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define "zombie".

a mind controlled human is a zombie.
a human with a mind altering disease is a zombie.
a dead human who remains animate ia a zombie.
a human possessed by a demon is a zombie.

there seems to be no limit on what a zombie could be like.

a living corpse would include erik draven from "the crow", johnny dingle from "my boyfriends back", and emily from "the corpse bride".

a mindlessly hostile human being could be found in many movies where the humans in question are alive and under the influence of either an infection, mind control, possession, or drug.

Too many to count, just start with the classics and when you have the time, watch more and more. Some will absolutely suck, then again some you will revel in and want to promote and perhaps share.

Some classic movies in there, I still have a copy of The Crazies on released VHS tape. Don't know if it still works, some of those old magnetic tapes go bad over the years from humidity or too much cold or hot temperatures (summer/winter conditions). I had to throw out many VHS tapes over the years because they went bad.

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Let's talk about Ukraine. Despite what is going on over there, which is sad and devastating to that country, around a million Russians and Ukrainians have died over that senseless war. This war could have, and should have been, prevented in the first place through simple diplomacy. It still can be, only our political leaders choose not to negotiate with Russia, nor will Ukraine's leaders. The Western strategy seems to be "to the last Ukrainian" and the Russians don't seem to care if it continues and more lives are lost. This whole war really could be stopped if we just had some real diplomacy and cease-fire negotiations but NO ONE is calling for it. I said since Day 1 this was a stupid idea, that things will only get worse if this war were to escalate. I was right, and now our state-run media is starting to call for a draft because Ukraine can't win without Western intervention. I just want to say FUCK THAT, no way, not me, not my family! What the hell is so important over there anyway, what does Ukraine have to do with America's interests here at home!? Take a look at their current government for example: the government of Ukraine canceled their own fucking elections and are now under dictatorial rule, it's not a "democracy" which is the biggest joke of a lie I've heard so far. Their economy has basically collapsed, we do not need them in NATO (NATO already surrounds most of Russia without Ukraine!) Several border oblast regions actually held a referendum and voted to become part of Russia anyway. This whole war is pointless, and to hell with our corrupt war-mongering political "leaders" who wish to send us to die in some meat grinder.

Any anons have other opinions or thoughts on this?
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> Be patient

Did you really think I'll remain patient while the world is going to hell? I have been busy prepping, making sure me and my family have all the basic essentials and needs to survive what is coming and glad we moved to a rural location to get out of dodge already, read this and you'll learn why:


As a Ukrainian i confirm your point, that's all is just a pointless madness going on.  Probably at the start it had some spirit of freedom and sense of fighting for a greater cause. But now everything is clear, it's so over and so sad that it wasn't prevented 

I hope Trump or some other 'merican fella stops funding Zelensky with cocaine and guns and gonna push him and another psychopath Putin to negotiate
It'd be the best of possible endings at the moment

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I'm sorry, all I can say is be careful who you trust. We as Americans will do our best to reform our own government in the elections (Trump '24!!!!), if we can successfully do so without all the ballot rigging....  Until then - and unless that actually happens - do not trust us, do not trust our corrupt government, do not put yourself or family in harms way. Do not flee to Western nations either, they plan to draft the refugees because our governments are complete scumbags.

No nation wins in major wars. No one but corrupt governments and big banks. Remember both sides of the war are funded by the same oligarchy, always!

Both sides have a lot to lose if they don't come up with a peace agreement soon. I wouldn't count on citizens from other countries bailing anyone out of this mess our governments have created. Not this time around, people around the world are tired of these endless wars.

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Germany. 24 year old man had intentionally caused the death of his 28 year old domineering gay partner. During the strangulation fetish session he was acting as a safe spotter. But was on purpose strongly encouraging the 28 year old to push it further and further, while hand “stimulating” him. And when finally his partner went too far and had passed out, he just stood and watched him getting strangled to death. And immediately right after that calling police to report accidental death and that he had found him like that when he came to his home.

But police got suspicious. And upon further interrogation the 24 year old had finally admitted of planning death of his gay lover. As a self-defense against his partner se-xually using him for months in very domineering degrading rough way, like a s-ex toy slave. With his hands being tied behind his back on many occasions. And blackmailing him by threatening to reveal certain legal issues from the 24 year old's past to his government job employer and of leaking recordings he kept on his “cloud” of using him for degrading rough s-ex, if he dared to leave him. 

On scene photos deceased can be seen as he was found. Sitting with his buttocks on a slightly extended part of the ottoman cube and with a belt holding him by the neck, zip tied to the leg of an overturned coffee table from above him. Thus keeping the corpse in the same position as when he got strangled. Mirror was placed in front of him, so he could to look at himself during the process and see his partner “stimulating” him. There were dripping traces of his dried sperm on the mirror, indicating ejaculation before passing out. A metal kitchen tray was under him, so his sperm would not get on the carpet. Corpse’s penis also kept some of it erect status.
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It is a bit like Retroshare, you kinda have to know what exactly, or who exactly, you are looking for in order for it to be useful it seems. Otherwise you are going to stuck digging through whatever random crap you happen to find. It has potential if enough people network up though.

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it's funny that 4chan bans anyone that's actually saying racist stuff so /pol/ is 100% posts conplaining about white "jews" now, completely ignoring niggers are the problem for some reason

I bet 90% or higher of the posters left are niggers, either black or brown

I bet they get permenently shut down and the owners jailed within five years

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I don't hold much hope for the world anymore. Things will probably continue to get worse, societies will become more balkanized as individuals give up and/or live in their own little bubbles. As the global economy continues to face greater risk of crisis and supply chain disturbances due to wars, governments will likely become more totalitarian and oppressive towards those who feel the pain and speak out the most. It's cruel but totally and utterly predictable.

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