/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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Thread for the general posting of miscellaneous e-girls and/or cute girls of any kind, especially ones who do not need or deserve their own dedicated threads.
Do not make new threads for non-established e-girls if you're going to contribute nothing more than an OP. Do not make threads for girls that you have one photo of, no information, and that are unlikely to generate any significant interest. Low content threads like these will be deleted. Such posts should be made in this thread instead.
This thread enables the posting and some discussion of lesser known e-girls. If they attract enough interest here it may be possible that they will eventually require their own thread.

Previous:  >>/17577/

cant we just have one fucking girl who doesnt have this aesthetic and doesnt wear little girl stuff? i get it, i know where i am, but still, why cant we have one girl thats actually diffefent that wears button down shirts and khakis and cozy wool sweaters?

Hey C, I know you know who I am. I didn't post these images. In a drunken and heartbroken state I sent a bunch of pictures of you (not your nudes, I deleted all of them when I found out how old you really were), to someone I trusted and I was opening up about girls with, and I'm truly regretful about that. We recently had a falling out and he posted them here. The person who added you today was not me, and it was a way I was trying to re-contact you, but I am sorry. My intentions were not to harm. I will respect your wishes and never contact you again.

Because 1) women are generally unoriginal in the first place.
2) women very often copy each other.
3) women have an intense attraction to doing the wrong thing, and an intense aversion to learning from their mistakes, which is why they keep falling into the same traps over and over. (chasing abusive men at a young age, getting into drugs, dressing like egirls, being attention whores, etc.)
4) Not only are they naturally very resistant to doing things properly, they also get positive reinforcement from degenerates, so it's doubly hard for them to change.

"anon said his cock is as big as this monster can, haha. prove it faggot! pull it out right here at the skate park i dare you!"

Anon unzips his pants and pulls out his meat log. her eyes widen with amazement, "omg ive never seen one that thick and big! holy shit i wonder if that would even fit inside me?!, haha"

you take her hand and lead her into the skate park bathroom, lift up her tiny waist and forcefully place her on the sink. you begin kissing every beautiful cut and scar running down the inside of her thighs, then you slide down her hello kitty undies and see the tightest, most flawless,  glistening wet and slippery, smooth little anorexic pussy youve ever seen


You place your hand around her delicate, porcelain white soft girl neck and slam the back of her head into the mirror above the sink. 

“Aweee Owwy” she says as she makes a pouty face. “That was cute. Was that supposed to hurt anon? wow anon you’re soooo rough hahaha” she starts to giggle.

You angrily pry her legs open. “Oh yeah? is that how it is? You’re mocking me now? Get ready for PAIN, bitch!” you thrust your humungous cock into her impossibly tight little teen pussy. “Im going to fucking destroy your insides! My dick is going to stretch you out so hard you won’t be able to walk for 2 fucking weeks! I swear to god” , as you begin thrusting into her violently, railing her like a jackhammer.

She looks at you briefly with empty, vacant egirl eyes as her ankles are up near her head. “Umm , am I supposed to feel something rn? LMAO. This is boringgggg. Tell me when you’re done.” She pulls out her iPhone and starts browsing tik tok as you pound her mercilessly.

You strike her face as hard as you can and the sound fills the bathroom, as blood begins to trickle from her lip. “OMG” she says happily, “my lip is bleeding! And look, my mascara is smeared! This is hot af..I look so qt rn anon ! Take a selfie of meeeeee, so I can post it on twitter, niggerrrrr. Grrrrr “

“You retarded bitch! “ you grab her from the sink and throw her onto the filthy bathroom tiled floor and begin punching her face in, as blood flies in every direction and her teeth are coming loose. “What do I have to do, you crazy kinky bitch!?, do I have to fucking KILL you to make you feel something and stop acting stupid, you dumb cunt !?? Why Why WHY!? Why are you making me do this to you!!??  I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you!” You choke her as hard as you possibly can and feel muscles and tendons snapping, you ram her skull against the floor repeatedly until its a caved-in, bloody pulp.

To your horror, she’s STILL laughing!! She sits up, rises to her feet, her head limp , every bone in her neck and face broken, and blood gushing out of her nose and mouth. She picks up her cracked phone and starts streaming and doing viral tiktok dances. “Hashtag best friends dance! Hashtag viral new dance challenge! Lol! Love all my fannnsssss!” 

You begin laughing hysterically, you are now insane.

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please you guys where are the goth cuties? stop hoarding them to yourselves and share. i want a girlfriend thats so fucking goth that when i go down on her , i have to dodge vampire bats flying out of her pussy

the problem with this girl  >>/64466/
as well as this one  >>/64390/ is that they look too perfect and dont exhibit any mental illness or derranged qualities. imagine these two girls faces if you said you wanted to fuck their armpit or jizz in their ear or fuck their feet. theyd have none of it.

now youre just making up bullshit cuz you have nothing to say back lol, i dont think we even ever face timed or called privately ever, you prop thought i was giving u gestures cuz u think everyone likes you or some shit but no no one does

+ to add, I'm so glad I left your server because it was nothing but a porn-filled den of pothead retards who borderline fetishize depression, also lain sucks I tried watching it but I almost died of boredom get better taste bozo
porn and weed rot your brain get real help before you end up killing yourself
I might think you're disgusting but I actually don't want you to die

it was in a public VC with two other people and you were high as shit I left because the other guys were yelling about fortnite (L game btw, overhyped) and I couldn't hear you over them but you were doing weird 'jerk off' hand gestures which is weird to do around anyone (aside from your gf)

Yeah sorry to be mean but she’s mid. Her nudes are mid. She’s a loser who drinks by herself every day and pisses herself and likes to act like a little child to bait pedros into buying her shit . She’s just a mentally ill gross whore

This is her Twitter, she has a handful of accounts. There was some controversy because she posted a photo of her blowing her boyfriend with an ice cream emoji over it. 

Her boyfriend's Twitter below still has it up. 


You dumb disgraceful swines. 
The world is fucked mainly because of SIMPS and cucks like you all on this board. 
You spend your lives drooling over stupid bitches like their filthy putrid fuckhole is the most precious thing on earth.  
SubhanAllah and Baruch HaShem, May Allah and Yahweh destroy you, and kill all these filthy shiksas.

hmmm. this one gives me a strange feeling. shes unconventionally attractive . her face is not that pretty, but when viewed in combination with her clothes, hair , nice body, cutesy and quirky personality, the total package is oddly hot. thumbs up from me.

This is a message to both Samuel and Lara.
Mainly for Samuel to read,as I am not able to send him a message in DMs as he unfriended me and I stopped talking to him for a reason and I really don’t wanna add him back and continue discourse with that clown, but it is directed to Lara.
Sam messaged me these messages in the last few days, based on 0 evidence:

3rd May (7:34):
Why are you trying to contact Lara, Johnny?

7th May (9:31):
Pretty stupid of you to post that, Johnny.

Really, pretty stupid.

God help you, man.

8th May (8th May):
Just for clarification here, and this will be my final comment to you going forward, I'm not even talking about the stupid childish shit you posted about me, I couldn't care less about this. I'm talking about what you posted of Lara. 

You don't know Lara, man... it's a really, really bad idea to fuck with her when it comes to this stuff, especially when you're so technologically illiterate and low IQ like you are, but you're about to know her. 

Good luck, Johnny. And goodbye.

 I guess he is just paranoid. It’s not the first time he’s seen something posted on the chan and got angry at me assuming I posted it, be it random nofap or no alcohol stuff, race stuff, you, or anything in between. 
Literally, posting is anonymous, why does he think it’s me all the time? I’m not as obsessed with him, or admire him, as he thinks I do.
He’s not some god that dominated the internet that was sent from the heavens to cleanse the world of alcohol drinkers and wankers like he thinks he is, he’s a mentally ill 30 year old unemployed autistic Scottish NEET with a God complex who still lives with his parents. You probably know this Lara, but he is fucking obsessed with you.
Sam and I spoke almost every day, sometimes for hours a day, for around 6 or 7 months. You were always talked about by him, he had this ability to link back any topic back to you. And he did not know you posted pics of your nudes to guys.
Anyway, back to the topic on hand. So yeah, I receive these messages. I guess something happened on soc or endchan as we used to visit those places together when pics of you would be posted. Sure enough your nudes are here for all to see. 
So really, I give less of a shit if I will ‘come to know you’, which sounds like a threat, but yeah I didn’t post them, and Sam you’re as thick as two wood planks if you think I did or still care about you that much to hurt you in that way, or even wanna hurt you in that way. You’re kind of a shallow shitty person, who boats about having a high IQ but failed school and is failing at life. Still living at home at 30. Doesn’t seem that high now does it? People who boast about high IQs typically don’t have high IQs. Plus you are proud of the accomplishments of Israel cus you have nothing to be proud of in your own life, Scott. If anything I still want you and Lara back together, which, besides the fact all my friends told me you’d an-hero if I stopped talking to you, was pretty much the only reason I invested so much time into you.
So Lara if you didn’t want your nudes leaked, you shouldn’t have posted them in the first place. Whomever posted them is only a little bit at fault, it is mainly your fault. You have a nice body and a nice butthole, shame about the face but the rest makes up for it 100 times over. 
And Samuel, get a job. At least you’ve stopped posting your mug online. Sorry our friendship ending was caused by a delusion of yours, but alas, it seems fitting.

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I fucking hate this bitch. Made an account talking all about her rape and then cried and deleted it when people started jacking off to it. Schizophrenic mentally ill retard too who constantly tries to get raped every time she has a mental break

reddit is u/appearingthreatening rn and her insta is @thinegeep and I know she lives near detroit because someone leaked her address a while ago

Majority of serial killers are normalfags.

That dude in the vid was married 5 (!!!) times, and was dumping his hoes as soon as they got pregnant.

That's some mass malfunction in the female personality detector if you ask me.

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Hey Samual, I hope you’re reading this. It’s Johnny.
I sent you a friend request because I miss you, and wanted to catch up.
I think it’s a silly reason as to why you un-added me, because it is based off a delusion, and you getting mad at my criticism of your ‘race does not exist’ theory which let’s be honest is a false theory, but we can agree to disagree I guess.
I hope you are doing alright. I haven’t seen your face posted at all on r9k, pol or soc, and I usually do whenever you’re on there. I hope you haven’t an hero’d, I hope you’ve instead found some sense and got a job, and maybe started dating a girl irl too if you were lucky.
In addition, I wanted to let you know that PG Tips did in facf get back to me. She lost her edge, and was quite friendly for a change, and voice sounds different. Maybe you were right, cus her actually being nice to me made me not feel the same way I did, I realised her being shitty towards me was one of the things that made me like her, so maybe I am feminine in that way (not as feminine as you, but still). She started being mean again tho, including full on taking days to respond, making me like her a bit, which is strange.
Anyway, I don’t think it will go anywhere, and I will be surprised if we even vc again in the not so distant future, but yeah, wanted to share some good news. Hopefully something like that will happen with you and Lara.
In addition, I probably drink one glass of alcohol once per month, which is down from one or two cans per night when we started talking. I have you to thank for that, I guess, as you encouraged me to go dry for 33 days. So thank you, Sam.
And again, for clarification, I did not post those Lara pics. Find some evidence I did. She’s an anal whore, and always was I guess, much to our amazement, and that’s not my fault so no need to take it out on me.

Yours truly, Johnny.

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Don't go posting that whore, she's dating a nigger boy
Not a punjab
Your carnality will get you in trouble, you'll find yourself knee deep in some girls shit
Unfortunate to you, she hadn't any idea you were in her designated shitting stall 
She'll probably call the cops and get your ass deported 
I'm sorry in advance my friend

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AFchick remains adamant that you sick pedro bastards are her friends, so I'm sure she won't mind if I put her fate in your hands. You had plenty of opportunities to cut off every one of those freaks to prevent this, Sophie, you brought it on yourself.

(Aliases): afchick, afchick88, afchick7319, affy, pukegirl, xxxBLACKEDxxxGIRLxxx, xxh4ck3rg1rlxx, Vomitah, fentchick88

(Name): Sophie


(Home address): 



Doxxing an under-18 is weird, and remember that people know who you are and you will face consequences in real life. 20-year-old terminally ill wheelchair-bound orbitor taking out his anger on a little girl, just die already!

> It's about the harrowing scenario where you run out of paper and need someone to get more for you
he's at home tho, no? just get your butt naked ass up and go get some paper in the kitchen

and what is she gesturing about? for him to wipe his ass lol?

> and they are chinese!
yeah, that's what I said

Weird vietnamese humor

that's not Affy, you mutt. That's a different girl who's already graduated high school, someone posted her graduation pictures on discord a while back. You're obviously a faceblind retard, Afchick is fatter and looks nothing like this bitch since her eyebrows are much thinner, her nose is smaller, and her face isn't as long.

the girls who browse endchan and are posted here are clever now. they realize the thread is close to the limit so they are posting random nasty sluts, anything to get to 700 so the thread wont be at the top of the catalog anymore.

No srsly, that's an ideal female specimen. Everything about her is just perfect, down to minute detail: her knees, her legs, her hips, her navel, her waist, her breasts and OH MY GOD those fucking hands! It feels like I would melt from just a slight touch! And you just know her pussy is a work of art too! Demiurge really put an effort when he was making this one.

Local e-whores got absolutely mogged.

No no no no no no delete delete delete delete delete delete she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child No no no no no no delete delete delete delete delete delete she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child No no no no no no delete delete delete delete delete delete she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child No no no no no no delete delete delete delete delete delete she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child No no no no no no delete delete delete delete delete delete she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child No no no no no no delete delete delete delete delete delete she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child No no no no no no delete delete delete delete delete delete she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child No no no no no no delete delete delete delete delete delete she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child No no no no no no delete delete delete delete delete delete she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child No no no no no no delete delete delete delete delete delete she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child No no no no no no delete delete delete delete delete delete she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child No no no no no no delete delete delete delete delete delete she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child she’s a child

yeah good old rigby. she whined about being raped and always talked about how much she hated pedros, and then would turn around and send nudes to 30 yr old men and finger herself on cam for them. girls are so weird sometimes.

Subhanallah, a healthy looking Russian girl with style that does not resemble factory produced tiktok emo trash dunked in a vat of Chinese chemical waste. A breath of fresh water after dozens of generic anorexic amerimutts posted above itt, please proceed.

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