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Keep all critique request here. Do not create threads for critiques unless that thread is created for the purpose of discussing specific technique/genre. Before asking for a critique, ask yourself two questions.

1. "Is this the absolute best I can do?" If it's not, you are wasting everyone's time, and the critique will be worth very little to you.

2. "Do I want critique?" If you can't handle critique of all forms, you are wasting your time and everyone else's time.

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Resources for Drawfags:

- Riven Phoenix [Not free, but cheap.]
He is not the best artist in the world, hell, he isn't good by a long shot. If you are a total beginner however, this is the absolute easiest way to get into drawing and breach the form over shape barrier. Just take each lesson, and draw along as he draws. Do at-least 1 video per day. Don't slack off, if you do, you won't see gains.

- Draw a Box [Free]
You're going to find, as a beginner, that you probably suck with perspective and form. Here is some more hand-holding, and it is totally free.

- Andrew Loomis [Free]
For those of you who actually want to be worth a damn as an artist, get the human form down, this is one of Loomis's books. They're all worth their weight, but you can usually find them free with a quick Google search.

- Richard Williams (The Animator's Survival Guide)
It wouldn't be a resource list without this staple. If you plan on animating, or even being an effective visual artist, give this at least one read.

- Krita [Free]
Probably the hands-down best digital painting tool out there. It's totally free.

- Dick Blick [A store.]
It's staffed by competent people and their prices are pretty OK. They are not the cheapest, but if you get a product not up to the expected standards, they will credit you no questions asked.

I will upload my ebook collection some-time of Loomis, Christopher Hart, ect.

Resources continued...

- Drawing Tutorials Online [Paywall]
You can learn everything you need too know for free, but it's a helluva lot easier with some professional critique. If you can afford $20 a month, this is probably one of the best $20 a month you can spend. Matt does feedback on Monday for submitted pieces, and there are a plethora of amazing video tutorials and live drawings here.

- Painting Tutorials Online [Paywall]
This is an off-shoot of DTO, and cost ~$9.99 a month. There is some great info on here, but your money is better spent on Drawing Tutorials Online.

- Timed Poses [Free]
I know you slack off on this. Stop slacking off on this. You need to be doing at least 20 quickposes a night. I do one set of 20 a night, with two sets of full body a week, one set of hands, and one set of faces a week.

- Animation Exercises [List]
If you want to animate, you really should have completed every single thing on this list. I also think this is a really great way to test out a new recurring character that you plan to be using allot.

Preferred Oil Painting Palette

This is 100% personal preference, and has little resemblance with classical methods. It's something I stumbled upon, and found I liked quite well. This palette lends nicely to realism since the colors are very much subdued. I will edit with a color-wheel sample at some point.

Brand - Winsor & Newton Winton Oil Color
I love this brand, I've only picked up one 37ml tube where the oil was separated. It has a smooth texture, plays nicely with most mediums, IS CHEAP, and has wonderful coverage. I pay around $4-$8 per 37ml tube. 

Note: Van Gogh is an option, but if you buy a large tube, be prepared to transfer it to another container (it bleeds like all hell). It also has poor coverage (less pigment) and about half the tubes I've opened had the oil separated. It's cheap though, it will get the job done.

As I stated above, I prefer to buy my paint from:

Alizarin Crimson (37ml)
French Ultramarine (37 ml)
Cadmium Hue Pale Yellow (37 ml)
Titanium White (200 ml) Just get a big white, it will last forever. Ease up on the white use.
Burnt Umber (37 ml)
Soft Mixing White (37 ml) You will thank me for this when doing lightened transparencies.

The moment you get these colors in your hand, mix down a color wheel and compare it to a cadmium color wheel. The difference is stark, and it will make working with more realistic pieces much easier.

You will also save tons of money working with a simplified palette like this one, not to mention an increased knowledge of color theory.

If you are feeling rich and/or have an affinity for plein air painting. I fell in love with this Amish palette. My choice was the Expressionist Confidant. Poorfags like me can also just go with cheap COATED paper plates.

Resources Continued...

Historical Oil Painting [Free]
An interesting resource, it has lots of originals and close-ups of different popular works. There are also some passing references to early working materials. Not a complete study, but a nice stepping post towards a full study.

100 FREE Art Books [Free]
I've just started digging through this, and I will be saving the works as I suggest you do. There are many books listed here that I can attest are very good.

The Painter In Oil [Free]
Another great resources for oil painters.

Empty Easel [List]
This is a huge website of resources for the budding an experienced artist. Time is well spent here.

Art Show [List]
Another great list of resources. Some links don't seem to be working, but the ones that do provide solid advice.

Great YouTube Channels:

I fucking love this channel. The FZD school produces quality artists, but this channel is not for advertising the school. Rather, the owner himself is often providing amazing advice and answering questions. You should definitely be spending some time here.

Alright, so be careful with this guy. He definitely has an agenda to push his products and method. I don't agree with his method at all, as it is basically tracing and voids the student of understanding form. His color theory though is right on, and I fell in love with his palette color choice. Although I prefer Flake White over Titanium White.

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if you have to gross, fifty thousand dollar plus a month, with art, animation or something

what would you do? hang yourself and stab your anus with a long pike?
how much will you do? what are they? where would you target that much of sales? what are your predictions so that these things definitely sell? pls advice

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And then we discussed information theory!
By the time a signal get's to you, the event is in the past. The more complex the event, the longer the signal takes. Accounting for the complexity of global society, if you want to understand the present, you need to study the past.
That being said, fauvism is way cooler than whatever the fuck the mona lisa is on about.

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adding to the only decent thread here to reply to OP with suggestions

> The Animator's Survival Guide
Read this if you want to hate animating. Williams makes it very tedious and takes the fun out of it, and animation should be fun. Check out http://johnkcurriculum.blogspot.com/ instead.

Interesting palette, I'll check it out.

I use a modified Zorn palette:

Ivory Black
Titanium White
Yellow Ochre
Cadmium Red / Crimson (or Alizarin Crimson) / Vermilion

and cobalt or ultramarine blue, sometimes magenta, burnt sienna, burnt umber, and cadmium yellow.

You're probably using an old outdated form of color theory that's more "recipe based", so check out:


Other sites:

has video instruction from people like Bill Perkins, Steve Huston and Vilppu

James Gurney's blog

General stuff:
Michael Hampton
Harold Speed
Scott Robertson's How to Draw
Bargue plates

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4chan’s /mlp/ just made an album full of horse music


Here’s the Bandcamp link for free download (if you decide to pay, all money goes to the Autism Society of America) – https://mlpplays.bandcamp.com/album/no-fun-allowed

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