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i never did for any of my cos, theyre so expensive and they expire.
i want to get bbc tho
> big black contacts
those are my legs my pussy ny birthmark my room and my actual roastie vagina? 
you think i got another girl that has the same body and shit as me and took her pic in my room? xD
me too. im so low libido im killing myself

very funny to see anons hype up a fat hoe repurpose her nudes for clout on b and no surprise she fucks men that ISNT EVEN HER BOYFRIEND BUT HER FRIEND WITH BENEFITS.
im totally convinced that 98% of this board are so happy to be cucks. whatever i did backfired, and all i did was for you, all i did was to deliver, and im still worse than a girl, that is twofaced and plays you just for her not-bf to cum in her, just cause shes prettier than me. its actually total suicide fuel. im gonna do it soon....

You look as bad as every other photo, cope more about muh angles lol

This bitch mad and jelly af
Nothing backfired niggernosed pinhead idiot, people just dont like you and how much you force yourself unto the board, but no matter how much everybody tells you this you keep finding copes to avoid dealing with it and finally fucking off

> retard doesn't comprehend the idea of people actually finding her ugly as shit
Not even memeing, your IQ must be in the 70s at most. A happy literal retard, oblivious to how she's actually perceived. Explains why you just don't take the hint and fuck off.

lol youre just bullyingn me cause its easy to take jabs at someone that takes everything too literally. none of you are actually autistic you just pretend just to find an answer to how you cant talk to women. its fine, you all like child like girls more anyway, r9k is full of new people who will fall for me. endchan is officialy dead because of cucks and normies.

> cope cope cope
Yawn not even gonna read your posts anymore, it's clear you'll never take the hint but I'll just say it onve more for good measure: nobody likes you because you are extremely annoying. And you are annoying because you force yourself to the board, you are not good looking despite desperately wanting to be seen as so, you want people's attention in the cringiest ways possible, and you don't ever take criticism because to you it's all jealousy or bots or whatever other retarded excuse.

When you start beef with kenheads, audreybros, markybros, and even newcomers like donut, and they all call you retarded and annoying and want nothing to do with you, maybe the problem is you, retard niggernosed junkie.

> arab looking ass hairy ass bitch
Weren't you JUST asking like an hour ago if she wanted to be your friend? She hasn't even talked to or contacted you at all, are you this fucking mad because people are talking about donut and liking her and not you?
Jesus christ bitch, you're actually insane on top of fucking ugly as sin

she's actually pretty sweet, a little awkward and shy but smiles a lot. likes vidya as much as the average anon so that was nice, we played a little together. drinks a lot but i think most people already knew that, she drank before meeting me cause she was nervous. still very slutty though. and the pussy was great
i didn't post her. this is my first time discovering this board

both can be true tbh. her parents are failures hence why she's a little fucked in the head and has major daddy issues. but all things considered she has a good heart, just not in a good environment
i would fuck you too if it makes you feel better

yeah but appearently that whore already whored around before i knew her.
lets say X has 3 qualities A B C
i get to learn A about X i like them and ask them to be friends
I learn Y
i learn shes y=a whore
z= chad fucker
i begin hating her.
all without talking to X. see?

If that's your excuse to start shittalking her without even interacting with her once, do you now understand why none of the other girls you've tried to "befriend" wants anything to do with you?

I already know what you'll reply lol and it'll be some cope about how according to you taking whore nudes exposing your cunt to strangers online and taking hard drugs and being a melodramatic attention whore is not as bad as what the others have done, so you're shocked as to why anyone would criticize you.

notice how she's gotten giga mad and jealous and flings shit at other girls even when they haven't interacted with her at all lmao. she's gotten all pissy at ken, audrey, ciara and now this donut bitch becuase she cant stand people liking them better than her tranny looking junkie ass
pathetic innit

because its fun to talk shit when i dont mean it the most and see some cucks get mad for settling
im angrier at cucks more than donut, shes just weird as hell didnt do anything wrong but people pit people against each other without us even interacting so i played into it. it made time pass faster so its game. i actually dont gaf that much

good morning queen!! I LOVE YOU!!
I just thought about how I want to put my hands on your hips and push my thumbs into your belly until it makes you feel like you are about to pee yourself and I'd tease you and prevent you from going to the toilet.
What do you think of that??

tummies are for pokies not for the squishes. you may have the fantasy in your head but if you ever squeeze a squishy tummy it's so ticklish she'd be squirming like a wormy and then a giant birdie will come and snatch her away and feed her to its babies. please no. only pokeys. pointy fingies not the thumbles. also the birds wings will blow up lots of dust and make you sneeze and it might get in your eyes and that's never fun

I still want to squish and massage it and see her squirm and give off slightly moans while she akwardly tells me to stop but secretly she enjoys it. And then she pisses herself and I kiss her on the cheek and tell her she needs to be punished for that

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i ended up pretty sick and i have small gravel size kidney stones my blood pressure fluctuates a lot along with my heart rythm and beat so i cant take concerta but i have to fill out my internship notebook. other than that, i have some more work to do now because the microbiology person is in millitary so i do most of his work apart from the official things because im an intern and i cant sign stuff. my experience working was awful, i never want to work ever again, i just want to do research and neet. maybe this is how i feel because im not getting money though... the people are very nice at least, when i felt bad they let me go to the boss and explain my situation and the secretary was a 25 year experience nurse so she helped me a lot, my bp went down from 140 110 to 130 100 after drinking lemon water on her word. they called me even though i didnt have anyones phone the next day because i couldnt go. sorry for the long rant...

its cute when cute girls love cute girls. its creepy when creepy men are obsessed with little girls. GET WITH THE PROGRAM
> elliot speaking about himself on 3rd person
elliot do you think someone else other than you cares about this shit?

good morning everynyan

why am i getting clowned because i made a post on r9k? people are far less schizo and mean over there, and they can accept when anyone other than their oshi e girl is above average looking...

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why cant all guys be cute nerdy shy boys by morning and create an extrovert (instant coke buff) persona and become a dj/producer looking like the interpol lead singer guy by night? i love it when guys on tiktok do the dare cosplay because i love to see them in suits and they stumble and stuff and then when it switches to the dare outfit theyre so confident like i think suits are so sexy so thats why i might think like this BUT I KNOW IM NOT ALONE okay rambling over guys pls comment on this would you be a dj with a suit on?
and the song girls is so inclusive too like he likes all women psh i know you guys arent saying that

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wtf? why r u still bumping then and have my name as yours?
youre a weirdo, hatred is just as obsessive as love, and its freakier

anyway heres my fit to go to psychologist. i wanted to feel better so i put more care into myself. it makes me feel better

i dont do streaming for monitary gain but to share some gaming time :) if you like it you can watch im not expectinng anyone to join but even if one person joins and talks to me the game frels more fun! i think iris sees streaming that way as well

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i really want to get one! or maybe i can somehow use my laptop just for the camera but i think the laptop revving engine noises may ruin it. im also thinking of making a pngtuber until i get a webcam. and then maybe a vtuber?! i really want to become one, i think it would be awesome.
but ples, if i do become one, gatekeep my info and dont dox me for being a cute 3d human girl when i become a virtual 2d angel... you cant... got it?.. the real me is just for us.. if i ever make it big as a vtuber, i only want you guys to know the real me ... 

also good morning! very happy that only today and tomorrow is left of my internship!!
just finished screening the inoculation results. why does bacteria smell kinda like burnt meat but if the meat was super sweet like candy... it llegit smells like burnt candy and something else but i cant put my finger on it (ween reference)

> you
> cute
Pick one, retard. You obviously love getting abused here because it's attention and you live for that shit like a good braindead whore.
Funny how you're still absolutely seething about Audrey out of nowhere when nobody even brought her up lmao

same reason all girls like to keep friends that are uglier than them. So that they can look better by comparison while also being a "good person" for complimenting an ugly person and helping to give them false self confidence

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how the fuck is this fat😭 i am a 3d woman so there will be corners and other planes of my body like how i draw in the right part of the pic, its immaculate baiting (or coping cause audrey is fatter)
guys, the immense copium that kept going on while i was sleeping was fun, and free bumps for me. please keep going on.
i would like to prove hpw my waist looks frpm a direct perspective, but you simps that think hating is not simping are sth else. immaculate really. it might even fooled me to actually post my waist like all the e whores you think are thinner than me because they have a different pose they all use in the pic. also nice job cropping my actual waist but show my hip so somehow its different. ill find a better hip AND waist pic to devalue your claim in a second.

you guys lie about things i can prove easily, first it was me being brown, now its this. i have gained weight but my genetics and figure stay the same, and everybody can tell all the weight went to my ass bro.

good bait i must tell. i almost got unclothed. spreading my pussy and bending over so you can see how my thin waist arches when i go doggy and you can see my ass popping up with those dimples above it, getting unclothed at work... if you were nice to me, you would get it. but you made a bad bait. its funny how my haters all want to hate fuck me cause they know im hot. do you like it when i tease you dear haters? do you like it more than being nice, flaunting me and actually getting nudes, no! ofc! so, be nice. maybe i will stop posting nudes all together if the hate continues.you guys are just so mean because your oshi doesnt love you enough to show herself to you so youre coping on me just because im more in touch with you and deliver my "simps". i dont lead any on, i give them what they want, but you ruin it for me and for everyone else. i also have fun by posting nudes but you guys ruin it. this is the cold heart truth. ofc you wouldnt want nudes from a fat fuck, so youd rather call me a whore because i abide by the rules "post tits or gtfo" you just make excuses for your presumably "pure" oshi that shpws her bf her whple body while i show it to the people that make me happy. its nothing like simping because unlike others i talk to everyone and not just "fishing" for attention, i reply to everyone because i like to talk to you. all these bad things you say about me are straight up incorrect so noone other than an attention whore that doesnt even reply to the attention (i think thats most of yalls kink, to be a cuck, while others fuck them you only fantasize about it) of course im not mad at the girls, im mad at the guys who hate everyone but their oshi and make it everyones problem. just stay ib your containment thread. you think i dont see people talking about me on other peoples threads, how they are better than me? why bring other people down just to get your oshi seem better if theyre so good even though i was never even mentioned in the thread? its pathetic what you do.

whew, a lot out of my chest.

You are the saddest whore on this board, so desperate to force yourself here. As soon as you stop selfposting no one even will think about you. The other attractive girls don't even come here and yet still effortlessly get attention, one has even been dead for 4 years.

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It's crazy how obsessed you are with Audrey kek, just cause you know she gets unconditional attention without ever having posted in this dump or spread her roastie pussy in front of a mirror for incels just to feel wanted for a single day in her fucking life like you do. Meanwhile, you (loser), has to waste an afternoon trying to somehow convince us you're not ugly or trying to bribe us with nudes in exchange for being "nice"(pretending you're not ugly).

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> Cewl is the purest and cutest of e-girls

it definitely is uncanny. I just lurked through audrey's thread an not a soul mentions cewl at all, yet cewl has some immense hatred for audrey for some reason (she's actually incredibly jealous she's hated even with her shit tier nudes while gals like audrey, marky, ken, etc, all get love effortlessly)

i dont go to parties, i go to trap houses where everyone already has a gf. i have been the only girl to actually pay for drugs. also i get drunk/high at my own home or with a girl.

so we should trust you because?... right. this question applies to everyone that denies me. like why should you (anonymous) be the one people trust? you keep saying this lie out off your ass probably cause your ex cheated on you and partied lol

also thank you everyone but you dont have to defend me to these mfs. i mentioned her because previous threads there was "drama" and i dont want to mention anyone else because that could also cause "drama". just because i mention a peer doesnt mean anything. you guys are pathetic. please call me ugly or something, and least that has more truth than a lie

Cewl won't stop complaining about the african-american family that has moved next door to her, she keeps saying how tired she is of their "monkey music" and how their little "niglet"(that's what she calls their son) keeps waking her up throughout the night with his chimping and hollering

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never a thread without lies and copers. t his copium addicts wouldve fold if they saw me irl and i know it. cope more and bump more, im the best and my friends will assure me no matter what. NEVER BACK DOWN NEVER WHAT??


/hits pink lemonade flavor vape

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you can seperate the art from the artist (less known fact actually) doesnt help the fact youre a pedro though. also why inform us about this? im sure there are a lot of pedros that did more stuff like saved the world but diddled a lil kids here and there. its not jeffrey epstein level info, theyre drawings

your narcissitic delusion of you being the "best e-girl" relies on you being known on a board with less than 20 active posters, where you relentlessly selfpost and use the board like a chat to pad your numbers. most of your threads are people laughing at you or you have conversations with some pedrophile, the real e-girls don't even come to this place.

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haha i meant it ironically, well, i like myself the normal amount, it was more like how a j-idol would say it i guess.
he was until i didnt think too much of it. he would spam pictures of ciara and only talk about her or lolis, at first i took it as a joke and then i kept him in the server/talked to him so he wouldnt sperg out and harass me if i banned him but it got too bad after he posted not so good pictures of ciara when she was below 18. then i let him in because his hate was getting too bad, only for him to not change his ways. all this is in retrospective so i am more knowledgable about my actions but at the time i didnt do my best, i shouldve banned him the first time he did sth wrong. he also acted badly to other people in the server. and now he is still sperging out, saying im a pedro because i replied with "haha" and stuff for his obvi (couldve been taken as a joke) loli fetish. i think lolis by itself isnt too much of a bad thing, but his love for children doesnt stop there since he always talks about how ciara as a kid was tooo hot and shit.

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