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The bored four NEETs

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Gonna do some scale modelling, and some electronics, and some programming at Motherbat's. Have a cuddle of Sweetie. Have a pepper pie. Maybe go for a walk. Mording tide times are even looking favourable Friday and Sunday.
He just wanted my name and email, then to see my energy bill on my phone, which isn't really sensitive on its own, but I suspect he was establishing rapport before trying to get more valuable information from me.
Good afternoon. Pretty good thread you had there while I was away. I see it's ended now that I'm home.
Nothing recently. That tank kit I got has a fair bit of glue up work that can be done without painting, so I will take that down along with with some minimal minimal tooling and make a start on it.
I had a dream the other night were I thought I had woken up and there was someone in my house.
When I went to investigate my clothes from that day were standing in my front room as if there was an invisible person inside them.
And then I woke up properly it was all very strange.
Yes. AGL (or whoever your retail supplier is) already know you and your usage and meter details, so they don't require a bill to look at. SAPN (or whoever the infrastructure provider is) don't care about any of that shit.
Poured some drain cleaner into the sink. After an hour it drained and I flushed it with hot water, then more hot water, then some cold water, then a kettle of boiling water. All good. Then I filled the sink one last time with cold water and now it's not draining. Woe.
Utterly wracked by misery. Keep checking the sink, still full of water. Surely the drain will get its shit together soon.
Broke open a pack of that Seth Efrican tea. The pack had a best-before date of December 2023. Tastes alright aye.
I try to help with these inanimate object problems. Nobody wants it.
I can understand NEETs having problems with other people and societal bullshit, but inanimate objects are things that can easily be overcome.
When my brother bought his place the laundry sink drained very slowly and when I pulled the pipe to have a look it was 3/4 blocked at the u bend with paint and plaster and sand.
Shitty builders will be shitty.
> Just how bad was it?
it was actually okay compared the previous episodes, but that was because it was mostly fighting and just about every jedi getting killed
> The box was sealed with plastic and the tea bags themselves were foil-packed.
that doesn't go off unless compromised
they put dates on to sell more tea
I started watching Narcos again the other night it would be better without the American cop narrating I think but I am still enjoying it.
> in 1976 alone Posso Escobar was responsible for smuggling 190 tonnes of garlic bread into the US
I don't know if the show is exaggerating but they said at the height of his coke empire he was making $60 million a day.
was talking to some guy at work who has old holdens. He was taking it seriously and rubbishing falcons but when I told him that the ZOG is going to take old classics and street rods off the road because climate change, he folds his arms and insists that theres over 100 000 cunts like him in some rev head association and they wouldnt dare. I had to laff at him and told him that over 200 000 fukn angry people marched in the most violent protests in aus history over the vaxx mandates and the ZOG just kept gaslighting about fringe antivaxxer weirdos and did it anyway, yet here he is thinking he's part of some special power base that is going to be left alone by the communist traitors and their slavery apperatus. What a chump.
> as the pieces all actually fit properly
That helps, some of the 40K resin models that cost their weight in gold need to be softened in hot water to get them to fit properly.
The sword is Kino, did you dry brush it?
I think people are too scared to physically alter the models as well, the best models I've seen have tasteful rather then extravagant painting, and a lot of scenery/ plastic work.
Yes it was black then drybrush metalic then drybrush the bright green.
Chopping them up and making my own ones is kind of my favourite part of making them, it helps that I have a mountain of bits.
Frankly if during the phase of multiple hookups, if it's not you are the one who fills her hookup calendar and vagina, you are doing it wrong, and you should not do that hole more than once.
> vagina timesharing smh tbqh fam
I used to get good results just dimpling, instead of making the alterations the feature of the model they were kind of wear and tear marks.

I also used a kind of dry brushing to give a really matte finish, so if your purple armour is embellished with gold, you might want a matte finish on the purple. It took me a long time to learn that the finish isn't dictated by the material, wood might want a gloss finish because wood is often oiled, even if it's oak, aluminium is very light in colour but wants a matte finish most of the time.
I had a shower. I used the veet hair removal cream for the first time. Results were quite good but some spots were missed.
I've done the same method for years, black undercoat,drybrush metallic then the base colours then pick out the details.
I've done a few with grime and battle damage but I prefer the clean look.
not if its sparkling !

its going happen but its not going happen this decade

Auf keinen Fall

we are going to need a doctors note

In other news back from DAN's with 2 cases of my "piswater" which thanks to my liver failure card came $7.4166 each

I cancelled the kebab shop when there was a group of ratbag local teens all fucking around and wanting orders from their "mate" behind the counter, fuck that. I instead went nextdoor to the sushi place and there were even more teens there but this time it was ok  because 3 of them were girls and one of them was wearing a corset and looked like a young Sophie Dee. Good Lord. God Damn. 

aquired (2) katsu sushi boxes
lol that tank was pwnd by panzers and weremacht anti tank gunners. They were known as "Amerikanisher Coffins" by the Germans during the later parts of the war.
Statistically speaking considering what a slut jana is at least one of the NEETs must have shagged her.
I bet it was Cruisey
It's like the afro guy said, composition wise you want ballance.
If you want a clean look, try making the base really dull. If you want the gold to cleaner make the purple dull
The good guy dea agent just threatened a taxi driver with his gun and then shot his tires for mouthing off at him
He is going to shut the fuck up, thats what he is going to do, what did he get for picking a fight with the new world order ? fucking nothing.... at least Alex Jones made some good memes along the way.

This was all timed to make Albo and Biden look Good 114 days out from a US election. Just before something big is going to happen. Mark my words. 

Irrevocably Based


its like nicabate with added cancer 

good nite neet

Nambour Hospital 

that was the joke, yes. 

its more the humidity

lectin poisoning NEET ?
My Dell Inspiron 11 3000 fails to boot, no drive detected. Makes a super loud alarm sound too. eMMC memory so I'm not going to troubleshoot it can't even get the back panel off tbh 
Looking at Chromebooks now, something 11" that I can use in bed
Suffered a complete collapse after this fortnight’s  compo payment came in. My libido has been crushed so I thought I’d take a 50mg viagra and go see a prossie. The post whore session shame caused me to fall off the booze,cig and choof wagon.
the hardware is bullet proof but the software is gay. your opinion is invalid.


it has been trying its hardest to bait me for days stupid false flagging dumb dumb

you will get laid until the 16 comes out

shamefu dispray

ponder it

is do-able actually a real word ? or is it more like an Onomatopoeia ? asking for a mate 

Julian is going to sitting on a beach with a beer just before WW3 starts
He's doing the I'm a nice guy who hasn't shat up the thread/board/boards for multiple years shtick.
Put too much soy sauce and sesame oil in the spring roll filling. As well as overcooking the veggies. A salty, oily sloppy mess that Uncle Roger would be none too happy about.

"A detective who listened to 3,150 recordings of Lynn talking to himself formed the view the ex-pilot was 'homophobic, narcissistic, a chauvinist, misogynist, (and) prejudiced', a preliminary court hearing was told.

Police sources confirmed to Daily Mail Australia that one recording captured Lynn describing out loud how he was performing a lewd act on himself in the car, involving the use of sunscreen."
Boot in safe mode
Check BIOS to see if any bootable media are installed, open case and check if HD is mounted correctly, try to boot from external media, try to mount the drive in something else to read it/ recover
I think my neighbour may be dead.
Her bin has been on the verge for 4 weeks now and I haven't heard any noises or seen any lights for about the same time.
And she is old crazy and poor so I don't think she's on holiday.
I told my mom i wanted to move in the future to a new city or country but she said she wanted me to live in the same city so i could help her or something. I told her
> am i not allowed to live my own damn life
and she said 
> ofcourse (you are allowed to live your own life)
I have a feeling mom isnt letting me leave. I am autistic and have difficulties living on my own (based on 1-2 years of living alone and i can barely manage) but goddamit i want to be in charge of my own damn life
Enjoy being hassled by the media about why "harmless little old lady" was left to turn to soup by her cruel uncaring neighbours and family
punch cruisey in the dick (yeah)
punch cruisey in the dick (ooh)
punch cruisey in the dick
cos he's a fucken prick
Getting real sick of being woken up by comic book characters
When will the government do something about this!!?!
There is a song I have been listening to for years and I thought the lyrics were every night I write a letter to god
It is actually every night about eleven o'clock
Having the last of my morning ciggies, no more till after lunch.
I've got them down to 7 a day now.
I get that feel sometimes too, an old bloke told me once he sees attractive women more as works of art now, I hope that is the next stage.
have to go to the post office to return those amazon pants
supposedly I have to show them a qr code thing and they will print the label
bet the grumpy chink doesnt know anything about it
Reminder that one of you stinky dumb dumbs needs to go somewhere on the weekend and take some photos and post them. Or do something interesting (not a poo or wank) and post photos of that.
Bailed on the job interview. Sat in my car outside the warehouse but couldn't go in. It was a small business, probably a tight-knit crew of (bad home) workers, not the anonymous labour hire drones that are typical of bigger warehouses and factories that are less social and personal. 
Just can't do it. It's over, it's so over. I'm not suicidal but I get this weird feeling that my life is going to end soon. I probably have a disease or my incompetence will lead to a fatal accident or something.
> I have a feeling mom isnt letting me leave
She may not be helping you leave, but she cannot stop you if you really want to go.
If you have a mental disability you might want to see if the government can give you some help getting a place of your own.
Seeing the actual lyrics to our favourite songs can be an eye-opener.
I usually don't adapt and just keep misunderstanding them on purpose.
NEET you need to speak to a mental health professional. Maybe get on the DSP. You can still look for work on DSP. It will just support you while you get yourself together.
It can seem that way when you are dependent on them. You cannot see the truth which is that you are a voluntary prisoner and all you have to do is choose to walk out of your cell.
But that doesn't mean that some of these cunts don't like playing the jailer and making you feel like shit.
The truth is a lot of songwriters are a bit pretentious and write all sorts of random gibberish into their lyrics.
Sometimes it is better not to know.
I listen to a lot of German music and the singing is just another instrument because I can't understand it.
I had a program for stripping the singing out of music a while back but it didn't work very well.
I may see if I can find a better one.
Keep it up NEET the pains stop after a while.
I started my exercise routines up again a month ago and I thought my knees were fucked the first week.
Everything has turned into social media since I last looked at it, seek,flatmates,linkedin.
The information gathering is ridiculous.
No, I was doing a poo and browsing on my phone and I thought maybe she'd been wading in corn syrup or something. Then clicked on the photo and wanted to barf.
Tucker Carlson has been tearing up some journos while on his tour, most recently Kat Wong after she questioned him on his 'great replacement' commentary, implying its dangerous because of the message being part of Tarrant and others manifestos. This is good of course but once his tour is over will just end in a few Sky News cuckservative pundits trying to copy the US conservative style of discourse just like Ralph Babet tries to mimic Trump-like populism and fails. 
There's simply no real conservative movement or infrastructure in Australia to keep pushing that kind of energy, and admittedly its cringe when people try
You NEETs know that you are not supposed to post photos and discuss that sort of thing here.
I am going to have to do some cleaning up.

Also can we please have less random mentions of Nuro for no reason. If you don't like his posts please just ignore and pretend he doesn't exist. He does not post that often you should find it easy to do.

Thank you for your cooperation.
I did a big delete. Do NOT complain to me that your precious posts were wrongly deleted and it should have just been everyone else instead.

Just don't.
There was an episode where they were ripping bits of the ship to make it faster to escape someone and Orac said they should chuck one of the characters out of the airlock.
one hundred percent of lamestream and social is ZOG narrative control. They are using obvious shit that everybody knows as misdirection from teh jewish question.
I could never understand why the mentally ill cant into reason. Like if there is a tunnel under your TV to ASIO HQ in Canberra then show it to me dude.
I'm totally dysfunctional, basic shit like paying my bills and fixing my sink just drains me. Need to be institutionalised.
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This Saturday on womboflix will be Alien Ressurection (1997) - with Sigourney Weaver, Wiona Ryder and written by Buffy The Vampire Slayer's Joss Whedon. On Sunday will be Gattaca (1997)
The diet wagon's gonna take a quick pitstop to get me something sugary from my local IGA. You neets want anything?
I think I will leave and return when the retard has calmed down from his exciting happenings.
Chhers NEETs.
So (You) take him seriously. His show is a trap for the disaffected and anti-government patriots. Its engineered to keep the demolition of the republic on schedule.
I agree, it's a very old play out of the democracy control CIA/Deepstate book, where they have a controlled opponent who gets promoted and funded in order to lead opposition down the wrong path and contain organized dissent.
you could start with Ryan Dawson's The empire unmasked about 9-11


this guy is a deepstate/military biodefence/big S science/pharma industrial complex researcher who's gonna disappear soon I reckon.
made it to Motherbat's
beef medallions and roast veg for dinner apparently
baked cheesecake for pudding
having a ginger beer before my wine
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Morrocain chickpea salad with dried fruit, mackerel basted in garlic spice paste.

Not authentic, a normie composition.
But unlike normies mine is 3.50 a serve
The more things the neet pours down his sink the worse it will get.

He needs to use a plunger to lift the blockage, unscrew the S bend hose under the sink
It's basterdized morocain.
The morocains would probably barbecue the fish between two racks, have the chickpeas in a lamb soup and put the fruit in a rice dish. 
But I'm making single serves which is why I've done it the normies way
Might go for a booze cruise to IGA. Energy levels have perked up after dark and I'm keen on a youtube sesh
> This debate is different in that it’s being held by CNN and not through the Commission on Presidential Debates, a nonprofit that normally sponsors them and has its own rules.

Its never followed this format before. I personally Think Trump is making a big mistake by even agreeing this. Biden isnt even the DNC nominee yet. He is literally walking into a trap.
On the train. Feel like I'm about to shit my pants. The buckwheat has got my arse gurgling.
I spoke to a Latvian woman at Coles. She is new to Adelaide. She said is working here and had previously worked in Canberra. She didn't specify what she did but with the locations and the way she looked I suspect she is a prostitute. I didn't talk to her out of interest, I just wanted to know if I had correctly identified her ethnicity and ask her about the strange tattoo on her wrist. It was one of those Slavic pagan patterns. I thought she was a hohol so I was wrong about that bit.
We walked along for a bit and she seemed to be indirectly asking for a bit of a tour around the CBD but I didn't want to keep talking to her so I just gave her directions to her destination and walked off.
I think she might have been part of the Russian or Ukrainian minority. She had a rather Asiatic look for a Balt.
I wouldn't make a pass at a girl with a tattoo.
I'm doing my best. 10k said whore had to shit more often than usual due to taking it up the clacker. That sounds awful.
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About 30 years ago I was pissed at a party and somehow said something about how I thought that The Phantom was a shithouse comic strip and the guy whose party it was was like "Hey, cut that out. Those people over there are from PNG." And I was like "So?" And he was like "Well, they fucken believe in The Phantom in New Guinea."
I never found out if that was true or not but if it is true then that's very fucked up.
She was the girl with the garlic bread smile,
She whispered only the sweetest slanders, none of them vile.

holy shit they are already spinning it as a flop
Gonna get one of these and leave it unassembled in teh box in a cupboard somewhere.
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> It's Q code retard
Fun fact: the 'QR' in QR codes stands for Queensland Rail.
Queensland Rail invented QR codes in the 1990s to make identification of spare parts for rolling stock easier and more efficient.
Finally Australia invents something cool. I was thinking that this country was a joke when it comes to heavy industry or tech. Thanks for sharing that bit of good news. Suicide postponed.
Maldives are retarded. Enviro minister performed black magic on prime minister.
Took a few stories, but as far as I have read, the magic was writing his name and a curse on coconuts and/or eggs, then burying them.
Took her to the bank and Browse In. Got a danish at Bakers Delight.
Going to have a cup of chicken soup and turkey, lettuce and mayo sammich for lunch.
The bars caused some problems because Weber was throwing them into people's swimming pools and making them think there was a poo in the pool.
Every TV channel has taken the 11.30 news off in favour of this stupid seppo debate. Fucking wankers.
I think I've said this before, in case that certain NEET says so, but my Dad did that in the local pool, then jumped in and took a bite of it infront of everyone.
I can recall seeing it somewhere, I dont think its in the centre. I think there was one at Uley rd shops.. that might've been spend a penny.
I thought it was a pol joke, but Biden does make a shitting sound at 5:17:30
It's over, even the jews at vox are demanding biden step down: https://www.vox.com/politics/357746/biden-trump-debate-democrats-replace-dnc
> And the president’s capacity to lead the executive branch is, by most accounts, far greater than his capacity to speak in coherent, extemporaneous sentences on CNN.
I have never seen this level of cope before, it must be fucking chaos in the newsrooms
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Every time I visited pol I'd read about how fucked up biden was, I wasn't sure whether I should believe it, maybe it was just more pol shit. But they were right. What else could they be right about?
Saw some low quality false flagging cached in the thread while i was away. Refreshed tab and thank you for cleaning that turd sandwich up. Based.
Poor old ✈️🎅
> Greg Lynn police interview tapes released by court after murder trial jury's split verdict
Thinking of switching from the tiffo survivalist diet to the nuro BASED diet, they both seem to work pretty well
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It was other worldly when i was a NEET. 

I had a hand juice concoction for breakfast, coffee (non oral) and skip lunch and would ride at 25km on the road bike, starve my self and buy a chicken burrito if i could afford it. 

back on the 2 meal a day train thanks to dexxies. 


i was thinking of doing the same but the weather is just plain shitty

[picture related]
accurate !

it looks bad but it sure tastes good and i would need to drive a good 40 minute round trip to get the god tier pizzas i have been getting from Aniqua. Thats probably sunday night.
If you do one god damn thing forget about any type of wagon. 

Its been tested, accepted, proved valid, verified, corroborated, firmly established and settled that is indeed; Un-Doable
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Let's face it, some neets would be better off if they died of a massive drug overdose while having a 3 way with some gook whores in a fancy brothel somewhere in the golden triangle.
Do normies only have a single cup of coffee per day? I have a whole pot, and end up doing a couple of no-doze pills as well. I am low energy.
Wage off. Want a choof but will need to stand in the rain. I listened to Perfect bynFairground something.. on the drive back from near the city. Water mist from the cars was scenic. I remember my Dad telling me that the chick in that song would always be dissapointed and thats the average woman.
On Sunday. I shouldn't have on that other day, now he thinks it can/will happen every day. Next shift is at 0730 tomorrow, another 6 or so hours of wage.
He really thinks Nuro waits up until late at night to post a pleasant message for everyone.
Not our Nuro m8.
She asked how many crumpets I wanted and when I said two, she said it was surprising because "you were eating for Australia yesterday". She then started listing things I ate.
> Does your media cover the stupid American politics all the time?
More or less, yes. Anything happens in US will have an impact here. The internet really brings people together, eh.
Had butterbrot with apricot jam, milk, and tea.
What about your brekky?
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> Barnaby Joyce quits alcohol, loses 15kg after infamous night he barely remembers
Waiting in the car at the vet while Motherbat collects some medicine for Sweetie. Roads starting to flood around the place.
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her TV is like a jewish sibling who has always got more attention. Its always there for her, tells her stories and takes her places all over the world. Face the reality weber, your mother loves 'ol shitty pump more than (You).

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