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The bored four NEETs

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Take this cunt for example.
In this video https://youtube.com/watch?v=rEn0pDpnZOM he uses a 4.9152Mhz oscillator which he feeds into a LM4060, dividing by 8192 (resulting in 600Mhz), and then feeding into a LM7492 and dividing by 12 to get 50Hz.
In this video https://youtube.com/watch?v=9_zrCpDgSh8 he uses a 4.9152Mhz oscillator which he feeds into a LM4060, dividing by 8192, and then feeding into a LM4017 and dividing by 10 to get 60Hz.
The STUPID fucking CURRY NIGGER could have used an oscillator at half that clock speed (2.4576Mhz) and used an LM4017 in both examples, connecting either pin 6 (divide by 5) or 7 (divide by 6) to pin 15 (reset) and achieved both 50Hz and 60Hz.
REEEEEing so much I nearly chocked on my Chobani yoghurt.

I've never paid more than $250 for an oz, I can still get them for $220.
I paid $260 (delivered) in 2012 and I'm still bitter about it. All jbags should be 2.5g out of the bag too, not that I buy them anymore.
It's a weed, the only reason people think it's a drug is because people treat it like one.
We ship it to qld because you mongs pay 400 an oz for the same shit.

ozzes were always 300 in my inner city burbs and thats going back more than 10 years too, but that was some dank ass shit..... i have for all intensive purposes given up dope, its literally a couple of times a year for me now

now we have have dispensaries and anyone can get a script. And that is some weapons grade shit. I have a good friend up road who went the dispensary route and he is fucking altered now, he generally seems low energy and retarded

moaning, unfortunately the east coast is getting hit by some gay ass weather so my all plans had to change and i still ended up getting blackout drunk and soaking wet. 

Monday is looking like a nice day. Ill probably take the day off and go to brisbane for a haircut and a spin on the eeb

Yeah, I'm not a fan of the gov pot. Pharmajews have fucked it up. In the 70s qld was the hotspot. My dad grew heaps in Toowoomba. He got raided, and left shortly after and when he did, dug up the lawn of the copshop and planted a plant there. It was in their local paper. When I smoked heaps, Easter and Christmas was always dry here because it was always moved up to qld because you could make more money there, or broken hill and sell smaller quantities. Like a 50 bag here would be 120 there. I knew people that moved to SA just because pot was cheaper.

> dry christmas
oh i had one of those once back in the day shit fucking sucked 

yeah SA is is the potspot alright i know some one who drives to SA regularly 

shit someone even got busted growing pot in a shipping container up the street from me here , i only just found out about it was not in the news

I knew a bloke who used o buy and sell cars and line the doors and shit with it to get it across the border. Another guy used to put a pound down each fork of his motorbike. He also moved gear and was a nom with the finks so I never asked too many questons.

All dressed up and looking like a handsome neet. I'm at uni. Things are going well. I'm getting lots of work done. Bought some mongsters at woolies as they were half price. Having an ultra rosa. There are almost no girls here today except for the Chinese and jeets. This is disappointing but not surprising. I went for a brief walk through Rundle mall. I had three good opportunities but chickened out (just for a fucking change). Oh well. I think back to where I was a year ago and I'm doing much better so I can't complain too much.

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Finks insider here: We often used to smuggle smack inside bags of shitty weed openly in the boot. When the country cops stopped up they would turn their noses up at all the paperwork for busting a bale of bush weed and accept a couple of pineapples to let it slide. 

Post office insider here: We often used to go thru suspiciuos parcels looking for drugs which went went home with us because no one is going to complain that their parcel of pills or hydro or spice went missing, are they?

Jaycar insider here: We often used to bend one of the pins of IC's or if there were a bag of them we'd get a peizo lighter and fuck one up, just because we are evil and hate our customers.

1. Get a keyboard.
2. Pick one note.
3. Go out in public (I believe in you).
4. Hit the one note you chose, then hit a bunch of random ones, eventually landing on the single note you chose earlier, hitting that one note HARD! Do NOT make eye contact.
5. Get picked up by a silver-tongued, slick feller, offering to make you a star like how you deserve to be, being a musical savant genius and all.
6. Get financially abused B)

Thats good advice if you have some but I wont smoke that government weed again. I got mine from the black market because the enterprising pensioner with the prescription sells it and uses the proceeds to get more bush. Its not fun.

Had to have one hand pulling the front of the T-shirt down to cover the apron as I walked today.
The apron is growing and dropping lower. I think it is becoming sentient and is hostile to me.

You know I've never been friendless and I had a period of time when I really suffered so I know what that song feels like, but I did improve myself and my conditions. I think that's part of it because I quit drinking. My friends are getting more into booze and their work and I'll be getting into my own soon. I just feel like I'm in a rut but I know it's temporary.

Once I got a bottle of wine on Uber Eats and a Pajeet gave me 3 meals for free because the other people cancelled and he was vegan or something. One of the meals was pure veggies tho so just chucked it out into the yard for the animals.

Locked myself in a room. Haven’t showered in weeks. A greasy imprint of a body on yellowed sheets. Secreting slime and smell. Told myself I’d start reading more. I didn’t. Relieving myself through the window. Shat on the neighbor’s dog. Zyns running low. Send more.

Cracked a rose to celebrate absolutely nothing. Got carded. He struggled to work out if I was old enough despite the fact I was born in 1999. I was somewhat impressed considering I am turning 25 this month. The rose is a Rabo de Gala. Probably a mistake to try it straight after sucking on a strepsil but alas, here we are. I'm not mad on the taste quite yet but I am hoping it improves after a few sips. Not sure what I'll do with the night but it sure as shit won't be any sort of work.

I keep thinking about that book I read, The Will of the Many. Thinking about the mysteries. Obiteum and Luceum. Synchronisation.
The story wasn't even that good - main character was a Mary Sue. But I can't stop thinking about it all.

The BFGoodrich Radial T/A first came out in 1976. It had "50" after the T/A. The tyres in the picture are a modern (late 2000's) re-release.
Rydell High School is the fictional school from Grease which wasn't released until 1978.
The girls don't look right for the period physically.
Then there's the high resolution photograph with a grainy filter applied.

Sirs will disappear as the white man comes in to fix the problem.
> Google Chrome’s plan to limit ad blocking extensions kicks off next week
>  >Chrome's Manifest V3 transition is here. First up are warnings for any V2 extensions.

Morngdings. The docker study continues today. GPT-4o making shit up about basic docker image utility commands such that I find myself just reading the docs instead. LLMs are beginning to feel like a bit of a meme even though I find it useful for pointing me in the right direction for different things, and making funny images of weber bbqing. 

I've been getting spam e-mails from fleshlight AU

The currents LLM don't have a large enough context window to do any meaningful work to think abstractly. You have to give it very specific instructions and repeat them with code in almost every message contiously to get anything meaningful. Any LLM to be effective needs access to search the internet or else its knowledge is very out of date.

It's best to use it to highlight syntax issues with the code and learning from it as you are doing. It can offer really stupid solutions if you don't know what is best practice from the crap it scraped off the internet.

Yeah I have been using it that way for the most part. The last thing I would want is to have it writing its own larger functions that I have to end up troubleshooting with no real knowledge of the project scope when shit goes wrong. That's what I found kind of annoying about copilot. 
Still, it should have known that you need to pull a docker image and have it locally before you can 'docker image inspect ubuntu'

Feed it example code and ask why this works or could it be the cause with the error as a question. It seems to do better when it has the problem code, example of how it should look and the error message. Then talk through the solution it provides. Even lasting in large amounts of Github discussions on a current error can help it generate solutions, ask it to do so. Always asking it to write code as it be a lazy cunt. I enjoy learning using it.

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> went to the carwash
> carwash broke down with car infront of me
> car was also waiting behind me 
> its a tight bend to get in and out
> almost dinged the van
> wasted 10 minutes of my life

i mother fucking swear this POS car wash has less than a 30% uptime.......

> 0.443
This is quite impressive as the Canberra cops use a weird breatho device a bit like a microphone that you speak toward, so any wind will blow your vapours away.
A number of us at the Corvette convention in March expressed surprise that we all passed when we got waved in, and put it down to the shitty device they use.

> Blair Joscelyne (pictured) is one of the new hosts of Top Gear Australia
Imagine being a TV executive and watching some episodes of the Mighty Car Mods youtube channel and thinking that, of the two, Moog is the one to give a TV gig to.

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Neets, did you know that back in the day you had to be a 6 foot plus man to join most police forces? In the 1970s standards were dropped, and they let almost any guy join, and worse, some even allowed women.

Police Academy (1984) is a comedy that follows a new recruitment policy for an unnamed city's police academy to take in any recruit who wishes to apply and study to become a police officer. Starring Steve Guttenberg, and Kim Cattrall back when she was young, before her sex and the city days. 
On in 1 hour: https://cytu.be/r/womboflix

Do you NEETs remember this sheila?


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panzerburger with beetroot relish, refried pinto and kidney beans with egg and some black bean sauce I had in the fridge with an egg as well, green beans and broad beans with oregano, basil, dill and sumac. I think theres some elephant garlic and chilli in there too.

Do you guys ever see wmaf couples in public that are super dysfunctional?

I saw this soyjak at the shop with his ugly chinese wife wheeling around their mongrel baby and they were legit seething at each other while deciding what to buy, with the chink foid going "dont you try it dont you start it" as the white guy mumbled and complained about some product.

Even if white guys fuck an Asian because black guys stole their women the Asian still hates them.
Is there any hope for pussyfree white males in Australia?

if any NEETs have not watched the new southpark yet you are trememdous faggots 


Lord Nuro has Spoken.

Really enjoyed what little I played of it. Climbing the pyramids was great fun but I wish there was more to them inside, like vast tombs to explore. The giant elephant battles were brutal, and I never could take one down.

> elephant battles
keen as fuck. i've spent most of the time just exploring. my earlier post was when i got to the part where you battle the giant serpent. i have played all AC games and can't remember any event like that, but i might have blocked out a lot of my memories due to domestic issues at the time. i remember there was an AC game in England that was full of trans shit and i can't even remember what happened or where it was in the series. i think i was also taking my friend's dad's morphine at the time so that entire period of my life is just redacted.

Did some slightly more frugal than usual shopping this morning. Got two 600ml Pauls iced coffees for the same price as one quadruple Dare.
Didn't get any mondsters. Got some 1.5l sugar-free Kirks bottles for $2.40 instead.
Breakfast was a tropical Chobani, which was also on special. Lunch will be a Hot & Spicy Suimin cup I already had in the cupboard.

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The minute you walked in the joint
I could see you were a man of distinction
A real big spender

Good lookin', so refined
Say, wouldn't you like to know
What's goin' on in my mind?
So, let me get right to the point:
I don't pop my cork for every guy I see
Hey, big spender
Spend a little time with me

He wasn't selling it. Just got some from his terminally-ill friend and would invite me over and just give it to me for free, on top of valiums and weed. I went to school with his son but his son was never there. I think the man was just lonely because I got lots of free drugs from him until the housing commission sent him to another state.

This how I money:
1. Pay rent.
2. Buy prescription meds (weed).
3. Buy groceries.
4. Split the remainder into thirds.
5. Spend 1/3 of remainder on Amazon.
6. Put 1/3 away into savings.
7. Put 1/3 away into "treasury" account.

When I need to spend money, I divide what is in the treasury account by the number of days I have left until my next Centrelink payment and transfer accordingly. It's like a daily allowance.

Gone are the days of living nomadically, tripping on acid, smoking hella weed and getting drunk as fuck... sigh.

Yeah lol. And I can't remember, I basically was just 19 years old then suddenly I was like 21. I was invited to join a rock band around the time he was redacted from my existence, and I developed an alcohol problem while being in the band, so I never had time to reflect. However, I don't remember experiencing withdrawals so maybe I am just built different. I also really love psychedelics and never enjoyed opiates or lobster pills, so that probably helped. When I later did DMT, only alcoholism was confronted and purged.

I use my cold-tea brewer all the time to help with alcoholism. But the ice-cream machine had a Chinese plug so now I have to wait until I can get my universal plug adapted eventually when I reach it in my Amazon "Save for Later" section.

I want to make low-calorie, high-volume ice-cream with protein powder so I can eat lots of ice cream and still look sexy. But alas, for now, I must eat protein balls instead.

It will be good to have a universal adapter anyway. Adapting from situations instead of trying to retract them enriches life. See Jeffery Epstein for example. He got caught prostituting children and went to prison. Once he got out, what did he do? Quit? Hell no! He doubled down like a true American and found a way to obtain money and power without a moment wasted on self-reflection, remorse, or intention to change!

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Real NEET reporting in. I failed to get this spot out of my car seat headrest when I was doing a deep clean and intensive interior detail and I might skip my afternoon run because I ate too many pies. I am a failure and a slacker and certainly belong here on this board with all (You) riff-raff.

Back from my run. Drove to a lonely country road and ran for 25 min uphill and the same down. Its pretty murky in the dusk and I didnt see anyone else. Feeling pretty good. Might have some burger patties hitting the use by date in the freexer, with the pies and the rest of the filling, of course.

Fried rice was bad. Rice too wet, no ginger garlic, too much frozen veg.
But 4 serves at 2.50. Much like the other week this poorfag Monday feed is why I'll be able to afford shit later in the week

There's a lot of combinations but the easiest way is just to have one pot on simmer and batch cook everything.

So start by boiling your tomato sauce, cook the aromatics, dump them into the sauce, fry off your spices, dump them into the sauce, fry off your meat, etc etc. 
Not the best way but virtually foolproof

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