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Pastry on the pies turned out splendidly. Really lucky to try freexing the flour for 3 mos, It was super loose and almost saggy and stayed together nice and thin. I'm a genius pastry autist, really.

Not the news, but some comments I made on Andrew Bolt’s blog blew up on twitter and got referred to the race discrimination commissioner. Bolt had to delete them and apologise to readers and a short while later the Herald Sun introduced a moderation team and then required you create an account to post.

Had a wank. Took me about 3mins. Theres some trauma thing I think. That tugger shouldn't have said she was into me. I believe flattery because I'm a needy child with an infants mindset. The only words I know are mine and whaaa. I deserve a hiding.

This one gave me the full gfe. I think I was going soft because I believed we were falling in love or something. Did you get them off of scarlett blue/real babes type places?
Any sketchy moments? I've always been too scared to let one come around or go to they're place. 
Hotel would work but then it's an extra 100 or so.

go to their place fam especially of scarlet blue.Its always a hotel or airbnb. Its never really dodge, they want you to feel comfy so you hand over the cash.
You weren't relaxed enough to nut fam. You have to be relaxed, if you anxious or uncomfy at all you won't buss.

That night she let me stay for another hour for 50 bucks. we'd have smoke breaks together, then come back in and fuck. Let me film as long as I didn't get her face in it. Said some things to me shouldn't of, let me have genuine cuddles post bust. I had an honor android at the time, she told me she worked at their factory for a bit.

> A fire broke out at Charlotte Pass Snow Resort’s sewerage treatment plant near Mount Kosciuszko’s peak on Friday, May 17.
I did a poo there on April 1.

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He’s my favorite client and I’m fond of him, feel kinda bad about it. Basically he’s severely autistic non verbal. He can escalate with violence and has problems with emotional regulation, if he starts getting angry he just keeps getting angrier and you just have to ride out and try deescalate best you can.

So we went out for a nice two hour walk on a path near the beach, I bought a snack with us but he didn’t want it when we got halfway. When we got back to the car it was pretty much lunchtime and he was happy and not asking for food so I decided we could just go straight home and he could have lunch there. When we got home he escalated very quickly, I knew it was probably because of hunger, so in between giving him reassurance and trying to avoid being whacked or poked in the throat I start putting his lunch on the table. It’s counterintuitive but getting close to him and giving him firm hugs helps calm him, whilst hugging him you lightly  put you hands on his wrists so you can kind of predict if he’s about to strike you, he tried lunge for my face while I had  hold of my wrist,  he’s pretty strong, all though I redirected it away from my face , having hold of his wrist he pushed my arm
Back behind my head and wrenched my shoulder .

At that dinner at the yacht club a few weeks back, I was peripherally involved in a conversation with a couple of people about a game called "dirty marbles". A few days later I got a text message from one of the other people in that conversation saying that Wombat has "invited us all to tea and a game of dirty marbles afterwards" and "hope you can make it?".
Receiving no other instructions, or information on the meal to be served, I decided to play it safe and acquire a bottle of Shiraz Mataro and a bottle of Riesling. I think that is what grownups do?

dumb fucking nigger

The bedroom curtains move whenever there is a strong wind outside.
There must be gaps around the windows. No wonder it is hard to keep the room heated.
I can feel the cold air creeping in at night. Gentle breeze on my face.

Got sent a photo of the delivery Pajeet putting a parcel in my letterbox. Made me realise how rusty and decrepit the letter box has become.
My neighbour next door just repainted his. Didn't offer to do mine even though they are the same colour.

> Greyhound bus to WA
What a nightmare trip that would be. Imagine how many people would do number 2 in the toilet. I would probably go insane or pass out from trying not to breathe the fouled and claustrophobic air.

A dirt bike bogan just stacked it outside after getting hit by his 7 or 8 year old daughter who was on some sort of little motorised quad bike.
He was walking next to her and holding the handle bars to steer for her but the bike had too much power and she went whizzing off and he stacked it.
At least she had a helmet on. I have seen worse from these scumbags.

Ahhh. Fuck. Lol.
Are you following me?
> are you working?
Usually people call up, not follow me down the street
> spaghett all over the footpath

She was a bit of an ugly mole anyhow.

I used to be ok at reading small, close text back when I had a small monitor and spent most my waking hours hunched a foot or two in front of it. Then I got a big screen tv that I sit 8 feet back from. My distance vision has improved but it's getting worse at close range.

There are actually teams of pajeets who hire white guys to impersonate experienced white guys with large github repos and do online programming jobs, it was in a recent episode of darknet diaries. The white guys who front for these teams don't have to have any real technical knowledge, they just pass all technical questions onto the pajeet scammers. It would be a good job for monk.

Put the car through the car wash and got some chux and mondster etc. Came home and there was a car load of police talking to residents across the road. Put the cold stuff in the fridge and went for a half hour drive, hoping they’d fuck off in that time. Doing a poo now.

I haven't eaten today. I decided that being extra hungry might help in the event that the food these people make for dinner is yucky. It will be slightly easier to eat if I am starving.

> Commission Michael Phelan warned in 2022 while boss of the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission that as much as one-fifth of NDIS funding was being abused by crime syndicates.

> We may need to bunk up. The RBA itself has said putting more Australians into each house would help avoid a total disaster.
How long before Albosleazy tries passing a law that single home owners need to take lodgers?

I shit myself today, (true)
To see if I still stain.
I focus on the smell,
The only thing that's real.

The skid marks tear a hole,
The old familiar stench.
Try to wipe it all away,
But I remember everything.

What have I become,
My smelly friend?
Everyone I know,
Runs away in the end.

And you could have it all,
My empire of poo.
I will let you down,
I will make you spew.

I shit myself today,
Underwear in dismay.
I tried to hide the mess,
But the odor gives it away.

Beneath the stains of time,
The feeling disappears.
You are someone else,
I am still right here.

What have I become,
My smelly friend?
Everyone I know,
Runs away in the end.

And you could have it all,
My empire of poo.
I will let you down,
I will make you spew.

If I could start again,
A million wipes away,
I would be more clean,
And end this stinky day.

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Ok neets, Westworld (1973) will be on womboflix, a sci-fi western thriller about a theme park full of robots who go out of control and menace the tourists. Written and directed by Michael Crichton, who would 2 decades later write a novel about a theme park full of artificially created dinosaurs who get out of control and menace the tourists. 1 hour, https://cytu.be/r/womboflix

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Landed my first bream last night. Dropped phone into the water while releasing the damn thing (spiky little bastards). An hour later after dealing with that situation and then messing with tangled line I hooked what might've been the exact same fish, though it looked a tad bigger. Both were roughly 20cm in length (5 under the minimum legal size).

> Body camera video shows police confronting a woman found living above a Family Fare grocery store in Midland, Michigan. She told police she'd been living in the sign for about a year. She'd fashioned a living space there, complete with a little desk, houseplant, computer printer, Keurig coffeemaker, and a cubbyhole full of food, according to police. (Video provided by Midland Police Department)

I like to imagine living in such places in the event of a zombie apocalypse.


That faggot Musk is offering $1m for it.
That's quite insulting given the work, if it was even possible, would be worth tens or hundreds of billions.
He's basically asking for 200x compression when 10x is about the best anybody has got.
They'd have known all of this before they fleeced investors.

> That faggot Musk is offering $1m for it.
lol, he did okay in last nights moofie though

> 10x is about the best anybody has got.
I wonder why they can't accept some dataloss and have that build in with some kind of parity like check. It doesn't add up for me.

I don't understand the current need for it. If you had a well designed wire going from your head to a concealed pack in your mobility chair (if you are fully paralysed) why does it need to be wireless? If I had a choice to have the technology with a small wire when fully paralysed or not have the technology, I would choose the wire.

> I wonder why they can't accept some dataloss and have that build in with some kind of parity like check. It doesn't add up for me.
yeah I don't know they aren't just doing some kind of pattern recognition and discarding the noise

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Tonight on womboflix will be Spaceman (2024) - an astronaut on a solo mission to Jupiter encounters a giant alien spider and reflects on his life and love. Starring Adam Sandler. If cruisey doesn't turn up, I might stream Aliens instead. 7pm AEST

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