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guys i dotn even get high i just wanna do leas suboxone cause its maddd addicting wnd expensive i just wanna get off it quicker so i do 2 mg iv instead of 8 mg oral
fun facts about cewl:
has a double digit bodycount
has a drug dealer "boyfriend", he tried to doxx her once
posts nudes on r9k to show the nerds what they could never have (drug dealer and crypto chads only)
meets and fucks sleazy businessmen from her twitter, they give her drug money
is studying to become an engineer 
is actually autistic and not a larping normie
she's good at art but sucks at nail polish
> meets and fucks sleazy businessmen from her twitter, they give her drug money
unless there are pics of cewl and guys from twitter its fake
funfacts: ive had the love of my live literally ENTER INSIDE OF ME nearly hundreds of times... i miss her so much ... but she was so toxic ...
im sorry we had to break up heroin im still obsessed with u babygirl all these hoepiates couldnt compare to you </3
but its lateeee 😭😭 i dont wanan do makeup then remove it then sleep i already washed my face and brushed my teeeth 😭😭😭 PLEQAAAASE
Nevermind. I figured it out when I wondered why not do it the traditional way but they do this to hide the marks, to hide the shame...
Poor cewl. such a tragic figure. its over.
Go tell it your doc and see what says.
Why would you try to hide the injection mark by doing it on your foot, if it's nothing worth noting?
The only one you're fooling here is yourself.
cewl when will you save me
ive been waiting for the day you 
 come knock my door and take me to adventures
she's a grown ass woman she can do whatevar she wants, and she's smart enough to know how not to OD on cheap smack laced with shit. also have sex.
A grown ass woman with the mind of a child.
Look at that syringe, that orange tipped instrument of death. You only find them in smackhead areas and it's a deathly reminder of the creatures lurking in those areas.
This is what she has become and it isn't something to be proud of. When that needle penetrated her skin, that was when the cewl died. RIP
How would I have sex when you kill all the egirls idiot?

And it doesn't matter if she's an adult or not, addiction works the same: life inherently sucks, you wanna escape.

But existence is a one-way street - it takes more suffering to escape it, than to be born into it.

So cewl will suffer, and it fucking sucks.
That's not how addiction works lol, she was still addicted after rehab. Especially when it comes to opioids, you're basically addicted for life and your only hope is to manage it.

Its a fucked up situation: she needs to find purpose in life when life objectively has no purpose, otherwise there is nothing keeping her from relapsing.
We should not infantilize cewl she does drugs because she wants to not because she is poor , a prostitute or homeless. Everything she does is inflicted by herself not other people , if anything just turn off the computer lol
omg i use korean face cleaning gel and bought an eyeshadow palette and a lip stain but i havent tried the makeup wtf :o
not only am i addicted to heroin, i know i wont get high when im on suboxone. iv suboxone doesnt get me high. i am also  addicted to needle. i just love getting my blood drawn (always have) and idk poke around hurt myself i mean im probe to self harm and idk it reminds me of the times i did heroin and calms me down a little makes me happy to feel that rush of preparing, trying to be discreet and finding a vein they are all very exciting to me...

yea addiction is a life long illness. but im not using heroin and not getting high! so i havent relapsed, also since i dont have insurance they are fuck ton expensive and this is the mega easy no borax no glue way of using suboxone and min/max it, like im prescribed 8 mg but im injecting like 2 mg, feels the same and i dont get wthdrawal symptoms. so more suboxone but same effect! but im running out of needles and shooting on your joints mega hurts so maybe i will not do it that much i just wanna quit suboxone cause i feel like i am not "sober enough" because im on medically assisted treatment rather than just doing it by myself. i feel like im "cheating" my way through sobreity, and since i cant just stop using it i have to slowly decrease the dosage. the doctor fees are building up cause i visited a hand doctor woman and had to pay for 3 mris and the vitamins (turns out i have like 0 magnesium which could lead to cramps) and i also have small cysts in the spinal canal!!!! yay

so yea im not relapsing bros.. calm
> this is the mega easy no borax no glue way of using suboxone and min/max it

See? Cewl is smart, not dumb.

> i feel like im "cheating" my way through sobreity

What's wrong with cheating if it gets you the desired results? I've cheated my way through school and I would do it again.

> the doctor fees are building up

Hey libero wtf! Get your bitcoin wallet ready! Its not gonna go any higher anyway.
didn't cewl say she will never post nudes again? what made her flop https://voca.ro/1oBIxddgVO8h
> what egirl mogs her
All of them miyoko puk ika vamp the new asian e-girl ,the new goth e-girl. The only e-girl that does not mog cewl is iris but thats because her personality is annoying and terrible and it annoys r9k users
Stop comparing the girls. This board does not need to become a lookist battleground, especially if you're putting down Cewl in a thread where she's obviously active. This is just going to lead to hurtful banter that achieves nothing. Cewl is adorable. Complement the other girls in their own threads.
fuck you and your gatekeeping. if she doesn't overshare in a public forum she will in a discord. everything said in a discord eventually gets screencapped, leaked and turns into gay drama.
bitter hags always come out of the woodwork when we have new popular egirls

and it's always the usual suspects

> miyoko puk ika vamp
delusional or trolling
> bitter hags
> simps for a post wall hag that does drugs and canonically has a roast beef pussy and is older than every girl
harooo skincare i did the skincar videos !! oh my god my eyebags are soo baf im kms
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 4
> 5 
> 6 
> 7 
Cewl, I hope you're doing well. I wrote a poem. Have you ever written a poem before? If not, you absolutely should! Please be safe, Cewl. Be safe for us ...
who could have thought i dont look as good as a girl that does makeup and cover their bad features (so they dont look bad and leave it for interpration) AND UR COMPARING IT TO ME WITBOUT MY MAKEUP!
but thanks for the free bumps hunny :3 and nice way to self promo
Don't feel bad cewl. Let the lookist anons stew in their own misery. Putting all importance on looks and putting you down surely can't make them happy people..rise above!!! We love you, Cewl. You're adorable and have the cutest smile.
> lookism is when you say a completly average woman that on top of being a drug addict is failing uni and is also fat and whorish is mid
Lookism is when you're mean to the girls on this board for no reason and put them against each other and start flame wars because they have facial features you don't find attractive. Leave Cewl alone, leave the other girls alone. You have hate in your heart and I hope it heals itself someday.
> for no reason
I have reasons to be mean for them and cewl was the one that called other people hags first I was just pointing out she should NOT be using that insult because she is reaching 25 years of age, seems pathethic and bitter.  Bye cewl
I am nicer to people that deserve it sorry I am a misantrope and I hate whorish women with normalfag personalities 
bye fr fr
Can a cewlbro upload her skincare videos here? I love her skin and am curious about following her routine!! But the cat box links aren't working :(
> a junkie gets more attention than you
you are delusional she only has 5 simps and each of them are beta males because she was dumb and retarded enough to post nudes to the public and also does drugs which is gross
i just watched cewl's skincare videos. when she shows her whole face, she's prettier than any other girl on this board. and that includes marky.
erm generally i call myself a hag bcs on r9k you become a hag when you hit the wall at 18. and i actually did p well when i was taking heroin a lot last semester! still keeping up the gpa:3 like look if u feel anything bad just keep it to yourself or your yhread because there is more people that come here to support me than to bully me... stupid tactic i must say
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> she is prettier than marky
are you delusional and schizophrenic, a huge simp lying to cewl so she feels like a queen and posts more nudes or are you cewl herself? marky looks like an etheral godess even if she was a bad person and cewl is the most average looking woman on this board. 
> erm generally i call myself a hag bcs on r9k you become a hag when you hit the wall at 18
don't project many women look cute at 18 you just happend to have trash tier genes
https://voca.ro/122f90aXVVgB old cewl vocaroo she is trying to sound more high pitch now... Are you copying puk?
lol I like this more than I thought I would, very relaxing
> when she shows her whole face, she's prettier
true, very beautiful girl and it's more clear from these videos
This just made me realize how lonely most people here are, and yes I'm also including myself to a degree.

You shouldn't have recorded the videos with the light behind you.
Cewl you inspired me to start doing my own facecare routine 
My skin on my face is soft like a baby's now and I feel new and cute
Thank you Cewl <3 sleep well


also good morning pookys :3
i love watching cewl doing her skincare while her drug dealer bf is probably fucking her right now
i dont understand why doxxfag and libero still simp for her after she outright said they're too ugly for her
every time  icheck this thread there's like people seething about cewl wtf is everyone's problem just let me enjoy watching cewl rub cum on her face
She is very beautiful and cute and smart and funny and /oneofus/ I just can't get enough of Cewl
I'm using an anti-aging facial serum by Radiant Beauty! It has a really pretty purple bottle and feels really nice to rub on the skin. I also have this cleanser that I use to wash off the day. Both I got from TJMax! It's a pretty simple routine but I'm already seeing results ...I hope you're well, Cewl ❤️
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then do not come on this thread and refresh every five seconds :* and yes obviously i will look less flattering in bad light, no makeup, tired with eyebags, making a funny face, and a video screenshot instead of a picture like thats how it is for everyone if you arent trained to just smile and have to look good like miss universe or sth like go date her if shes your league. OH WAIT SHE WILL NOT SETTLE FOR YOUR UGLY ASS MANCHILD ASS THAT THINKS WOMEN ARE SLAVES THAT SHOULD HAVE SEX WITH YOU AND MAKE YOUR BED AND FOOD AND CLEAN THE HOUSE WHILE YOU PLAY VIDEO JAMIES AND NEGLECT EVERYONE IN THE HOUSEHOLD IF YOU CAN PRESSURE AND MANIPULATE HER ENOUGH TO HAVE A BABY WITH YOU! wow

also the person who shared the miku hardccore video tou should listen to god of marie and other masa works designs music they are sooo good 
abyways guys im soo tired today im drawing my oc watching tick tock toe on the bed and i shot up in the school today but i had my tights on cause its cold as fuck so i ripped a hole and shot through that cause you know obv if i dont do it i coyldnt see my vein and the needle would get blunt so 

nice flower part 2!!!
omgg is it retinol or collagen or something else? ive heard retinol and Q10 (ubequin or sth i dont remember) is best for promoting cell division im not sure if i know the brand ive never heard of it but i know tj maxx 
ill check for the reviews if you havent
(on that thought im npt 22 guys ill be turning 22 in 2 monfs or sth >:/ im not that old ... yet... )

:P anyway even though its not any of those it doesnt matter. i feel like even washing my face makes me feel better!! its so refreshing :D and im glad you like it! 
i will never stop simping for queencewl🥰
she is just trying to be better and rub some shady chemicals on her face
normies are coming from every direction trying to take her down cause she is just too cute and perfect 😥😥
meh I wish cewl found a boyfriend or maybe dated her doctor I think e-girls that don't have relationships or engage in dating their own orbitors are stuck up and mean
just admit you want to have hot lesbo sex with cewl while listening to kpop together 😺😺 you don't need to be so tsun tsun
HAHAHA this makes me like cewl a bit more and it makes her more interesting cewl you should date her and have hot lesbian sex
( I don't know if you should post pictures with her face uncensored in case u girls take selfies cuz anons would stalk your gf but as a gift to update cewl lore maybe you could do something fun with her and record it to youtube). 
Good luck you seem like a less superficial woman now hope u are able to date <3
not true, most girls are bi

I just have to marry her gf too now

not a problem, as I was planning to live with cewl in mountains anyway
It's a collagen, I'm pretty sure!! I took your advice and only used paper towels to dry my face, and I made sure not to rub too hard! I hope you're having a nice day Cewl <3
dude they were all lovey-dovey this is not how you "just reply" to a tweet

cewl said it herself that she would like some cunny too
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look at this old pic i found man... :,( 20 mg oxies and they were so cheappp 😭😭😭

anyway i cant fuck women in a virtual environment and i dont have irl orbiters like get a grip if yiu wanna ragebait learn the lore and make it believable ur sooo lazy miss sage 

and ya i got no game brah 😨😨 everyone avoids me when there needs to be groups at labs and i look at the ta like :/ and they tell me to go sit there or sth... 

im really glad i can at least speak to some people because i used to be literally mute like i used to be zipped like i would answer questions and dont say anything blabla and now i .. do stuf!!...!!??? and i need to find somewhere to intern for and idk how to do that 😭 i asked my aunt that lives here and she doesnt know anyone and asked her husband so we wait and if i cant find sonewhere i gotta find it for the symmer i HAVE to find it for the next winter break or i cant graduate on time and i dont have scholarship for the extra year 😭😭 have you ever heard of a REQUIRED INTERNSHIP while ur a student??? (its a baschelors degree)
> have you ever heard of a REQUIRED INTERNSHIP
i have actually, technical schools usually do that. isn't there career services/guidance at your uni that you could ask for advice? 
i love you cewl
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> 20 mg oxies and they were so cheappp
inflation is hitting drug markets too now?

> everyone avoids me when there needs to be groups at labs and i look at the ta like :/ and they tell me to go sit there or sth...
are you studying at gay university or something lol?

or is it just turkroaches being racist?

> have you ever heard of a REQUIRED INTERNSHIP while ur a student??? (its a baschelors degree)
yes, I had it too lol

try your local linkiedin alternative, some of the employers take interns

> why you guys miss me so much teehee
I'm that stray dog that keeps following you after you feed it once lool
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i did. they said "ask your family maybe they know someone because they can be really picky" and my mom doesnt let me go to other countries for internship other than serbia macedonia and croatia (is there even science in balkan and why are they so mad at bosnians but not turkish people? i mean they started liking turkish ppl bcs my oldest aunt married a turkish man (they said my grandfather didnt speak for days...) but bosnians are just turkish balkan people settled waaay back then so 😭😭 wtf

anyway guys i used the last needle.. i mean ive reused them before and i relabelled them but for some reason it hurts sooo bad (maybe because im not getting painkiller effect actyally because of naloxone) but ive been using less suboxone overall!! yayy
i dont know if ill buy more needles will just use my nose cause my feet get soo sore
no theyre not racist they are friends with the other international students but idk i never talk to anyone and dont even know peoples names so uhh i dont talk to qnyone i was talking to a group of friends seldomly but they ended up getting closer to the girls that actively bullied me and still give me bad looks (i did NOTHING to them like i didnt interact with them or look at them at all) so idk is it because i always draw or pee or smoke or game or study during breaks :I 

and so the thing with oxiws are i used to get them from a doctor and i think a lot of arrests were made at the end of july or august (i dont eemember) so he ran away andoxies were up like 5 times the price and ofc overall inflation also effects drugs, other cities can hve things cheaper or more expensive depends on where its coming from vlavlabla
but yeah... a lot of stuff had less qualitt too over time especially weed !! and ya know they fuckin witb you like 2gs are never 2gs lol

i wish i could house every one of you you shelterless pesty fuckers ^w^ (joke) (i am acting mean as a joke cause u guys make me so happy actuwlly)
> they said "ask your family maybe they know someone because they can be really picky"
lol fucking turkey

look for jobs related to your major and ask them if they would take interns

> why are they so mad at bosnians but not turkish people?
don't even try to understand it lol

> anyway guys i used the last needle..
can't you ask parents for monies without telling them it's for needles? they can't be that expensive right?

> will just use my nose cause my feet get soo sore
nose would be even more expensive you said it yourself
> girls that actively bullied me and still give me bad looks
jelly hags everywhere

must be bcs they are insecure about their turkroach phenotype
> im really glad i can at least speak to some people because i used to be literally mute like i used to be zipped like i would answer questions and dont say anything blabla and now i .. do stuf!!...!!??? 
wnt thru this phase so yeah.. this is huge
I would love to see her ass too, but it has no veins lol.

And I don't even want to imagine trying to pierce your ass with a dull needle.
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yeah i think my only option is linkedin :c making an account...
needles are reallly cheap but it hurts my feet and makes it sore, i already have low condition (although it is improving i walked more without stopping cause im tired!) nd it makes it really hard to climb stairs

> nose expensive
well yeah but hopefully my dependency got lower and maybe less mg for nose than before?.. idk... must do science

but thwy are pretty, taller than me, are always trendy, do sports, their grades are good too...

could it be because im one of the only people that speak in class???  like only about 4 people raise their hands (well some just speak but i always raise a finger or a hand) and one of them is their friend so i dont know if they would hate me because of that. i mean i think a lot and have a lot of questions so i generally talk in class more. thats why they probably think im annoying.
they give the whole you cant sit with us vibe

my veins are invisible everywhere enough its pretty hard already and i cant do suboxone IM. maybe i can boof it??? boof videor incomine...

ive used bigger injection needles with ketamine IM only on my thigh though. as it gets duller it bruises you more, and you can literally feel the tissue (i mean you can with a first time needle too but since you have to force it more to do the same speed it gets harder to go through them) and ive always heard a sort of POP! picrewl is after my first k bender. (no comment on the marks..) NEIGHH!!!
> thats why they probably think im annoying.
or they are just bitches either way keep being active in class and asking questions, best way to learn
> although it is improving
very nice I'm also seeing progress
> my only option is linkedin
make a list of all the companies and research institutes / labs somewhat related to your field (especially if it's just 3 months it will be really hard to find something meaningful anyway, don't hesitate to extend the search to tangential fields) and spam everywhere, spontaneous applications are also ok, linkedin account is not 100% needed, more important good cv, cover letter, any recommendation you can get (e.g. a prof. from a class in which you did particularly well)
> could it be because im one of the only people that speak in class??? 
probably. they want to put you in your place cause ur supposed to be lower status yet you're all smart and it annoys them. idk it's typical autism situation though all autistic people go through this.
> but thwy are pretty, taller than me, are always trendy, do sports, their grades are good too...
and yet they still have that turkic cliff-dweller phenotype

in modern interconnected world even some ethnic hillbillies subconsciously understand the power of JBW

> could it be because im one of the only people that speak in class???
normies in general don't like people who stand out

hivemind npc mentality

> you can literally feel the tissue
don't remind me lol, I had to do IM in the ass for my eyesight treatment, and it was fucking terrifying every time
Wtf you fucking retard im not miss sage i just wish you werent to queen complexed and settled down with someone. Ur gonna be 30 and single thats super cringe , touch grass
Like imagine , when anons want you to find a boyfriend its to help you, this parasocial shit is cringe since you dont even meet up with any people from agatha2 or discord. Whats the porpose? Getting fake meaningless attention until you turn 25 and everyone ghosts you? Thats retarded. Find real friends stop being cringe
> fat , nude poster , drug addict , non virgin , destroyed roast beef cunt ,wrinkly, mean to younger egirls 
> calls random anonymous people that try to help her hags when in reality she is one
kys cewl ur a fucking retard drown in your own loneliness and mental illness hoe
How am I a bitter hag for having an acertive personality? Do you rather me to fake a uwu personality like your 23 yo hag ewhore? Cewl is annoying as fuck and I hate when people get fucked for refusing to fix their lifes, if i hated cewl i would celebrate this. Im mad because she refuses to do what I tell her to do and retards celebrate this woman becoming a bitter 25 yo post wall no eggs whore that does drugs INSTEAD OF HELPING HER GETTING A HUSBAND AND BE HAPPY
 >>/57459/ I'm not cewl, how many times do I have to say it 
also you're obviously the same hag shitting up every other girls' threads because it gives you some sort of ego boost, close the tab and maybe get a hobby that's actually productive to society
> Ah yes im going to post my destroyed vagina and tits and get made fun of by anonymous men and do drugs like a teenager instead of getting friends in real life and someone to love and beg for their attention until i kill myself at 25 for completely hitting the wall
Ok have fun I tried to help you have a normal life but you prefer being a loser , lonely and a cyber whore
Nigger she refuses to date people she is cancer
I AM UNDER 20 YEARS OLD ARE YOU STUPID OT WHAT ? cewlfags using hag as an insult is cringe and weird.
> yes i simp for a 23 year old woman but im going to call women under 20 hags
Her life is miserable and anons celebrate her being a whore and a drug addict without friends in real life and then accuse people that wish she had friends relationships and did nice things irl hag, cewlfags are evil and cewl is a dumbass retard
> calls me a fattie
> simps for a woman that got way fatter than she was in 2022 
???? Cewlfags using hag and fat as insult is so cringe and hypocrite
> people that wish she had friends relationships and did nice things irl
I'm a cewlfag and I wish exactly that, if you cared about her you would know she's getting there
> when anons want you to find a boyfriend its to help you
what anons lol? only some seething hag wants her to find a bf and live a normie life

I don't want her to find a bf bcs I like her and I'm not a cuck

egoistical? sure
but honest
> normie life
Nigger all the egirls have bfs and interesting lore cewl is lonely. You can be a drug addict porn star and be a normie or you could have a boyfriend and be a cool interesting person bruh
how am I simping for her hagchan
also why not face reveal here since you're so young and gorgeous maybe you even mog cewl
oh wait
you won't because you know you're an ugly pig
> why don't you dox yourself o proof you are better looking than this mid drug addicted woman
No get cancer I already have friends and people that call me cute and nice things. I am not even one of her main haters but the shit she writes is infuriating and annoying
hagchan is just sad that cewl won't date her that's why she's so mad that she refuses to date people
> I use agatha2 to cope with loneliness I like other egirls
I get that
>  but your waifu sucks and is a whore
then... don't... open... the fucking thread
it's that easy
I am only on Cewl threads I don't even open the catalog
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thank u guys for all being so nice omgg

id rather be calm and safe with my cats than be a slave for a manchild anyways hunny being single isnt a bad thing

guys lets dont bully a small girl her frontal lobe isnt develop and had to omit the "im not even 18" lol its just a kid

also i made the makeup videorrr!!! i will compile it and uplowad to youtub later now i will take it off cause im going to cozy time (listen to podcast in darkness next to cat laying at bed with vape in my hand)
hag, being in a relationshit is literally one of the biggest part of being a normoid (another being a wageslave)

they don't say family is a building block of soyciety for nothing lol

yes, some e-girls are normoids, but some are different..
Because I hate when people dont follow my advices it makes me wanna scratch myself im annoyed by her posts and by how she does not follow what I want her to do. Also i dont have a boyfriend (nothing oficial yet) but a man likes me. I dont want to date cewl because she is not my type and she is mean and mid and her fanbase is cancer
> also i made the makeup videorrr!!!
> i will compile it and uplowad to youtub later now i will take it off cause im going to cozy time (listen to podcast in darkness next to cat laying at bed with vape in my hand)
comfy af!!
> dont follow my advices it makes me wanna scratch myself im annoyed by her posts and by how she does not follow what I want her to do
i think you're autistic and need to calm down
> Also i dont have a boyfriend (nothing oficial yet) but a man likes me
grats maybe if he decides to settle you you can finally stop posting here
> then dont open the thread 
Sorry I always check threads idk
how are we friends if we are anonymous? this is fake friendships
Ok sorry for being autistic and shiting up your threads with anger. Please dont do drugs anymore, your fanboys are evil honestly
Please find friends on twitter bcs anonymous friendships are fake af 😭😭😭😭😭
I like posting here but you are right having autistic rages because cewl doesn't do what i wish she did is very dumb I think I have to play sims or something idfk (I still hate her fans). 

Sorry if I hurted you with mean coments today cewl I got angry
cewl's cute pics calmed her down she's gonna go goon to cewl for 3 hours and then come back
Ur trying to bait me into posting selfies no thanks i dont want to be an egirl sorry 
Stop larping as me because i never wrote this and I want to help cewl having real friends because anonymous friends = fake deep down
Yes I am reasonable because two anons and cewl herself were nice to me which I wasnt expecting because i thought cewl was going to bully me but she was nice so I am happy about it 
Gooning to selfies is weird and i dont do that dont sexualize me like that 😟😟😟😟
lol, vitamins or some shit, I have high eye pressure

need to be administered IM, and I chose ass over thigh bcs I was afraid I'm gonna pierce my artery lol
erm i understand queenie but tbh drugs are awesomeee and i dont mind if i die so i like drugs but addiction was pretty nono so im not trying to be like that but yhey are very comfy i mean what can i say. looking forward to getting in a major accident and get administered morphine or sumn YA GET ME?? also just because they want to be anon it doesnt make them fake and i dont mind if they are superficial because i still get to have fun and angry people dont make me actually feel anything negative irl... when ur here for years and years you just get accustomed to it and grow a thicker skin. just cause they can be liars doesnt make them all liars

i hope u feel better some day and learn to not trust people deeply but still have fun with them and u sound nice if ur under 18 please dont hang out here like actually you will alter your brain chemistry forever (t. have the lowest magnesium level my doctor has seen)
naah he fr rhe oily im injections are a must when ur vitamins level are doodoo ... and they hurt like helllll cuhhh !! 
i jsut didnt know someone could get that much vitamin A or K idk level insufficiency like whyd they make golden rice then ... ya feel me
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Thanks fren
Yeah but anonymous attention feels empty in the long run and you might feel abandoned by these people in the future. Well take care and ur actually pretty sorry for the angerness and hate (btw you have other hater that is probably vore idk)
More like cewl gave me positive attention and I saw she is actually nice and the others anon also understood how i feel
That wasnt me and i dont want to be an egirl

Great now every person that shits on cewl is going to be accused of being me
what we know about hagchan so far:
> under 20
> single
> lonely
> hates on girls who are more popular than her
> probably non-white
more like holy fucking bpd
hating on a girl just because she refuses to do what you say and then backtracking when given a smidge of positive attention is textbook cluster B
we need to study this creature
No I don't deserve a thread nor I wish for that. Imagine , I understand the whole concept but most of the egirls get real life things out of the internet like bfs , friends , hang outs. I don't see cewl getting that so I got irationaly angry when she insulted me bcs i wished for her to get someone, but I should not control cewl because she is the person that controls her own actions. Im not a pick me tho because if i was a pick me i would try to steal men away from cewl, i dont like her orbitors they seem kinda scummy if they are being fr (except that dude that compliments her with flowers and writes nice things he is cool and sweet, not the dudes that tell her to drug herself more )
I think the hate was more for the anons who encourage her to get back to her most destructive habits
> we need to study this creature
made me kek
> except that dude that compliments her with flowers and writes nice things he is cool and sweet, not the dudes that tell her to drug herself more
there, can confirm I like you
i already apologized to cewl i dont want to have beef with her bcs she is nice and not all her fans are stupid and annoying
what does this mean i had a seizur 😍

anyway good night to thw people that live inside my phone <3 love everyone
my haters and people that dont know me too !!
becaus i know... i hate my self the most 😢
> anyway good night to thw people that live inside my phone
that's me i live inside ur phone and sometimes im in the walls too
cewl threads are more about the haters than the fans we get more schizofags and hagchans than cewlbros
Cewl, I have kind of a lewd question.
Would you be a good girl and let your bf creampie you raw at least twice a day?
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i posted it on r9k fairly old

wouldnt that be too tiring?? and can men cum twice a day?? i thought the male hormone cycle was 24 hrs or sth like it recharges when you sleep. well i guess if you sleep in the day after sex1 and do sex2 after that could be. of course it would have to be protected (meaning if its a creampie theres no condoms so either one of us is infertile or i take birth control/have a iud) and id rather this occasion be after i find the person to marry and we would have to have sex before and if i like sex then yes i would let him if i got aroused twice in a day also(which is possible i mean i have jacked off more than twice a day and not just edging) so even though there are variables that should be met i guess i would in specific circumstances
Twice a day is normal in the sense that you are always ready to go, doesn't require any preparation or whatever. Did it more than twice without sleeping in between in special occasions like I couldn't see my girlfriend back then in a long time but that's not normal
Then if we talk twice a day every day it requires very high sex drive and honestly quite some free time but from a physiological pov it's quite normal
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guys look at these ai images i made on replicate (fofr's face to many i can gib prompts if anyone wants) omg theyre so awesome
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THANK YOUUU idk ive have a loot of favorites rn my best of the best are tranquilizer, meltdown, oeoeoe, kakokyuu dance (actually love nashimoto we rn), what can we do (daijoubu p), i love frog96, masa works god of marie, im addicted to rabbit hole rn deco is soo good, but my favorite of his is mdkr... idk all are awesome 
 >>/57832/ i didnt post it because there were other people behind at the balcony but the ai didnt pick it up (it was at the crib (traphouse))

No you ordered them and made them have a revolution against me because you felt offended when i insulted you because u think im all yours haters but im not ._.
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[Project Diva Extend]... mp4
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how do you remember all those names lol

my familiarity with vocaloids is limited to project diva on psp and the only song I remember from it is rolling girl bcs its abt lonely miku and I love the ending and her brown outfit

> i didnt post it because there were other people behind at the balcony
dont get it the wrong way lol but I love seeing you on your knees (I should shut up now)
Cewl stop shitting up ika threads i will stop visiting this reddit tier cuck threads forever if you stop saying mean things to my fren
HAAAH?? KNEES?? why the nees
also idk how i remember stuff i still know a lot of lore abot random shit like kagerou project and a lot of more songs and producers crying emoji
bite me >:3
who is ika

guys also hel p you remember the abcess right so that was superficial thrombosis from iv drug abuse and you know how it opened and pus and blood came out so im using antibiotic cream but its not going awayy im pushing from the outside and puss and blood came out im trying to get the blood clot out im so tempted to get a razor and open the wound i keep poking it and it keeps bothering mee aaaaa i took a pic but it looks digustang so i wont postit
the only positive posts here are from the same 2 loyal reddit npc simps who samefag and post the same unoriginal ai generated compliments. one of them admitted to have a gf and to doing it ironically.
but wouldnt it be so awesome to like do surgery on myself I WANNA REMOVE IT but i would actually have to dcut vertical and what if i die actually though... i put on a long fingerless glove and showed a napkin until it covers the wound so its uhh protecting it? IM OUT OF BANDAIDS
Cewl I am worried about you and scared ......please see a doctor angel Cewl I dont want you to get hurt
> but wouldnt it be so awesome to like do surgery on myself
yes but I am sorry it's clearly -EV
> what if i die actually though
there you go
post it. I also love pushing them. One time it exploded and some of the blood landed on my wall. There is this one absess that keeps coming back every once ina  wjile. I heard squeezing is actually bad and can be harmful but I do it anyways
omggg that mustve felt sooo good to pop though
i have a lot of marks bcs i used to squeeze a lot of zits as a kid... i wanted to wait for them to get bigger for a better swueeze but couldnt help myself
in rehab since i didnt have a lot to do all day i would be watching popping videos and the  i started watching ingrown and fungal nail removal too

also now that im thinking of my little sepsis pet i think my life is just like requiem for a dream yea?? 😍😍😍😜😜 anyway what should we name the infection pet
yeah there was so much pressure building up and it was on the inside of my leg near my crotch. Felt so good when it popped.
And those videos are like drugs, possibly worse than heroin. I love watching them. They are the OG satisfying videos, before those physio cracking videos or people artificially dirtying carpets to clean them again
> carpets
you mean people imjecting drugs or having abcess bcs of injecting drugs im confuse

its a SHE but its not a bean too be creative
can we at least admit cewl became the most popular girl on /agatha2/
thats quite an achievement
Appreciate the open answer.

As the other Anon said, twice a day is normal unless you are like 45+. Three times is easily doable on many days too.
When I have a hangover I can go for 5 times. Apparenrly it has to do with your body wanting the tension relief from cumming.

And oh yeah, birth control of some form, because I definitely don't want any offspring.
Creampies without any worries!
> who is ika
The one girl who has weirder nails than you.
At least you can still grow back yours. Hers are just... so weirdly short...
lol who wants to be known here? girls just keep an eye out for their stalkers here, it's not like they want to be on this incel board
It's so cold
I'm so lonely 
Come cuddle with me, Cewl
I want to cuddle with you. I love you so kuch
there is also this thing that seems to be an alternative to After Effects

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nah im complaining withoutworking on a solution guys let me be

also im leaking 😍 (the pus is getting inside my blood system) but labs come first dawg

lets remember some old cewl content with this low effort dango daikozaku cover one take attempt with raspy ugly vois so you ppl dont get mad at me cause im not making the video
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fr fr lemme get an a+ before i get a whooping (my parents dont hit me actually but the nae nae funny is funny)
AAAAH UR LEFT OUT AAAA /sticks tounge out mockingly
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i got like 300 words to left for this one paper but i got one more paper and tmr im doing 2 more experiments and i got 2 shorter but handwritten reports due thursday i cant do this without heroin bra i used to write a report in 6 hours when i used to start with a ritalin and heroin iv speedball nd would reward myself with heroin when it ended and now i cant even do one in 2 whole ass days like 0 motivation. I NEED HEROIN IN MY LIFE! also when i started using oxy and the first time i visited my therapist she told me she saw me doing really good and told me to "keep doing what youre doing" TBH DESU LIKE I ONLY FOLLOWED HER ADVICE IF YOU CATCH ME LIKE... IT WAS GOING GOOD JUST REALLY SICK AND STUFF AND MISERABLE
bro but the most thing i miss is nodding at the trap house and i wasnt scared of the men cuz they had hoes and noone getting horny on heroin lol. omg and the girls would make instant ramen and shitt... eat once a day.. first one to wake up fills coffee (the sink was soo full of dishes and liquids of all kinds [coffe, beer, wine, orange juice, tap water, food excess...] and what not and there was MOLD in the liquid though and the whole kitchen smelt ass and the tv was next to the kitchen wo a door so we wopuldnt watch tv just open spotify and sit in the other cramped room)

its okay babygirl <3 just more content for you to research
cewl.. you're pure sex you know this?

I'm sure ur right and this shit life can't compare to the heroin high, but you need to let it go

I wish you could be high 4ever 😟
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Anyone gonna make new thread?
I would do it but I have PTSD from the last time I checked the catalog and was forced to look at the all the selfposting uggos on there.
If you're brave enough to go into the catalog use one of the new pics.

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