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We have 34 trillion dollars of national debt and we cannot even have standard modern reliable vehicles? The state of this country is absolute garbage today. Better keep and be able to maintain your older vehicles, they'll be the only ones able to commute without headaches and huge financial setbacks.

No way in hell I'd ever take a loan to purchase one of these newer vehicles.
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Free Market DEAD: Modern Vehicles Spy On Drivers, Send Data To Insurance Companies & Police

In the brief video below, you will see that newer cars are equipped with sophisticated data collection systems that track your driving, speed, facial expressions, aggressiveness, even "sexual activity" in the car.  It's all forwarded to data brokers!

In one case, a guy was driving his 1 year old Toyota when it went on fire.   Toyota refused Warranty work, telling him that "at some point in your ownership, you drove over 85 MPH."    That had nothing at all to do with the car fire, but they refused to honor the warranty nonetheless.

A guy who owns a Corvette, took it to a closed race track to see what the car could do, and do so legally on a closed track.   The computer logged all the speed and sharp turns, and his Insurance skyrocketed.

The video is self explanatory: https://htrs-special.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/New-Cars-Collect-Data-Send-to-Ins-co-and-police.mp4

The "rub" is that YOU CONSENT to this when you install their "App" on your phone.  Continuous spying, and relaying of data to third parties, which includes Insurance companies and even Law Enforcement.

Car companies are doing this because they make millions selling driver data to data brokers and government regulations MANDATE this spyware shit in all modern vehicles.

HT REMARK: I declined to activate the GMC App in my Diesel pick-up truck in 2021 when I got it, because I read the "Terms of Service" and didn't want this being done to me.   I also declined to install the KIA App for my new K-5 when I got it a few months ago in August.   Both GM and KIA are among the most notorious for data collection.

MY COMMENT: I refuse to buy anything past the year 2016!!! I am most definitely holding on to my older trucks too! Looks like this country is headed towards disaster! New Unstable vehicles now becoming a FISCAL LIABILITY for users to drive! New vehicles illegally spying on drives, total violation of the US Constitution! The free market and consumer choice is clearly DEAD in the USSA. This is exactly what a failed totalitarian state looks like!!!


This makes me so pissed I thought of another solution to Hal's opt-out! I would recommend you put any "smartphone" in a Faraday bag when using these modern shitware spymobiles as well! Don't even allow the WiFi chips to detect any smartphone network in the first place!! You can legally buy Faraday cage bags for laptops and numerous other devices online, there are companies that even sell them for credit cards and wallets! Looks like this is a MUST INVESTMENT as we devolve into an unfriendly anti-consumer nanny police state!!

Buy a 1969 Chevy Nova with points, a condenser, a 350-V8 engine, a 4-barrel carb, no black box of any kind, easy to work on, hella fun to drive, chick magnet, looks way fucking better than anything else on the road, and don't worry about all this stupid planned-obselence surveillance monitoring bullshit. Buy it from a grandma in Kansas for cheap and drive it home and it'll cost a fraction of the ankle monitor garbage on the market too. Or go total badass and become a year-round motorcycle rider.

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WEBM porn thread.

Rules: No gay porn. No tranny porn. No CP, no scat, no gore, no other extreme fetishes or anything illegal. Ages 18+ only. Straight softcore and hardcore porn welcome. Lesbians welcome if the women are hot.

If you post some good ones, I'll post more of the good ones I have saved. If not, this thread will be left to die.

Go for it.
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Step 1: Go to ED 



Step 2: Bring back the best, smartest and/or lulziest article you can find. Post it in this thread

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Profit!
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