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> used and abused whoreslut
See: Ciara, Marky.
Quite literal used goods. Fundamentally damaged and broken beyond repair. 

> try and sanctify themselves into a pure and untainted angelic existence
Intangible. Audrey was the better proponent of this daring thesis and even she ended up being a cumdumpster and toilet paper for internet incels' assholes.

This being said, the pinnacle of an egirl is, in my opinion, Muffy.
Reserved yet playful and kind, cute yet humble, intelligent yet courteous, naturally elegant and tasteful without it being contrived.


Ok ok lemme rephrase. When I said that I meant more of how they portray themselves. Like do you think a proper egirl should only be slutty and whorish or should a proper egirl give the ILLUSION of purity and untaintedness. This can also be interpreted to personal preference.

There is no ideal or proper e-girl, since if she were ideal, she wouldn't be an e-girl in the first place, and a proper e-girl is a ridiculous concept to even consider since the "standards" of what might make her so vary with each person.

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I think that the pinnacle of an e-girl would be Marky 
> iconic infamous sam hyde grooming lore (many e-girls are jealous of her because of it and hyde's fanbase fawns over marky whenever the drama is mentioned) 
> 9/10 even without makeup and sleep deprived (literal model tier)
> ciara was one of her orbitors and even gifted marky a hoodie (which makes ciara a lower tier than marky even if eliza is pretty popular)
> marky did some modeling 
> good taste in anime 
> not a zoomer retard like the other girls 
> high iq enough to make some cash but kinda impulsive enough to spill her secrets over discord 
> bodycount low (at least for the modern woman, this making marky a virgin)
> posted nudes with her face on it during a holiday which ruined her reputation but makes her an e-girl (she gave away her reputation for 4chan)
> knows how to play video games 
> knows how to draw 
> her mother is beautiful 
> even if marky is 27 years old she is still the prettiest e-girl in this board
> people still care about her after all these years even if she didn't die like bianca or ciara (I don't want to be rude but when those girls died their popularity increased ALOT)
> marky is a degen like us 

This being said Marky is the best in the whole board

> Bodycount low
that's a cope
> high iq
> prettiest
she hit the wall at full speed have you seen her lately?

her lore is interesting because of her mania and bad choices but I'm gonna have to go with ciara. she was funnier, smarter, prettier and now she's preserved for all of time that way. with marky we have had to watch her turn into something sad and unfortunate like agatha.

kennedi might as well be a different species than these other girls, who have debilitating mental illness, attention (and drug) addiction and are huge sluts. she barely qualifies as an egirl in that regard. there is no "good" egirl because wanting to be an egirl is wanting to be human garbage.

and ciara was smarter and more clever (actually funny female). marky was just dusty and pretentious but she never did or said one intelligent thing. in fact, quite the opposite.

she used to have the right aesthetic to enamor or appear interesting, smart, heckin based, or whatever the looker might imagine. now even the look and the illusion of something greater are lost.

if you want to talk about walls, then ciara hit hers when she was 17. as a proof of that, 90% of the pics posted in her threads are from 2015-2016, when she was 15-16. all her iconic pics like the k-on nazi hail, the ones in adidas tracksuits, etc are all from the same period. nobody cares about walled ciara.

So you want to be an e-girl.

Do you have:

Accessible yet ethereal beauty? Are you a girl next door type? Or better yet, a tomboy next door?

Do you possess niche knowledge of things typically associated with socially backward teenage boys?

Do you have at least a rudimentary command of post-ironic quasi-4chan humor?

Will you post sexually suggestive photos as a minor while feigning shock at how they're perceived?

Are you willing to fuck at least one of your mid-tier orbitors, both infuriating and giving hope to the rest?

Can you generate enough lore to give your male audience a false sense of parasocial familiarity?

Will you disappear for long enough intervals to invite speculation of either your death or maturation?

Will you privately complain how doxxing has ruined your life while simultaneously lurking on imageboards?

You you attempt and fail at monetizing your micro-celebrity before finally being shunned for hitting the wall at age 23?

Is your name Ashley Jones? She's the best e-girl which is why everyone forgot her.


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ok anon let's compare this ordinary daily day life selfie mirror of marky with this perfect iconic pic of ciara underwater, you see ciara is still mid even if the picture is creative and marky's picture would be "meh" if she was mid but since marky is very beautiful it makes it 10/10, the lightning is bad but it's still cute. Ciara was mid looking her features resamble a medieval peasant while Marky's resemble nobility. I don't know how to word it but I think you get it.

I can tell you're the anon who got pissed she didn't post nudes during a mental breakdown and it's so funny to watch you seethe. She joined the PornHub official discord server as a joke (she didn't send a single message in it), and joined a single dating server, posted an sfw ad before leaving not long after. She's a grown ass woman, she's allowed to join discord servers that you don't like. You're acting like you caught her swinging around a strippers pole. Kill yourself, this is why you'll never get a girlfriend and can only dream of raping one. Ika was fucking child's play compared to some of the other girls on this board. Hope she's doing somewhat alright. This kind of life isn't good for anyone.

egirls are all mid. it's like larping as a 5* chef when no one would eat at your restaurant. so you started giving away free meals to the homeless and call that a large demand.

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so you agree that Marky is very pretty and the fact she was humble enough to date men like us makes her an e-girl? I have to admit Erica is super beautiful as well but her beauty is more "normie beautiful stacy you have a crush on" while marky's beauty is more like "autistic anime cute next door girlfriend". Both of them are the best looking, i'm being 100% honest here.

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Kennedi had debilitating anxiety but made strides in getting rid of a lot of it as she got older, but she was also never a BPDthot with manic episodes so it's much different from run of the mill egirl mental disorder. It's why people still orbit her after years of almost total radio silence, and probably why she was never posting on r9k even after realizing her popularity. Eventually she realized what she had to do to get what she wanted was disappear. I still wonder if she'll ever go back to using rateyourmusic and last fm.

> middleaged fat woman
She's underweight she still has the face of a 16 year old. Cherrypicking a pic where she's wearing a heavy coat doesn't change anything. Neither does the pic of her at 14. She looked awful as a younger teen because she was so malnourished and mentally ill, now she looks beautiful, albeit still too skinny based on the most recent pics.

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