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can't wrap my head around someone coming here from reddit thinking they're going to lead a witch hunt because they're mad over racist tiktoks or some shit

this whole thing has to be a larp, right?

Looking more into the latest drama with tinker and these other characters it's obvious that the fat girl is stirring controversy to promote her tiktok and playing into it to create a mythology around herself. Some of it is her followers larping and instigating and some is unironic redditor sjw types that are outraged and playing right into what is essentially marketing for her social media.

holy shit if you guys are going to talk so much about 'fierce businesswoman' then make a fucking thread for her im so tired of seeing redditors talk about her in the tinker threads

tinker is unhygienic, a horrible person, and balding? y do u niggers like her. i am certain shell plump up to be overweight once she finds a husband or she’ll become a skeleton on the streets.

Im one of the few ppl to actually know Tinkers full name if anyone from the Reddit wants the deets, also she does check these threads constantly it’s one of the few things she does

Nuke has multiple victims he sexually assaulted so I don't know why Tinker is hanging out with him. Shes only 19 and doesnt respect herself or see herself with any worth so she can have a pass but these types of guys will tell you what you want to hear. Its like an IP2 situation

yeah ive always found that sad, but thats why they go there. Ciara was treated like a 10/10 goddess and worshipped by so many guys online, and im sure that feeling gave her a euphoric rush, because in her real life she was like a 6/10 who most guys at school didnt even look at.

ciara and others could get some attention irl based on looks but it's not just about that. most egirls are mentally ill loners with sociopathic tendencies who are avoided and cut off by people that actually know them irl because of how awful they are to be around.

nowdays r9k is full of normalfags and women. you can hardly see orbiting or even women-hate threads. just normoids and redditors coming there to "own le incels" and spamming their BBC cuck and tranny fetish

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tinker is so cute. I envy nuke because he lives with her in a hotel room or some shit, they probably do retarded things all the time and troll people and nuke gets to kiss tinker every night before bed. It's unfair bros

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how does she afford to travel so much? isn't she broke and homeless? the guy she's staying with was working at usps and got fired a while ago so he can't have that much money, especially if they're living at hotels

> i saw it as just being taken advantage of cuz it wasnt violent or anything, but then i talked to ppl online abt it and they told me it was rape, and then i was like yea that makes sense
> obviously to a normal person walking into a hotel is grounds to agree for sex at least thats what ive been told after but i genuinely did not know that

wow is she retarded

if you ever feel bad about your own life circumstances, just remember it could always be worse. you could be armand, a 30 year-old pedrophile with no life... he derives happiness from traveling to meet/fuck very young women he met online and is an actual discord mod who has no problem spending all day online to vet people on a discord server lmfao

why are ppl hating on armand all of a sudden? hes always been based as far as im concerned. hes a rich paki dude who travels all around the country, partying and having fun with cute teen egirls . pretty sure youd do it too if you had the chance.

Fat, used up vagina, old (She turns 20 this year so not even a legal teenager anymore). This bitch is worthless. Not only did she ruin her chances of ever getting married, but she also won’t be able to get hotel rooms and drugs by dating random men much longer.

> nuke destroying random airbnbs, tinker keying random people's cars and getting detained = better person
> people calling you out for it and saying you belong in prison = worse person
you evil niggers deserve to be shot

> partying at an airbnb
> tinker keying random peoples cars
story i literally made up and admitted to making up to fuck with the server. People believed it for like 3 seconds before seeing thru the larp. My sin is partying at an airbnb. Youd do the same if people actually enjoyed your presence enough to party with. But they don't and your life entails seething about more successful people on nigga endchan. It is so dope being me and not you, and frankly if I was you I would kill myself. If your goal is to fuck with me, try with all your strength and willpower to make my life suck 1/10th as much as yours. Trust me I get lolcows, I know all of them, I've known about this site for as long as it's been up, but nothing about me or tinker is interesting enough to milk for lols. We're just normal people having fun and enjoying life, hurting nobody. Our friend fbw trolls retards much like yourself, clearly to the point of total mental breakdown, and I think thats kek. Being based enough to have alogs is a good feeling. Cope and seethe and slam your head against the wall repeatedly.

> my sin is partying at an airbnb
so close, try again! your sin is being actively involved in getting a barely 18 y/o autistic drunk (illegal) and using his vulnerabilities to make him do humiliating things that he wouldn't have agreed to otherwise. tegan went as far as to even record some of it without his consent – the proof is in last thread. you can keep denying, but people know the truth. you're honestly a piece of shit that deserves everything coming to you. hope tink wisens up and leaves your ass, you stupid fuck

he was 19, him and I still talk and remain good friends, he has nothing against me and knew I wasnt to blame. All the videos have been leaked, I'm in none of them. Whenever you faggots seethe about me, it's never about that, its about me going to the beach, videos of me at my old job, videos of me playing a pimp on tiktok, harmless innocuous shit you faggots seethe endlessly about. There are literally hundreds of thousands of more interesting lolcows who are actually lolcows. I'm just some guy and tinker is just some girl. If we're such massive lolcows, go ahead and make a KF thread. But again, if you did that, no one would post in it and the mods would remove it because theres simply nothing there.

Nobody gives a fuck about tinker, literally the ugliest mutt to ever grace this damned site, or any of her STI ridden whore pals who go to the beach or what ever you dopey cunts do all day 

It's no coincidence that tinker threads end up dead in the water unless its samefagged and bumped with dumb shit like what you're doing right now. Like her you're equivalent to the scum that accumulates at the bottom of a toilet seat. Youre nothing.

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why are you so afraid of talking about mentil then? what are you hiding? if not covering for yourself, you're DEFINITELY covering for tegan. you have no problem enabling her either. the level of involvement you give yourself shifts every time you come back to this forum. even if he was 19, what you guys did is still illegal. not only that, but he was already vulnerable as is and he was only made more vulnerable by being forced to drink as much as he did,

i don't think you realize just how much i know about what happened that day. what happened before the actual party. even more, honestly. you're cooked when this all come out and that time will be sooner than later. i really couldn't give less of a fuck about your stupid beach day, i just want you to face karma.

how about you reach out to me on socials instead of alogging me anonymously on tinkers endchan thread like a faggot? maybe you should talk to mentil and see how he feels, last I talked to him we were on good terms. If you think you know more than someone who was there and present (me), present me with what you have. You can even hit me up on an alt, I don't need to know your identity, but if you have such a big problem with it, talk to me.

cry more max, your such a pussy. You use tinker as a sex toy, you aren't helping her. Your only using her because no woman your age would want to fuck a degenerate loser like you. go to college or get a high paying job. Stop living off of Simon's money you retard

Also the main reason I don't like to talk about that shit here is because I don't wanna namedrop the guy, nor do I wanna namedrop other people who I know who are heavily invested in what went on. All his biggest knights keep showing up to this thread and namedrop him, namedrop everyone, some retard in the last thread even posted the video FBW took of him, which itself is revenge porn (a crime). I don't want any of that aired out publicly because HE wouldnt want that to happen, yet you and presumably the 1 or 2 other people alogging me, seemingly in his name, have absolutely no respect for his privacy and post all this shit about him here with no regards for how he feels and without his consent. He's been my friend for like 4 years at this point, I wouldnt have wanted anything bad or insane to
happen to him, and as a result I won't share any intimate details about it here. Ideally, if I'm gonna talk about it at all, i'd like for him to be present, but you niggas dont even care about him. You just wanna alog me because youre bored. It's why this topic never even comes up until every other piece of dirt you have on me is exhausted, which it always is, because all the other shit about me is total bullshit. This situation in particular is a "checkmate" because, yes, I refuse to share anything involving it publically with respect to him. If you want to talk to me about it, talk to me about it. You know where to reach me.

max, i know this is difficult for you to hear but hold my hand when i say this... it's okay to just say you're too much of a pussy to publicly talk about this on a public forum. if you weren't hiding something, you'd discuss it here. you're out of your fucking mind if you think i respect you enough to follow through on your evasive demands. i am secure in knowing what i do and don't need to prove anything to you. there is so much that people don't know about, like the attempt you made with tegan to blackmail someone else into being your entertainment while in virginia.   can't wait to discuss. you can just wait for everything to come out like everybody else (:

you talk a lot about respect, but where was that when your "friend" was being taken advantage of and humiliated? at worst, you were involved. at best, you're a really fucking shitty friend for standing by and letting that happen. "respect" my ass. you don't even respect yourself enough to get a life and do better kek

> if you werent hiding something, you'd say it here
bitch I already said I'm hiding names, yes, I am respecting the privacy of those involved, including the subject of all this. All his biggest defenders keep namedropping him, I won't do the same publically. 

> the guy you blackmailed in virginia
Oh you mean the complete fat fucking unemployed live at home retard who matched with FBW on bumble, begged to fuck her for 2 days on the phone who then, after being rejected, seethed so hard he created the r/sabbathstd subreddit, the FBWexposed tiktok, and danielarsonfan account to "expose" us, harassing us for days until we called his dad, who after a 10 minute conversation realized that we had done nothing wrong and then forced him to delete all his accounts? You mean the total dumbass who is posting in this very thread right now, and is probably you? The complete, utter failure whos ENTIRE dox I have, but will not post out of respect for his sensible dad? Yeah I really hope the roof gets blown off on that one. That'll be really damaging to me.

i really don't care about your dox because that doesn't involve me. i think it's possible that we're taking about two entirely different people, but who knows. even if it is the same person, why would i believe you? granted, you could say the very same about me, but at least i'm not the common denominator always finding blame in someone else any time stupid shit like this happens in your life kek

i'm just letting you in on a little bit of what i know, especially since you seem so eager for me to reach out to you with it (: fbw matched with him and asked him to meet the same day, in the same area as your friend actually. she was very pushy and said that because she broke her wrist she wouldn't be able to meet him next week and wanted to do it that day. funny enough, you were actually involved by LARPing as tegans's "plug". together, you guys spoke to him on the phone and said there would be "issues" if he didn't agree to the hangout. you personally tried to pressure him into sending nudes. that's what i'll share for now. 

by the way, you yourself used your friend's name. we'll talk about how you like to "respect" your friends in the woods before parties some other time <3

man it is literally you lmao just stop retard. yeah we fucked with you on the phone so you gigasperged. Take your L and chill the fuck out. Your dad agreed that you werent blackmailed, there was no evidence of it, even if there was everything was so obviously tonge in cheek that only the biggest retard in the world would have taken it seriously, which you then did. You made larsonleaks, made like 100 fbw knockoff accounts, made fbwexposed on tiktok, then you made the sabbathstd subreddit. When we talked to your dad he came into your room and yelled at you and made you delete everything, which was really funny. Frankly, the only reason I don't do that again is because watching you melt down over nothing is incredibly entertaining, especially when you pretend like you have anything on me, fbw or tinker. You got nothing, move on to bigger and better things. Its extremely laughably pathetic.

also it's just gotta be said for the record, we have all those phone calls recorded, the ones where you said you had a 3 inch dick, the ones where you were playing with yourself, the ones where you said "samantha is my dream girl" over and over, the ones with you begging for sex and just being an all around sex pest with literally no prompting from us, and the only reason those havent been posted is because we came to an agreement with your dad that we'd never post about you if you agreed to stop posting about us, which youve obviously continued to do, but even still I'm willing to keep everything under wraps for the sake of keeping the subreddits up for laughs, and for the sake of your dad who I actually respect a lot. But, who knows. Maybe one day you'll actually dig up something real on me. Honestly if that happened I'd just call your dad again and have him make you take everything down. But it's just not gonna come to it. Everyone involved in all this is so incredibly retarded, they'll never do anything. You especially. And even if you're not james (you have somewhat of a female typing style), just know that all of this started because a 5'5 fat 22 year old virgin with a 3 inch dick got rejected by fierce buisnesswoman on bumble.

LOL i don't know how many times i have to tell you this, but i'm not larsonleaks you stupid fuck – you can ask his mommy and daddy themselves if you really feel like it. but whatever you need to tell yourself to cope though. as much as i'd like to believe your story as it's the better version of events, you are rarely a truthful person when called out. when you were first doxxed, you were too pussy to even stand on the most simple business: your identity and your failed attempts to be a productive member of society via usps and bitcoin. yet you changed your tune as time went on and even admitted your name was posted when bry got doxxed. if you can't be truthful about even that, why would i trust what you're saying now?

i honestly think i struck a nerve with you lol. for your sake, lets assume that you are telling the truth, even though i have my doubts – you still betrayed your own best friend by letting all that shit happen to him. you guys also got him drunk enough to make him do the shit your did, which is also illegal. not not mention what you and tegan did in those woods before the party... i really cannot wait to post what i have kek

Isnt it kind of crazy how Max is completely okay with 1) Tinker eating only one meal a day and 2) letting Tinker hop around Exeter because she can't really live with him? Boyfriend of the year kek

why are the new e-girls always talking about ken as if she ever spoke to them or even gives a fuck about the community? oh so it's cool to hate on a pretty interesting e-girl because a manlet pedrophile told you the e-girl was bad lol fucking jealous bitches i swear

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just clarifying this is obv not me n idk why this board believes random namefags + all the other misinfo, me n kennedi have nothing to do w each other i dont know anything abt her n never talked to her 

  >>/90282/ is probly just Gilbert Raborg the pedrophiles pedrophile ass still being pathetically obsessed with her 

i only care and replied bc  >>/90314/ insinuated tht i dont hate Gilbert Raborg the pedrophile i cant have tht on record


Tell nuke to keep saying the n-word in the hood. Bet they’ll take it lightly there. Also he might wanna get his lisp fixed, he still sounds really retarded. He thinks he’s hard when he isn’t lol. He’s a lolcow that got kicked out by his parents and will never have a high paying job. He should be locked up in jail.

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Sup, this is a list of reasons why Tinker is the best e-girl in /r9k/ and /agatha2/ history.

1. Tinker is gorgeous. She mogs every current and past e-girl. Yeah, every single one. She mogs Ciara WHoran, Sunny, even Bianc-ACK and Agatha.

2. Tinker is funny. How many women on the planet are funny? Almost none lel

3. Tinker isn't a pseud. In fact, she has excellent taste unlike Kennedi.

4. Tinker is legal. Self explanatory. Not uohhhhhhhhh

5. Tinker loves her orbiters. And no matter how much she denies it she can never stay away from us! She will always be back and she'll never leave us hanging!

6. Tinker is down to earth. Nothing about her is forced or fake like the other e-girls who just copy each other. She is original and unique.

7. Tinker doesn't do drugs, smoke, or drink. She is a model citizen. Other whores smoke and do drugs, Tinker would never.

As you see Tinker is actually the queen of /r9k/ and /agatha2/, however she is very underrated.

if anyone wants to see a hot version of Stinker without the dead eyed man face, i found a porn star named Amber Stark who appears to retain the attractive qualities and also actually gets naked unlike homeless prude Stinker. but Stinker is still a whore because she fucks freaks for room and board.

Well, I'm not sure cewl will be getting a new thread. Though I don't think that's why they're spamming, they're just impotently lashing out because they aren't getting what they want and are desperately and ineffectually trying to exercise control by any means necessary over a situation where they have none.

is tinker the only current egirl that doesn't just sit around on discord all day and selfpost here? not my cup of tea especially with the homeless fucking but she seems to be a truer egirl than bitches like cewl, bee, iris and the rest of the wannabes

she's not a normie she's hobocore or some shit and she's no less an outcast than (forgive me for comparing) marky and ciara who had harems of followers and "friends", would meet up with orbiters. even marky did social things offline like go out with her roommate, travel to different countries, dress up and go to cons, etc. even the hobo fucking is on par for an egirl since they mostly have a tendency to self destruct.

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Tinker never posted nudes she might have sent nudes to orbitors on dm before but it's not like she spreads her vagina all the time for agatha2 like cewl. 
Cewl is a whore who is in unable to form bonds, if she is a celibate irl (which I doubt) then she is set for becoming a crazy cat lady who has no friends. Kat has a boyfriend and hangs out with her friends and goes on adventures with them like an american teenage movie, living her best life and being wild. 
So if you think a bitch who spends all day camwhoring and posting her roast beef pussy for anonymous men online is more pure than a girl who has sex with the dude she lives in you are delusional.

lol cewl does not pair bond with random men at parties because they leave her alone after the fuck, tinker pair bonds with nuke because they live with each other since august she obv has a crush on him or at least has some kind of infatuation. Are you retarded?

> In biology, a pair bond is the strong affinity that develops in some species between a mating pair, often leading to the production and rearing of young and potentially a lifelong bond. Pair-bonding is a term coined in the 1940s[1] that is frequently used in sociobiology and evolutionary biology circles. The term often implies either a lifelong socially monogamous relationship or a stage of mating interaction in socially monogamous species. It is sometimes used in reference to human relationships.

> The term often implies either a lifelong socially monogamous relationship or a stage of mating interaction in socially monogamous species
cewl having gangbangs in a trap house while doing drugs is not monogamous as tinker having bdsm sex with nuke lmao you are either a cewlsimp , a troll or very retarded

Holy fuck, you brownoid retards can't comprehend english for shit, can you? Its like arguing with a chimp. Are you a slavshit straight haired nigger, or a half nigger spic faggot? Since I see tranny shit, I'll assume you're some sort of half nigger brazilian mutant

kill yourself you fat cewl orbitor imagine saying a slut that does drugs and fucks a different man every weekend pair bonds like a girl who lives with a man and has sex with him everyday, you seem like a cuck coping or low iq trash.

See, you don't understand english retard. I DESPISE cewl. You cant even understand english well enough to see the connection between pair bonding and whorish behavior. Sluts engage in the activity with so many different mates that they become desensitized to the pair bonding affect and can no longer bond. But they burnt out the affect, as opposed to never having it

sorry nigger I don't read your retarded coypaste text walls but you said that cewl pair bonded with men in parties since women pair bond through sex this making her pure now you are saying the complete opposite to make me seem bad and you win the argument kek

>  >lol cewl does not pair bond with random men at parties 
>  >you don't know anything about pair bonding, do you? The ACT of sex is pair bonding for a woman
> dude gets mad and sends a wikipedia copypaste that I didn't read
> calls me brown
> proceeds to pretend he wasn't mad at the fact I said cewl is a whore who can't pair bond
whatever you retarded redditor nigger

English is hard for the non-White. I think something about it being a disgusting goulash of like 7 Latin, Germanic, and Romance languages makes it near impossible for the brown horde to effectively infiltrate with its use. The way they think just doesn't interface well with English

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