As if it wasn't obvious by this point, I will spell it out for the more retarded NEETs: IGAy is the spammer
You can see this for yourself with his lame attempt to keep his usual ruse going on the illegal thread he created in the catalogue. (You) can clearly see that all of the russia spam follows the same scanty gaslighting idiocy that he always brings out when he loses control of his behavior. Remember all the times he spammed and gaslighted /ausneets/ starting with the dick spam, then the downie spam,. then the nuro spam, etcetera. This slimy troll has been with us for five years and has not developed his style at all, showing how unfixable his personality is.
I blame the current BO for making our community a safe space for this maggot. I offered to kick this rabid dog to the kerb, I could have done it, but the BO is a communist and a cuck.
IGAy is the troll you all deserve, except the executives, Nuro, bean neet and the ghost neets.
Tab closed.