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Nowhere in your post do you mention art. You're a good artist. You should try to get a job involving creativity, like volunteering with kids in an afterschool program where you can draw and do crafts with them, or maybe apply to a bakery, something like that. Wageslaving isn't the meaning or purpose of life but it will give you a reason to go out and take care of yourself, and you will even make friends and learn things in the process. I wish you luck. It is never over.
> be me
> browse r9k on and off for about 10 years
> Roz is the only egirl I like

> Fast forward to this year
> I swore to never go on 4chan ever again after finally realizing how stupid all of it is
> still come to this board every once in a while to check on the Roz thread
> I still like her and I wanna know what's she's up to nowadays

> Yesterday, I saw the recent posts of people saying she's dead
> can't find anything about it on google
> I swore by my life to never go on 4chan again so I can't check it myself
> my favorite egirl is dead 
> don't know how what when or why
> she's dead and she will never be with us again

I'm legit sad
I'm seeing my female classmates from high school starting to have kids, and it's kinda hitting me how sex is a real thing that people have, and have been having for the past 10+ years now. Like holy shit they were naked together having sex and some dude really came inside these chicks. Meanwhile I'm a KHHHV.
> Like holy shit they were naked together having sex and some dude really came inside these chicks. Meanwhile I'm a KHHHV.
Dude, it's useless to dwell on these things. Sex without passion is worse than sticking your dick into a sand bucket. You'll never be a girl's erotic dream. You're not that guy, I'm not that guy.

If you have enough money, you need to go find some young prostitute ASAP and tell her that you want a fucking deepthroat blowjob, and you want her to look you in the eye as she swallows your cum. It will help, trust me.

Just remember that people like us will never get this kind of service from a relationshit.
> placed in shit-hole country

> have a master degree in cs and some non-degrade hobbies

> have a half-time job that pays for rent and covers basic needs

> had been 29yo virgin, but finded gf that cute and make my life somehow better, but feelings are shredded and anhedonic mindstate doesn't leave me out even when she is attending me (long distance relationships)

> in this particular year my lovable cat passed away and my father diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, now he didn't speak and metastases started to grow after surgery 

> stopped smoking weed after episode when ER come up for my father life threatening status and they did everything to leave us without actual help - weed is not the case, but now I don't want to dream myself away in any way

life is good man
> I've been that guy many times, it's not hard.
lol, yea, right, buddy. And that's why you're a 30 y/o virgin posting on this board. Bcs it's not that hard, lmao.

I dunno why did I even try to help your dumb ass. Keep huffing that copium, it's not like I give a fuck.

Blackpill is Eternal.
No I meant that tea with caffeine aka the only actual tea has the good parts of caffeine with none of the bad parts. I’m not talking about chamomile or lavender i’m talking about tea leaf. You can still sleep after drinking tea, that’s how chill the stuff in it is even with caffeine still in the picture
Im a disgusting subhuman neet. Everything about me is disgusting and im not exaggerating in the slightest like alot of attentionwhores do. My life is utter shit and i dont have anything to live for. I've thought about just trying to become rich and thinner but then i remember that i will never have a fembot girlfriend and then there would be no reason for me to improve in life.
yeah im a neet too,, im gross and aawful to be around but i do have a boyfriend somehow. however i jsut spend all day on here looking at girls. i want to be worshipped too. but alas.
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I'm basically a "normalfag" who's been frequenting 4chan for about 5 years. I found the site because I liked horror stuff and I had a curiosity for gore as a 40-year-old woman. The funny thing is that from joke to joke I realized that most, if not all, people see things with rose-colored glasses and get edgy when they don't.
I started enjoying rekt and gore, but indirectly all my optimism was shattered, so now I only watch it occasionally. Without irony, the teenagers are right. Nothing matters, the world always was and will be the most unredeemable shit imaginable, but at least everyone will die, so I guess there is a light in all this. I didn't even know what an orbiter was yesterday, I'm only here because I got banned from 4chan and, no, I'm not rebooting my router or whatever.
Women don't like fit men because of attraction.  They like fit men because it means you're a good slave.  You work so hard she might be able to just suck you off once during the ten minutes at home you aren't eating or shitting!  Hell she could stand to suck you off in the middle of the fattest shit of your life if you slave that hard!

This revelation has lead me to hate muscles
I have zero motivation to do anything except be chronically online, is this depression or am I just retarded
I don't want to die or anything just can't bring myself to leave the house and interact with people in person

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