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Law & Order: Criminal Intent Loyalty (2)
7:30PM - 8:30PM

In the second of the two-part season nine premiere, Goren and Eames clash with the Feds over a murder investigation involving a complex political power play while also dealing with a loss. Saffron Burrows joins the cast as Det. Serena Stevens, Nichols' new partner, while Vincent D'Onofrio and Kathryn Erbe exit as series regulars

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Bang
8:30PM - 9:30PM

When an abandoned baby is found on the playground, detectives Benson and Stabler go in search of the child's caregiver.

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Delinquent
9:30PM - 10:30PM

When a young woman finds a teenage boy asleep and naked in her bedroom, his mother, Bree Walsh, is quick to defend him. While Detective Benson and Detective Stabler try to figure out what truly happened, they also have to manage the sneaky teenager and his naive mother. As the detectives dig deeper, they discover how deceptive 

Law & Order: Los Angeles Van Nuys
10:30PM - 11:30PM

A birthday party turns into a horrific scene after all of the guests are beaten to death by some uninvited visitors. With several clues left behind, the detectives are led to believe it was drug related. However, when they learn one of the guests escaped it leads them to a shocking discovery about the murders. Meanwhile, DDA's Morales and Price ask

> suppository
> (medicine) A medicine in the form of a small plug that is inserted into a bodily cavity, especially the rectum, vagina or urethra, where it melts at body temperature. 
Is this how nuro learnt all about maths and physics?

Remember when a 10 year old girl threw a banana toward a half aboriginal player and the AFL decided the best course of action was to physically manhandle and detain her without a parent, guardian, or legal representatino?

Dick Wolf tried to make Law & Order: Hate Crimes, but it got palmed off to a subscription service before being handballed back because you can't make a serious show on the topic without actually airing some lulzy dialogue.

Last time I checked my 'data bank' I had a couple hundred gigs left so I figured I'd last a while before needing to get an NBN plan. Today I've got 25gb left, I think I spent heaps watching Gladiator
Might just try living without an internet connected computer for a while

I've decided I love the roman empire so much I'm going to play the first chapter of Marcus Aurelius's Meditations before the movie. Join us if you wish neets. https://cytu.be/r/womboflix

no i have wipes, its more the crumbs and salt on the floor thats annoying, evertime i vacuum the van i am like fucks sake

when was the last time you vacuummed your car, guessing 6 months so sod off le bitch 

Also i said i was taking today off retard. Not at work, not at the noosa pad. Not in a communal toilet block either,

Like a protest?
I think our equivalent of the Hungarian-flag-with-the-coat-of-arms-cut-out would be the Eureka stockade flag:
It is often used here as a general symbol of freedom and nationalism. Is the flag-with-a-hole used like that in Hungary or is it only really associated with the revolution?

He asked who will be cast as the chick from Fight Club from an all chick remake of Fight Club.
So flipping the roles would be some dude.
However the iconic generations of actors is dying out and as far as I know there is no new supply of remarkable actors.
Adding to this due to the recent woke trend in cinema all the male roles are limpwristed wusses.
These roles demands fitting actors.
So any new actor would be suitable for that Fight Club role.
Do you get it now?

Something similar. In 1956 they did cut out the communist CoA. Sometimes they use it again, depending on the situation.

Just brushed my teeth with natural vegan no flouride toothpaste and mouthwash and this is the first time in years where i dont have immediate severe allergic symptoms after brushing. I know flouride is pretty much needed for tooth health which sucks. I need to experiment more because im not sure flouride is the problem

Try soap. Pure soap, fat + a base (at most salt as in addition, perhaps can get away with a bit of essential oil, pure soap does not tastes bad, additives make it does).
One of the ingredients of an average toothpase is soap anyway. Plus baking soda, sand, rubbing alcohol (or something similar), and fluoride.
Fluoride is unnecessary for teeth health. Your teeth needs calcium and phosphorus, just like any other bones you have. Your body uses your teeth as a calcium storage, and sucks the calcium out from them if you lack in it pregnancy can cause severe teeth decay for women if doesn't take calcium in access. Not sure about the phosphorus, but should take 1g of calcium each day. Preferrably with Vit D, for that's needed for the chemical process in restoring calcium in your teeth.
Fluoride does add a hard film onto your teeth which could be nice if all your teeth are 100%. But it has some adverse effect, I can't recall from the top of my head, I think it prevents the restoration of calcium.
There are some other minerals, like magnesium that binds to teeth, but I think magnesium makes them brittle, and the rest too.

i was taking these oral biome pro biotics as lozenges, you suck on them and they infect your mouth with bacteria. I wonder if my mouth and throat is still colonized because I brush my teeth a lot and I think that kills everything. I try to not use much toothpaste and brush gently because my dentist says I fucked my enamel and gums because I brush too hard. He flies his airplane on the weekend and goes thru dental nurses like shit through a goose.

Should use only the softest toothbrush. And don't need to scrub like a madman, you won't make your teeth white no matter how hard you try.
And use soap as mentioned. Soap cleans. That's why it was invented and used (in basically every cleaning product).
Teeth decays from two things (besides the aforementioned calcium "withdrawal"):
1. acids - the stuff you consume, food and drinks, and from the acids bacteria (and yeast fungi) produces from the carbohydrates you consume;
2. mechanical "milling/grinding" - by food, and by you brushing it.
If your mouth ph is acidic, the mechanical impact grows. Should rinse your mouth with water, or something with basic ph (such as a pinch baking soda solved in a half a deciliter of water), after consuming acidic stuff.

How aggressivley can I cut back on caffiene? I have about six to eight coffees per day, about two spoons of coffee in each one. I'd like to get down to only three coffees each day.

> I could've done so much more with my life.
I feel the same way about myself but it only would have happened if I hadn't been abused and acquired the mental illnesses and personality oddities.
i.e if I had been a completely different person.
You may as well wonder what your life would have been like if you had been born an elephant.
We are what we are.

> lack of moderators
That is the excuse they use to ban subreddits the powermods don't like. They ban the moderators and then say the sub is unmoderated without giving anyone else the chance to become a moderator.
It is politics man.

Back from the shoppe, bunnings, timber yard, sheetmetal place, freezy barn and the tip shop. The Feexy barn smelled like formaldehyde and I damn near got an asthma attack, had to step out for ten minutes. All the seafood there is gook trash. Forgot the ice cream.

The ride ended.
It's a train tho, not a rollercoaster.

Nothing yet. Planning on scrambled eggs with onions and uh chicken mushroom.
Use a browser which allows you to set force redirection to https (such as FF), or use a browser extension that does that (such as HTTPS-Everywhere).

I changed the niggers teeth and eyes from white to pink, put it over the background, and then made them white again. The white was being treated as transparent. It is a bit rough and off center but you can either crop it or repeat the method yourself more carefully. I can do it properly tomorrow if you need.

Today I consumed:
Half a Pizza Hut deep pan super supreme
Half of a 1.25 litre raspberry Fanta (no sugar)
A litre of water
Six Mr Kippling lemon fingers
A mango loco mondster
A chicken schnitzel roll with lettuce, tomato, and mayo
4 raspberry double vodka cruisers (8 standos)
10 Inghams nuggets
A bottle of Passion Pop
A 160g bag of coffee eclairs

Faaarkin come on cunt. Have a goon or at least have a pace and think it out logically, hands in the air talking to yourself type of moment 
You can trust me NEET, whats on your mind? I promise I won't type it into my healthcare logging software

I don't really get depressed I just get angry at society and women and modern value systems 
I say I hate 'vegetable oil' and 'soyboy cucks' but I really just mean faggots and leftists 
I want to annihilate everything that exists 
I want to institute a Spartan style system of social rites, wherein the boy leaves society for years and returns as a hardened warrior with a crystalised sense of masculinity and prestige, immune to the tributes to shame 
I am a bronze age chieftain not fit for this gay world

> Try soap. Pure soap, fat + a base (at most salt as in addition, perhaps can get away with a bit of essential oil, pure soap does not tastes bad, additives make it does).
This confused me alot because i have no idea what you mean by "pure soap" and "fat). Do i just buy a soap thats called pure soap? And where do i get fat?
> should take 1g of calcium each day. Preferrably with Vit D
Im going to start taking this.

When they cook some type of fat/oil such as lard or coconut oil plus a liquid with basic ph such as lye water, either from KOH or NaOH together, then they get soap. These are the two ingredients of soap. Nothing else is necessary.
Yet, when you buy a bar of soap in any shop/supermarket/etc and you read the ingredients you get a long list of gibberish. Usually they add stuff like perfume. But all these additives make impossible to use soap for cleaning the teeth. They tastes horrible and irritate the whole mouth cavity.
This is why I called the first thing a "pure" soap. Because it consists purely from the main ingredients.
It is acceptable if it contains salt as well. Salt is used to harden the soap. When a soap is cooked fresh, it has the consistency of a pudding, perhaps a bit more liquid. They leave it to dry for about a month before it can be called a "bar". But depending on factors this could still be too soft, so during the cooking process, they add salt to it, which helps to make the end product more dry.

As I mentioned in an average supermarket or a toiletry shops/drug stores you won't find "pure" soap, just commercial ones. They don't sell pure soap produced on industrial level anymore, they only use that as ingredient in other products.
But there are handicraft shops where they do, because selling home made stuff is a market in itself these days. Best bet is online, all the shops have online stores now. Have to make sure the ingredients are just that (perhaps they add essential oils for the scent but it might be still fine with that).

If you have more questions, ask.

> Im going to start taking this.
That is a good idea, even if you don't start using soap. Myself I started to wash me teeth with it just recently (about two weeks ago). The only change for now that when I floss the smell of the gunk I remove is neutral. It does not smell bad anymore. But will keep checking, perhaps it depends on many things.

According to a quick search castile soap is just made of olive oil or laurel oil. These days probably they can put any additives to castile soap too. So there could be pure castile soap (which is the aforementioned oils and lye), and commercial castile soap which is like any other soap.

I have had my shower. I washed the undercarriage as well as I could. I know it is going to be poked, prodded and inspected. I am dreading it.

But you need to humble yourself and let go of your dignity in these type of situations. I am resigned to my fate.  I will express no anxiety or embarrassment. Make no jokes. They will be able to guide me like a lamb.

I stopped googling or reading about what might be wrong several days ago. It achieves nothing except fixing the worst case scenario in your brain.

They will tell me what is wrong and what can or can't be done about it. I entrust myself to fate.

I am back from the Indian woman doctor. She got the results back from my urine test on Monday - there was no sign of a Urinary Tract Infection which is what she had diagnosed me with and prescribed antibiotics which did nothing.

She did not bother to call me about the results when she got them. At that point I did not have another appointment booked so for all she knew I would not go back and the issue would go untreated.

She thought I was there about my blood pressure today. I had to keep telling her no I have a serious arse problem please can I have it investigated. I feel like I need to piss all the time and struggle to get the urine out and my arse is so sore I had to buy a donut cushion to sit on.

She expressed no concern for me at all. Didn't explain what was happening to me. Offered me no compassion or reassurance. Fuck these bastard immigrant doctors. 

She gave me a referral for a prostate ultrasound and also a Kidney and Bladder ultrasound. I phoned and am booked in for later today. I have to drink one litre of water an hour before the appointment and then not urinate after that.

The wand is going to be both external and internal. Right up the back passage. I am going to have to expose my vile malformed obese body to someone. My only alternative option was suicide which I considered but I have chosen to live. And to live comfortably for at least some time longer I need to get this issue sorted.

I will endure this nightmare. Probed, shamed and violated, I will endure.

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That Indian doctor sounds like a useless cunt. Indians in desk jobs dont want to do any dirty work or think for themselves. They are just pill pushers, retards in the worst position possible. But it sounds like you have some problem with your pee and the bum thing is something else. Get a sample analysed for salts and shit. Also go to the chemist and get some of this shit. It might help.
t. Hobby Mechainc

She tried to give me a referral to an exercise therapist and dietician while I was there.
I told her can we please just deal with this possibly life-changing prostate issue now and put the other off for another time.
Absolutely useless.

There is no alternative. The good doctors do not accept new patients. The moderately good immigrant doctors do not have any appointments free for at least a week after phoning.
If you need to see a doctor right now or tomorrow you have to have one of these awful immigrants.

I am mentally preparing myself for having to show my vile body to the ultrasound person.
I will not make and self-deprecating jokes. No apologising for the state of me. No smiling, no humour. I will treat it like just a regular occurrence. No outward signs of shame.
The real battle will be going on inside my head.

If you are fat, your thyroid is also fucked, you need to start eating less don't do water fast since most people usually yoyo back to original weight. One meal per day no processed carbs veggies and meat, start taking aspirin helps to unclog your veins too.

You mean GPs? There is no money in it because of the way the have underfunded medicare, they mostly specialize to make a living.
We've been through it here in barnaby land, we have even had a number of times when ER didn't even have a doctor on duty, and they wheel out a monitor so you can talk to a doctor 600km away, all because the local area health department wont pay to get a doctor in to cover the shifts.

I was on the train and heading in to uni when I realised I had forgotten my computer. I got off at Elizabeth to catch the train back. There was a 30 minute wait so I walked around the shopping centre there for a bit. I was surprised how nice it was in there. Certainly better than the Munno Para one. It felt much the same as the Marion one. I'm back home now where I will stay I suppose.
I mostly only drink gin these days. I get gifted bottles for my birthday and Christmas. FRM will also sometimes buy me one if she needs me to look after the dog when she goes off for the weekend or something.

At the shops. Nearly had an acident when this retard started drifting out of his lane into mine. Had to jam on the brakes and gave him a big beep. Why dont cunts stick to their lane NEETs?

One of the lads cracked it at the pajeet boss lady because he wasn’t given appropriate ppe for his task and his eyes started bleeding due to chemical irritation. Then she gave him some gloves but only 1.
I hate these Dravidian niggers so much it’s unreal

I am back from my ultrasounds. It was much easier than expected. A nice black woman did them.
She told me to lie down on the thing and I asked her if I should take my clothes off and she said no.
I didn't understand how we could do any of it with me fully dressed but I just had to lift my shirt up to my chest and lie on my side for each kidney, and she she just tucked a towel into my waistband and pushed my pants down a little bit to image my bladder and prostate. I wasn't even exposed.
There was no anal insertion like that incompetent Indian woman GP told me there would be!
Results will be sent to my GP by tomorrow afternoon.

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Everyone went all retarded after the vaxx rollout. Unis are 100% vaxxed. I went back to my uni to talk to this based teacher about the vaxx because I was sure he'd refuse like me. I asked this other guy and he said he hadnt seen him since talking to him in the lineup for the jabs. Its insane how pervasive the effect of the culmination of the covid psyop were. Its just me, cruisey and nuro left, now.

> Real questions Donald Trump asked in the Oval Office, according to his former national security adviser, Gen. H.R. McMaster: 
> "Why don’t we just bomb the drugs?” in Mexico
> “Why don’t we take out the whole North Korean Army during one of their parades?”

Sod off fooling Kent. 

What’s more  anoying than IGAy’s hypocriacy ? Monks constant promises of doable ? Whale NEEts fear of medical examinations ? Nuro’s delusions of grandeur ?  Yep that would have to be Nofuns grammar Nazi-ing…. 

TLDR we play with werds on purpose CHINKOID.

Great. Glad you stick to it.
Hopefully the ultrasounds will give some clues.
Perhaps get all your lab results together and think about getting a second opinion from a doctor you can trust more than the pajeeta.
House MD would call you out that all your problems is the result of your overeating and obesity. He would be right. Take it seriously man.

Most only give one referral at a time, and thats pretty much all they do. Everything needs a specialist to handball liability to. You should go back to her, she sounds good. Other GPs might've just given you an antibiotics and ibuprofin script and told you to drink water.

I roasted the silverside again. It is too salty. You need to boil it to get some of the salt out. Might have to bin it.
I cooked it for 5 hours. It is quite tender. Just too salty.

Back from craigs and I genuinely think there was a dead dog in the carpark. Bunch of white hair all around it but scrunched up into a weird ball shape 

Chobani flip and 11 standards for din dins

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