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Do you feel that the wagon is not viable? Do you feel that wagoners are somehow breaking the laws of reality?
Well jump on in here NEET. We have a station wagon full of hesitators, prevaricators and degenerators. We're gonna go down mcdolans and Dans while watching YT and vaping on oxys and mondstars.
it's fucking outragerous, some potato and cheese bread and a cinnamon roll cost me $16 this morning, bakeries are kill, not going back ever, can't afford takeaways anymore
Whales make normies excited for their fifteen minute attention span and maybe a forty second clip and then its back to lifestyle servicing and social consooming, really.
I had to laugh the other Sunday night/Monday morning. The resident possum ran across the carport and jumped into the (completely full) skip bin with a bang. Would have hurt.
bending this mobo pin. its amazing how the chinks solder these boards together, they must be tiny like little fairys
> its amazing how the chinks solder these boards together
There was an old tech ad with the japs about this subject, but Google is pozz and I cannot find it.
> taiwan
Rightful communist clay. Do you think the chinks will try and take back taiwan while there's a dementia patient in the white house?
It claims 10Ms/S (10 mega samples per second), which is notionally 10Mhz, but then claims an analogue bandwidth of 500kHz, which would be the maximum frequency of an input source. It was about $100 on Amazon. Can also do some other shit like signal generation and component identification.
Alien Resurrection (1997) will be on womboflix tonight at 7pm. Two hundred years after the events of Alien 3, military scientists on the space vessel USM Auriga create a clone of Ellen Ripley, designated Ripley 8, using DNA from blood samples taken before her death.

For any neets with slow internet who want to download the movie so they can watch it locally with us, the link is here: https://moofies.wombosec.com/uploads/Alien.Resurrection.Directors.Cut.1997.1080p.BRrip.x264.GAZ.YIFY.mp4
Got a boop after i fussed about with the CPU pins and a monocle. I pulled out three ram cards tho.
The funny little island people fear the samurai. The japanese are asia's rightful rulers, we should've let them conquer china, they'd have put a stop to communism.
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Pizzas for later
XL Loaded Supreme, I then added extra cheese, capsicum and tomatoes. I have kept the cheese and capsicums frozen just for this purpose.
XL Loaded Pepperoni which I got with extra pepperoni, then I added extra bbq sauce and cheese
All the extra cheese should melt properly when I reheat it. I do have some mushrooms in the fridge so I might add a few of them to the supreme as well.
All up with 1.25l pepsi and a garlic bred 46 delivered, will be enough feed to keep me going an easy 3 days.
14 pidser neet could've done both pidsers in 20 minutes flat, I am sure. God I miss him. The fool.
Nothing in particular. Through some social media stalking, I found that the girl from last year was attending a such and such event. I intended to walk past and accidentally bump into her or something, largely because I am desperate to see her. I felt pretty silly about it once I was there and just walked off. I'm glad I didn't text her. I am a bit worried at times I'll have some gay breakdown to her over the phone.
I had a brief chat with a weeb girl on the train (she is front of me right now) but I can't be fucked pushing it anywhere. My problem isn't tfw no gf but more a lack of purpose. I am still all cut up about her though. I keep checking her instagram for the pictures of her art. It fucking pains me to think about her. Even the way she carried books, clutched against her chest with her arms crossed, was so sweet. I wish I had a wife and some worthwhile work to do like how men had in the past. Six months have gone by for this year and I haven't even really tried to get a gf. I need to make a big effort soon and hope that the feelings go away. The problem of a lack of purpose will still remain of course but at least it will be more manageable.
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Weather cloudy but otherwise nice. Surprisingly warm here at the moment. Was expecting shiddy rain so I am grateful. Hitting the champas good lord have I earn it this time.
I think you confused me not wanting to wait for 5 orders and banter in front off me for being intimidated by rat like creatures with bad facial hair and pimply skin.
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Alien Resurrection (1997) will be on womboflix tonight neets. Aliens (1986) is projectionist neets favourite movie of all time, and I used to spend a huge amount of time playing the AVP games in the 2000s, but I've never seen Alien Resurrection. With Joss Whedon as scriptwriter, I'm at least hoping there will be some funny moments. 1 hour. https://cytu.be/r/womboflix

Thanks neet
what a cuck
> don't pick on the whore who left me
He paints his skin brown but he looks japanese, he will bang on your door and start shitting against your window.
When you go out to challenge him he starts doing massive huge shits that force you back into your house and you have to hold the door shut against his tidal wave of poo before your house is flooded.
Be a faggot and try to negotiate, I usually leave the front and back door open and let it travel through my house into the backyard where it smashes through the fence and into the neighbours house.
Cook him a couple of sausages with his bacon and eggs. Buttered toast cut into triangles and two hash browns.
do mong herders have their own secret version of tiktok where they swap videos of mongs screeching autistically?
I've been up since 4:45 and Motherbat is still lounging around in bed with Sweetie and not up making my crumpets.
Considering that Cruisey managed to poison himself with an onion gravy, he probably shouldn't be making food for vulnerable people.
Imagine the vicarious living experiences that could be had if I detailed the processes involved when Cow refuses podiatric heel management. That would turn the dotty NEETs vibrating eggs up to 11.
CRUMPETS!? he exclaimed, gyrating back and forth as he watched the poor herder change gloves while thinking about the sponge bath and the discoloured shower water. Worker will wash it down.
I wonder how many mongs insist on going out in the Pikachu outfit and then realise they look ridiculous and want to go home again.
Has science gone too far?
> Elon Musk's SpaceX will build a vehicle to tow the International Space Station back through the atmosphere and crash it into the ocean. NASA says it is transitioning to "commercially owned space destinations closer to home".
I'm calling it now, if joe don't go there's gonna be a crisis in asia as either china or best korea seek to take advantage of a mentally incapacitated commander in chief. Within the next month or two, mark my words.
One of my mongs moves figurines into roman salutes and draws hitler moustaches on pictures.
I think its my fault, I fed him a bunh of tin foil.
kek I hadn't heard that before.

So place your hard-earned peanuts in my tin
And thank the Creator you're not in the state I'm in
So long have I been languished on the shelf
I must give all proceedings to myself

If any neets want to download a local copy of Gattaca for tonight as a backup if they have internet problems, the link is here: https://moofies.wombosec.com/uploads/Gattaca.1997.1080p.BrRip.x264.bitloks.YIFY.mp4
They would have got a 9 if she said yes.
He was upset that she didn't know who he was after he asked if he could film.
A lot of local royalties in qld.
Took her to Strathalbyn for lunch. Called her a 'fucking dingbat' on the way, which upset her. She had lambs fry and bacon for lunch.
You don't unless you have an exception from your Mutual Obligation Requirement (i.e., for one illness it's 3 months a year). I don't know if anxiety and depression are seperate (6 months as two 3 months) as mental health or are the same (3 months).
That is a disturbing image.
I can't help you with your jobseeker problem. I hope you find a way. They are evil organisations. sick system.
I got dsp because my finger was sore and the lady at centrelink kissed it all better (but I got to keep the dsp).
Honestly I would punish him for that. Its cringe that 18 and Natsoc is some kind of avatar for retards to be edgy about with no hope of ever understanding or awakening spiritually to their race. Fukn dygenic mong would be first one chucked in the oven. Tell him that.
National Socialism would invalidate the business plans of at least two NEETs and probably force them to get a real job in the armaments factories/camps
Sand negress refuses to vote for israel: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-30/payman-indefinitely-suspended-from-labor-party-caucus/104041246
no because they are commie traitors who line thier pockets with corrupt ZOG shekels

Just out of interest. Which NEETs get their beer money from NDIS?
Cruise dog, FIFO both are NDIS workers. Wombo works for whizzers who are IT for NDIS providers somehow so he qualifies for the Camps too.
> Wombo works for whizzers
I work for somebody else and "consult" to (fix shit for) the whizzers. They're trying to give us the flick but the mess keeps pulling us back in.
To goon or not to goon
New week, new month, new half of the year tomorrow. 
Will be boarding the wagon, for real this time!
Anxiety levels very high. Feel constantly on the verge of crying. Find tears leaking out at times.
Gattaca (1997) is womboflix's movie tonight: the film presents a future society driven by eugenics where children are conceived through genetic selection to ensure they possess the best hereditary traits of their parents. 1 hour https://cytu.be/r/womboflix

Starting to think that NEET lied to me about going on an excursion and taking photos this weekend :(
This information is wrong... You just have terrible aim because because your dick is small and has retreated cause it knows its not going to get any action. Ever.
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i knew some piece of shit that tried to kill himself 20 years ago and claims he had short term memory loss because if it. Other wise total normal functioning human being. 

Biggeest alco deadshit gamer ever. His parents managed his income and 20 years later he owns his apartment about 10 minutes from the CBD, and has a house mate paying rent. All thanks to disability pension. This was before the NDIS.

Fuck this country and fuck the NDIS
If everyone's sink smells like pee pee then nobody will wash their hands, in enough time people will be blessed with typhus and dysentery
What a shame he didnt botch his suicide. DSP for self inflicted mongery and cunts who see it as a kind of NEET nexus must be the bane of every GP's life. Imagine having some immature whiny wimp spamming you to sign their papers. At least with NDIS teh poor hardworking GP's can just fuck these bottom feeders off to brown Doktor ZOGbot up the NDIS health hub. My God I wish we had a fair society.
The 20 kfc nuggets/tendies thing I had yesterday had 7000kj in it and nearly wiped me out. I remember the days when I used to be able to get through a group giant feast, which is 28000 kj, in half a day. My guts just aren't what they used to be.
Hello, I'm sick and tired of the trashed economy, cost of living, the violent crimes committed by youths and I want to leave this shithole country. Anybody planning on doing similar? Or has done similar? Fuck this place. I have no faith in our government and haven't for a long time but I can't do this shit anymore.
I have been feeling a bit better this evening. The plug is back in, metaphorically speaking.
The anxiety and sadness comes and goes.
Eating double choc tim tams instead of real food. 
One day all food will come in microwavable pastry parcels.
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> Degenerate deptictions of the human form

> sado-masochistic fantasy of being comfy alone on the world. 

> exploitation of folk song. 

ZOG narrative, 10/10 would ban user for this post
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Good Morning NEETs

Werked all of Saturday. Taking thismorning off. Phone off, Landline disonnected. Just not doing it.

Made a cobbee, got half a burrrito left over. Aint moving outta bed till lunchtime.
Think I might have a day of wanking, gooning, bingeing, pooing and other assorted acts of laziness.
If you dont restrict business, they think they can get service at any time they want. They sook about availability and follow ups but really like it when you dont answer, it creates an air of exclusivity, artificially inflating demand.
New financial year. I'm already paying above the new award so might just not do anything. Theres no rate around $38 ph, which is what I was thinking of paying (currently at $35). 1.3 is 34ish, and 2.1 is 40, which is more than they'd probably get for high intensity care, which they dont do. Also, 2 and above is when they have people reporting to them, which I dont request or need from them.
Theyre all getting $10 more that the min wage per hour already. Its less to do with the pay, but having to change all the payroll rates and contracts.
> but having to change all the payroll rates and contracts.
You need something like an UMM PTY LTD award. You can then update that document.
I just use the awards fairwork make up. To change pay (whether its on award or not) requires new contracts signed and the pay rates on their payslips to reflect what their contracts say. Then I always get the accountant to double check. So hours of work and thousands of dollars for just the wagies benefit, and I'm already above what my obligations are, even acording to their current contracts.
< too lazy to download and amend shit, but can post about it for an hour
more often than not its pretty underwhelming. 

I tried rewatching Knight Rider once, and i quickly realised it was trash and i fucking loved it as a kid....
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you speak as if teh NDIS is actually traditional labor, requiring compensation. Its not, what you provide is placeholding for a sick system in a bloated pyramid of other placeholders. The distance between you and the retards you herd is vanishingly thin. Infact it is (You) that is being herded. Effectively, you are trapped by the paltry distractions and comforts your funny money provides. Imagine casting your best life into a wasteland. This is (You).
Tiffin redpilled me to every known conspiracy with some MK-Ultra/Naomi psychadelic/nurotropic cocktail at a bush doof, once.
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This Sunday's womboflix movie will be the comedy Office Space (1999). Shiban will be streaming a film on Saturday (I presume), so no womboflix movie then.
Terrible today, woke up around 4, tried to get back to sleep using all my sleeping techniques, didn't work, finally had a nap at 12-12:30, having coffee now, starting the day.
I sleep like a ninja boss. I'm a natural at it, totally organic. Why dont you check out my YT channel and I'll show you how to snoozemaxx like a pro. Dont forget to hit like and subscribe.
* don't have coffee until you've been back to sleep
* have a camomile
* have breakfast
* have a wank
* get rugged up and warm and comfy
* have some warm milk
* watch something boring on youtube, with the volume turned to medium
The farts are hot. The spicy tingle of powerful fragrances licks at my quivering date like a cold burn.
Something something generic beach image with no timestamp and exif data 'scrubbed of' could have been taken any day etc etc...
He basically puts Le Pens party in control of the house or whatever while he remains president, which I think makes it harder for anyone to make changes, and then in the presidential election he can blame them for being in competent and win back the house
have to go to the NEET job planning meeting in an hour. Then i have to go outside again to pick up packages in 3 hours after that. Life is not good
> For 4 Years 
Time traveller
> The UK became the first country in the world to approve the Oxford University/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine a year ago today (Thursday 30 December).
 >>/30/ December 2021
Finally used my airfryer. McCains hashbrowns. Pretty good but I'll have to tweak the settings. Took 15 minutes
Having a salad and frozen berry smoothie. Instantly feel better. Why am I such a mong and keep leaving this until late in the day?
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> Barnaby Joyce shocked by ‘boring people’ after going sober
*wrong link
Went to placement, many mongs standing around, when one mong was sent to do something, all other mongs followed in a conga line. Six mongs fetch one box, six mongs find a pen. Bizarre. 
Asked what I could do to help, told to follow other mongs. Like actually follow them to get the pen. 
Team leader seemingly just plays fetch with six mongs, all day, because they get paid to. Whole thing was a mongsitting exercise.
Severely woed because they must have deemed me mong material. 
Afterwards team leader calls me over. Hey I know you're new but you have to follow everyone else if you're here. Like physically follow them. In the mongo line. Woe.
I want to make a zombie apocalypse movie, except it will be about contagious mongs who turn other people into mongs by biting them. A mongbie apocalypse movie.
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Promised myself I could have some neet treats if I achieved certain tasks. Cheated and had the neet treats first. Then was too lazy to bother doing the tasks I was supposed to do to earn the treats.
I had to complete 2 pages of sentences as some kind of test and i wrote twice about how i wanted in my future to start a family and have 2 or more kids. Maybe i shouldnt have answered that considering im there to basically get started with getting a job
It's an honest work. And doesn't sound hard, with very little responsibility. It costs some of your self-esteem which is in low amount on this board.
I was actually doomed to join the mongos but i somehow avoided it just by not joining it. This is a "real job" of sorts that im being trained for. Not some mongos putting stickers on items in a warehouse
> self esteem

So? WFTD is peak lolcow for ausneets culture where rock bottom for one NEET is basically inevitable future outcome for another NEET.  No, seriously, we give Nuro shit for partying all the time but WFTD is just the other kind of lifestyle enjoyed by the other kind of NEET living their best life.
Thats why its so funny.
whats the most common thread pitch? I have witworth and this one called metrisch on this gauge. Do I need DIN and UAE as well?
also pipe, what the fuck is pipe?
Webby, there's a new exploit for openssh out, can we get the womboflix server updated at some point?
Im sick of this shit. I just sit around in the scorching heat with nothing to do. I cant play video games and i cant watch movies. I cant do anything but browse the web and im fucking sick of it. You need money for comfort. I hate my goddamned life. I just want to live comfortably.
You need to get used to uncomfortable things.
By your flag you don't really sit in scorching heat in the first place.
And when you are comfortable in circumstances softer men find uncomfortable then you can shed the one thing that makes everyone's life miserable: to wish for things you can't have.
People who somehow can have those things aren't satisfied by them anyway, and just chase the next one, they wish for something else they can't have.
Good Morning NEETs

Week is off to a bad start. Weather is shitty rain all week. And a few drops of champagne last night were enough to ruin my fancy keyboard. Woe.
JSP appointment complete. They set me up with a job interview tomorrow. She told me if I'm not in work soon it'll be time to wank for the dole. 
Red wine stains on my new white trackies. Woe. It's all just so tiresome.
these instructions say to cook this polenta au gratin.
fuck that, whatever it is, this shit is going in the oven with cheexe on the top.
Apparently it got down to 0.6 degrees c this morning. I slept right through it.
The cold can't get you if you stay in bed asleep all morning.
I am staying inside all the time and not getting any sunlight. I am worried about that but it is too cold to go outside for any length of time.
My body will just have to manage until spring.
I am making my way through The Wild Geese. It is not a very good movie. I liked the idea of it more than the reality.
I was rude to a door knocker. Just shut the door on him mid-sentence.
Why can't they just leave me alone?
I should stop answering the door. But it might be something important one time.
I reckon the problem is action movies got very good in the 80s, those of us raised on movies from the 80s and 90s look upon pre-1980 action sequences with disdain.
You did the right thing, sending those beggars fleeing from your doorstep. The doorknocker should fear the housed neet, ensconced in his castle.
hmm, that PSU crossed out a 1TB HDD, a 240GB SSD, a 750GB HDD, the mobo and the ram, when it got smoked. gonna have to retrieve teh HDD's from the bush tomorrow. i hope they aren't too rusty.
NEETs you need to look out for the fake recorded voice greeting at the goyslop drivethrus.
It took me a long time to realise they use them. I used to think it was just the same girl in there all the time.
I wish I had the intellect to have been able to follow what happened with that NEET's tech equipment.
Did it have something to do with the gauges?
Fuck, that was me this afternoon, on my way to the shops looked down and realised I'd gotten some piss on my leg. Went to the shops anyway because I don't give a fuck what anybody thinks.
Using minced pork for the katsu was not ideal and my egg wash wasn't very good, but the outcome was good regardless. My katsu sauce is 4/2/1 oyster, Worcestershire and tomato. This is indeed a fusion dish. 
The miso is again too salty because without real broth I lean on the miso too much. The corn saves it in this regard.
didnt fully die but hitting "a" would trigger "asd"

mother fucker had no screws and was glued together so being drunk and high (the reason why it got spilled on in the first place) i sprayed it with brake cleaner and then proceeded to blast it with the air compressor nozzle 

its not fully broken but some keys are lazy enough for me to bin it 

> Can you return the damaged keyboard?
nigga i bought it during covid....
"Welcome to KFC place your order when you're ready."
She said it every time, it took me years to realise it was a recording that was triggered as soon as you pulled up.
When it was a man in the window later I just assumed she'd been talking to me on the headset from further inside the store.
She never existed. Or maybe she did exist but just did the recording that one time. She may not have even been working there any more. Her voice was in the system now. Immortality of a sort I suppose. They might have killed her after.
I am right thanks  i have plenty of Dubious computer parts. I have a like 10 old HDDs about 5 portable ones, A pile od SSDs, even a HP xenon workstation gather dust....

I even have a 2060 just sitting in a drawer i cant be fucked installing. I dont game so it would just be a higher power bill.

If anything i should just be buying some used apple M1 mac minis and saving on power...
graphics card arrives today. i will find out whether coil whine is a graphic card problem or a power supply problem. Please please plase be a graphics card problem because otherwise i will have to go outside multiple times to return it.
Semi accurate. Its was a string of failures that led to that point. I got paralytic drunk the other week on vodka and dropped my last cognac balloon glass, when i go for a ride i put the bubbly in a water bottle. For some reason last night i decided to keep drinking out of a water bottle like a boong and stupidly refilled it on my desk.... a few drops fell onto the keyboard. Woe.

If i just left it for the morning i would have been ok. 

thing is i grew up with trackpads. i dont like mice. I am curently typing on a microsoft keyboard trackpad dromt he booking kiosk. Its nasty. 

Also i have been wanting a magic trackpad for a while.
I finished playing KOTOR. Did it as evil. I was over it all by the end. Have played the game too many times. It gets too easy after a certain point, even on maximum difficulty.

I don't think I will play KOTOR 2 again now.
I need to find something else.
Never finished it. Loved KOTOR 1. KOTOR 2 was by the same people who did planescape torment, which made me want to play it, but I eventually got bored.
Could you click anywhere on the Corsair K83 or did you have to use the dedicated mouse buttons above the trackpad? That would put me off. 
Should have gotten a 10keyless keeb either way
it was multi touch, it had gestures and everthing 


i have had always had thing for buying expensive keyboard and trackpad combos 

Finally did the tasks I said I was going to do yesterday and prematurely ate all those neet treats to reward myself. No neet treats now.
@womboflix i came across this thread last night.... it may contain some moofie ideas.

i was thinking of adding "a thousand junkies to the list"


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