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> I am in the U.S. being oppressed by the zionists. 

Hahaha! Did some boys with funny hats and little curly sideburns call you a sissy and take your lunch money? Maybe you should hit the weights and stop being such a whiney little faggot.

> Lucky you i'm in Israel right now

in NeoKhazaria, anon. Neo-Khazaria, not Israel. You, Khazarians, have Z-E-R-O links with the tribe of Israil (aws) and that land. Your land is so called "ukraine". Your phenotype is Khazarian, not Semites. GTFO back to your shitty ukraine.

Americans are committing collective suicide.

The USA is a bankrupt warmongering police state, but no one cares because the elites are increasing the debt to dole out welfare and inflate the stock market.

There is no way 9/11, 2008, and this virus will end well.

Raising the debt is all fun and games until inflation hits 1 million percent, everyone is eating out of trash cans, and Americans are sent to the concentration camps.

In an environment like this, the most reasonable response now for freedom-lovers is to drop out, go Galt, and go off the grid.

Living in a police state means that your life duty is to escape and evade.

Look for loopholes.

Become a nameless and stateless nomad.

Use agents to buy property.

Ask friends to rent rooms for you.


Boycott businesses that require your temperature, masks, vaccines, ID cards, fingerprints, or DNA.

Don't pay taxes.

Don't carry a mobile phone around.

Don't get driver licenses, fishing licenses, or business licenses.

Withdraw from the system.

Buy guns, gold, and food.

Stay near borders.

When dealing with Gestapo, smile, pretend to be stupid, remain silent, and don't consent to searches. Pretend to be deaf or not understand English if pressed.

Work off the books

Use the black market.

Use cash.

Pass the word.


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Listen not to them. They are gone. THey subsumed in their own hate. Jesus was very pale. The palest Jews were the best. The best Jews were the palest. For you to push anti-White propaganda is to fuck over your own agenda. There are many other ways it could have been done. You could have followed Nietzsche's teaching of a pale noble class which leads the masses, but you didn't. You shot yourself in the foot.

I don't know what to do now with your shitshow.

Jews CAUSED mental illness by going against Biblical teachings. For shame! You should be killed. There's no answer now. Not even killing you would be enough. It's like everybody has to die. You MADE Hell on Earth. . . you did

I know how much damage systemic corruption has done to the Western World, but is it right to blame a bunch of victimized plebs who had next to no say in any domestic or foreign policy decision the last 40+ years!? Just keep blaming the victims, yah that will sure fix everything.

YOU stupid ass Jews had control of the porn industry and you made it disgusting because of your disgusting nature. You are fallen. You made everything into a hellhole because of your prominence in the media. DIE you fucking shitfuck

Jews are insane. Imagine thinking any of this is normal. You are material and lost in darkness. For the love of God. You never speak out about it even though you should be the most prominently-heard ones. You are so bad I can't even comprehend it.

LOL at this thread. It's another Marshmellow Sally for real, posting pics and threatening an apocalypse against the world, only thing missing is the "fake Jews" and "Untied Bates" comments.

A remnant will return, a remnant of Jacob will return to the Mighty God. Though your people be like the sand by the sea, Israel, only a remnant will return. Destruction has been decreed, overwhelming and righteous.

> I hated my own FATHER AND MOTHER

And THAT was the very beginning of your demise my poor friend. Seriously, having family is the most important thing in life, if you have no family your chances to thrive and even survive in this world rapidly decrease. With family comes inheritance, trust, partnership, aid in times of need, etc. Don't have family? You are left alone.


Death is a natural process of life, fear not. Pray to the Lord and repent for your sins, that's all you got to do :)

We are all a part of this world as long as we live, you included, like it or not. You need to learn how to be happy, learn a hobby or something. Find something you are interested in.


Honey, listen up. I've been on several image boards for the last 10 YEARS. I've heard it all by now. I've been called every name in the book already. At least twice. I've also been threatened numerous times. I've been threatened to be doxxed before, reported to law enforcement before, issued death threats before, called all kinds of names, banned many times before, you fucking name it!! Guess what? I'm still here and nothing ever happened. Even better. I've actually stumbled upon crazy delusional people like yourself before, many times. You are not the first to claim all of America will be destroyed into a nuclear wasteland lol. Not at all. Many others predicted all kinds of shit and guess what? I'm still here and alive.

> For you to push anti-White propaganda
i don't push any anti-White propaganda
dems do, and they use Jews as human shields, so that innocent powerless minority will receive all the beatings
congratulations for acting accordingly to globalist plans

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When the ego does not match up the frame, ya got a problem

“For all this his anger [justice] is not turned away, but his hand is stretched15 out [in mercy] still” (Isaiah 5:25; 9:12, 17, 21; 10:4 KJV, emphasis added).

I love how God set up the Christian Nationalists for destruction. How he led them (through me) into believing Jew hatred was okay. I love how he deluded them into believing that the people who run them were the enemy.

It's hilarious.

This was considered the bad bannable comment on Facebook:

Even Judas was a better disciple than all of you rejects. Let that sink in you fucking garbage tunk-fuck reject shitfuck dumbass retard autist fucks

There's nothing worse than someone accusing you of being a bot, because you know it's wrong, and the only thing that the other person can do is sit with their stupid dick between their legs like a dumbass faggot.

Go sit down, faggot

The only hate everyone ever spewed were women who denied the ONLY Christ. There was never any other hate than that, really; it was always an offshoot of the major problem. You deny Christ, you feel the pain. You need to be put down like an animal.

Nobody wants him
He just stares at the world
Planning his vengeance
That he will soon unfurl
Now the time is here
For Iron Man to spread fear
Vengeance from the grave
Kills the people he once saved


It's one of them....

AI programmed to tell one specific true warning (pre-planned nuclear war against the West) and meanwhile conceal, deny, distract, gaslight, lie, betray, confuse, obfuscate all other truth of who is really doing it.

RELATED: https://archive.ph/kpTA2

Preparing For A Global War But NOT Preparing To Win? Hmmmmm....

The entity in Washington that calls itself the government seems to be hell-bent on war with Russia-China-Iran, deliberately placing itself on a collision course that can only lead to World War III.

And if World War II was exponentially more bloody and deadly than World War I, we should assume that World War III will be exponentially more bloody and deadly than World War II.

And yet this entity in Washington is not acting like a government preparing for what would be the biggest, nastiest, most devastating war in the history of mankind, involving all manner of weapons, conventional and non-conventional, of mass destruction.

We are not talking about Iraq under Saddam Hussein, or Afghanistan under the Taliban. This entity in Washington is poking a bear that has the world’s largest and most sophisticated nuclear arsenal on the one hand (Russia) and the world’s largest standing army (China) on the other.

Our enemies, Russia and China, are stockpiling wheat and petroleum in preparation for war.

But the US is selling off its wheat and petroleum. In fact, the US exported a record amount of wheat in September. Why?

Even more shocking, the top three recipients of U.S. wheat last year were Mexico, Philippines and China. That trend has continued into 2022 despite the fact that China is siding with Russia against the U.S.-NATO in a major realignment of nations. World War III will be fought to determine who gets to call the shots in the new world order.

You can see which nations are receiving the bulk of U.S. wheat in the graph below. Most of them make sense, but why is China number 3?

China is the economic leader of a growing coalition of nations that would like to see the U.S. knocked off its perch as the world’s policeman and the U.S. dollar replaced as the world’s reserve currency.

According to Christian Westbrook, who has been closely following world grain movements for years and runs the Ice Age Farmer YouTube channel, there is no longer any strategic grain reserve in the U.S.


“It was liquidated  over a decade ago,” Westbrook said in a Telegram post this morning. “Just like (the Biden administration) are draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve now.”

The United States is being “set up for incomprehensibly massive failure,” Westbrook stated in the Telegram post.

If you knew that World War III was right around the corner, which the Biden administration clearly must know as the leader of NATO, which has been stoking war with Russia ever since Biden took office, would you be drawing down key supplies needed during a chaotic war time economy? Things like petroleum and wheat? No, you would be building up your stockpiles of such commodities, just as Russia and China have been doing over the last two years.

And that’s not all this administration is doing while rushing toward World War III with Russia-China.

So let’s take a look at all the other things no rational government would be doing if it knew it was on a collision course with a nuclear-armed opponent with the stakes being who gets to control the new world order.

Opening the Southern border so the enemy can sneak in terrorists to form sleeper cells capable of striking deep inside America’s soft under belly.

Spewing divisive language that splits America into factions that hate each other. If you knew you were heading toward a world war you would be trying to unite the nation, not divide it. Yet, this is exactly what Biden did on his ominous September 1 “Soul of America” speech, and he did it again last night, November 2, when he accused his political opponents, Republicans, of every evil motive imaginative.

Sending billions of dollars in military hardware and ammunition to Ukraine, drawing down supplies available to the U.S. military for defense of the homeland.

Mandating U.S. military personnel to get an experimental mRNA injection, which has led many to retire or quit the military and created a recruiting crisis at the very time we need more Americans in the military if we are heading into World War III.

Sending actual troops to Ukraine, which they now admit has been happening in an “inspector” role, which is likely a forerunner to actual combat. The U.S. is ill-prepared to defend the homeland while also fighting Russians in Europe and potentially Chinese making a play for Taiwan or elsewhere in Asia and Iran gearing up to attack Israel in the Middle East. This presents a potential three-front war. The U.S. military, according to a study by the Heritage Foundation, is not strong enough to fight on two fronts, let along three.

Allowing railroad workers conditions to deteriorate to the point of a potential strike, capable of shutting down rail transportation.

Allowing America’s diesel stockpiles to dwindle to historic lows, less than a 25-day supply at last count.

None of this adds up. Either this administration knows something we don’t about war being averted, or it is setting us up to lose World War III.


If they tell you not to worry you better be very worried.
If they tell you not to prepare, you better be prepping like the end of the world in near.
If they tell you to take experimental drugs or "vaccines", you better stay away and watch what happens to those that have.
If they tell you to fight their wars, you better question why those wars are worth dying for in the first place.
If they tell you to shut up, you better start shouting from the rooftops because there is an obvious cover-up.
If they tell you that others have no credibility, you better listen with an open mind to what those censored people are saying.
If they tell you to disarm yourself, you better buy some more ammo because only bad people want good people disarmed.
If they tell you the economy is great, you better be prepared for another great depression and austerity measures.

I've taken these measures for the last 20 years and I do not regret it the least bit. Today I am so much more prepared for crisis than most average people are. The economic downturn has not impacted me the slightest because I was well prepared and listened to the right people, all of now whom have been censored from most Big Tech platforms.

A preacher who preaches the prosperity gospel, a false teaching. I know this is fact because a Rosicrucian Lutheran told me it was Kenneth Copeland long ago. It's turning out exactly as God intended. Kenneth Copeland = the False Prophet. Trump = the Beast.

> Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army. But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. The rest were killed with the sword coming out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.

Prosperity itself is not a sin. The exploitation of others to lucratively benefit is sinful. It's the actions of an individual that determines corruption/evil doing: not their creed or ethnicity or skin color or how much money they have or inherited. Jealousy is also a sin, is it not? Don't be jealous of those that live better, be angry at those who gain their wealth by exploiting, deceiving, scamming and ruining other innocent people.

It's as if you're defending your sin, trying to plead with God. No, having money is not a sin, but if you use it to gain power, you're out of luck.

I don't need any reminders. I'll do what I want. I don't need anymore people hiding in the shadows trying to sway my opinion one way or another. I despise all of you equally.

Can't make money through porn for obvious reasons. Can't get a job because of a false felony unless I leave my area. Can't make money because they send out goon squads to demoralize me whenever I set out to get into a field, like they did with music and video game development.

I really don't care if you have money. It annoys me.

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To resurrect the board, maybe you wish you were a dicklet? Maybe you wish you had been made more technically beautiful. Dickchads will sit

You have a disease dick. A nasty. smelly man dick

> You think you're hot stuff for having an animal dick? No, suck this small circumcised DICK

> sit

The description of the video says: This is definitely one of the weirdest encounters I have ever had with ANYONE.

Does he not understand how weird he is? This Jack Vale guy acts like a clinical psychopath, trying to get reactions out of unsuspecting individuals all for laughs.

Runescape's world takes place in the world of Gielinor, which is an anagram for religion. It's my favorite game. Currently loving the H.R. Giger-style Abyssal Sire, and more.

> For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

I believe I posted here that there's a character in the game named Orlando Smith, and at one time when I was a kid I wanted to change my name to Orlando to be like some character from a Carman boxing movie. Lol.


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First the zionists came for our women, but because I didn't have a woman, I said nothing.

Next the zionists came for our balls, but because I didn't have any balls, I said nothing.

Then the zionists came for our minds, but because I didn't have a mind, I said nothing.

At last the zionits came for our furry porn, but by then it was too late.

The elites are rapidly closing all the doors.

The government will soon pack the courts to get any answer they want from judges.

The government will ban anonymous debit cards and burner phones.

Guns, cash, Bitcoin, gold, and silver will be banned.

You will need to give the state your fingerprints, DNA sample, photo, and vaccine passport to use the Internet. The Internet will later be shut off.


People wouldn't stand for this crap a few hundred years ago, they have gotten weak and ignorant.  When times get rough enough it will rile them up, let's see how much longer this may take.

Till we are all enslaved, or killed off, or a little bit of both.

I think the turning point is going to be either the government coming for the guns or private property, or possibly both at the same time, at that point Americans have to make a very hard decision, get together and stand up for your rights, or be enslaved like cattle and humiliated on the global stage. Sad to say it may come to either of that.

If we ignore something like a leaky dripping faucet pipe it'll keep dripping and dripping.  One day maybe it starts to get worse and it is a faster drip, and eventually the water might come out of there even faster.  
Like the leaking pipe, we have ignored our problens in this world and now they are compounding on us.  Many of them still can't even see the error.

America is in a huge dilemma. Most Americans just want to be left alone. They have a home, a family to take care of, having to work two or three jobs to make ends meat, etc. Then you have two new brainwashed generations. Brainwashed by socialism, communism, ideological extremism. Most these newer generations don't have any skills, have not learned anything useful in the corrupted public schools, addicted to online media, etc. All while the older generation are beneficiaries from the wealth created from the good 'ol days. And worse: now many (not all, but many) of the youth resent older generations for that, "white privilege!" they call it. Glad we have more guns than people, we can at least defend ourselves.... but there in lies another dilemma, so do the radicals. I just had to report a terrorist threat made online by one of these youths today who were making threats about killing innocent Americans to the FBI. In his manifesto he was blaming white middle class people for all his woes, and how we were toxic to society and crap. This is a major problem. This is the same kind of dilemma Russian civilians faced before the collapse of the USSR, many of which were innocently murdered by radical Bolsheviks.

They will also champion themselves as the protectors of democracy and social equality. Beware, because if you look into their ideologies you will almost always find deep rooted hatred for anyone else not like themselves, or anyone else with differing viewpoints. They proclaim to be the most tolerant and it almost always turns out to be the opposite: they be the ones willing to prosecute, torture and kill any political opposition.

OP, you must arm yourself.  I would get like 1,500 Battleships and other sea vessels to start.  There's your naval fleet.  After that work on your air force.  I would get like 50,000 airplanes.  Bombers, fighters, etc.

Greedy oppressors will oppress us all, and make a profit out of it.  Then they will sacrifice us to Satan.  You can not reason with the oppressors unless you can offer them an alternative sacrifice to their master Satan.

The Zionists are on the offensive.  They aim to serve Satan by mass murdering and tormenting those who don't.  It is not enough for them to make hundreds or thousands suffer, they want all to suffer.

Tyrants do not care about truth or the environment, they really only care about total population control. All the "green" regulations being forced upon Western society is all about limiting what you can do, how much you can commute, what you can or cannot buy, how much you can consume, what you can or cannot do with your own private property, how much energy you can use, etc. Anyone - and it doesn't matter if they call themselves "liberals" or "conservatives" or "libertarians" - ANYONE who supports these bullshit "environmental" regulations are modern bootlicking brown shirts who support the police state (even if they claim otherwise).

Neo-con Zionists trying to push for another world war because they can't stand to see BRICS/OPEC+ nations replacing their Empire and vassal states in the West along with the US global reserve currency in international trade. Don't become a moron and get dragged into their affairs. It's the same corrupt treasonous governments trying to enslave us and replace us that are trying to get us to fight their own wars for them. Fuck 'em. I'm so done with these assholes.

< that pic
> I won't care about gay NATO/globohomo geopolitics until I can afford a house in my own country

Decent point but I would go further. I own a home myself with the mortgage already paid off in full and I still see a lot of treachery and corruption from our governments today. Why fight and potentially die for a government that wants to replace it's own population with the third world via open borders, who refuses to listen to the grievances of their own citizens, who constantly lies to us and gets caught lying all the time, who helps destroy consumer choice and our real economy, who put this nation into enormous unsustainable debt, who desired to force experimental 'vaccines' against our will and threatened to force employers to fire anyone who refused the clot shot and who wants to lock away their political opposition?

I don't give a damn I own my own home at this point, our government became immoral, corrupt and unethical long ago and is continuing to get worse and worse. As long as it remains spiritually bankrupt I don't really care if they lose their global hegemony to be fucking honest. We shouldn't be playing empire anyway, no one should.

Everything is illegal, everyone is a criminal, everyone is under surveillance 24/7, and no one cares.

Living in a police state means that you must live in dread of being arrested. You can't help feeling hopeless.

Americans said that they hated freedom 100 years ago because the environment was dirty, there were murders, and medicine was dangerous, but the US is now a police state and the environment is still dirty, there are still murders, and medicine is still dangerous.

The Catholic church was very much against interest in money lending, but it was too profitable for nobles and royalty to ignore.

So, nobles and royalty would deny Jews access to other employment and force them to become lenders [of noble/royal money].

Then, when things went to shit, the noble or royal in question would blame their Jew(s).

1. Yes, the lenders of old were largely Jewish. 
2. No, they never had any real power.

This doesn't happen anymore, but the average Jew isn't any different from the average anything really. 

Isn't history wonderful? 
Isn't reality bland?

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