's special and not want to control her.
Women tend to realize I'm pretty chill when I'm not being relentlessly provoked.

Not normal for someone who likes her to control her*
Forgive my piss poor wording. I'm multitasking but i just want to witness your little melty in real time.

Cewl, you going to add me or am I barking up the wrong tree? I have info you may want and I have questions I want answered.
No. Controling a woman is actually pretty cowardly. Loving a girl, and letting her make her own mistakes knowing she's going to get herself hurt and eventually she's probably going to do something that jeopardizes the love you both share takes balls.
Call me a simp or beta or whatever but you know I'm right.

Everything has been so quiet here I was wondering what was going on. That sucks and I hope nothing horrible comes out of this, but I'm still no longer BBC posting. Don't worry, though, you still make me hard as a diamond and I'd let you piss in my mouth when you cum from tongue stimulation. 
I don't get why they seeth at us namefagging. Lol They have to know we'll do it just to piss them off. They're lucky I'm getting kind of bored with it to not do it as often now. But like you said, we aren't breaking rules by doing it. Kek. It's not like they're making the threads exciting by constantly asking for nudes and then insulting the the girls. Lol Before I started namefagging and just lurked (while commenting sometimes) that was all it was, with them discussing whatever highschool drama the girl was a part of. Fucking hell, stfu and have some fun here anons. The world takes itself too seriously for you to be taking THIS shit too seriously.

In fairness, I am an attention whore and I know a lot of the anons here are literally just here to simp and masturbate but they fail to see that a lot of us are here for the drama, whether to witness it or take part and legitamately hate my teatrics.
Part of the reason i continue is because it makes pathetic assholes seethe and also because it's just fucking fun to throw yourself face first into that brickwall we all call the internet.

I like how people can't tell when I'm being sincere and when I'm just trolling. Right now I am fanning the flames and have been working behind the scenes to figure some things out about Delle and warn individuals of interest about him, but Cewl wants to be headstrong, and hey, I can't blame her. From her perspective I'm just as bad as Delle but hey, can't ask for self awareness from Cewl. She's *takes off sunglasses* Too cewl for that.
My favorite conspiracy theory is that Puka is a spy for the CCP and Cewl is her handler. Delle is obviously Xi Xin Ping, and the only reason he's able to doxx Cewl so well as to figure out the exact Country she's from is because he works with interdimensional demons and the CEO of Microsoft(who is a reptilian vampire)

Are you dumb enough to think anyone else here lives in Turkey and would actually be able to do anything with the fact that she passes by a few Starbucks on her walk? Or that they would even want to if they did? Almost every single person here is in North America, Western Europe, or fucking Latin America. There is not a single other Turkey-based poster here.

Nope. I didn't post it as it would be idiotic of me, Doom only has one "enemy" (me) and it would be pretty obvious if I did it. I brag about using Mullvad and I said I choose the US as my primary location to post, people can impersonate me and now get banned by using those IP ranges.

That's it Cewl. if you won't add me and let me control you and dominate you and all that I'm going to drop the real Doxx like an actual real professional hackerman and show you how it's done.

(•益´•)(//◉_◉//)(ꈍoꈍ✿) Cewl (ꈍoꈍ✿)(//◉_◉//)(•益´•)

Real name: Mah'baby Cewlio
Sex: Yes, with me all the time
Sexual preference: black
Bra size: 33 B
Vagina status: Wet for Doom
Country of origin: Serbia(really, that one was spot on. Well done Delle)
Current location: https://endchan.org/agatha2/res/115569.html#120469
iq: 81(Just above the line of retardation)
College: likely to drop out soon
DOC: Heroiun, xanax, Doom

(ᕗ ͠° ਊ ͠° )ᕗ         Only you could have prevented this forest Fire Cewl. You were warned.	(̿▀̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)̄

> as it would be idiotic of me
what? "Your honor this would be idiotic of me"
You got a track record for doing "idiotic" things
> doxxing Cewl
> collecting info and blackmailing other egirls
> posting green girl on EC for no reason
> collecting IPs
> archive for all posts
just to name a few

damn. It's almost like when i say I'm against the exploitation of children I really mean that and aren't just saying it to save face.

I didn't groom Puka, I didn't groom Vamp, I didn't do half the shit i was accused of. I'm as much of a victim as Cewl here, but just like her, I made the choice to keep playing along so I can't erally consider myself the villian.

That was a freebie, I'm going to sell it. She'll get a nice dox when I find some data dump with more details, that one sucks because it was just notes about her personal things, not even a dox, just notes.
She will get back here to post these things again, for your pleasure, so it isn't revenge porn after all and she did post her masturbation video using my VPN because we share it and I constantly kick her out for being dumb and turning it on while posting here.
Green girl was a bait and we had fun. Don't ruin it again.
Collecting IPs was more of a prank by laughing at the incompetence of the admins to keep this place secure, and I found other things like mass reports and now I got another thing I'm working on.

All things said, this is the most fun you motherfuckers will have since Doom because now things will get real, really real and she will blog about it here. Turkish people are really easy to buy in order to do some crazy shit.

Trust me, there are some deranged ones that will. I'm saying it here: Her identity is not hers anymore, her body is not hers anymore too, her decisions on the other hand could've been better to avoid this but she's a bitch so she fucked around and she found out.

> but just like her, I made the choice to keep playing along so I can't erally consider myself the victim*
I had my emotions played with and repeatedly had my name dragged through the mud for literally no fucking reason. It's just a good thing that I am good at flipping things on people and I also lowkey into sadistic and masochistic type shit... Cewl actually knows that better than she'll let on. 

Seriously if not for that I would have fucked off when I reached back out to Cewl and she was like "No Doom, you hurt me and i want to move on" and left things at that. Instead she and Dela consciously made the choice to fuck with me and see what I would do. yes, I am a victim here, no i don't think that makes my actions just or righteous or something stupid like that.

hes right. i should forgive him if i dont want more things leaked about me. i dont know what to do im just really stupid and you guys will do stuff to me and my friend because you have her email and i fucked up my life already so how can it be. i just dont want more bad stuff to happen. so i forgive him.

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Even with your crazy and cynical personality of a girl with BPD and something else that's bothering you now and I rather not tell them (you can ask me on whatsapp), I really love you in a weird way because we match our lives and our past. 
You really could've avoided by not doing silly things to provoke me while I am manic, you know I am manic and you provoked me.

i didnt enable anything vore, hes an adult and does hurtful things on his own. sometimes they are reactions to other things ive done or you have (assuming its vore) they are hurtful more yes but i never did anything that would "enable" him to. give me an example how i could enable him because it is not making sense to me. you enable things like addictions by letting addicts have money to buy drugs, not things like this

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> act like child on a board where everyone acts like little kids
> reeee, he's a tarded!
I'm just having fun. Odds are I'm 10x as mature as you irl.
This is a LArp confirmed. I'm in talks with Vore and she wouldn't lie to me about the shit she told me. I trust her... Enough.
Cewl, Delle, your guys' fake drama is some next level shit. 
Bravo, you really had me going for a while.

True forgiveness comes from the heart, not fear. I forgive you, Selina, for bringing our fight here, for provoking me countless times when I couldn't do anything other than accept. I got tired and I did all this to prove a point: I am not Doom, I am worse, I am a walking piece of shit and I do not care about internet fame or how people see me if they do.

Now go back, let's play WuWa and we can VC about it, I won't kick you out from the VPN again, the VPN I pay since the ban of Discord in Turkey (you will repay me one day).

Her real name isn't even Selena. She told me her real name, I assumed she was just full of shit.
Fuck you retards and your fake ass bullshit. I wanted to witness real raw emotion, not this synthetic shit.
Cewl, seriously you deserve to OD for blueballing us like you have.

Good on you. Now if you may take your pills, those google results might disappear in a few minutes as they do not exist, she told me this herself before telling me her name.

If anything this will make my connection with her stronger, you all will be left with crumbles again, shamelessly saving things I sent because no one here who wants her can have her or did have her at all.


Read, faggots. You, anons, are nothing and I am here to remind you of that.
By the way something I should clear with Doom and everyone: I only posted today, if you're chasing me and pointing fingers at other anons then right on! Keep doing it until enough people get banned; call me groomer, call me this and that, in the meantime I will be talking to Cewl as always because she knows me and she trusts me (the real me).

As for the picture and name: She made up the name, the picture I changed before talking to her because I knew what was about to happen. If you want so bad to see me, just ask for my long white dick.

She hates women and she is the one hating on Kiki and other girls for no reason, I think it's about their ages and why anons want these girls, how Vore made poor life choices by getting pregnant by a nigger and such.

typical woman behaviour
eschewing responsibility by pretending to be dumb, overly forgiving and gullible 
yeah girl those double-digit iq psychos totally manipulated you
not like you push away normal people and choose to associate with psychos

Whatever you say... She was posting on her thread yesterday. You say it with such conviction I'm thinking you can be Vore or one of her simps, after all, this is an anonymous forum.
I haven't seen a single ban against Vore for months, anyone can see the logs too... did you forget that?

Oh I thought it was something like that but there was just too much spam in these threads I couldn't keep up with it, thank you.
Ban message should probably include all that info, but they might reach character limit. kek

I have absolutely no idea who the fuck delastele, doom, elliot or whoever the fuck else faggot namefag are or what they did, but all you retarded faggots along with this boring ugly brown whore who looks like a tranny should kys immediately and take your retarded drama to discord. 

This cunt's threads are consistently the worst on the entire board mainly because the girl itself is a shit tier unknown made wors by the 2 or 3 drama queen niggers that follow her.

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> mentally ill woman is two faced
Truly some of the best journalism I've ever seen. here, have a Pulitzers gecko as a prize.
I reached out and she seemed over joyed to hear from me again, I won't leak those DM's I don't care to violate someone who really didn't nothing to me like that.

Nah, she just has a tendency to be really nice to me and than stop talking and I just fuck off, we'll see if this is the third time or not. Judging from the sweetness in her tone and the promise that we'll "talk more tomorrow night and that was two days ago I'm going to just go ahead and assume I won't hear from her again. I really just wanted the story on the delle situation.
Again, it's childish and irksome. I liked to sexually harass her and I flirted with Ika a few times in her server. Idk if she gave a fuck, that was an assumption.

Also, when I was in her server it wasn't to my taste and in one of out vcs I made a racist joke and she asked if I don't like black people and said I don't like ghetto trash and than magically like a minute later the most annoying nigger hopped in the vc and my options here are to believe that was pure chance, a magical negro who could sense my racial insensitivity, or vore just being acting like a 12 year old.

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Make a new tread you Kunt. I wanna rail on you some moar and call you fat and other stupid things that will worsen your mental health. I'm bored without you to abuse and to fling shit in my face. :3

For cereal Cewl. The e-girl I'm orbiting/simping/whatever with now is actually really good to me, like objectively too good for me, and I couldn't see myself abusing her even if she pulled the same shit you did because I legitimately adore her as a person. I miss mah baby Cewlio, you were the best punching bag.
< 3

hi girlies im studying for molecular biology wml i wanted to stream today but that flunking iisnt gonna flunk itself! also i got banned from for chang for 2 days for posting random stuff outside b but r9k is literally b with pzazz and someone with a similar thread didnt get their thread bonked so im thinking its RACISM!

You and Delle have been caught engaging in some pedro shit, you accused me of revenge porn after posting it yourself twice, you're annoying as shit and the mods dislike you.

You are a predator and you project it onto your victims. I can't imagine the amount of damage you would do to actual incels with nothing going on in their life. Please seek professional help Cuellia (or however the fuck you spell it)

It turns out I'm da good guy. Pic related.

Also, holy shit dude. I swear to God I have a sixth sense. I literally checked your thread like 5 minutes after you posted and don't usually come here and I never really bother to check this shit anymore.

That is actually fucking weird to me...
Maybe we really are destined to be arch nemesis' Cewl...
 y'know assuming part of Delles control fetish wasn't preventing you from talking to me lol. Blink twice if you're in danger of Delle hurting you

i did not want to do anything to do with him and please mentioning his name as its giving me vietnam flashbacks
sorry, i have more reason to believe it was actually him that posted the revenge porn
but i did not do it twice only once for shits and giggles
im sure the mods  dislike me here but i doubt r9k mods even know who i am as i was b& as anon
im not a predator and youre not a victim get a grip big boy
i helped many incels get rid of their porn addiction by instead jacking of to a real woman that does it not because she was trafficked or she would be homeless without the money instead and they developed nice social skills by talking to me, i dont regret anything

youre not a good person and nothing about my ban or my entrapment with delle has anything to do with you

do you realize how you never mentioned you showed me illegal shit in that reply? you cant even take accountability and it shows. please stop talking to girls that youre three times older than and do not engage with zoophilia. please stop talking to me if you so hate me because everyone just realizes how you are obsessed and you deleting every message that mentions youre zoophilic in our dms so i cant screenshot them just make you look worse. i could prove it if i wanted easily because i was still recording on OBS when i ended the stream and opened your call it turns out. but i dont want drama or anything to do with you anymore
my thread is well below the catalog yet you replied to me within an hour just like that. it is evident that youve been refreshing for god knows how long to reply to me. youre obsessed, get a life. go to therapy as well if you tell ME to go. youre a bpdemon freak and are still on the chins at late 30s. youre an evil person that keeps bringing hurtful shit up just to try and "expose" me when everyone knows the truth.
im sorry i trolled you for so long after initially cutting contact with you after 2-3 days. it was delles idea mostly, and i didnt want to anger him any more. as you know most of that wasnt even me

> I realize it wasn't you who posted the revenge porn
Oh shit. Is Cewl actually going to be an adult for once?
> The rest 
damn it....

Cewl. I know I'm not innocent. I've ben trolling you too. Don't sit there and say it was all Delles idea. Bitch own it, you have fucking agency in your life.

You want me to fuck off? Like actually? Than stop talking shit like a fucking retard about things you know nothing about, and actually fucking apologize to me. Own your bullshit, maybe I'll own mine.

I like dogging you, you're fun to hurt, and seeing how fucking malicious and shitty you are makes it real easy to ignore my conscience when I know I'm fucking you up further. Maybe try to be better for once in your life instead of the mental gymnastics you go through to justify your shitty retardation, hmmm?

I tried being chill with you, I tried giving you a chance, and I got burned. You sat there and ran your mouth(Delles idea) for months about me. I gave you a choice, and you chose wrong.

Oh, and I did have something to do with your ban. Were you banned for begging advertising? :3

> i didnt talk about you
Still on your I ain't du nuffin grind I see.
> Are you skitzo
You know what I am baby doll.
< 3

You think I actually read all that? No, Cewl, you read the wall of texts I put up, I skim through yours.

You really see your self as an innocent victim in all of this, don't you?
People like you are scary... Like You're genuinely dangerous. The level of fucked up shit someone who can do when they are able to see themselves as a victim in any situation is limitless.
Cewl, if you ever become a serial killer you should carve the name Doom into your victims thighs. that would be a pretty cewl MO :3

Bullying you has gotten old, even my interest is waning. You're old news, everyone seems interested in Ki now, I really can't be bothered to keep up with the lore or the crowd without some personal investment. Internet blood sports is a young mans game.

When you finally accept that me and Delle were right about you just leave me out of the suicide note, k?

You gotta stop lying. 
I made myself clear multiple times. Quit mentioning me over and over because my dick gets hard, and tell Doom the truth. I kinda like him now, he's cool and you deserve him, but he doesn't deserve the headache you can be.
> sorry, i have more reason to believe it was actually him that posted the revenge porn

The BV hunts me around every day but chose you to blame for the leak if that was a leak at all, I wonder why... I had to contact admins for that shit in the middle of the night.
> i helped many incels get rid of their porn addiction by instead jacking of to a real woman that does it not because she was trafficked or she would be homeless without the money instead and they developed nice social skills by talking to me, i dont regret anything

You're not special or any different than a porn actress and you only made people more mad and frustrated, you can't save anyone. Just stream your games, live your life in a nice way, do whatever with anons in your DMs like you always do, stop being a bitch and own it; you're a worthless whore who asked me at least 3 times to do your homework and there's proof of that as well, dumb cunt.

I am high as fuck, I don't care about whatever I just wrote. Rest in piss, "Cewl".
https://litter.catbox.moe/46hik8.jpg - I have no idea where I got this but I think you were younger. Yeah, I got more than before but I won't share or make it public so don't worry, you don't deserve this kind of attention and you should feel good I wasted my time giving you this attention. I am sure I make you wet, fucking freak.

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